
Now I really did it :((


NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!

@missy we ran into a few of those nonsensical rules when Mom was in care. :rolleyes: Hope your visit is good!!! Oh and I saw you cycling today :bigsmile:

Dinner is in the oven!!! Stunning weather 25C!!!

Good morning girls and happy, how did you get here so darn fast, marvelous Monday!

@canuk-gal haha at least one of me got to go cycling lol. Glad you had a stunning weather day and a good weekend.

@bling_dream19 hope you had a lovely weekend

@Slickk happy Monday

@springerspaniel the older I get the more I realize the truth of that statement

Hey everyone else. Hope all is well.
We got to visit my dad in rehab and he is looking too thin and very weak. I am so concerned.
My sister arrived a couple of hours after we did and they did not enforce the 2 person rule as she brought one of my nieces and we were four visiting my dad at once. So that was nice. My dad is depressed and that is not who he is so it is worrisome to say the least. His bones are weak because his fall should not have fractured the femur and tbh I see no real way forward but pray he makes a recovery and can go home. Life is so not for the faint hearted and the way we deteriorate as we age is heartbreaking. Just heartbreaking.

Today I have a third consult with a different surgeon but not sure how I will be able to tell which surgeon I should go with. Likely will go with the second surgeon I met but feel the need to meet this surgeon just to make sure.

The rest of the month into the first few weeks of November is super busy with medical appointments. Looking forward to December...I hope it is something to look forward to.

Today is Greg's birthday and I feel bad I have a medical appointment but it was the only date I could get before November wihich is my surgery month so wanted to get a third consult before I decide. He insists he doesn't mind so that is why I scheduled it today as it was the only day in October I could get. Oh well. We will celebrate all week :)

Enjoy a marvelous Monday lovely ladies. Be well. XOXO

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Happy birthday to your Greg!! :dance:
@missy I’m very sorry to read about your dad. It is indeed so hard to see. I’ll pray for his recovery and speedy return home to your mom.
Good luck today with the surgeon!! ((Hugs)) and ❤️

@missy healing vibes to your sweet Pops! Very difficult to witness and live this experience--I know exactly how you feel. Your Mom must be lonely as well. Happy BD to Greg!

Had a lovely ride--another superb day going to be 26C! Saw my Rolex lady friend--we had some laughs. She is very charming! Saw some super cute pooches--I HAD to stop and pet the puppy "Woodie". SO cute!!! Just makes your day. My DH is golfing prolly the last game of the season.

NIRDI shout out!!

Hello lovelies

@missy, I’m so sorry that your father’s conditions is so alarming. It’s hard for you to see him looking so frail and ill, and I’m sure his depression is tied up with the realisation that he’s no longer the vigorous man he thought he was. I’m hoping and praying that the rehab centre will get him back on his feet, and he’ll be home with your Mum soon. I’m glad you were able to visit and your sister and niece were there too. I know from when my Dad was ill, that it’s a huge boost being surrounded by loved ones, and have something to look forward to. Happy Birthday to your darling Greg, I know that he’s your rock during these difficult times, your mainstay and constant support. Sounds like you had a great visit with Greg’s brother. Hoping your consult today will give you clarity on who will do your surgery.

Woohoo to great riding weather @canuk-gal, and to seeing a cute puppy on your travels, what could be better? Have you had any more thoughts about retiring?

I’ll make sure I’ve got some of my chutney for you to try if you visit next year @marcy (and won’t be offended if you don’t like it :mrgreen:). I’m glad you’re enjoying working, always helps when it‘s something you‘re really interested in. I’m loving the photos on FB and IG, it’s amazing to see the images from so far away.

Lunch was OK yesterday, I wouldn’t necessarily rush to go there again to eat, but it’s a nice venue with lovely views. We spoke to T & J yesterday and had a tour of their new home, it’s going to suit them very well. Everything brand new, so no maintenance for a long while, smaller and better insulated, so lower energy bills and less cleaning! Unfortunately J has been a bit under the weather due to his Addisons and the stress, (vile, obnoxious buyer of their home), but hopefully now they can just concentrate on enjoying their lovely new home, close to their daughter and grandson.

