
Now I really did it :((

Hoping you can find someone who can help you locally @missy Is there any way you can get to this Dr in CO? Perhaps he can treat you if he sees you there? Praying you get some answers and help soon my friend.
I’m so sorry your father is not able to use his legs. Scary indeed. I hope they find the cause today with the testing. Sending thoughts and prayers for your mom and dad ❤️ When it rains…it pours right?!
The rain was unbelievable!! That is some pic of the shore! I hope you have as good a weekend as possible under the circumstances.
And Cornell..wonderful. My colleagues DD is there now. Loves it!

NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!

@missy I wish there was something I could do to help. I'm sad to hear about your Dad--very concerning. And I hope your Mom is feeling well/improving. May you get the medical help you need! Stay well and keep dry! I saw many pictures of the floods and all I can say is WOW! I hope your place is dry and same with your folks house.

Speaking of rain--it is raining here but nothing like others are experiencing. It is VERY chilly 5C--and prolly snowing in higher elevations elsewhere. We rode yesterday and I needed my gloves, but it was sunny and pleasant. Wondering how many cycling days we have left. We will go out for happy hour today.....

Thinking very seriously about "retirement". I'm no longer happy at work and just feel burned out. I feel I'm a bit young to stop working but it is no longer "fun". I feel like I have one leg out of the door........yet I don't know what else I can do. I've always worked and like the financial freedom it allows me. I think I need some counselling.

Good morning lovely ladies.Happy Sunday!

@Slickk thank you and well you understand what is happening now so just doing the best I can. TY for listening and always being a supportive kind generous friend. Happy happy birthday to your DH on his milestone bday. Have a fantastic celebration with family. XOXO

@canuk-gal glad you got to ride yesterday despite the not ideal weather conditions. I hear and get your dilemma re retirement. I also thought I was too young. But no. It was the best decision I made aside from marrying Greg that is lol. I never regretted a moment of it. So happy I retired. Do what works best for you. You put in the decades of service and selfless giving. It is your turn now IMO if the time is right for you. Life is short. Enjoy every moment you can and have no regrets. Sorry for waxing poetic but just wanted to share from my heart.

Thank you so much for all your well wishes for my family Sharon. So my mom is feeling better and my dad seems to be improving Covid wise. I think my mom's last day of Paxlovid is today and my dad has a few more days left. Unfortunately they gave him a roommate (he was alone once they found out he had Covid) and that roommate is 91 yo with Covid. So Greg and I won't be visiting him today. I just don't want to risk it and it serves no one well if we get sick. We can still get sick as we are still in the incubation period but why increase that risk? Hoping he is moved to rehab next week. My sister's boss recommended a great place on long island so hoping that happens. My sister and her family went to Cornell this weekend and my niece LOVES Cornell so maybe that is where she will be going. No clue because she loves all the colleges she visited lol.

@bling_dream19 happy Sunday and hope your weekend is going well

@rainwood big big hugs

Hey everyone else. Hope all is well. It rained yesterday. As it has done every single day since last Saturday with the exception of Wednesday. But we made the most of it and went hiking in the rain. It stopped raining around 12:30PM so much of our hike was dry and just the beginning was wet. It was pretty with the pitter patter of the rain and it wasn't too heavy a rainfall

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Enjoy a good Sunday. Be well. XOXO
And Happy October!!!!!

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Happy Sunday lovelies

I’m so pleased to hear your Mum and Dad are improving @missy, and here’s hoping they make a complete recovery from Covid with no after effects. WTH? Why did the hospital put another elderly patient in with your Dad? There seems to be no common sense on the part of the hospital. I’m sure you’re disappointed not to be seeing your Dad today, but as you say, really no point exposing you all. I’m glad to hear he’s going to rehab, hopefully that’ll hasten his overall recovery and he and your Mum can be reunited soon. Woohoo for your niece loving Cornell, fingers crossed she gets to go there. Please send rain our way, although the forecast says we have a 40% chance on Thursday, but that often changes.

