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Don't panic. Contact the jeweler who made the setting for you and ask him to please evaluate it. If he isn't open right now when he does open. Call him or email him if you cannot get in touch with him by phone to let him know. I am sorry and whatever it is I am sure it is easily remediated and the jeweler will make it right for you. You recently got the new setting so I am sure he will stand by it if the stone is cracked. (((Hugs))).
Wasn’t the weather beautiful yesterday @missy, we went out in the afternoon, masked up and went on a long walk to blow the cobwebs away. We did see other people and ended up crossing the road several times, but we kept up a brisk pace and realised how sluggish we’ve become. It was a walk we did regularly with Dottie, but we were shattered when we got home. The trees look lovely there, and must cheer you up when you’re dealing with all this. Yay to getting in another good walk today. I meant to ask how Greg’s knee is, does he feel almost back to normal yet?
Our Govt are talking about potential changes to the lock down next week, but it seems the vast majority of people aren’t that keen to go out yet. I don’t know if any of you have read that Drs are recommending having a pulse ox meter. It seems that a lot of people haven’t realised how ill they were because unlike ‘normal’ pneumonia, this type doesn’t necessarily cause breathlessness until the lungs are severely damaged. Checking your pulse ox rate every day is a good way to ensure that you’re OK, and also if your pulse ox levels fall below 96 regularly, then you should seek help.
We got a nice surprise this morning, about 10am our garden centre delivery turned up! They were supposed to be delivering on Wednesday, they didn’t tell us it was coming today, but we’ve spent 3 hours emptying the posts, refilling with fresh compost and planting them up. I’ve got a whole tray of bizzy lizzies left, but after our garden waste bins are emptied on Tuesday, then we can plant them up In other areas.
I hope all the lovely NIRDIs are having a good weekend.
I saw a lovely Art Deco old cut brooch on an auction site here, I’ve bought from these people before, so although I won’t be able to see the item, I trust their description is accurate. I’ve asked for the dimensions of the brooch, as well as what metal it is. Hopefully, I’ll hear back and if it’s what I want, I’m going to bid on it with a view to turning it in to a bracelet or bangle. I’ll ask David Klass for a quote to see if it’s viable, and of course, I have no idea when I’ll be able to get it done, but I’m getting excited at the prospect.![]()
We downloaded 2 movies yesterday - old comedies we enjoy. Down Periscope and Undercover Brother. Today Marty is watching some of the Iron Man movies. I am working on laundry. We ordered pickup from Olive Garden - I picked their buy one get one offer and since Marty wanted 2 dinners we have 3 entrees for later. Sweet.
I keep shopping rings online since I’m bored and love new bling to ease said boredom.
Thank you @Niffler75!
A couple of Bubbalah close ups as the morning light was changing (and the car moving)...sorry she isn't as clean as she could be because of all the alcohol and hand sanitizer action.
It feels so good to be wearing her!
Well I guess that depends on how you define the sea, really. It’s salt water, but quite sheltered. Perhaps 2 hours by small sail boat before you wish for a larger one?@Scandinavian Congratulations & Happy Birthday to F ! Yes, I love the fields here - I wish my garden were this way already; I am just back from a long walk - still not happy with what I can get into my camera from it all. How far is your shore from the sea? [I miss her, as ever
Just can’t help thinking that they’ll say I must have hit it hard on something.@Scandinavian that does not seem fair. See what he says. They should cover it if it just happened without you hitting it or anything. Plus we don't know yet what is wrong so maybe somehow it can easily be fixed vs replaced but even if it has to be replaced I think the jeweler should cover it. Didn't you recently get your lovely new setting? Don't worry honey. (((Hugs))).
Otherwise fine! For now LOL@Scandinavian Oh sorry to hear about your ring. I hope you can get it sorted. How are you otherwise, are you ok?
Oh I really do hope so! Thank you!!@Scandinavian, your views are gorgeous! I'm so glad your furbaby is doing much better. Oh no to the cloudy diamond, I wonder what's going on there. It can definitely be fixed if need be.
Missed this but so sorry! Life is to short for such things!So I left because I felt hurt, so very hurt. I bared my soul and for that I feel I was attacked and quite meanly. I am done with those posters and will stay out of political threads, life is so full of gray and grey that it's not worth my time to share what I have experienced in life and be honest and get smacked upside the head. Nope. So that's that.
Perhaps 2 hours by small sail boat before you wish for a larger one?
@Tekate Hi lovely, been thinking about you! x
GM lovely ladies!
@rainwood thank you for coming here to explain. Knowledge is power and in this situation can be life saving. I appreciate you taking the time and energy to write such an informative post. I am grateful you had what you needed to get through Covid 19 and as always I am sending you lots of hugs and love. And I am going to find my pulse oximeter and take it to the beach house with us. XOXO.