Warmer here today, so we’ll be going in the pool shortly. I‘ve had a thrilling morning, cleaning and reorganising the garage freezer - I know how to live it up :lol:

Sending big love and hugs to all the lovely NIRDIs

@missy I am glad to hear you are feeling better. I am glad your dad got moved to rehab near your sister. It helps both him and the rest of you to have someone nearby that can go check on him and how he’s doing. I hope he does well with rehab. It was funny when they wanted my dad to go bake cupcakes. Great picture of Greg and his brother and you all had a nice time. That’s good all of you got to visit your dad at the same time and I hate to hear he is depressed and so frail. Those places are a necessary evil, but certainly not a feel-good experience. Big hugs to him and all of you. Happy Birthday to Greg!

@canuk-gal that’s good news you are feeling better. Yay for DH having ice cream. I eat far too much of that myself, but I try to keep serving sizes to an acceptable level. I hope your Thanksgiving dinner was delicious.

@Austina it does make a difference if you like what you’re doing, it’s not considered work that way. I am really trying not to work on the weekends and not work more than 8 hours a day. I probably wouldn’t like your chutney, as Marty says, I don’t like anything with flavor. So many things make me sick, I just keep it simple. Your friend’s new house sounds quite nice and I’m glad you got to see them.

Not much new with me. Marty had a good birthday weekend. He’s bent on moving to a semi-rural place to take his astrophotos. I still don’t consider it a wise idea. We’ll see how that plays out. We did drive around a lot window shopping from the car.

We ate out all weekend so no dishes. Sweet.

Take care.
Good morning girls and happy terrific Tuesday!

@marcy thank you and yes sweet no dishes. My favorite type of dishes are ones I do not have to wash :lol:

A big happy birthday to Marty. Both he and Greg are Libras I guess. I find Libras are some of my favorite people :)
I enjoy window shopping from the car. Very comfy. TYSM for all your kind wishes for my family and my dad and sending you so many good wishes too

@canuk-gal yay for cycling and seeing friends and furry babies. My favorite type of day. And oh no sorry it is the last golfing of the season. Hope your dh had a great game. We got to cycle yesterday too. More on that below. And thank you for your continued good wishes for my dad. I hope everyone is well by you and life is treating you sweetly because you deserve nothing less

@Austina nice the weather is cooperating and has warmed up a bit so you can enjoy the pool still. Yes so agree about aging parents and well it is not easy. Not easy for them and not easy for us. But mainly for them. I mean to not be able to do what one was once able to do. To be at the mercy of others. It is not a happy situation and looking ahead how much better can things get? I don't mean to be doom and gloom but this is how we are designed. To fall apart and while some fall apart less quickly than others ultimately this is the fate of everyone if we are lucky enough to get old. I have always struggled with the concept we all die. From when I was a little girl it kept me awake at night. So yeah while it is inevitable I do not like it :(
Thank you dear Austina for your well wishes for my dad and family. So appreciated. And you know you are always in my thoughts and I am always sending good wishes for you and your family.

@Slickk thank you. Sending you and your family big hugs and much love. May life treat you kindly and may everything go smoothly. I cannot believe we are two months away from Christmas. LOL we just took down our tree :lol:

@bling_dream19 happy Tuesday sweet friend

Hey everyone else. So under the category of cannot make this stuff up I walked out of my appointment. We got there at 10AM and at 11AM we left. No respect for his patients time. No. I won't suffer that and just means he is not the surgeon for me. So now my decision is made and I am going with the second surgeon with surgery in November.

Then the day got much better and we went cycling. And ice cream on the house due to Greg's birthday and the weather was purrrrrfect and it turned out to be a lovely lovely day :)

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Look at this gorgeous day. It is usually purrrrfect weather on Greg's birthday. I can only think of one day it rained on his birthday but all others had just sublime weather.