Honestly @canuk-gal, I second @missy, if you’re feeling it’s time and it’s becoming a chore, then it’s time. I’m sure you’ll find plenty to occupy you when you’re not going out to work.

Happy big birthday to your DH @Slickk.

We’ve watered the garden, and now we’re just about to FT with our friends and get a tour of their new home.

Big love to you all :wavey:
Sorry for the post and run. My dad has a fractured femur. Now we have to figure out what to do. It’s not stable so he needs surgery but we’re not thrilled with the hospital. However transferring him is complicated and due to his age maybe not the best option. We’re trying to figure out the best choice. Be well and have a good Monday ♥️


Hello lovelies

Oh no @missy, at least they’ve finally figured out what’s wrong, no wonder your poor Dad has been in such pain. Everything crossed they can get this sorted out a.s.a.p. and more importantly, properly. What a worry for you all. Sending good thoughts for a speedy resolution.

We didn’t end up speaking to our friends yesterday, they were still unpacking, so we’re catching up tomorrow. We have to wait in this morning for the cheque to arrive, then we’re going straight down to the bank to pay it in!

Looks like another lovely day here, so we’ll be in the pool later.

Hope you all had a good weekend :wavey:
I hate to hear you dad needs surgery @missy. Keeping all of you in my thoughts.

I'm really sorry to hear about your dad - we've just been through something similar with mine, who is 88, but in reverse order. He stumbled going down the stairs in the dark, broke his femur and got covid while hospitalised. If I can give you one piece of advice it would be to - if he's stable enough - try to get him moved to a New York hosp so when he recovers he can transfer to their rehab facility.

We had a horrible horrible horrible experience with a highly recommended rehab facility on Long Island - my father honestly almost died there, and once in, it's virtually impossible to have someone moved from one acute rehab facility to another.

The better part of the story is that he's made a full recovery and is physically and mentally very sound for his age. In fact, my parents are about to head off for a month in France.

Sending very best wishes and thoughts to your family.

@missy keeping your father and all of you in my thoughts. Sending him mega healing dust. I am glad to hear your mom is feeling a bit better. Sorry you’ve had so much rain there, I saw pictures of flooding in places in NYC. Pretty awful. I hate to hear about the super rare disease, how frustrating to try and find someone who can help you with it. I hope they can arrange to get your blood work sent to the Mayo Clinic. Can you go to them yourself? Your pictures are gorgeous as usual.

@Austina it sounds like you had a lovely time catching up with old friends with lots of fun and interesting things to do. Yay to finally receive some compensation from the car debacle and that’s putting it politely. Not a bad idea to have a big barking dog chase those punks off. I can turn on sirens outside on our security system, I should do that. Our neighbors wouldn’t like it but then we’d maybe get more witnesses.

@canuk-gal we had our second snow for the season at higher elevations today and I’m sure more will show up tonight. Good luck on the retirement decision. It sounds like you are where I was once I started seriously thinking it was what was best for me. I had reached the place where I couldn’t deal with my immediate boss and company crap on employees policies. It was like, I don’t have to do this and I don’t want to do this anymore. Things worked out for the best for me in the long run. I think you’ll know when it’s the right thing to do, I tend to go with my gut feelings on decisions like that.

I’ve been busy since my last post. We had our astronomy meeting Thursday night. I ended up working late on Friday. Saturday Marty wanted to find a canopy tent to use while he takes pictures of the sun, silly guy took me to all the hardware stores in town. Since the Christmas decorations are out already, we came him with his canopy and three new outdoor Snoopy Christmas decorations. Ha! We watched some movies after we got home and had a lazy Saturday for a change.

Sunday I wrote two scripts for videos I need to do this week, did laundry and lifted.