@Tekate Great Kate, you know I am always here for you. You are my friend and a true friend is priceless. Wow on the price of that pool. That is expensive. I think pools around here start at 50K but I am sure that was a special pool you were building...maybe one day you can build a lovely pool for a more reasonable price. I am with you though that is too much money. Who knows what will happen after all this is said and done. Perhaps prices will go down but then again we will have less money overall. Trying not to think about the economy as first things first. Let's get through this. Sending you big hugs and much love.
@marcy wow you lifted so much weight so many times. Impressive. Girl, please be careful about your shoulder OK? But wow on the weight! I hope your body is quiet today and not squawking at you. Hope Marty had lots of clients show up yesterday and yes take your vacation please. Do not lose the hours.
@bling_dream19 hope your Monday went well. Thinking of you and hoping work is going smoothly and that all your loved ones are good. And I won't lie I am also thinking about happier times when we can meet again at the beach and share some ice cream and good cheer. Hoping that day is not too far off. Sending you lots of hugs.
@Keeliamira swoon! Gorgeous ring. That red is rich and delicious. I am sorry about your seizures and hope it remains calm and quiet and that your appointment in May goes well. Relieved you have an appointment and hopefully it will put you on the road to recovery and a treatment that works. Hugs.
@Austina aww I am sorry the brooch won't be a suitable candidate for a bangle but glad you found out before you bought it. Thanks for asking about my sister. She is doing OK. My parents are OK too thank you for asking. Still up in the air about Tommy and now Bobby but not going into further detail. It's not looking good but one day at a time is all we can do right now and I am trying to maintain hope and good thoughts and remember what I can control I can control and what I cannot I can control how I feel about if you kwim. It's just not easy to do but for sanity's sake I am working on maintaining calm. Sorry for the mystery. Even I have limits on what I will share online I guess lol. Anyway thanks for that link and I will read it for sure. Glad your weather is good again and yes let's embrace the good. Hugs.
@Scandinavian let us know what the vendor says. Hoping it is an easy and inexpensive fix. Hope your mom and grandmother are doing well and that you and dh and the kids and furry babies are well too. XO.
@junebug17 I am pleased everyone is well by you and that your children are good and that you got to see your sister while social distancing. That is excellent. Now more than ever (IMO) strong connections mean so much. It can make all the difference. Knowing our loved ones are safe and well gives me the strength I know I need to make it through each day. I have never been great with the unknown and with change but I know in order to not just survive but thrive one must be OK with all of that. But as usual I digress. Wishing you continued good health and sending you lots of hugs.
@Daisys and Diamonds Nicky dear Nicky glad all is well and that Melanie sent you a lovely care package too. How sweet. And ooh I can almost smell the baking from here. Yummm. Hugs to you and lots of good wishes too. Love that Tibby. What a handsome handsome baby.
@AV_ aww hope Oliver's little pink nose made you smile and it's a good way to start the morning I think. Sending you lots of good wishes and hugs. Hope you are having a lovely day. It's sunny and bright here.
@Niffler75 OMG I love the photo you shared with your son front and center in that other thread. It made me melt.Hope you had a good Monday and are having a good day today too. Hugs.
@Slick1 sending continued well wishes to all of you and hugs.
So the endocrinologist mailed my results and it's not good. He now wants me to decrease my thyroid meds despite still being hypothyroid. The meds (his theory not for sure) might be making my bone specific Alk Phosph run too high (more than double the high normal range) and degrading my bone. So he said I might have to be hypothyroid to save my bones. I don't get it at all and the way he does this is he does the blood and lab results at the in office list and mails the results so I never get to talk with him about the results in person. And now with Covid 19 I am not going to make a special trip there to discuss it in person. He emailed me last night saying he would call me this AM. I am nervous but will do what he feels is best. The options being 1. go on meds for the bone turnover rate (not sure if this is OP meds or something else) or 2. take less of the thyroid meds knowing I am still under treated so less would mean I would be even more tired. Every cell in the body needs thyroid hormone. Sigh. Rock and hard place. But one day at a time though I have been like this for 2 years plus now so I am a bit tired of the merry go round and not getting more successfully treated if you kwim. But control what I can and have a good attitude about what I cannot. Truth.
Not sure what we are doing today. Yesterday Greg went to the beach house to drop some things off and he went to Costco to get groceries. He is doing laundry now. He's my rock and he's a great DH. I could not ask for a better DH.
That's it from me girls. Leaving you with a kitty pic and wishing you all a good day. XOXO.
The newest behavior is Oliver likes to hang out on the TV stand and then fall knocking the wires out and knocking out our TV connection. LOL and not LOL.
Right before he tripped and knocked the wire out of the TV.
Oh and he loves his belly rubs.
Gracie loves the camera.
Yesterday as we were hanging out with the kitties. She just loves the camera.
Have a good day girls. XOXO.