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Greg from 1981. His dear buddy D sent these two photos to us yesterday as D is going through all photos over the decades and digitizing them...both D and Greg were on a cross country cycling trip camping and they were still on the trip during his birthday. LOL look at that mustache he tried to grow hahahaha

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And one more photo D sent us yesterday. My DH was an altar boy and the nuns scared the crap out of him. This was their school picture. The nun is super scary and the last three in the back row are D, (Greg's cycling buddy in the time before I came into the picture and we are all still great friends), E (middle kid) and Greg to the left. LOLOL
And these three are still such good friends and speak weekly and we see them socially too despite no one living close by anymore

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Greg is above on the end furthest from the scary nun. I have heard stories. He was always getting hit. So not OK. I cannot believe that was allowed then. You can see fro his face he was a troublemaker lolol. Just the kind of boy I always went for...the bad boy :kiss2: What can I say? :lol:

Enjoy a terrific Tuesday lovely ladies. XOXO
Lol same friends Greg, D and E 55 yyears later


D on left. Greg middle. E right


Greg left. E middle. D right

Hello lovelies

Great photos of Greg and his friends over the years @missy. They’re wearing pretty well!:mrgreen: Yikes, that nun certainly does look scary, no wonder Greg is standing as far away as possible. Try to think positively about your Dad, he needs to know you all believe he’ll be going home soon. When we’re young, we don’t usually think about being old, but now we’re getting older, it’s getting closer, and I do worry about being on my own and how I’ll cope. I’m glad you’ve made a decision about your surgery, and wow, to the Dr keeping you waiting for so long. I hate that lack of respect that their time is more valuable than yours.

I went out for a walk this morning with L next door, it was lovely and cool, Colin and I were going to go, then L messaged me, so I went and Colin cut the grass. We stopped by one of the houses under construction and they let us look inside (we’d already been in before :lol:) but pretended it was the first time we’d seen it.

We waited in all day for the pest control people, who eventually turned up about 5, so didn’t do anything else today. It’s been really cool here, so we didn’t go in the pool. I think it’s going to be warmer tomorrow, so we‘ll see.

Just heartbreaking to hear what’s going on in the world, when will it all end?


@missy great throw back pictures. How fun. Thank you for sharing. I am sending mega dust your dad’s way. Parents are so precious and fragile as they age. It’s tough on everyone. Big hugs to you and your family. How is your mom holding up? I don’t blame you for walking out of your doctor appointment either. It’s irritating when they run that late for your appointment. I am glad you’ve picked your surgeon. Nice that Greg got some ice cream for his birthday.

@Austina sorry to hear it was too cool for the pool today. We are expecting snow this week. Darn that pesky winter coming back like it’s a seasonal change or something. It’s fun to go look at new construction. We used to do that too when they were building houses around us.

Speaking of aging, I never thought I’d live even close to this long. Now I don’t feel as old as I am, but my body does remind me of it. Getting old isn’t for sissies.

I worked only 8 hours again today and ran to the grocery store. Marty’s Tuesday night clients all cancelled on him so we went out to dinner. This time I remembered to get a picture of that “bear ball” or the ice cream ball rolled in Oreo’s before we dived in to it.

Take care.

Good morning girls! Happy wonderful Wednesday!

@Austina lovely you got to enjoy a nice walk wth a friend and Colin cut the grass. I love the smell of cut grass. Thank you for your continued good wishes for my parents. And yes, it is not easy. Greg and I have a plan in place for home care should it become necessary because neither of us want to be in an assisted living place. But I guess when the time comes we shall see. Sorry the pest control people came at the end of the day after you were waiting all day. Ours come within a two hour time period which is much more manageable. Though for the past few years we have not had them come inside. Just outside. I no longer want to be exposed to any pesticides even the "safe" ones. Hope your Wednesday is a good day

@marcy yummmmmmmmmm. That looks quite delish. I want that bear ball lol
Sorry Marty's clients canceled but yay for enjoying a lovely dinner out and that dessert. Just yummm

Thank you for your continued good wishes. My mom is doing the best she can under the circumstances. It is even more challenging since she does not drive and we are far from her as is my sister. Glad you only worked 8 hours yesterday and also got to run an errand at the grocery store. We have to do that and rain is coming this weekend so we will hold on til then. Exciting weekend ahead for us. Driving many hours to see my dad then running errands the next day. Enjoy a wonderful Wednesday Marcy.

@bling_dream19 hope all is going well

@Slickk hope your work week is going smoothly

@canuk-gal we cycled again yesterday and this is the best of autumn. Sunny skies, crisp air, beautiful moderate temps.