By the way, I didn’t hit 200 hours for my part time job in September. Only 194.5, see I cut back. My boss was on a tear on Sunday, but nice as can be today. I swear she gets tired, high, drunk or something and just goes on rants in the chat. Basically, my idea of top stories versus her idea of them doesn’t match. But that’s pretty much opinion. Based on what I finally got out of her what she changed, she is going for clickbait links and I picked things I thought were most important. Oh well. Still 100% better than my last job.

Take care.
Good morning girls and happy terrific Tuesday.

Thank you so much for all your well wishes for my dad @marcy @Austina @jaaron @Slickk @bling_dream19 @rainwood @MarionC

@jaaron I am so relieved for you and your family that your dad is doing well now. How scary and yes it just goes to show how healthcare here can truly be hit or miss. May I please ask which Long Island rehab facility your dad went to? I want to avoid that and my sister's boss recommend one in Long Island so would greatly appreciate the one NOT to go to. Turns out my dad is likely having surgery today. I made many calls yesterday and transferring him to HSS wasn't going to be possible for several reasons and same for NY Presbyterian. In the meantime my mom and sister met the surgeon at Mt Sinai Brooklyn and felt confident in his skills. He went to Cornell and they feel he is capable of doing right by my dad. I hope they are correct in that assessment. Still not 100 percent sure if the surgery is happening today but I was told 90% chance. In any case I would appreciate the name of the LI rehab facility to avoid. And may your parents have a wonderful wonderful visit in France

@marcy thank you. LOL you only hit 194.5 hours working at your "part time job" LOL. And click bait links. OK. LOL I am glad you are enjoying this job and that is what matters.

As for me no. I am not traveling to Mayo unless it becomes life and death for me. I know to most this will sound ludicrous but Tommy is very old and weak and I feel on his last legs. We cannot leave him and the cats need special supervision during mealtimes and medication times and are so skittish that if anyone comes over they hide literally all day and it's just not possible to have anyone else care for them. Not just Tommy but Bobby too. Anyway I know this will not garner sympathy and I am not looking for that. Just to explain why we cannot be away from them at this time for more than a day and even that is pushing it because Tommy needs meds every 12 hours.

@Austina how lovely you are enjoying the pool and nice weather. We have gone back to summer here and it is in the 80s. Not complaining but I am sweating. Thank you so much for your kind well wishes for my dad. Aging is not for the faint of heart that is for sure. I am nervous about today and wish I could be there but I have a medical appointment in the middle of the day and unfortunately it is not possible to reschedule. My sister reassured me she will be there for both of us. Of course this all had to happen now with October and November being chockfull of medical appointments for me and my cataract surgery too. Praying my dad makes it through. And thank you again.

Sorry you were not able to do the FT call this past Sunday but glad you are catching up with them today. I had my biweekly zoom call last night with my dear friends and it went on for four hours. I kid you not. The time flew by. It is so lovely to be able to talk with friends freely and just be oneself with people who get us and love us and are there for us and vice versa. No substitute for that

@Slickk thanks so much and I hope your birthday celebration for your DH went very well and all is going smoothly by you.

@bling_dream19 thank you sweet friend for all your warm support and friendship

@rainwood glad things are improving and you are making the most of it. Big hugs and lots of love and well wishes

Hi everyone else. Have a good day and be well. XOXO

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Oh and if not enough was going on they are ripping out our streets and repaving starting yesterday through Friday so we are not allowed to drive or keep our cars here. Let me tell you this is quite the inconvenience not to mention no deliveries are possible, Life in the suburbs. I mean OK one or two days. But FIVE days. SMH

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He should be in good hands at a Mt Sinai hospital. The rehab facility was The Hamlet and had been highly recommended. I do do suspect they were hit very hard by Covid in terms of overcrowding and staffing, so to be fair, they might well have been considerably better before that. After he almost died there and ended up back in ICU (which was a huge fight as they insisted they would be 'able to do everything the hospital could') he went to another place called The Luxor, which was much, much better, but still not perfect. Truthfully, I think good rehab can be hard to find. One advantage of a Mt Sinai -affiliated hosp is that you might be able to get him discharged to their rehab.

