
Posters, I can''t believe I even have to say this.

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Date: 2/23/2008 3:31:38 AM
Author: katebar
Ellen spot on as usual
. (forgive me i just like using my new acquired skill
But having said that I hope i haven''t overlooked anyone that has helped me!. It''s just that these threads move so darn quickly you know,
Anyhoo you rock Ellen
Hehe, me too! And Ditto what katebar said!


I really hope I have shown how grateful I am for the kind words and helpful advise I have been given here on PS because I really don''t know where I would be...I''d be picking earrings as side stones, letting random people cut my diamond, and shopping from
(I only know how to post one cool emoticon at a time...) And these threads do move very quickly, especially when you can''t post very often, but if I start a thread I try and make sure I will have the next day or so to respond if I have to, I do hate those shameful bumps though!. I also must add that Ellen, you are such a gem. You are one of the very first PSers to make me feel welcome and I always look forward to what you have to say, you always make a great point!
I am glad this thread was started. I see this all the time, not necessairly to me, but to some of you more qualified PS''ers who offer advice and help out constantly. I too hope I have not been ungrateful for everything ya''ll have helped with. If it wasn''t for this place I would have ended up with a dud ring from a dud store... THANK YOU for saving us!!!
It''s kinda funny though, I had this convo with a friend yesterday about society in general, and how maners really don''t play a role any more. She was saying how a kid walked into a store in front of her and she just figured he would hold the door, and he didn''t and it hit her in the nose! She quickly taught him a lesson! What''s going on here? I thought the LIW threads were getting scary a little while back, but really the world is starting to scare me!!
i came here this morning to have a look around for ellen''s loot. i found this thread by ellen.....but this ain''t about her loot!

i can only think of one person who is a long time member that would fit the thankless bill. other than that, add me to the list of those wondering if i have made appropriate and sufficient ''thanks''!

ps, i would post a ring picture of who i''m thinking you might be referencing, but i would have to get permission first.

*off again to look for ellen''s thread*

Hellooo Belle!
Date: 2/23/2008 8:47:07 AM
Author: Maisie
Hellooo Belle!
hey you!

i must go see what *you* have been up to too!
Me... up to something? Never lol! I am just on the look out for a new setting for my lovely boootiful diamond!
Date: 2/23/2008 8:44:09 AM
Author: belle
i came here this morning to have a look around for ellen's loot. i found this thread by ellen.....but this ain't about her loot!

i can only think of one person who is a long time member that would fit the thankless bill. other than that, add me to the list of those wondering if i have made appropriate and sufficient 'thanks'!

ps, i would post a ring picture of who i'm thinking you might be referencing, but i would have to get permission first.

*off again to look for ellen's thread*

Thank you for starting this thread Ellen. It made me realize that I may not have responded to every post recently and I went back to look through all the topics I''ve been involved with lately. Sure enough, I was derelict in my duties as a good PSer and I did not respond to two. Shame on me!

It''s very enjoyable and very rewarding to be involved in this community and I agree that we should be treating each other with the same respect we would give to each other if we were face to face. I just wanted to say that I enjoy being here with you all VERY MUCH! You are ALL very much appreciated!
Date: 2/23/2008 2:14:04 AM
Author: diamondfan
Amber, quality over quantity!!! (though I am hopefully in both categories). Many people lurk more than post but when they do, boy they contribute so much.

I am also not a diamond expert in terms of stats. And I am always clear to state that. But I can say, looks great, or congrats. Very easy to do.

Cather6 (do not know how to type that) are valued! I am always intrigued by your screen name. And is that a curling thingy in your avatar? Sorry, but I do not know the technical term for it, but it looks like one. (I always thought it looked like a teapot on steroids!)

Musey, I am bemused that you would worry! You are always helpful and generous of spirit! So put your musings aside and do not fret!

I came here to look for upgrade settings over two years ago. And I have not left. So that should speak volumes about the caliber of the people on this site!

thank you! and yes, it is a curling rock/stone. It is kind of late in the season for me to be using it but I thought "what the heck!" I am an avid curler and curling fan. Thanks for asking.

I posted instructions on how to get my style of font in an earlier response, but would be happy to to do it again :)

go to start then run then a box will pop up. type charmap then ok and there is box full of letters symbols and numbers. pick which ones you want and you are off to the races. I usually open up a new word file and copy whatever version I have chosen into it, so I can use it whereever I want.
Wow, I can''t believe how many of you posted, and feel the same way. I knew it wasn''t just me, but apparently there''s a lot more than just me! I''m really glad I started this thread now.
Thank you all!