Hey everyone else. Great cycling day yesterday complete with furry babies, ice cream and more

Look at B's tongue. OMG LOL

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He is a LOVE

Speaking of love. OMG delicious. Yummmm
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May my friends have a sweet delicious day full of wonderful wonder XOXO
Hello lovelies

You KNOW Colin would be all over that @marcy :lol: Sorry I forgot to wish Marty a belated happy birthday, glad you got out and enjoyed a lovely meal together. It always tastes better when it’s unplanned, so Marty’s clients cancelling was a great opportunity for a no cooking day.

That face @missy :lol: He doesn’t look like it’s too smushy, so hopefully no breathing problems. The pest control people are usually pretty reliable, and we’re very apologetic. I’m glad you have plans in place, and I really hope life works out the way we plan. Continuing to send positive vibes to your Dad, and hoping your Mum can cope while he’s in rehab. How is she getting to see him? Seems like you’re past the infectious stage thankfully, and in the clear. Have you scheduled your booster yet?

We went to the Farmer’s Market this afternoon, it’s been a pretty dull day here. We must be fully acclimatised, because this 70’s weather is feeling really cool to us now :mrgreen:

I hope all the lovely NIRDIs are doing well :wavey:
GM girls and happy wonderful Wednesday!

I just woke a short while ago (!) and we have a vet appointment soon. I am super late so just a quick good morning.
The appointment is for Tommy and it's a new vet as Tommy is fragile and we don't want to make the long trip with him to see my sister. But I am nervous because so far all vets I have tried suck besides my sister. Anyway this one comes with high recommendations so hoping he is good and that Tommy will be A OK. He is just old and has slowed down and is too skinny and we want to check his thyroid since he is on thyroid meds.

@Austina thank you so much. My mom was attempting to stay overnight last night and I told her don't be surprised if the security guards do not throw her out LOL. She is super stubborn. She could stay with my sister who is 5 minutes away from rehab but no. Hope you enjoyed the farmers market yesterday. No we have not yet scheduled the booster. We might not get it. Long story and when I have more time I will explain.

We cycled yesterday and it was another gorgeous day. Have a wonderful Wednesday lovely ladies. Be well. XOXO

We got the same flavor yesterday....yummmmm

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And on the way back saw our favorite Heron

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Lol it’s terrific Thursday! You can see I was groggy when I woke up lol. Happy Thursday girls!

NIRDI shout out!!!

@missy throw your Mom out--let them try!!! LOL. How does she get to visit your Dad--she drives? Everyone has their reasons for wanting to get/be home. I don't know a person in the world who doesn't want to be comforted / "where they know". Hope your Pops is on the mend. And much success to Tommy and the new Vet.

@marcy I think you have enough "ice" on your dessert plate that you don't need anymore from the sky!

@Austina LOL cool temps. I believe the temp when I walked home today was 9C? A bit of precipitation here but it OK.

LOL my colleague said she'd been shopping for Christmas decorations, and I've been stalking MORE pumpkins!! OKOK NO more pumpkins! I had two very busy but good, happy, and productive days at work. I really have to take it ODAAT.


@missy I am glad your mom is strong, that generation tends to be pretty self reliant and determined. I am keeping all of you in my thoughts. I am glad you are still getting more miles on your bike. We are getting snow tonight. Probably won’t amount to much but it is cold and Wyoming windy out there. I hope Tommy is doing okay.

@Austina thank you for the birthday wishes for Marty. I think it is continuing, he just ordered a new iPhone today. Although I did get myself an early Christmas present today. See below on that. Looks like it’s hat and mitten weather where you are too.

@canuk-gal sadly that ice is falling from the sky right now. But that giant ball of ice cream was delicious. Every time I see a house with a lot of pumpkins outside I think of you.

Speaking of Christmas decorations, while shopping for a Snoopy calendar the other day I saw two Snoopy snow globes that light up. A friend of mine at my old job loves Snoopy and snow globes, so I sent him the links. Then I thought, wow, that would look good with my Christmas Snoopy village. So I ordered one. I LOVE it. I put three in the “later” cart and Amazon and instructed Marty to go buy me another one for Christmas. Ha ha.