I have a bit more to add, as we learned quite a few lessons along the way, but have to run now - will be back later. Sending the very best wishes.
@jaaron thanks you so much. And whenever you have time I would love to hear the hard earned lessons you learned during this journey. I have had enough of hospitals to last me a lifetime tbh

My dad is out of surgery. Surgery was supposed to take 15 minutes and instead took 1 hour 45 minutes as they had issues aligning the screws and pins. My dad is groggy and not recognizing us right now but that's just the anesthesia. It's a relief he is out of surgery and it went as well as possible according to the surgeon. Hopefully he will make a full recovery. I was worried since we had no clue what was happening and it was taking so much longer than expected.

Thanks for all your well wishes for my dad. So appreciated.
What a relief for you all that he’s got through the surgery @missy, and no big surprise he’s rather groggy. Hopefully he’ll now be able to get the care he needs to make a complete recovery.

@missy I your dad is out of surgery and they feel it went well for him. Keeping you all in my thoughts. What a pain to be blocked off from your street. I totally get staying home with your kitties.

Thank you @marcy and @Austina !!!!
Happy wonderful Wednesday all. Another busy day. Enjoy, be well and I will see you later if I can swing it. XOXO

Leaving you with this little girl Cleopatra. Cattitude galore :)

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And our new love, Benny. You might recall one of our sort of neighbors (next town over) got a puppy a few weeks ago. OMG he is soooo delicious. :kiss2:

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Enjoy a wonderful Wednesday lovely ladies. Off to see my dentist in a few hours to hopefully get my permanent crown and also a cleaning. I have been to the dentist way too much in the last four to five weeks. :bigsmile:
Hello lovelies

I hope the new crown went well @missy, and it stays in forever! I totally understand not wanting to leave the cats, it’s always hard when they get older and need so much more attention. I’m sorry that something else has cropped up, it’s just one thing after another isn’t it? How’s your Dad doing today, has he got over the anaesthetic? Is your Mum feeling back to normal now too? I hope all the road works get done quickly, it sounds a total pain.

@marcy, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, you’re the hardest working retired person I know! :lol: I hope there’ve been no more incidents with the hooligans. Did anything come out of the video, did you get the police involved?

Thank goodness your Dad has made a full recovery @jaaron, what an awful time it must’ve been for you all.

So, we didn’t end up FT with our friends yesterday, they still had a lot to do, so we’re catching up on Sunday instead. Colin finally had his 2nd Shingrex yesterday, when we went on Monday, their systems were down, so they couldn’t check when he had the 1st one. He felt slightly ‘off’ yesterday and today, but he’s OK. The cheque cleared yesterday so woohoo, we can finally say it’s all done. We went to Costco yesterday, and of course, spent an arm and a leg, but hey ho, it’s all things we’re going to use. I scored another swimsuit, for the huge sum of $2.97, too good to pass up, so I bought 2, and I don’t care that they’re the same.

I made a big batch of pickle today, so that should keep us going for a while, then we went in the pool, the temp was 94 :oops2: and despite being 90degs, it felt cold when we got out. We’re hoping for some rain tomorrow.

Just got food shopping to do tomorrow

Good morning girls! Happy terrific thursday!

@Austina yummm pickles. I am glad Colin's shringrix vaccine went well despite the initial mishap. Spending the day by the pool sounds lovely and hopefully you can catch up with your friends very soon. Thanks for the good wishes. This crown feels a bit off but I cannot say what so praying it stays in because my friend is off to NC to visit her dying BIL very soon and I do not think she was able to get an emergency DDS to take care of anything that might come up while she is away. Thanks for asking about my parents. My dad is coherent and looking forward to going to rehab but we don't know when yet. It is hard for my mom because she is caring for all the ferals by herself now. Not easy at all. Just praying my dad can make a full recovery. Yes the road work here is ridiculous.