Before I address your posts, I want to say, I probably should have stayed with my original title, which started out with People, instead of Ladies. This was intended for everyone who posts on here, regulars and newbs alike, and really more for newbs. But I thought People sounded kinda rude, lol, so I changed it. And it''s funny, the ones I wasn''t referring to, are the ones worried they might be. Kinda like parents who show up for parent/teacher conferences. The ones who show up usually have kids that are doing just fine, it''s the ones who don''t show up, that should.

I would imagine some of the people I''m talking about know who they are. Hopefuly they will give more thought when starting a thread. The rest of you can relax, you are all quite polite and thankfull.

Gypsy, you have always been appreciative, don''t worry!

Isabel, right, it''s just 8 strokes of the keyboard. And yet, those mean so much to the other person.

DF, I agree. I don''t want anyone gushing over my posts either. And maybe my posts don''t even help someone sometimes. But like you, they are posted with the best of intentions, they are meant to help, whether they do or not. A small recognition is not much to ask for. And as Tacori pointed out, when you have no idea if you''ve helped or not, you can begin to think, why bother, they won''t appreciate it anyway.

coatie, you''re welcome! And it really is noticable, you don''t have to have been on here a long time to notice it.

2of2, no worries, you''re not one of "them".
And honestly, I realize people forget to respond sometimes, or overlook a post, I''ve done both! But I try to thank people, either individually, or sometimes, if it''s a lot of people responding, I''ll give several "thank you alls". And that''s enough, just one Thank You is actually sufficient. It just lets people know, hey, they read it, and acknowledged it.

Venice, you''re right, they ARE lacking everywhere. Sad indeed. And you''re welcome.

sparkles, lol You''re welcome!!!!!!

Cathers (I can''t type you''re name either), I''m sorry you have felt totally ignored. And I hope I didn''t do that! But you''re not alone. Hopefully this thread will change things for the better. Please keep posting.

hairgirl, funny post! (crappy advice) And I totally agree, at least that''s how I feel too. What you would or wouldn''t say in "real life" should be applied here too. And everyone has something to add here, be it diamond advice, or emotional, encouragement, whatever. We ALL make up this board, and we are all important!

Amber, just reread the above post, that goes to you too. Doesn''t matter what we give, or how much. We all matter. And lol @ blaming your parents.... Wait, I AM a parent....

jenn, thanks.

musey my dear, I hope you know by now you''re not a "bad ps''r".

Erica, right. No one has to thank everyone individually, unless they want of course. Just a group thanks is enough.

And yes, Kaleigh hit the nail on the head as to whom I''m addressing. (and you''re rarely wrong my dear)

Imdanny, you''re welcome!

Po, thank you.

DK, lol You''re welcome!

surfgirl, I''m sure if you''ve read through all this, you know by now I''m not suggesting individual thanks. And you''ve always seemed very appreciative of the responses to your threads. No worries.

And yes, RT is where it can really bug me sometimes, especially if I''ve dedicated an extreme amount of time to someone. But, I just keep posting, I suppose because I have faith that the next person who comes along won''t be as rude. And really, most of them ARE appreciative.

SDL, I laughed when I read your post. Only because you are so nice, and sweet, and kind. And very much appreciative.

kate, LOVE those mad new skillz!
You are fine! Yes, sometimes threads go quick, and they can be a lot of work. And thank you. I wish you''d post more often, you are missed.

Dani, you? bad? pfft!

Maise bell, I seriously doubt anyone is talking about you. I''ve never ever seen you be unappreciative, so don''t you worry about that! I would so love to bop you on the head though, just for the fun of it.

steph, again, no worries!

miss 7''s, you have always shown courtesy, and funny. You really are funny you know.
I''m glad you found us and stuck around.
I can''t wait to see your ring!!! And thank you.

CrookedRock, LOL! Now, it''s really NOT funny that the door hit your friend in the nose, but, I can just see it! And I could maybe see me doing that too, a few years ago, but not anymore. I''ve learned all to well that manners really ARE almost a thing of the past. And it IS scary. This country is a mess, can''t say world, because I don''t know how people act elsewhere. But around here, it''s getting pathetic.

Nice to see you miss.

