
Now I really did it :((

Good morning lovely ladies! Happy FriYAY!!!

@Austina yes I agree with you and that is why I decided to go for it but you know I am a worrier and because I am in the field I know what can go wrong but am focusing (haha focusing) on the positives and praying for the best. Nice you got a hair trim yesterday and went food shopping and took a walk. Sounds like a lovely day and yes for cooperating weather too. I too cannot believe we are in November already. Greg just said this time of year goes like lightning...Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas.

@canuk-gal yes I agree with you and I always have the Costco heat packs in my gloves this time of year. Hoping my Chilblains does not rear its ugly head. LOL to heavy purses due to bills. And I LOVE candy too haha. Especially Reeses peanut butter cups. YUmmmmmm. Thank you so much for your lovely and kind words. I appreciate them more than you can know. It's been a challenging time for all jewish people tbh and it is sobering to see who are my true friends and who are not. I won't go into it now but some PSers have really let me down. This morning we went to Quest for blood work and we didn't realize that Leo who is our favorite phlebotomist and just a great guy is Israeli! We had a great convo about what is happening and he is experiencing the same things I am..sorry to go on it's just on my mind all the time now. 6,000,000 jews murdered less than 85 years ago and here we go again. I wish we were allowed to post about this because not being able to makes me feel like once again people are trying to silence us. Not the NIRDIs of course. You are my friends and I love you. OK enough mush

Hey @Slickk and @bling_dream19 and @mrs-b and @marcy and everyone else who supports Israel and the Jewish people and who cares about the great injustices happening. TY for your support. It means the world to me

We had a great cycling day yesterday despite the cold weather and looking forward to another cycling day albeit cooler than yesterday brrrrrrrr. Leaving you with a photo from yesterday. Love you and be well XOXO

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((Hugs)) and ❤️ @missy Speechless about current events feeling too much like the past … :cry2:
Hello lovelies

@missy, you know that I’m with you on this issue. I’m reluctant to post not just because the thread is closed, but I also feel I need to be careful about what I post on any kind of social media. Whether this is an unnecessary worry on my part, I don’t know, I just feel it’s more prudent to be cautious. I understand that knowledge is power, but you know better than most about how successful the surgery is too. Keep your extremities warm, you don’t need any issues with your chilblains now.

It’s actually warming up here, temps in the 70’s today and lots of sunshine. We’ve got the Teeter FitForm, which is nice and compact, and you can watch lots of videos and work out along side them. I’m doing the build muscle and burn fat exercises, and started today. We were going to buy a tradition weight set, but honestly, there are quite a few leg exercises the physio said I absolutely shouldn’t do because of my knee and this will accommodate that. Today was upper body, day 1, and I can certainly feel the effects of it :lol:

We didn’t do much today, and don‘t have any plans for the w/e, other than watching My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3 tomorrow.

Have a great weekend lovely NIRDI’s :wavey:
Good morning girls, and thank you to all my friends here who have reached out to me offline. It means more to me than you can ever know. The fact this is happening doesn't shock me as much as some just because anti semitism has been on the rise for years. The one last accepted prejudice. And to my friends who are there for me thank you. For those who have remained silent please know I not only know you are remaining silent I will never forget you are remaining silent. True friends are there for each other during the good and bad. TY @bling_dream19 @Slickk @Austina and to all of you who have shown your support and love. @Austina I understand but in the face of grave injustice I cannot remain silent. You remember the Niemoller quote


First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

—Martin Niemöller


Make no mistake Hamas and other terrorist groups want the end of free society and will not stop til everyone is under their rule.

We enjoyed a lovely cycling day yesterday. It was crisp and cool but very sunny so comfortable for November. And of course we had ice cream :lickout:

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Leaving you with a photo of our beach. Unparalleled beauty. Too bad so many people are so ugly inside. Love to my true friends here and be well. And thank you. XOXO

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And don't forget to turn the clocks back :)
Shabbat Shalom...wishing you a peaceful weekend
Just to add "our lives are defined not by who hates us but who loves us and who we love".
Thank you Mark Cuban and Amen.