@Slickk hope you are having a good week

@bling_dream19 happy thursday

@rainwood safe travels

We enjoyed cycling yesterday and the weather was amazing. Rain is heading our way tomorrow and Saturday which sucks because Greg's brother is visiting from Chicago and while he is staying with friends we had plans to cycle with him on Saturday but now looks like we might be hiking in the rain because we aren't going to cycle under very stormy (as predicted) conditions.

Leaving you with a few pics. Have a good day lovely ladies. Enjoy and be well. XOXO

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May your day be as sweet and lovely as you dear friends :love:
Hello lovelies

I’m so glad to hear your Dad is alert and keen to get on with rehab @missy. Everything crossed that he gets the good care he needs to get him back on his feet again. Your poor Mum, she must be feeling quite adrift without him, and having to deal with everything on her own. I wonder if your crown is a bit high in places (or one place) and that’s why it feels off. If your dentist is going to be away for a while, I think I’d try not to eat on that side if you can, just in case. If it still feels off when she gets back, then definitely get her to check it out. It’s amazing how the minutest thing can feel huge in your mouth. What a shame the weather isn’t looking good for Greg’s brother’s visit, isn’t that the way?

Talking of rain, we had 5 hours worth during the night, it was hammering down, but we’re not complaining, we really need it and hopefully it’ll top up the local supply. The garden is already looking better. It’s 78 degs here today, which would’ve been a lovely summer’s day in England, and it feels cool to us now :lol: We’ve been and done the food shopping so we’re all topped up.

Not sure we’ll be going in the pool today, it’s still very grey out, will have to see what the temperature is like later.


NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@missy I was gonna ask if your Dad had a #pelvis--but the femur was the issue. Wishing him the best on the road to recovery! My Mom had a very good experience in a rehab facility--post stroke. She was well taken care of--I hope the same for your Pops! I hope the Covid experience is behind your parents. I see your weather is very fine where you are--was your place in Brooklyn affected by the rains and flooding?

@Austina total score on the suits!! Most people I know "suffer" with the Shingles vax--glad it wasn't too bad for Colin.

@marcy the temps were cool here today--but no precipitation. It is supposed to be 20C tomorrow-- typical where we live. 8c one day and 20 the next! I am really not interested in snow!!!!

I am really on the fence about work. One good day and the next brutal. I just don't have the love and stamina for the job anymore. In days of yore--nothing like this bothered me, ever. But I am thinking (as I feel) I have one foot out the door--that leap is easier? Don't I have never not worked and that is an integral part of my self. Maybe I need to go down to one day a week...and see if that fits. Transition myself. Not like I would go to another job. Anyway.

It is our Thanksgiving this weekend. I'll cook although I don't really want to! Hopefully cycle tomorrow as the weather is supposed to be fine.


@missy I am glad to hear your dad is alert and okay with rehab. I hope it all goes smoothly for him. Big hugs to him and your mom, I am sure she is dealing with a lot as well. Oh no that your crown feels off, that can be so uncomfortable and sadly those are pretty cemented in your mouth. Nice that Greg's brother is coming for a visit.

@Austina good deal you can make your own pickles. I used to love dill pickles but for some reason don't pick them up anymore. Yay the check cleared. Woo hoo! I hope Colin is feeling better. Sweet for a shopping spree at Costco. I am quitting at 8 hours each day now. I am starting to do work in my dreams like I was at my former job. I decided that's enough. I didn't work much this weekend either. Yay for rain. My boss who lives there goes swimming all the time and mentioned she was going to the gym today since it was raining. LOL to 78 seems cool to you. We might get below freezing here tonight.

@canuk-gal we are chilling up here too. We might get a freeze tonight, parts of the state have had snow twice now. Happy Thanksgiving this weekend for you. As for your work decision, I was just telling someone else, once i began thinking about it, it soon became a "yep, it's the right thing to do." I reached a spot where I just couldn't foresee working there anymore. Good luck with whatever you decide.