I had a hard time working much today. I did get two new videos done and scheduled. I went with Marty to pick up our RV he took in to be winterized and came home empty handed. The “claimed“ to fix the door on the freezer that flies open, but when Marty checked it they hadn’t done a darn thing. So we left it there. We cruised around looking at a few houses though. Marty is determined to move us to some spot with some acreage so he can get a better sky for his astrophotos. We will see.

Here is my snow globe and the tree in our backyard this morning.

Take care.



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Good morning girls! Happy FriYAY! How is it friday already??

@marcy oh no to snow! Too early. But alas I know for you it is not too early. Hopefully it will be a small event and melt very quickly. What a pretty snow globe. I hope the RV gets winterized soon. Sorry work was a chore yesterday. How exciting you are looking for a new home whether it happens or not. I always enjoy house hunting. And yes you are so right. My mom is strong mentally. Like an ox lol

@canuk-gal yes my mom did stay overnight. I was shocked they let her as their rules clearly state visiting hours 10-8 no overnight visitors. But LOL she has a way about her what can I say. Nope she does not drive so has been taking car service. It's hard as the two of them were attached at thee hip so when one is down it is that much harder for the other. This aging business is not for sissies by any means. I love pumpkins too

@Slickk yay weekend starts soon despite a very rainy one predicted. At least it's the weekend

@bling_dream19 hey girl, happy friYAY! And have a super weekend

Hey everyone else. Well we had a great run of weather and today is our last nice day before the rain sets in...cycling is once again on our agenda. Tomorrow we are planning on making the long trip to see my dad. Next week is a crazy busy week with medical appointments and so cannot wait for that week to be OVER. LOL. And the vet seemed knowledgable and experienced and did blood and urine and will be calling me today despite him being off on Fridays. So we shall see. Hoping Tommy is OK and just needs a medication adjustment.

Have a fantastic FriYAY lovely ladies. Be well. Enjoy.

First up some furry babies we met at the vet yesterday morning

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Then sweet ice cream in the middle of our ride...yummmm

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And lastly on the way home we ran into our dear friend N and her sweet baby Jenny

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N always says J never does this for anyone but Greg. J just swoons in his arms. It's the sweetest and funniest thing to see IRL.

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May you all enjoy a swoon worthy day XOXO
Happy FriYay lovelies

At 70+, we’re still wearing short @marcy. We don’t mind it being a bit cooler after the horrendously hot summer we’ve had, it’s actually really nice to be able to go for a walk in the morning and it feel cool. I can’t even imagine snow in October, stay safe and warm. I love the Snoopy snow globe, it’s so festive and pretty. It’s nice driving round looking at property, do you think a move is on the cards for you? I don’t like hearing you didn’t think you’d make it to this age, I’m glad you did, and hope you’ve got many more good years ahead.

I’m glad you’ve had a couple of good days at work @canuk-gal, but oy to 9 degs. I’m afraid I’m in the Bah Humbug brigade when it comes to things like Halloween, I can’t stand seeing all the tat people here have got outside their houses :lol: They really go for it big time, we shall be turning off lights and not answering the door when the beggars come round.

I’m so glad your Mum got to stay with your Dad overnight @missy I’m sure that did him more good than any amount of drugs. It must be so difficult for them to be apart. How is your Dad coping at the rehab place? He’ll be looking forward to your visit at the w/e. Glad the weather has been cooperative the last couple of days and you got to enjoy seeing lots of cycling, ice cream and pups.

Colin went out for a walk with C this morning, and then L and I went out walking. We passed the house with the 2 Spinoni and they were out in the garden running around. It’s been a bit dull here, but the sun is trying to break through the clouds. We’re going to brave the pool later, we haven’t been in much this week as it’s been cool, but it’s up to 84 degs today, and we’re tough :mrgreen:

No plans for the w/e (what’s new there?) wishing you all a great one, and @missy, I hope you find your Dad in good spirits.


NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gosh the weather is crum-bummy here; but at least no snow. We had fog today but only now is the sun trying to come out. I was tired so I didn't go out and the weather certainly was a deterrent in any case.