Thank you all again for commenting. I enjoyed reading all your thoughts and views. I hope it helps. I will say, what I don''t want to happen, is that we go overboard the other way, where everyone ends up saying thank you for every single thing. Like, Thank you. No, thank YOU. No, really, Thank You.
You get the picture.
I guess it depends how committed you are to these boards. The typical person probably doesn''t go back and scan through to see everyone''s reply. I would think it is very common for people to join this forum to learn about diamonds, spend a lot of time here to get ideas for rings while they are in the pre-engagement phase of their life. Then, they get engaged, time here decreases, they post a pic of the ring (which is polite enough in my opinion - taking the time to post a picture and info about the ring) and then fade away from the board. Pretty normal I''d expect. Only people who are really "in" to diamonds stay and continue to read, right? I don''t think people are being rude at all, they can''t respond if they don''t read the comments - and that is what I feel happens, they simply don''t read them because once engaged they don''t come back here often. They''ve moved on to "wedding" planning message boards/sites!
I wouldn''t take it personally, the majority of people don''t visit the site as faithfully.
thank you for the lengthy reply ellen, you are always so considerate.

excuse me while i go close the door to the barn.

seriously, thanks for making us all stop to think about our actions.
pretty funny for me to wake up and see this today, just last night I was (SCREAMING) not, just kidding, but asking my boys.

"what ru so pissed off about?"
"why can''t you answer each other nicely?"

life is good, what is the problem?

i started listing off the possible problems, girls, lack of sleep, too much tv. video games, busy schedules, they just stood there and looked at me like i had 10 heads.
so anyhoo, i finished off my liittle speech by saying i will not tolerate rudeness!!!

and i am not dealing with any girls who may be having pms..... we are talking all boys here

in an invisible world like internet, i guess it is even easier for some people to forget thier manners.....
thank you for reminding us ellen! i agree, and do not think i have transgressed on purpose, if i have at all. i''ll sure be careful from now on though!
MAISIE!!!!! Oh my stars (to quote SDL), you are awesome and so filled with compassion and information...

I do not mean you. And I probably should not have even made the reference, as I had long ago decided just to ignore the threads in question, but I would not be honest if I did not say it irked me a lot and this thread really hit home for me. It is just me putting it out there, I truly had just gotten to that point, and do think it is a shame and was curious, without naming names, if anyone else here had had that same experience in terms of feeling drained and feeling that it was such a one way street got to the point where I see the name I go, ZIP...bye bye! Let someone else get their brained picked over and over...I will post and go on the threads that I enjoy! So please do not worry anymore about it, it really was a general comment though for my own self, yes, I have someone in mind.
Date: 2/23/2008 10:30:32 AM
Author: waterlilly
I guess it depends how committed you are to these boards. The typical person probably doesn''t go back and scan through to see everyone''s reply. I would think it is very common for people to join this forum to learn about diamonds, spend a lot of time here to get ideas for rings while they are in the pre-engagement phase of their life. Then, they get engaged, time here decreases, they post a pic of the ring (which is polite enough in my opinion - taking the time to post a picture and info about the ring) and then fade away from the board. Pretty normal I''d expect. Only people who are really ''in'' to diamonds stay and continue to read, right? I don''t think people are being rude at all, they can''t respond if they don''t read the comments - and that is what I feel happens, they simply don''t read them because once engaged they don''t come back here often. They''ve moved on to ''wedding'' planning message boards/sites!
I wouldn''t take it personally, the majority of people don''t visit the site as faithfully.
I personally don''t think it has to do with commitment, just common courtesy. While I could maybe see what you''re saying with some of the girls on here that get engaged and move on, some I''m referring to are not those who move on. They''ve been here awhile, some for much longer than me. And it''s with many things, not just rings.

You are very welcome miss belle. Need some help there?

Eva, you have my sympathies. (all boys)
Teach em well!

isis, you''re welcome! And I don''t recall you ever being rude.
Hm. Ellen now I can''t say myself that I''ve noticed a lack of gratitude on this site, as of yet. It''s probably because I haven''t been here nearly as long as you. I always tend to catch the thank-you''s and the "wow you guys are great on here" comments.

It is really sad, though, how manners have fallen by the wayside. I don''t know when it happened, but I do know that I notice it more and more often as I get older.

I really hope that I''m not in the lot of folks who have been rude. If so, it''s never been intentional. Perhaps a lot of the time, people are so overwhelmed by the attention that they forget? Who knows. But your assessment is very valid, and I will read on to see what others have to say about it.
Date: 2/22/2008 10:16:09 PM
Author: Gypsy
I hope I say thank you for all the help I received. I try to remember to. But if I haven''t at times, then I''ll say it now. THANK YOU!!!
I feel the same as Gypsy. I try to thank everyone who responds to my threads. I don''t always get acknowledged and it makes me feel invisible. I also try to take into account that it may be an oversight, if it is a multipage thread
Ellen, I just want to give a big thank you for reminding me that I''ve been slacking. I have to write thank yous for my job all the time, and yet, when I went back to the most recent topic I started (and for PS dust, nonetheless) I had yet to thank the lovely ladies (including yourself) that had posted. I feel horrible for having neglected to say thank you, and am glad you''ve reminded me.