Today's post is with photos because I have no more words for now

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OK I guess I do have some words to share :(

Please do NOT click onto the below if you don't want to read about how the jewish people are feeling and what is happening in the world. And how it feels as if another Holocaust is quite possible.

I get that not being jewish perhaps you cannot fully understand how we are feeling but I know the NIRDIs are good people who do care but I also get that maybe it is too much for you.

But please stand up for your Jewish friends. I feel as if a madness has taken over the world. Where myths become facts and facts are distorted so far from the truth it doesn't even resemble any part of the truth. We make up LESS than 0.2% of the world's population and that is the truth. Another truth is Hamas and other terrorist groups will NOT stop till all Jewish people are dead.

And guess what? They won't end with that. They want the free world destroyed. That is another fact.

Thank you for your friendship and thank you for caring
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Hello lovelies

I want to explain my earlier post @missy. On my visa application, I had to disclose all social media platforms I post on, together with my user names, that’s why I’m reluctant to post anything considered controversial. I hope you know that my heart breaks for all Jewish people and what they are going through. Having visited the places where unimaginable atrocities took place, it’s hard to believe that the world hasn’t moved on to be a better place for those who have been, and still are persecuted on the basis of faith.
Hello lovelies

I want to explain my earlier post @missy. On my visa application, I had to disclose all social media platforms I post on, together with my user names, that’s why I’m reluctant to post anything considered controversial. I hope you know that my heart breaks for all Jewish people and what they are going through. Having visited the places where unimaginable atrocities took place, it’s hard to believe that the world hasn’t moved on to be a better place for those who have been, and still are persecuted on the basis of faith.

Thanks Austina and I understand completely. I know you’re on our side. It’s surreal to me all that’s happening. But a madness has taken hold and I can only hope sanity will once again prevail after time. I feel as if we’re in the Twilight Zone

TY for your continued support and love ♥️
GM girls and happy Monday!
We had another fun cycling days complete with furry babies, human friends and sweet treats

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Good morning @Slickk @bling_dream19 @MamaBee @canuk-gal @Austina @CJ2008, @mrs-b, @marcy, and everyone else...hope you had a lovely weekend

And again I want to thank all who are reaching out to me to offer support and love. I really cannot thank you enough. Your messages of caring and friendship mean the world to me. Be well and enjoy a marvelous Monday girls. XOXO

NIRDI shout out!!!!!! Our weather has been very fine!!! We really could have cycled but DH went to the gym and I got groceries. I did have a little walk tho. Most of the snow has melted and it is funny to see full green grass! Not dead at all.

I bought a premade Tourtiere (too lazy to make my own LOL) and it smells good! Gosh the less I do the less I want to do! I'll make one at Christmas--when I make my pastry. I promise!!

World events have me on edge. I wish I was all "cheers". Be safe and well peeps!

Hello lovelies

Glad you’re enjoying some good weather, normality has returned here too, 82 degs today @canuk-gal. I’m going to have to look up a tourtière, but if it smells good, I bet it tastes good too.

Awwww, lovely smiley puppies @missy, Jenny really loves Greg, doesn’t she? I hope you’re doing well and keeping sane!

Had a busy day so far, the HVAC people came to service all the equipment, as well as another lot who came to do the half yearly check on all the plumbing. Of course, they found something, 3 things, the water pressure on the outside taps was too high because the valve had failed. They had to be replaced, they recommended flushing the 2 water heaters, and also replacing the hoses on the washing machine for metal ones. $1000 later :oops2: oy!

Colin’s going for the flu jab tomorrow, then we’re going out for lunch to a new restaurant we found on Saturday.

Nothing else going on here, stay safe and well :wavey:
Good morning friends. Happy wonderful Wednesday!