@marcy I ADORE that snow globe!!!! I'll keep my eye out here....... I love snow globes and oddly enough so does my DH. I still have that adorable popup Charlie Brown Christmas book (with talking/sound identical to the movie) that I bought when my DS was little. It is in great shape and still works! I recall it being quite pricy at the time, but worth every penny. Hope your snow is short lived.

@Austina beggars! Halir!!!

@missy no one likes/wants to be alone. Separation is daunting. Have a good visit!! I hope nothing is amiss with Tommy's lab work. Cool that you got to cycle! I was cheeky yesterday and wore my asscher eternity ring to work--something I never do. I feel like I need to live a little. LOL. Hope you are wearing your baubles also.

@MamaBee where art thou?

GM girls and happy Caturday Saturday!

@Austina thank you so much. Did you get to play with the dogs yet? LOL toughing it out at 84 degrees. I hope the weekend is wonderful whatever you do. And dull sounds perfect to me TBH

@canuk-gal that is the truth. Love that you wore your gorgeous eternity to work the other day. Yes to wearing our bling. I am wearing mine too but I have to fix the ring situation with my swollen knuckles. I just have no time to figure this out and I am so reluctant to send Bubbalah away to get the special setting made for her so I can more easily wear her.

@MamaBee we all miss you but get that the new house is a lot of work right now and hope it is going smoothly

@Slickk happy weekend...enjoy and stay dry

@bling_dream19 hope all is going smoothly and you have a lovely weekend

@marcy hope the snow all melted

Hey everyone else. We rode many miles yesterday and ran into friends both furry and human and it was a wonderful day. It's a rainy weekend (continuing into the week) and today we are visiting my dad at rehab. Supposed to be very heavy rains so hopefully we will get there safely and back. I do not love driving in the rain.

Greg's been copying my flavors for the past few days lol. Yes it is the purrrrfect combo :lickout:

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Near the end of our ride we ran into B again. We see him almost daily and are planning a ride with him plus ice cream of course. :)
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And lastly saw Cleopatra yesterday. So full of cattitude...meooowwwww

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May your Caturday Saturday be purrrrrfect in every way...have a great day and be well...XOXO
Happy Sunday girls!

We saw my dad yesterday and he is doing much better thank goodness. He was walking in PT with a walker and able to do some stairs (we got there as he was just starting his PT session of the day). His therapist is great. So yay for dad's progress. And he ate his whole lunch thank goodness for that. He has lost a lot of weight so hopefully he will start putting some lbs on and getting stronger.

It was a good day. Today is super windy but the rain is supposed to end by early morning and we are going to attempt cycling lol. With very high winds so not sure how this will go down but we will try :)

The new (to us) veterinarian called me last night at 830PM (he apologized for the late hour as he is away and had no reception on Friday as he first promised to call me Friday). Tommy's thyroid is NOT well controlled so we are doubling his meds. And he has bacteria in his urine but no WBCs. He wants us back in three weeks to see his tech to repeat blood work and urinalysis and maybe culture depending on those results. I called my sister of course and she agreed with most of what he said but not all. And she wants him on Amoxicillin so we are starting him on that today as well as the new thyroid med dose. Poor Tommy. He hates pills. We love him so much and I hope he will get better. I knew something was not right. I am pleased the new vet is conscientious and doing things almost completely correctly lol.

Have a super Sunday, enjoy and be well @Slickk @canuk-gal @bling_dream19 @rainwood @marcy @Austina @springerspaniel @mrs-b @MamaBee and everyone else.... XOXO

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Hello Lovelies

Oh @missy, I’m so happy to hear the update on your Dad, that’s just fantastic that he’s up and eating. Hospital food isn’t usually the best, so hopefully the food at rehab is better and he’ll gain back the weight he’s lost. It must’ve been a huge relief to see him doing so well. I’m sorry about Tommy, I meant to ask the other day if the vet had got back to you. Poor little soul, I hope the meds perk Tommy up and that’s good news that the local vet is a good alternative to the long journey to your sister.

Wow @marcy, the photos that Marty took of the eclipse are just amazing. It was really strange here being sunny and dull at the same time, we kept all the blinds down and didn’t look at the sun until the eclipse was over.

Yikes to the crummy weather @canuk-gal, keep safe and warm.