These boards are such a huge help, and even though I am nowhere near being able to buy a diamond, thank you all for teaching me so much about them. My future would probably have included an E-ring from the maul if it hadn''t been for PS. So thank you for teaching me how to spot a quality stone. I''m off to go memorize table depths so I might be of some use to the board that has taught me so much...
I didn''t mention one thing that I wanted to say before, and that is - in any Internet discussion group, there is always a group of people who are central to the group that seem to know each other better than everyone else. Pricescope is no exception. I think a lot of folks who are "just passing through" looking for information or are trying to make a choice, may not feel so inclined to over do the thank yous because they feel intimidated about getting too involved because they''re not "regulars". I was a lurker for many years before I posted for the first time and even though I post now on a regular basis, I still sometimes feel very invisible. It''s no one''s fault. It''s just the nature of discussion groups.

What a wonderful thread you started.

I agree with everything you said.

I do hope I contribute in some way. I really don''t know much about diamonds, but I love colored gemstones. You know me and my Pad''s. tee hee. I do hope I am helpful in someway, answering those specific questions, etc. M

I also hope I always remember to say thank you, if I have asked a question too.

Date: 2/23/2008 1:04:04 AM
Author: Gypsy
Date: 2/22/2008 10:40:52 PM

Author: Tacori E-ring

oh, Gypsy! I *promise* I wasn''t referring to you! You are always thoughtful.

Whew! Thank you for the compliment Tacori, I can honestly return it, in spades. You are always wonderful!

Ellen, your thread is turning into a love fest

Thanks, Gypsy. By the way your name (real name) is up in baby naming popularity according to an e-mail I got yesterday. It was listed as the fastest riser (for the top 100)
******** I''m Guilty *******

Many of you have posted in the SMTR folder thanking me and
encouraging me for keeping up the folder.

I hate to "clog up" the folder with many thank you''s.

I am honored to keep up the folder and THANK YOU for all the beautiful
bling to post.

I would rather the folder be just juicy bling pics to admire.

It''s my Pleasure...really!
Guilty (hides head in shame).

I''ll try and be a better Pser. I''m a first class procrastinator and when I procrastinate too long, I forget.

I appreciate everybody''s help and compliments. Always.
And thank you Ellen; you are a big part of what makes this site so special.

Thank you everyone for everything and for making this site the best on the web. Hands down.

Sevens, after five years I finally got my wedding set to show up in a post. Can you transfer it to the engagement ring folder?
tberube, no, I've not noticed you being rude. And I think they should start a new ad campaign. Instead of "Got Milk"?, it should be "Got Manners"?

risingsun, you, invisable?? Hardly my dear, with that blinding av of yours, and the sunny disposition to go with.

princess, thank you. And lol at memorizing tables!

gemgirl, I hear what you're saying, although I think we really do have a pretty friendly bunch here. And I don't think 1 thank you would be overdoing it.

Linda, you're one of the sweetest on here, no worries! Well, maybe you should worry about those pads....

lol Tacori, that's ok, it could have turned out a lot worse.

sevens, no need to apologize. I think we all understand why you don't respond in there, at least I do.
But, while you're here, I just want to say again how much we TRULY do appreciate all the time and effort you put into that thread. It's commendable!

Cachette (love that nic), thank you!
Date: 2/23/2008 12:54:07 PM
Author: gemgirl
Sevens, after five years I finally got my wedding set to show up in a post. Can you transfer it to the engagement ring folder?
where is the thread? Is it a new thread and dedicated to your set?

Well, Miss Ellen, if you think I am going to thank you for always smacking me you are mistaken

Date: 2/23/2008 1:25:32 PM
Author: canuk-gal

Well, Miss Ellen, if you think I am going to thank you for always smacking me you are mistaken

Date: 2/23/2008 11:24:21 AM
Author: diamondfan
MAISIE!!!!! Oh my stars (to quote SDL), you are awesome and so filled with compassion and information...

I do not mean you. And I probably should not have even made the reference, as I had long ago decided just to ignore the threads in question, but I would not be honest if I did not say it irked me a lot and this thread really hit home for me. It is just me putting it out there, I truly had just gotten to that point, and do think it is a shame and was curious, without naming names, if anyone else here had had that same experience in terms of feeling drained and feeling that it was such a one way street got to the point where I see the name I go, ZIP...bye bye! Let someone else get their brained picked over and over...I will post and go on the threads that I enjoy! So please do not worry anymore about it, it really was a general comment though for my own self, yes, I have someone in mind.
Thank you for your message DF. I blame my horrible hormones for my silly moment of paranoia. I just worried as I have started rather a lot of setting threads lately and I was thinking that maybe people weren''t taking me seriously.
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