Marty got another drive (tripod) for astrophotos. I am calling it a mini-me. I smell him making another cement pad in our back yard. He even tried it last night with a camera attached shooting stars through clouds.

Take care.
GM girls and happy rainy friYAY!

@Austina thanks. No it's not too high. She was very careful and was able to polish it and adjust it to fit the space as at first it was too big. But the first day it felt like it could come out but perhaps that's just a leftover feeling from having my temp crown almost pop out. I am still afraid to chew on that side lol but I guess time will tell if it holds. Thanks for sharing your expertise in this area. Glad you got much needed rain. We are getting much unnecessary rain but it is what it is. Enjoy your friYAY.

@canuk-gal thanks so much and glad your mom had a great experience in rehab. My dad is still at the hospital and we are unsure when transfer will happen because we are waiting for a bed in a rehab facility. My mom had to give the hospital three choices so we are unsure where he will be going or when. I get your work struggle. Whatever you decide I am confident it will be the best decision for you. Hope your weather cooperate and you get to enjoy cycling. We are having rain the next few days so no cycling for us

@marcy thank you and big hugs to you. Yes the visit will be nice but the weather will not be cooperating and we were going to cycle with him and Greg got another bike ready for him too. But now we will be lucky to be hiking because it looks like torrential storms so unsure how this will play out. Haha mini me tripod. Congrats to Marty on his new purchase

Hey @Slickk and @bling_dream19 and everyone else. Hope all is well. We went cycling yesterday and it was a lovely day. Today is rain and tomorrow are storms so the weather is not great here. I am feeling off today and my throat is fuzzy so of course I feel nervous that I am getting covid because the incubation period is still with us at day 10...and we have 14 days for incubation for this strain of Covid. Ugh. I really hope we do not have it especially because we have not seen Greg's brother for years!

Leaving you with a photo of our day yesterday. Enjoy this FriYAY and be well.

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@canuk-gal Happy Thanksgiving weekend!!!!! I hope you enjoy a lovely holiday with family and do not work (cook) too hard! XOXO

NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!

@missy hope your fuzzy throat goes away very soon! Sorry your crown is bothering you--teeth are often sensitive after this work. Hope you get to see your BIL--visit long overdue! Stay dry!

@Austina glad car-gate is finally over/resolved!

@marcy working isn't for the meek! LOL

@MamaBee and @mrs-b where are you???

I fully intended to cycle today--glorious 20C--but I felt odd while at the mall. Got palpitations. I drank some water and it felt like a ball in my esophagus--I've had silent reflux in the past, so I came home STAT and took some pantoprazole. Took a while to calm down--but such a horrible feeling those palps are. My BP was normal. Cut my plans short today--and maybe I won't go out for lunch with friends tomorrow. I didn't make cabbage rolls today cuz I just wasn't into that. But my DH and I enjoyed a walk for ice cream (he ate, not me) such a gorgeous day.

Happy FriYay lovelies

It sounds as though the bad is outweighing the good @canuk-gal, and you’ll be making a decision soon about work. Sorry you didn’t feel well today, it’s horrible having palpitations, and I hope you’ll feel up to meeting your friends tomorrow. Happy thanksgiving this weekend.

My pickle is probably what you know as chutney, and it’s something we used to have with lots of different dishes in the UK @marcy. We should have enough to last us a good few months now. I’m glad you’re ’only’ working 8 hours a day :lol: It’s different when you actually enjoy what you’re doing.

Everything crossed it’s not Covid @missy, hopefully this is just a blip and you’ll be feeling a lot better tomorrow. I’m glad the crown isn’t high and as Sharon says, could be just the effects of having it fitted and it’ll settle down. I hope your Dad is improving every day and will soon be getting rehab so he can get home.