We went to an artisan market yesterday afternoon, and bought a lovely cheese board for our friends in Az. It was at the winery/distillery that’s literally across the road from us, they had live music, so we had a drink afterwards, Colin had a cocktail, and I had a mocktail. On the way back, with no cars ahead or behind me, a stupid woman pulled out and wasn’t looking what she was doing. She was in a small car, and instead of pulling out in to her lane, she cut right across in front of me, I could tell she wasn’t paying any attention, I could see her fiddling with her hair and looking in the rear view mirror. Fortunately for me, there was a passing lane to my left, which I was heading for to turn in to our road, so I swerved in to that and blasted her. :doh: I don’t know if I mentioned it, but we bought a dash cam, so if anything had happened, it would’ve all been recorded. The last thing I need is to be involved in another accident, I haven‘t got over the last one!

We’ll see what the pool temp is later, but I think it may be a bit too cool to go in the pool.

Have a great Sunday lovely NIRDIs :wavey:
Good afternoon girls! Happy marvelous Monday!

@Austina thank you! Yes it’s a relief and while he has a long way to go at least he’s doing better. Appreciate your warm support.

And thank you for your well wishes for Tommy. He’s so sweet and we’ll just like humans aging isn’t easy. I pray he’s going to be around for a long time but I fear it’s not to be. He’s definitely more fragile and my heart hurts knowing we can only do what we can do but it won’t change what’s going to happen. Just hope for more time with him. He’s laying next to me on the sofa right now. So so sweet.

The artisan market sounds amazing and I’m glad you enjoyed a lovely time. As for awful drivers I hear you. We encounter many on a regular basis. Just this morning a clueless woman cut us off heading to the tunnel. If Greg wasn’t so careful with good reflexes we’d have been in an accident. It’s challenging and there are so many bad drivers.

This morning I went to Columbia radiology where I had a six month follow up breast ultrasound. I have to go back in another six months. But relieved it didn’t grow.

We went cycling when we got back and yesterday too. These past two days
the weather has been amazing. Autumn weather at its finest. I wish I could bottle this weather and share it with all my friends here

A few pics.






Oops almost forgot today’s ice cream


Enjoy a wonderful rest of this gorgeous day lovely ladies XOXO
Hello lovelies

That IS good news @missy, so hopefully there’s no immediate concern about the US? Poor little Tommy, I hope he’s around for a long time yet. Jeez, why don’t people look where they’re going? I think you mentioned that you weren’t sure about getting the new Covid booster, do you have any specific reason, as I’d be very interested in your thoughts. So glad you’ve had good weather, it’s definitely cooling down here, we’ve just been in the pool and it was verging on cold! We’re not putting the heater on till we get back from visiting our friends.

We had some horrible news yesterday, I always put my phone on mute at night, and I didn’t notice till mid morning that I’d missed 5 calls from our friends in the UK. I rang her back immediately, and she was shocked and upset. Her husband was in hospital, he’d been involved in a bad car accident. He was on his way to their daughters, literally 2 minutes away from home and her house, when he hit another vehicle, and ended up smashing in to a lamp post. Fortunately, all the air bags deployed and the car was sturdy enough to protect him from serious injury. They x-rayed and carried out all sorts of tests, and he was allowed home later. He doesn’t know what happened, they did discover his sodium levels were low, which can cause confusion, so they’re wondering if that was a contributory factor. The car is a total wreck, so they’re without a vehicle until the insurance company pays up. I called her back later when J was home and he was OK just very shaken up. It’s times like these, I miss not being closer so we could’ve gone over to show support.

I’m going out to lunch with L next door tomorrow, then I need to pack for our trip on Thursday, we’re going to visit our friends in Phoenix for a few days.

