
Now I really did it :((


Another windy day in Wyoming. I put together a photo gallery video this morning. Now off to do article work.

Here's Marty's latest image from last night. It's called the Heart and Soul nebula.

Good morning girls!!! Happy Caturday Saturday!

@marcy sweet photo. LOVE it. And I think the Jersey Shore could give Wymoing a run for its money lol with the wind. :lol:
Thank you for your continued good wishes for my dad. We saw him yesterday and he seems much better though I know he is bored. I wish we weren't so far away. We go at least once a week (approximately 7 hour round trip unless traffic is really bad) but I wish we could go more. TG my sister is close by and my mom (who is not that close to his rehab center) stayed overnight again Wed to Thurs so she is there as much as she can be.

Wow to the possible move for more land and for Marty's observatory. Cool. Though I do not relish moving again I might given the right circumstances. Good luck with that decision.

@canuk-gal aww yes he is. He really is a sweet sweet baby. I am sorry you too experience bad drivers. I guess it is inescapable. Everyone needs a plan and I hope you feel confident about whatever decision you make. And yes to beautiful weather. It rained here yesterday and it predicted to be a blustery windy windy weekend. But at least it is the weekend.

@Slickk happy weekend

@bling_dream19 hope you enjoy a lovely weekend

@Austina safe travels and have a wonderful trip

Hey everyone else. Busy few days. I saw one of my specialist's in the morning and then we went to see my dad yesterday at rehab and got the flu vaccine when we got back. My arm is just a bit sore so nothing big at all. Hope it stays mild. It's predicted to be a very blustery windy weekend but we did have six days of gorgeous weather in a row before yesterday's storms. Next week lots of appointments with Monday's being the scariest as it is Greg's follow up with his thyroid surgeon. Praying that goes as well as possible because there was a question last time and well I wanted him to go back before the recommended six months but then life got in the way. So just hoping everything is OK. It's a bit nerve wracking TBH. Everyone enjoy a wonderful weekend and for those of us in the way of the wind stay steady and strong. XOXO

Sharing photos from our cycling Thursday

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And from yesterday hope everyone had a good FriYAY!!!

At the specialist's office Friday early AM

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My dad's room in rehab

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Enjoy a wonderful weekend lovely ladies. Be well. XOXO
This is for you @marcy

photos by our astronomer friend




Good morning everyone. Off to the city in a couple of hours. Have a marvelous Monday XOXO
Just left the surgeon’s office. Waiting on thyroglobulin results for Greg. The thyroid ultrasound showed nothing concerning according to the surgeon. I was so nervous because we were there a long time and I thought he saw something. So now just hoping his thyroglobulin is under 4. Fingers and toes crossed

Hope y’all having a magnificent Monday ♥️

Not my photo but a friend’s photo. Yes this is a deer in the ocean.



NIRDI shout out!!!!

Dreary day here. Freezing rain to be followed by snow. A lot of it apparently. None too happy about that. It was nice to have really lovely in Sept and until now. It was 25C last week!!

@missy that was a cool picture! We saw deer in the ocean in Maui--and the sharks know it also! Fingers crossed for Greg.

@marcy you guys are talented photographers!

Doing squat today, after a busy weekend. DH had a medical appt across town, and he will pick up burgers for us. LOL. Hope the roads aren't too slippery for him.....winter tire exchange tomorrow. When it snows of course........ :rolleyes: I just hate winter coming so early. Well I hate it in general. lol

Good morning girls! Happy terrific Tuesday!
My sister has Covid yet again and we saw her friday when seeing my dad. She hugged me which I was so so hesitant about but I let her because I felt ridiculous refusing. Now I regret it and we were NOT wearing masks. Nope. That is 100% my fault. I have no excuse for not wearing my mask. She rarely wears hers (hence coming down with Covid twice) and I know masks work because when visiting my dad in the ER and he was covid positive (though we did not know it at the time) both Greg and I were wearing our masks and did not get Covid despite being with him ALL day and my dad did not wear a mask. But I digress. All this to say we might be coming down with Covid and I am not happy with myself at all. So just a PSA wear your masks! Don't be foolish like me!