It was another ‘cool’ day here today, we went for a walk this morning, and discovered that one of the neighbours has 2 Spinoni! We spoke to the daughter and she asked for my number to give her Mum. The Mum then messaged me to say they’d love for us to come over and meet the dogs. They’re away ATM, but when they get back, they’ll be in touch. I’d originally thought the brown roan might’ve been a German Wire Haired Pointer because I could only see him from a distance, but when I saw the Blondie, I knew she was a Spin. They were surprised we knew the breed and I told her all about Dottie.

We spent time in the pool today, the water was a little cooler, but the temps here are due to rise again next week, so it’ll be warmer again.

We’re hopefully getting to FT our friends this weekend and see their new home, then we’re going out to lunch on Sunday.

Have a great weekend lovely NIRDIs :wavey:

@missy I hope you aren’t getting sick. I saw more rain was headed that way. Stay safe. I hope they get your dad moved to rehab soon. They do a good job getting them ready to do things again. Kind of an amusing story on that, when my dad broke his hip, one of his rehab classes was how to bake cupcakes. He wouldn’t do it, so they had him walk around with his walker and water plants. He said if he wanted cupcakes, he‘d buy them. Gee, I see where my stubbornness comes from. My mom was like that too. How is your mom feeling and how is she holding up?

@canuk-gal I hate to hear about your palpitations, those are not fun and pretty scary. I hope you can rest up this weekend. And you are right on work not being for the meek. Darn that I like spending money. Happy Thanksgiving to you.

@Austina I enjoy most of what I do. It keeps me busy anyway. I just asked Marty is he knows what chutney is and yes he had some when he was in the UK. You’ll enjoy visiting your neighbors with those sweet fur babies. Are you enjoying the cool weather? It was 41 when I got up today and 51 when I went out to get my supper at 5. I’m not ready for winter yet, but it’s coming soon.

I once again only worked 8 hours today. Yay me. Tomorrow is Marty’s birthday so we’re going out for dinner. He wants to practice taking pictures of the sun tomorrow to get ready for the partial solar eclipse next Saturday.

Take care.
Good morning girls! Happy stormy stormy Caturday Saturday!

@marcy thank you! Me too. I feel better.

We went to get PCR tests yesterday and our results should be in tomorrow. We each did two rapid tests (one at home and one at the medical center) and those were negative. So fingers crossed the PCR test is negative too. Greg's brother doesn't care and still wants to see us so we are getting together today despite the torrential downpours. The initial plan was to go cycling as he is a cyclist as well. However that is not possible with these downpours.

So as of now we are planning on hiking but I am not excited about that. I don't mind rain but torrential is another story. Darn Covid makes it so we cannot be indoors for too long. I know I am being overly cautious and Greg's brother is not concerned at all but I am. He is an otolaryngologist and for being in the medical field his attitude has always been, imo, cavalier about covid. I mean Greg is more like him in that regard. Not worriers at all. Luckily though Greg gives me no pushback about safety precautions and will do as I ask which makes life easier especially the past few years. So we will make the best of the weather and we also hope to get ice cream lolol.

Speaking of LOLOL marcy, your dad story cracked me up! :lol: And same. I'll buy them if I want them haha. Speaking of baking cupcakes we used to bake cookies every Christmas for everyone. Friends, family, neighbors. I think we baked them for you and the other nirdis at th time for a few christmases as well. But we stopped that after decades of baking for everyone (and once we became gluten free) as it was a bit exhausting but it was fun while it lasted.

@canuk-gal thank you and oh no about your silent reflux. I am so sorry you experience that. I was put on a med back in my 40s and it caused reflux which actually caused a panic attack. It was a physiological reaction and I stopped the med immediately and I never had another panic attack ever after that. And I never want one because it was just horrible. Hope you are all better now and your symptoms stay away for good. How lovely you got to spend time walking with your dh and at least he enjoyed ice cream. I can not pass up ice cream if someone else around me is having it :) Your will power is impressive. Have a wonderful weekend.