@Austina yes she does haha. And she doesn't even do that with her momma! We think it is the cutest thing :kiss2:
Ugh sorry about the unforeseen expense. Everything is going up and up in price and fees. The main thing is getting it fixed properly but what a hassle. Good luck to Colin and the flu shot today. We experienced no adverse effects from it at all. In fact both the Novavax and flu vaccine went smoothly. Just hope we are all protected. Enjoy lunch at the new restaurant

@canuk-gal nice, winter is not here yet. Boo to snow but yay to green grass under it and yay to the snow going bye bye. May it stay away! Yup world events suck big time. I predicted this coming tbh and hate being right. Anti semitism has been on the rise for decades and the universities are teaching hate and intolerance and yes violence. I am ashamed of my alma mater and told them so as many others have as well. But anyway moving forward I am grateful to my friends who support me and support the jewish people having the right to exist and a homeland of their own

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@bling_dream19 @Slickk you girls are the BEST. Thank you for everything and mostly for your friendship. Means the world to me. XOXO

Hey everyone else. I am sorry I am not mentioning you all by name but know I am grateful to you and your support at this very tragic and sad time in our country, in Israel and in the world.

Be well. And enjoy a wonderful Wednesday.

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Oops forgot the ice cream of the day photo :)

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Greg had butter pecan and it was divine. :lickout:

Sorry, I've been absent - too much work and Marty wanting to drive around and look at houses.

@missy I'm with you all the way. I CANNOT believe the crap that is going on. It's inexcusable. Even some of those "jokers" who believe they are our "leaders" aka - they work for us - are supporting this. As for the topics that should not be discussed, let's just say I'm not impressed with the situation going on in our country or our world right now. Good luck with your surgeries. I hope they go smoothly and you recover quickly. Glad you are getting in more miles even in the cooler weather.

@Austina glad you are warming up a bit. I saw there was a earthquake somewhere in Texas. I hope it wasn't near you.

@canuk-gal that's amazing it's still green there. Our grass and prairie remained pretty green for a long time too. Are you still contemplating retiring?

What the heck have I been doing? Good question. We "toured" a few previously owned homes this weekend and drove around a lot. I am working on mini-me 2 again and so far my thumb joint hasn't complained. Yippee!! I can get that done and start on my vest.

I put out a few more videos this week and then worked on easy stuff like updating articles. The boss is determined we do picture-in-picture in our videos. Ugh, I have NO desire to do that. I'd also have to use one of my other assorted electronic devices since my big monitor doesn't have a camera on it. That'd be a PITA all the time to move things around.

We have a date night tonight. Our local Civic Center is having a live performance of a Charlie Brown Christmas, so naturally we are going to see that. I even dug out a pendant I made out of one of the Snoopy charms off that Snoopy charm bracelet "I had to have" but haven't worn once. Silly me. We are going to dinner first.

It turned very cold here yesterday and we had some snow, but it looks like it melted already. Winter is on the way.

I guess my SIL will be here for about 6 weeks. That'll be a long time. She has friends in Denver though, so I bet she goes down and sees them sometimes.

I am getting a hair cut tomorrow and meeting an old friend / co-worker for a late lunch. I don't think I've seen here for over 30 years other than in passing and accepting her friend request on Facebook. She said she has great news to share with me. Okay ...

Take care.
Hello lovelies

Has anything caught your eye @marcy, or are you undecided about moving ? Whenever we’ve looked, we always knew immediately if it was the right place for us, you just get that feeling. I wonder what your friend has to tell you, maybe she’s won the lottery?:lol: I don’t think I mentioned that Colin collected his lottery winnings last week, and after much discussion, we’ve decided we’re not going to let the 8 bucks change us:mrgreen: Sounds like you’re still working way too hard.

Our plans all changed today @missy, so Colin didn’t get his flu jab today. You can’t make this stuff up, after forking out a fortune yesterday, we got up this morning to no hot water. Of course, that was after I put the colour on my roots. I ended up have to boil water in the kettle, put the washing up bowl in the shower and use a jug to wash my hair!

I did mention to Colin that maybe they’d forgotten to relight the water heaters, but he was convinced they were on. Anyway, long story short, we called the plumbing company, and they said they’d come this afternoon, Yep, you’ve guessed it, they didn’t fire up the water heaters before they left yesterday :doh:

So, Colin will get his jab tomorrow and I‘ll get on with doing the washing and cleaning that I couldn’t do today.