@canuk-gal thank you so much for all your continued good wishes for my loved ones. And sending you so many good wishes for more mild weather to come your way. Is it bad I want winter to come and go fast and let Spring be here before we know it? I wish we could skip over winter.

@marcy any update on the house hunting? Hoping you find your new dream home if that is what you want

@MamaBee speaking of dream homes, girl, so happy you have yours and cannot wait for another update

@Slickk hope you are having a terrific week and a terrific tuesday...all my love

@bling_dream19 happy Tuesday sweet friend...hope all is going smoothly

@Austina hope your trip home went smoothly and so happy you had a terrific trip

@rainwood I am an id iot for not wearing my mask. Mask fatigue finally got to me. But no excuses and now we might be paying the price. Ugh. Hope all is going well by you and looking forward to catching up

Hey everyone else, hope all is well.

Some photos from the other day when we were cycling. Today is another cycling day and very much looking forward to it. Hope you are all having a lovely week.

The mermaid who we pass along our cycling route daily. This is the first photo I ever took of her. She was very agreeable and posed like a champ :)

We have not yet named her but I am leaning towards Melanie though open to suggestions

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And our delicious ice cream from good

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Hoping for more of the same today after yesterday's disruption in our cycling schedule.

May your day be filled with sweetness and all good things. XOXO
This is what I wish for all my dear friends

Hello lovelies

Oh no @missy, keeping everything crossed you’re covid clear, and obviously hoping your sister gets over it quickly. When do you think you’ll know? Good news the US didn’t show anything worrying for Greg, now for more good news on the test results. Yay to good riding weather, we’ve got much needed rain here.

Fantastic photos, isn’t the planet amazing @marcy? Sorry it’s windy there, it’s pretty windy here too.

Poop to freezing rain and snow @canuk-gal, it’s waaaaay too early for such wintery weather.

We had a great time with our friends, it was pretty hot in Phoenix, so we didn’t spend too much time outside. We went to a museum of music, and the exhibits were so well displayed. We also went to see Barefoot in the Park on Saturday night, the rest of the time we talked non-stop and enjoyed being together. They’ve had more challenges in their lives than most, but they maintain a good humour and acceptance about it all.

We apparently had lashings on rain yesterday, and it certainly shows, the plants are all looking perky and the grass in greening up.

We’ve just been out to do our food shopping, and now are relaxing after our hectic few days away.

Hope all the lovely NIRDIs are safe and well :wavey:
Just a very quick post as I am running late and we both have appointments this morning.

@Austina glad you had a wonderful trip and ty for all your good wishes XOXO

Hi everyone else. We had another purrrrfect cycling day and hope to have one today after the dr appointment

Happy Wonderful Wednesday all!!

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Hello lovelies

I hope the dr’s appt went well today @missy and you got out to ride afterwards. How long do the rehab people think your Dad will be there? I hope he’s continuing to make good progress day by day, and will soon been reunited with your Mum.

We were expecting the pool people to come by first thing, to finally install the light cover in the pool - the one we’ve been waiting for since January! So we got up extra early, and of course he didn’t show up. We got a call about 10.30am to say he’s stopping by on his way home instead :doh:

We’ve spent all afternoon, booking a trip to Las Vegas next month, just for a couple of days, Colin wants to see Barry Manilow, and I want to see Jeff Dunham. Fortunately they’re on consecutive nights, so between booking the show tickets, flights and hotels, it’s taken a while! Life’s too short not to just do it.

I heard from Kate, and unfortunately John got covid after their cruise and has been feeling pretty poorly for a couple of weeks, so we’ll see them in a few weeks once he’s finally feeling back to normal. She said hello to you all.

We had more rain today - :dance:, cleaned the big pool filter, and now the day has whizzed by.

Hope you’re all having a good day :wavey:
Good morning girls and happy terrific Thursday!