@Austina thank you and hope you get to FT your friends this weekend. And yay for two Spinoni neighbors. How wonderful! Maybe you can dog sit when they go away. If you want to. I am always offering our dog sitting services lol. Luckily no one has taken me up on it yet...I mean I would LOVE to but we would have to figure out a way to take them with us cycling so we didn't leave them alone for hours at a time. One reason we have not yet adopted a dog. For now.

@Slickk happy weekend

@bling_dream19 hope all is going smoothly

@rainwood hope you are comfy cozy and all settled in and recuperating well

Hey everyone else. So my dad was moved to rehab last night near my sister's house so that is good. That was our first choice. Very far for us but she will keep an eye on things despite working full time now to make up for all the days she missed visiting my dad. Hopefully rehab will be helpful to him and he will get mobile again and not be a risk to himself. It's so challenging as he is frail at 89.5 yo and 6'4". The taller you are the harder you fall. Anyway praying it goes as well as possible

Today Greg's brother is here and we will make the most of the day. We have not seen him since their mom's funeral in 2020 so it's been a long while. Tomorrow we will probably head to the rehab center to visit my dad but I really am tired (so tired) and the long trip does not excite me. I will see how Greg and I are feeling. Anyway that's my update and I hope everyone is doing well and enjoy a super Caturday Saturday dear girls. XOXO

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And because it is Caturday Saturday...
photo of Gracie and Octopus

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Enjoy a wonderful Saturday lovely ladies...may it be purrrrrrrfect in every way

NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gorgeous weather and lovely ride today. The paths and parks were heaving! I think we might have hit record high temps today! DH had ice cream--he felt he should have received a bigger scoop! LOL I did errands and felt much better--definitely a reflux issue, took my tablet right after I got up. Got take out as I have enough to cook tomorrow. Did cabbage rolls today.

@missy hope you guys are well, and can have a nice visit with BIL. And see your Pops! I hope rehab does well by him. Hope your Mom and Sister are doing well.

Thank you @canuk-gal we had a lovely visit. And our PCR was negative woohoo. Greg’s brother rapid tested when he arrived to our house and he was negative too.

Just a quick pic as I’m off to bed but tomorrow will share our day. It was a wonderful day despite the rain

Hello again girls and happy Sunday.
We had a lovely visit with Greg's brother and spent the day together outside most of the time despite the rain. We went hiking and got pretty muddy lol. But also enjoyed ice cream which was very delish and he got to meet J and M (owners of the ice cream shoppe). A wonderful visit and glad we were able to do it.

It was pouring at the time of ice cream so we sat at the table next to the open door as I do not like being indoors in places other than my home due to covid..doing the best we can

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Sorry for the off perspective of the ice was a quick pic because we all wanted to enjoy our ice cream vs setting up a purrrrfect picture. So hope the warped perspective is still enjoyable to see. It was quite enjoyable to eat :)
And yes the lighting in there is pink lol

Ice cream was a huge hit. B LOVED it and said this was the best ice cream he had hands down. Even over non vegan options. That is high praise. Not surprising because it really is that good. :lickout:

And a couple of pics from the day...once the torrential rains finally stopped lol

It was a very moody sky much of the day

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It really cleared up and the NYC skyline popped through the now gone fog

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All in all it couldn't have gone better even with the weather misbehaving. If we had cycled as initially planned we wouldn't have been able to chat the entire day so it worked out

Today we are heading to see my dad. I just found out the rehab center has a stupid rule we cannot visit my dad more than two at a time. So we are driving three hours plus and if we get there and someone else is visiting we will be just waiting more time. So I really do not like this nonsensical rule. Life is full of silly nonsensical rules isn't it

@Slickk @bling_dream19 @marcy @springerspaniel @Austina @rainwood @canuk-gal and everyone else... have a great day girls and be well. XOXO