I’m having fun already.


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Good morning lovely ladies! Happy terrific Thursday!

@marcy good to see you and we missed you. Sounds like a very busy schedule and as you might remember I LOVE house hunting. Yes the situation in the world is madness and I have become a one issue voter now so no matter what I am voting next year for a pro israel candidate for presidency. No matter who that candidate is if we have one who is pro israel that is. That is how strongly I feel about it. I am mystified by one of my friends who has remained silent on this topic. I would say my heart is broken but I feel numb right now about it. Anyway, enough about that. Good luck with your house hunting and if you need input I am here :) I am a house hunter aficionado lol. Love the photo of you and Marty :kiss2:

@Austina OK good luck today to Colin on his jab. Did you get the flu vaccine already? I forget. Are you getting a covid vaccine? I am sorry I am blurry (haha blurry-I had cataract surgery two days ago and couldn't resist) on the details. I cannot believe (no wait, I can believe) they didn't put the hot water back on...people are not good at their jobs. Sloppy. Glad it was an easy fix. And I am sorry about the fact you had hair dye on when this happened. You are right. You cannot make this stuff up

@Slickk thinking good thoughts for you each and every day. I believe in my heart of hearts we will be OK. I have no other option but to believe that. It is mind boggling how so many are remaining silent. Don;t they get the ramifications of silence?? Anyway, have a great day. Love you

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@bling_dream19 girl, you are the sweetest and you remain in my thoughts daily. Big hugs and so much love

@canuk-gal hope you are enjoying delightful weather. It is pretty mild here so we are going to take advantage and go for a nice long walk. My surgeon said it was OK to cycle but I don';t feel good about that because the roads are quite bumpy. So not worth taking the chance IMO. And for me to say that you know that is something lol. Enjoy a lovely day

Hey everyone else. Hope all is well. Have a good Thursday. XOXO

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GM girls! Happy FriYAY!

We went walking yesterday as I am taking it easy and we saw some very lovely autumn colors. Though many of the trees have lost most of their leaves....winter is coming but the color show is in full force right now. Hope you enjoy.







And @marcy Thank you sweet friend. Good morning @Slickk @bling_dream19 @canuk-gal @MamaBee @Austina and everyone else who is reading. Hope you are having a FriYAY filled with yay and peace
Hello lovelies

Happy FriYay!

I’m so sorry @missy, for some reason I thought your surgery was next week :doh: I’m glad phase 1 is over with, and hopefully you can already see an improvement. Lovely autumn colours, something we don’t really see around here. In answer to your questions, yes, we’re definitely getting the Covid booster, but will wait till 3 weeks before our trip to get it. Colin didn’t end up getting his flu shot this week, he’s now having it next week instead. I‘ve only ever had 1 flu shot, and that was during Covid, and to appease Colin. I’m not intending on having it or the RSV jab. I don’t feel that I’m particularly vulnerable, and generally in good health.

Just busy, busy, busy, getting the house all cleaned, laundry done, bedding changed etc., as we are leaving here at 7am tomorrow for our trip to LV.

Have a lovely weekend NIRDIs :wavey:

NIRDI shout out!!!

@missy may your eyeball be well! Lovely colors--and I LOL at "winter is coming"! You didn't have winter last winter!!!! Of course that is jealousy talkin'! Lovely temps here for our neck of the wood, this time of year.

@Austina have a great trip! And for the life of me I don't know what you are cleaning; as I absolutely certain your house could never be dirty! You would never come to my place!!! LOL

@marcy my DH was taking pictures of the (early) sky yesterday AM. He was enamored! I must tell him of your work.

I am afraid of the world these days. NEVER did I think we'd be living in such (HORRIFIC) times. Either I am stupid or very naïve. But I feel it keenly. So much going on in my life--have made an appt with my counsellor. Overdue. In fact, I can't wait.

Happy Caturday Saturday girls!