@Austina yes it went well thank you for asking and we did get to enjoy cycling afterwards as well. The weather here has been spectacular. It ends Sunday but wow, it is a good run while it lasts. So glad you had a wonderful trip. So sorry to hear dear @Tekate 's dh came down with Covid. It seems we will never be free of this disease :(

What fun going to Las Vegas! Glad you are going and what a thrill to see Barry Manilow and Jeff Dunham!

@Slickk hope you are having a good week. They are flying by

@bling_dream19 thinking of you

@canuk-gal how's the snow situation? Speaking of snow...

@marcy how are you and Marty doing? Snow melted? House hunting update? Thinking of you

Hey everyone else. What a day we had yesterday. Chock full of activity. Drs appointments in the morning, Cycling afterwards and then going to Costco and getting our Novavax vaccine. We did not have an appointment but the pharmacist is super nice and he fit us in though I did call ahead. I also think there are not many getting the vaccine this time around. Just my feeling

Today is another stunning day weather wise and we are looking forward to cycling. Hope everyone is enjoying a lovely week. XOXO

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Greg was written about in a local news article about our favorite ice cream shoppe as we happened to be there when they were doing the piece on J and M and they took a photo of Greg getting our ice cream lol. I would share but well I have a feeling it might be a security breach on PS so will refrain. But it tickled us to see his name and photo in the local paper. And good publicity for J and M :)

May your day be as sweet as you and wishing you all only good things
Hello lovelies

:lol:Please say hi to your celebrity husband @missy. How fun, I was in the local newspaper years ago when I used to take Waldo to work with me. They came and took a photo of him standing up against my desk (something he never actually did), and said he was our 4 legged paper shredder! I’m assuming that as you had your Covid vax yesterday, you’re in the clear from your recent exposure. We’re still holding on until next month to get ours. Have you had any effects from the Novavax? Glad you got out to cycle after your Dr’s appts.

More rain here today, lots of it, so all good. In between it’s been sunny, but it’s sticky out, we went for a walk this afternoon after I’d got dinner ready.

I got bitten yesterday, on my wrist, and my hand is all swollen :roll2: Yuk.

Hope all the lovely NIRDIs are ok. :wavey:

@missy wow to the deer swimming picture. It looks like it knows what it’s doing. That is so cool about Greg being the article about your favorite ice cream place. I noticed I was over 12, 000 miles on my car and thought, I bet Missy and Greg have more miles than that on their bike. Great new about Greg’s tests.

@canuk-gal we have 5” of that white stuff in the forecast for this weekend. Ready or not, here it comes. Where are you on your decision to retire? I hope your dad and sister are both getting better.

@Austina I am so glad you had a nice time visiting friends and going to a concert. I hate to think your friends have more challenges than most, but handling them with a bit a humor can always help. I have a good friend who is opposite that, even trivial things are a travesty and she doesn’t handle even those with humor or gracefully. Sadly, she is just a ball of misery, yet she’s one of the nicest people I know. Your trip to Vegas sounds like a lot of fun. Marty says the Penn and Teller show is awesome. Oh no to swelling up from getting bit. Do you know what bit you? I mix up baking soda with water like a paste to pull stuff out of bites. It works well for me.

@Tekate I hope John gets better.

Thank you all for the compliments on Marty’s photos. He is enjoying himself too.

So, we’ve looked at so many houses and lots I can’t keep them straight. Then go back at night to “see” how dark the skies are there. Of course, there’s been a bright moon out at night this week, so it’s not a fair test. Of course, the further from town we get, the darker the skies. The drawback there, further from civilization, questionable in some places if you can get high-speed internet. Definitely I can’t get Door Dash deliveries. And then there’s the pesky current interest rates.

Been working on videos a lot this week and trying to cut back a bit on my hours. Keeping it generally at eight hours a day. Yay.

Here’s what I just brewed up for lunch tomorrow. It’ll be ready at noon.

Take care.

Good morning lovely ladies! Happy FriYAY!