@Austina thank you! No immediate concern. I think the radiologist would have suggested a biopsy if there was a more immediate concern. But they said they need to watch it for two years before deciding it is nothing to worry about. And if something else pops up it's starting all over again

I am so sorry about your friends dh and hope he is doing much better now. How scary. And we were just discussing car accidents. I did not share this here when it happened but my former college roommate's daughter was killed in a car accident end of September. I am still grieving and cannot even begin to imagine how L and K are doing though I did speak with her. I do not know how one can go on after that loss :(

As for the vaccine it's because Covid is relatively mild right now and my drs are afraid of overwhelming my immune system so right now they recommend not getting it. And Greg doesn't want to anyway so for now I am having us hold off. We are getting the flu vaccine friday I think. I want to look into Novavax before I decide either way

Enjoy your trip and hope the weather is good. Speaking of good weather wow. We have had a great run so far. Gorgeous gorgeous weather. Today we had a 7AM endocrinologist appointment for both of us in the city and we left at 430AM. Got there at 6 as we usually do and just waited. It is the only way to avoid traffic to leave that early. Then we got home and went cycling and just got back. Another amazing cycling day. I will share a few pics. Hope all is well with my dear friends here. Sending lots of love and well wishes. XOXO

Pics from the past two cycling days...hope you enjoy

The clouds this whole week have been amazing :kiss2: and my photos do not do them justice

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@Slickk @bling_dream19 @canuk-gal @marcy @rainwood @MamaBee @mrs-b @springerspaniel and everyone else hey there...hope your autumn is going well and bringing color and joy to you
Enjoy a wonderful rest of your Wednesday lovely ladies XOXO
Hello lovelies

Oh no, @missy, I‘m so sorry to hear about your friend’s tragic loss. As you say, I just don’t know how one copes with such a loss, it’s not the order of things, and no parent should bury their child.

Thank you for the clarification on the vaccine. Honestly, I think if we weren’t going away, I wouldn’t have it either, but we want to be able to enjoy the cruise, and we can’t completely avoid other people whilst on it.

I hope your Dad is continuing to do well at rehab, and improving day by day.

Great pics as always, our weather here is fine, just a lot cooler than we’re used to :lol: I never thought I’d get used to the heat, but seems I have. Brunch out with L yesterday was good, she’s the daughter I never had, and both she and C, treat us with such kindness and respect, we’re so lucky having them as our neighbours.

Been busy cleaning and getting ready for our trip tomorrow, wow, it’s pretty hot in Az.

I hope all the lovely NIRDIs are doing well and keeping fine.


NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!

@Austina I am happy you are finding friends where you live. It is a long way to come to be lonely. Safe travels!!!!!! But have fun!

@missy Sir Thomas is such a love! That is early being on the road but necessities--we live with crazy drivers accounting for road conditions or speed. I am a judicious driver and had the same experiences you and Austina had in the last week...and I don't go far in my car. To be tailgated then cut off. At the very least that yields a LOUD FU inside my head. Actually I screamed that out inside my car ( I was alone), but no plush interior was harmed in the screaming.

It was 20C today. Dreamy altho I was working. Tomorrow again. I am "formulating" a plan. Everyone needs a plan.

@marcy I read the forecast says the "S" word! How dare they!


I am so far behind.

@missy I am so glad to hear your dad is doing better, getting up and eating. I hope he's out of rehab before you know it. Sorry to hear about sweet Tommy. Mega dust coming his way. I hate to hear about your friends losing their daughter. It's never easy, no matter how we lose someone. I enjoyed all of your marvelous pictures.

@Austina glad your friend did turn out okay. What an awful scare. By the way, the reason I figured I'd never make it to this age is because I was more often than not very obese. Luckily, I have been pretty healthy otherwise. Now, I've decided to take better care of myself and of course I figured being mean adds 5 years to my life. Good deal you were able to avoid the accident with that oblivious driver. That is scary. I am considering not getting Halloween candy this year too. We get hundreds and hundreds of drive-bys here. If it was just neighbor kids, that would be one thing. I told Marty, "what are they doing to do, egg our house?"

@canuk-gal that Charlie Brown pop-up book with sound is a real keeper. What a special treasure. I watch "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown" last night. I am definitely going to get more snow globes. They are fun. Sorry to hear there "S" word is in your forecast. We are warmish this week with typical Wyoming hurricane force winds.

Yes, Marty wants to move to a semi-rural spot so he can build an observatory to take his astronomy photos. With real estate prices and interest rates now, I don't think it's a wise move. We will see. I got my way on this house, so I'm going along with whatever he decides. Our tax lady said hold off on that idea so hopefully that tampers his search for now.

I've just been working and doing other boring Marcy stuff.

Take care.