@canuk-gal LOL you are right. I was thankful about the mild winter we had last year. Hoping for more of the same this year for both you and me! Fingers and toes crossed. Yesterday was in the 50s F and I was freezing lol. We are not built for this weather. Let's find a milder climate and go..are you in? :)

As for your musings on world events I agree 100 percent. It is mind boggling and terrifying how much hate there is. As a jewish individual we have been the target of hate forever. I know some don't get it but be thankful if you do not. Hoping for peace one day but very doubtful it will ever come to fruition.

I hope you find comfort and peace with your counselor ( I think that is a great idea btw) and may you and your family remain safe and well

@Austina safe travels and have fun in LV. What happens in LV stays in LV...:bigsmile:

@Slickk have a wonderful weekend dear friend

@bling_dream19 happy Caturday Saturday sweet girl

@marcy hope the house hunting is going well

Hey everyone else. We had a nice long walk yesterday and the temps were pretty good. Today is much cooler however so I will be bundling up lol. Winter is (almost) here! Stay warm and cozy and have a lovely weekend. XOXO

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@missy I am loving the fall leaves and colors pictures you posted. I want to hit the NE some fall. Ha ha on seeing blurry, I hope it is better by now. I sure notice my right eye is getting worse with the cataract. I don’t know it’d help to get it removed from my left eye with that scar on the macula.

@Austina we did see a place today we both really like. More about that below. I agree, when something is right, you know it. I am so glad Colin’s lottery winnings didn’t change the two of you. I always tell Marty I’m not splitting my $5 winnings with him. Ha! Glad you guys had the water heater checked.

@canuak-gal we can’t say we didn’t have a winter last year. Although right now it is pretty nice for November. I know Mother Nature will soon be saying “here, hold my beer”. That is awesome your DH was taking pictures of the sky. Did he see the moon and Venus on Thursday morning? I’m with you on never expecting to see the world in such a HORRIFIC state. I keep thinking of the line by Will Farrell in Zoolander “is everyone taking crazy pills?”

My top news is Mini-me-2 is done. Woo hoo!!!

We went to 2 open houses today and found a house we both really like. So much for “downsizing”, it’s about 200 more square feet on each floor. The basement is not finished so we’d have to get that done. It’s on the west side of the Air Force base so kind of pain to drive around it to get any where. One direction is a little over a mile of dirt roads and the other direction is about 2 miles of dirt roads to get to the house. It’s higher than the city so you can see the city from there, but Marty was pleased with the horizons and it is pretty dark there. He said it is about 3,000 times better than our back yard, but not quite as dark as the place further north. It doesn’t have fiber internet, but looks like we could get the same internet we have here. Not sure on that yet. It’d take Marty about 20 minutes to get to the gym and me about 15 minutes to get to the grocery store or fast food row. When the Thunderbirds perform, we’d have a great view from there. We will see what happens.

Marty heads out for work tomorrow. Lucky guy, he gets to fly home mid-day the day before Thanksgiving. He wanted me to bet him he doesn’t get home on time that day. I didn’t take the bet. I told him, our live in servant can come get him at the airport if he’s late. I told my SIL I’d have her do chores for room and board.

Take care.
Happy Sunday lovely ladies!

@marcy wow you guys have been quite industrious and I know it is not an easy decision. Wow to Marty traveling now and not getting back til the day before Thanksgiving. I bet he is right about being delayed. It is almost inevitable I think. I am sorry about your macula scar and hope when you do get the cataract removed you can see well

@Slickk hope you are having a wonderful weekend with your beautiful family

@bling_dream19 hope your Caturday Saturday went meowalously well and you have a wonderful Sunday

@Austina enjoy LV and all I have to say is play OO for me :)

Hey everyone else. Yesterday turned out to be a beautiful weather day in the high 50s with sun so it felt warmer. Today however is in the 40s no sun so Brrrrrrr. I took two photos for you yesterday to capture the gorgeous day. Enjoy. XOXO

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NIRDI shout out!!!!!