@marcy it is fun looking at homes and dreaming of the potential but it is in reality a different story and so much hard work to move. I know you both will make the best choice for you and whatever happens will be for the best. Your lunch for today looks delish. Yummmm. LOL you have us beat this year as we are not yet at 8K. But our cycling year runs from April 2022 to March 2023 so we have a few months left :)

Hahaha @Austina I will. Love you took your baby to work with you and were a local celebrity so to speak
So far no adverse effects from Novavax. Not even a sore arm so now I'm doubtful it is going to help us at all tbh. I like having some effects so I know yes it is doing something. And no, we are not in the clear because there is a potential two week incubation period but with my surgery coming up I had to decide and I took the chance. If we do come down with Covid there are no ill effects from getting the vaccine but also no benefits I am aware of so it will be a wash. So I decided to go for it.

@Slickk happy weekend almost!

@bling_dream19 happy FriYAY!

@canuk-gal hope your week is going super well and you are looking forward to a fun weekend

Hi everyone else. We had a great cycling day yesterday and today more cycling to enjoy. Our ice-cream photo was taken by Greg as I was on the phone and asked him to do the honors. A bit off center but here is his perspective on ice cream

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May you enjoy a friYAY filled with yay and only joyous experiences

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@Austina how is your swollen hand? I hope it is back to normal. And you’re not in any discomfort. Sending healing vibes your way ♥️
GM girls and happy Caturday Saturday!
FriYAY was lovely...cyclng, furry babies and human friends and ice cream plus zooming with my girlfriends afterwards.

Hope you had a wonderful week and are all having a wonderful weekend

@Austina hope your hand is back to normal with no swelling
@bling_dream19 enjoy a fun weekend
@Slickk enjoy this last beautiful warm weather day today
@canuk-gal hope you have no snow and whatever you do is enjoyable this weekend
@marcy hope the snow is not bad and is melting as we speak

Leaving you with photos of our day yesterday

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And lastly in honor of Caturday Saturday from my furry crew to yours...may your Saturday be purrrfect in every way and may you enjoy a meowelous weekend

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Hello lovelies

Oh no to snow @marcy, stay safe and warm, don’t venture out.

Glad you had a great FriYay @missy How’re you feeling? Our friends in Iowa took part in the Novivax trials. S said he knew he’d got it as he had a reaction, and L said she knew she’d had the placebo, as she had no reaction at all.

Unfortunately, my hand is still swollen, despite taking some anti-histamines. I couldn’t get my watch or my rings on.

We had more rain yesterday, and in between in was hot and sticky. We did venture out for a walk, and stopped to talk to some new neighbours,

Nothing planned for the w/e, Colin is watching the rugby World Cup final and I’ll be cooking.

Looks like we’re in for more rain today and then it’s going to get cold next week!

Have a great weekend lovely NIRDIs. :wavey:
Dear @Austina did you get it checked out to make to sure it's OK? I am sorry it isn't going down and hope it resolves soon.

Interesting about the Novavax trials. I started a thread and it seems no reaction is not uncommon but I do wonder if my body is building up any defense. Greg's too. We both had no reaction though initially I felt very very strange as the injection went in to my arm.

What an amazing's in the 80s here lol. We just got back from a 55 plus mile ride and I am sweaty. Off to shower...have a great rest of the day.

Keep cool

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Happy Sunday all!
We are seeing my dad today so just a quick hello and one more (OK two more) photos from yesterday.

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May my sweet friends enjoy a swell Sunday. XOXO

NIRDI shout out!!!!!!

@missy ummmmm 80 degrees at the end of October? We should be so lucky! It is -7C here and I think the high is 0. But sunny so I'll take it. The Rockies look freshly painted white!! Enjoy your family visit and hope your sister is feeling better!

@marcy aren't you a little jealous of @missy weather? I know I am!! I was hoping what snow we did get would melt but out night temps are cold. And I am meeting with management on Wed to talk about my work "future". Stay safe in the snow. I am getting my winter tires swapped over this afternoon.

Oh and our GP is leaving his practice--on the search for a new one which is no small feat. I am happy for him, but we will miss him a lot. He is the BEST!

Low key weekend. I'll get some Indian take out for supper--I'll surprise my DS as he's been craving it.


@missy I am sure you'll catch up with me on mileage. If I move out of town a bit, I'll put more miles on my car. The deer are sure coming out to pose for photos for you. We've seen a few around here lately as well. I hope you had a great visit with your dad today and that he is doing well.

@Austina I sure hope your hand is doing better. Do you know what bit you? I once had a spider bite my forehead (twice) from a hat that had been in my closet for a while and both spots blew up and go hard. I had to get a cortisone shot in each of them. It wasn't fun. I keep my winter hats, gloves and scarfs in a large sealed bin now. That's good you are getting some rain. We had snow.

@canuk-gal I'll give you the Rockies do perk up when they get snow covered. But why does that mean we get cold temperatures? Seems like one leads to the other, eh? We had about 5 inches of snow through the morning, but it is sunny out here now too. It'll be days before our snow melts too. Seems like colder than normal October temperatures for us. Good luck finding a new GP, we have the same problem. I am kind of concerned my anemia is back because of a few of the symptoms I had before are back. They can be related to my thyroid as well, but my medical degree from Google probably doesn't count for much.

We had snow and it's frigid cold here. When we went to breakfast this morning it was 11 degrees. I spent most of my weekend polishing off a new book. I lifted this morning and doing my Sunday house chores. The thrillometer isn't registering any activity.

Yesterday, we were going to look at four houses about 15 minutes north of town but the realtor was still busy with her previous clients so I told her we can try for next weekend. Marty found some places closes to us that do have high speed internet, that would be preferable to me, but still definitely rural property. We will see ...

Take care.
Good morning lovely ladies and happy marvelous Monday!

@marcy thank you. He is doing much better and we took a little walk with him down the hall yesterday while visiting so progress is being made. Oh no to snow. Oh no to 11 degrees. :( I agree wherever you move you definitely cannot compromise on high speed internet. If you are anything like me high speed isn't even high enough LOL

@canuk-gal oh my least it is sunny by you. Our warm weather is over (sad about that) and it is raining here and chilly. I guess it is almost November so what do I expect. But it was sweet while it lasted. I enjoyed the mild temps very much. Ugh I feel your pain with your gp leaving. It is so challenging finding competent caring physicians...good luck with your search

@Slickk hope you had a happy weekend and the week ahead is also a good one

@bling_dream19 hope all is going smoothly and the family is well

@Austina hope the hand is better and your weekend was a good one

Hello everyone else. We had a good visit with my dad. He is doing much better and we even walked with him down the hall for a bit with him using his walker. In PT he has graduated to the cane but when he is not at PT with the therapist he was instructed to use the walker. So we did. It's a busy week (again) and next week is my surgery so another busy week with medical appointments and follow ups and everything is very far from us for the next two weeks. Wednesday we have to drive to Waterbury and Greg informed me we need to leave at 5AM for our 9 and 9:30 AM appointments. OMG. At least we do not have to fast for our appointments on Wednesday. That is something at least LOL

Leaving you with signs of autumn

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Have a colorful Monday. Stay dry. Enjoy. Be well. XOXO
Hello lovelies

Wow to your cold weather @canuk-gal, stay safe and warm. Our weather is coming out in sympathy, although we’re not in minus figures, but nearing it. We’ve dropped 30 degrees on yesterday’s temperatures :-oand MORE rain. I think we’ve probably had a year’s worth in the last 7 days. Phooey to having to find a new doctor, fingers crossed you find a good one, and good luck with your decisions regarding work this week.

Fast internet is a must @marcy, and moving is certainly not for sissy’s either - says she who’s done it 8 times including internationally :lol: I hope you find exactly what you’re looking for.

What wonderful news that your Dad is making such good progress @missy, you must all be so happy that he’s up and about again. Wow to a 55 mile ride, I think my legs would fall off :mrgreen:

Thankfully my hand started to go down yesterday, and is back to normal today. I’ve absolutely no idea what bit me @marcy, we’ve got plenty of horrible critters here, so it’s anyone’s guess.

We spoke to T & J yesterday, they’re still waiting on the insurance money for the car, but have found another they’re interested in buying when it hits their account. J still has no recollection of the accident, but is feeling better and his sodium level is up slightly, but still on the low side. Poor T could hardly speak, she thinks she’s got RSV as have her daughter, SIL and grandson.