@marcy, why yes he did! DH was quite excited about the pictures he took on his phone. It was a lovely sky. Hope your DH travels safe and sound. Happy house hunting!

@missy it hit 7C today woohoo! But I'll take it over snow, etc. I put on my N95 and went denim shopping. Almost a total bust--but found something in a young persons shop. LOL. Usually I buy the same brand (love AG) but they are spendy and not cheap enough for me today. LOL

No Sunday supper--as my son is OOT. Long weekend so I'll make it tomorrow. I'll just eat popcorn.


@missy I hope I can see better when the right eye's cataract is removed, the optometrist still says to wait until it grows more. I trust him. I for some reason can't love your post, but those pictures are fabulous. I love sun peaking through the tree especially. We have warm weather here too - without wind. Shocking.

@canuk-gal cell phones can get great pictures even of the stars and sky. The moon will be near Venus again on the morning of December 9th. I wonder if I can post my weekly sky event minutes on here? Guess I can check the "rules" and see what it says. Nice that you found something you liked in the young person shop. I can never find jeans I like to fit me. Then again, I haven't tried in a while. I should get some before winter seriously sets in here. I had popcorn for supper too.

We dropped Marty off at the airport about 1 p.m. today. I've been bored for a few hours already. It'll be a long 10 days or so for me. I did rent the new Mission Impossible this afternoon (good time for popcorn). It was quite entertaining and the story was not resolved so there will be a part 2. I got dishes done and washed the linens on the bed before my SIL arrives this coming weekend.

Guess I'll go hunt down a vest pattern and get my vest started.

Take care.
Happy marvelous (how did you get here so fast) Monday!

Thank you @marcy and that is with me taking photos visually impaired lol. I hope when you have your cataract surgery it goes super smoothly and your resulting vision is great. I am sorry you have 10 days without Marty. I used to hate it when Greg traveled for work. Hope the time goes by easily and quickly for you. And I have no doubt you will amuse yourself and make the most of each day

@canuk-gal I love popcorn. I salt it with sea salt and avocado oil and it is delish. I hear you about not wanting to spend a lot on certain things. It's just not worth it. Bling, yes. Cats, yes. Cycling, yes. Healthcare, yes. Everything else I will think about it before I spend.

@bling_dream19 hope you had a wonderful weekend

@Slickk the weather turned out to be really nice this weekend. Happy surprise. I hope you enjoyed a lovely time

Hey everyone else. So we have been enjoying nature and wildlife this past week. Walking and taking it easy. For me lol.
This week is colder and so we will just bundle up and hope to enjoy more of the same. Enjoy a marvelous Monday XOXO

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Hello lovelies

We’ve had a busy couple of days!

Where did Marty go @marcy? Until a couple of years before he gave up work completely, Colin was away a LOT, so I was used to being on my own. Nice that you have Chris there, is she staying in the house or her camper? She seems like she’d be good company while Marty’s away. Any decisions on the houses you’ve seen? I don’t envy you moving, but it’ll be exciting once it’s all done.

You’re right @canuk-gal, with just the 2 of us, the house doesn’t really get dirty as such, I send Robovac round now and then, and the rest of the time, I only need to vacuum the rooms we use. It’s a good set up with the guest rooms on one side of the house and ours on the other. I do clean the guest rooms probably once a month, just to make sure they’re always ready , if needed. Did you come to any decisions about working?

I hope your eye is feeling a lot better now @missy. Lovely photos from your walks. It’s pretty cool here in LV, and we’ve had rain at home, so yay to not having to water the garden for a few weeks.

We arrived on Saturday and got to the hotel. It’s a dump! An expensive dump! Good job we’re not here for long, and certainly wouldn’t stay here again. The show on Saturday was fantastic, Barry can still belt out a tune, and his band and backing group were fabulous. Unfortunately on the way to the theatre, I fell down the stairs, landed on the side of my foot, which got really painful. Yesterday we went to the Atomic museum which was really interesting, and Colin had to push me around in a wheelchair because there was no way I could walk around. This better not be a portent of things to come :lol:

We went to Planet Hollywood and ate there before the show, then went to see Jeff Dunham. He was very naughty, but absolutely hilarious.