We woke up to find the cover on our pool control box had blown open and got soaked so the filter isn’t working :(2 We’re hoping that it’ll be best case scenario, and when it‘s dry, it’ll all be working again. If not, they’re coming on Wednesday. Went to Costco for a couple of things, and of course came away having spent a small fortune.

It’s been raining non stop, and very windy all weekend, we need it, but enough already! For the first time since the beginning of the year when we had the cold spell, we actually had the comforter on the bed last night. Looks like it’s going to be pretty cold for a couple of days, and then hopefully it’ll warm up again.


@missy beautiful fall leaf pictures. I am so glad your dad is using a walker and can even use a cane when someone is around. I always found the walkers a bit more secure, but then I'm a kltuz (as you know). I bet is was nice to see him though and that he is up and around. You do have a busy week, I hope all the appointments and surgery next week goes well.

@Austina you certainly are an expert at moving and doing it internationally makes you a pro at it. My quickest "move" was my sophomore year in college. I waited until 99% of the people were gone, pulled my car up under the window of my room and tossed anything that was soft and in trash bags in my open trunk. It works like a charm. :lol: You know, working smarter, not harder. Although, I am already dreading packing up and moving. If necessary. We will see. And definitely no point in moving, if it's not what we want. I am glad your hand is going back down, and darn those unknown reasons something happens. I feel bad for your friends, it sounds like they are having a rough patch. I hope it gets better for them. I hope the pool cover is an easy fix. It is nice to get some rain after being so dry there. I get what you mean about Costco (we have Sam's Club here). I swear it averages about $20 per minute we spend in the store. If not more.

Not much new with me. I worked on several videos today and some articles. It was too cold and windy for me to venture to the store, but I'm out of fruit so I'd best head that way tomorrow and not open the trick or treat candy instead.

Take care.
Hello lovelies

I hope your appts went well today @missy, I expect you’re exhausted from the early start!

We didn’t buy any chocolate or sweets to hand out @marcy, not just because we don‘t do Halloween, but it’s too much of a temptation having them in the house. As it was, we only had 1 lot of older boys call, but we didn’t answer the door anyway! They’re not supposed to call if you don’t have the porch light on, but it looks like they didn’t get the message!

We’ve managed to get a few things done these last 2 days, Colin had his RSV jab yesterday, and the gardening company came and top dressed the lawn. This morning, the pool people came and fortunately managed to change the faulty part and get the pool filter going again. He did say that at least at this time of the year, the pool filter being off for a little while, won’t adversely affect the water.

My tyre pressure light came on the other day, and I couldn’t figure out where I‘d seen the pressures, I ended up phoning the dealership, but the guy I spoke to, didn’t know either :lol: I know when I’d been fiddling before, I got it up on the screen, so I had another fiddle, and managed to find it again. We pumped up the tyres this afternoon, and now the warning light is off and the tyres are all showing the correct pressures. Honestly, the tech is like the bridge of the SS Enterprise:mrgreen:

We also put together a piece of exercise equipment we bought. For once, the instructions were crystal clear and all the bits and pieces clearly labelled. Downloaded the app. so will start using it tomorrow.

Food shopping tomorrow, we don’t need much, especially as we’ll be away next weekend.

Lovely bright sunny day today, but cool, only 58 degs here, it’s set to warm up again this weekend, let’s hope so.


@missy I hope your appointments went well today.

@Austina that’s the same here, if you have your lights on outside you are handing out treats. I blew through 3 giant bags of candy in under 2 hours. I ended up with about 2 dozen mini M&M bags. The last few years, I hand candy out until it’s gone and it never fails, just when you’re handing out the last piece of candy, 2 dozen kids comes walking up. I’ll use them for ice cream toppers. That’s great your pool is fixed and the water is okay. The menus in cars are quite complicated. Especially when you barely use them. I have tire pressures as one of assorted displays on the dash, I think I can pick 5 or 6 options. If I had to set them up again - I’d need to get out the manual. That’s quite cold for you after the summer temps you had. Enjoy your new exercise equipment. I need to get groceries too. I’m out of fruit.

Nothing new here. I did get my lifting done after work today. I threw a piece of lasagna in the oven while I was lifting so I had dinner ready when I came back upstairs.

Take care.
Good morning lovely ladies! Happy terrific Thursday!
Sorry I have been MIA for a few days. Busy schedule and lots to do.

@marcy thank you. They went OK and the long trip (3.5 hours each way) wasn't bad as we did not hit traffic so it could have been worse. Glad you got lifting done. I am going to miss it while I am recovering from surgery. Yummmm lasagna. Wow you had a lot of trick or treaters. We had zero this year

@Austina good job getting those tires pressurized correctly and glad the pool filter was fixed. Nice going. I was pretty tired yesterday but it went OK and I am just slugging through the next two months because it's a lot going on and I am trying to take it one day at a time. Not easy. What kind of exercise equipment did you get? Sweet you were able to put it together without an issue. Enjoy a wonderful trip this weekend

Good morning @canuk-gal @Slickk @bling_dream19 @MamaBee @rainwood and everyone else. It's winter here brrrrrrrr.
So big decision. I decided to do both eyes. 9 days apart. I am very nervous but the reason I decided to go ahead with it is because the refractive error between the two eyes will be too great if I did surgery on just one eye because I am so myopic. So this is the best option though I am not thrilled about operating on both eyes and the outcome is not guaranteed of course. But hoping for the best. It is nerve wracking because my situation is not straightforward.

Today we are going to attempt cycling despite the highs being in the 40s. I am not a fan of cold weather though I know @canuk-gal and @marcy experience truly cold weather and for you lovely ladies this would be nothing lol. Hope all the snow is gone and you are comfy cozy. Have a great day girls. XOXO

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NIRDI shout out on Nov 2/2023!

@missy it is 4C here and my fingers were cold while walking! My gloves didn't help at all! And it was overkill to wear my Parka but I'd rather be very warm than anything else! Much success to you and your eye surgery. I don't know it is, but 4 people close to me have had surgery in the last month! I am very happy your Pops is on the mend!! Be safe and well my beautiful friend.

@marcy and @Austina yes cars are complicated. My DH car is worse than mine--something is ALWAYS ringing or flashing! PITA. Glad your pool people came and I got take out today--pizza for me and lasagna for DH--but unlike marcy I didn't make it!!! Food is always better when someone else makes it! LOL

I need to pay my Visa bill--no wonder my purse is so heavy! Bloody bills! Oh but I did get some heavily discounted Halloween candy--my family loves chocolate and candy! (I love candy too!!!).

Hello lovelies

It officially got to freezing last night, the sheer came on to stop the pool from freezing over, so good job they fixed it yesterday!

FWIW @missy, I think it’s a good idea to get both eyes done close together, my philosophy is get it over and done with, and get back to normal as soon as you can. I know it’s a worrying time for you, but keep positive thoughts that it’ll all be OK.

Was it this week you had your work meeting @canuk-gal? Yum to pizza, we had a taster at Costco on Monday, and I went back for seconds, and ended up buying a three pack! They know how to get you to buy :lol: Slightly warmer here than where you are, but not exactly pool weather. I think we‘re due for a warm up this weekend, and back in to the 70’s and low 80‘s next week.

Wow, you had a lot of trick or treaters @marcy, thankfully just one lot here, older boys (that have been causing trouble, but that’s another story!). It gets expensive buying all those big bag of sweets to hand out. Our neighbours were out so asked us to keep an eye open for any mischief. She said she saw them on their cameras, and they pointed to the cameras and behaved! Other neighbours had posted them causing mischief on our FB page, and to be far, their parents apologised and said that if anyone sees them misbehaving, feel free to have words with them.

Went out and got a trim this morning, then did the food shopping. L and I went out for a walk this afternoon, it’s cool but sunny and was really pleasant walking round.

Can’t believe it’s Friday again tomorrow, the weeks, and now the months are whizzing by, can’t believe we’re already in to November!