We’ve just got back from the Crystal shops at the Aria, where they had a Princess Diana exhibit. It was well done and had some of her iconic dresses on show and lots of other artefacts. We’re going to eat in the hotel tonight as we have to be up obscenely early for our flight home tomorrow morning,


@missy we are certainly in the visually impaired category. When we’ve been out chasing around looking at houses Marty keeps asking me what that road sign says - he knows I can’t read them. I keep telling him some of these places we look at I’ll never find my way home. I’ll have to use my find my phone app to make my way home. Great pictures on your walk. I’m with you and @canuk-gal, some things I’m fine with spending money on; others I’m very frugal.

@Austina Marty is in Kansas until the day before Thanksgiving. It sounds like he has to go back right afterwards as well. Chris will get here on Saturday and stay until around New Year. She is staying with us and not bringing her camper. No decisions on the house yet but I sure like that house we saw this weekend. I might even run out there tomorrow night to see if I can find it and see what the sky looks like. I know that you remember well how much work it is to move. At least if we get that one house - it’s bigger than the one we have now so I wouldn’t have to figure out how to get rid of a lot of things. I might run all my puzzles over to the retirement home near us. I do the puzzle apps now instead of real puzzles. It is so much easier. I really like the split bedroom plans as well. That is what we have as well. Sadly, the house we like the best doesn’t have that. As much as Chris stays with us, all of us might miss that if we end up there. In the summer though she could park her RV on the lot and stay in it. I hate to hear you fell and I sure hope your foot isn’t broke. Good luck getting through airports tomorrow. It sounds like you had a wonderful time though.

Not much going on with me. I must spend a lot of time doing dishes since Marty eats for 4, because I have ALL my chores for the week done already. Plus, I know 2 1/2 inches on my vest tonight. I’ll be glad when Chris shows up so I’ll have someone to pick on.

Take care.
Good morning lovely ladies and happy Tuesday. Though I do not feel happy or cheerful and am feeling rather depressed at all the hate in the world. But one foot in front of the other and moving forward as there is no other choice

@marcy lol about the dishes and how many plates Marty uses. I love our dishwasher long may it work. Glad Chris will be keeping you company and it will help the time go by while Marty is away. The house you like sounds promising and I am with you. Downsizing it not an option. When we watch House Hunters I am always like go for the house with more storage. LOL

@Austina thanks..I am feeling apprehensive about the next eye surgery in two days but will hopefully be glad when it is over. There is a period of time one cannot see due to the corneal edema and it is scary. I am sorry the hotel room was a bust but the rest of the trip sounds lovely and I am glad you are enjoying. Safe travels home

@canuk-gal hope your weather is cooperating and it is not too cold by you

@Slickk happy Tuesday...have a wonderful day and big hugs

@bling_dream19 thinking of you and sending healing vibes and lots of love

Hey everyone else. So it was sunny and not as cold as I thought it would be yesterday due to no wind. Today is another story as the wind is 20 mph so we will bundle up and enjoy a walk. Tomorrow I have a surgical follow up. Thursday surgery and Friday another surgical follow up. All far from home so lots of traveling for us rest of this week and even next come to think of it. I cannot believe Thanksgiving is next week already. Wow.

Leaving you with some colors from yesterday's walk...autumn colors are hanging in there for now albeit less bright than a couple of weeks ago. Be well and enjoy XOXO

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NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!

@Austina I'm sorry for your fall and injury!!! That's no fun at all. Please get home safely.

@marcy I read there is some "white" stuff in our near future......eyeyiyi..our shop close by had some Snoopy Christmas stuff out....just the beginning of the shipment. I will be back! Does your SIL like popcorn? Speaking of snacks, my DS asked me about the home made "nuts and bolts" recipe, and I'd forgotten. Found it!!! Super yum !! Will make it soon. It's been a decade. lol

@missy how's your family?? Hope you are recovering well. I try not to consume too much news, but the irony is only a little consumes me completely.
