
PS Mommies Thread!

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lili, when do you plan to move J to her crib? Do you have a time frame in mind? Love the collage of J! She's beautiful! It's so cute that she loves the camera!

MrsS, baby and I do sleep better when we cosleep. When did you move Jake into his crib and own room? Did you find it more difficult moving your girls to their crib at 6 months? I read that it's more difficult when babies are older. That is one of my concerns.

Tacori, TGal, Burk, msb, jas12, thanks for sharing your thoughts and own experiences on this matter. I have very mixed emotions about cosleeping. Before I was pregnant I never planned to cosleep. Now that I have I love it and am having a hard time deciding when is a good time to move him out.

jas12, ahhh such a cute picture of Co all bundled up!

TGal, congrats on a great credit score! That's awesome! 12 offers is A LOT but you never know. The first offer I put in on a place was accepted even though it was not the highest offer. Apparently, the realtor/seller liked me, my letter, and my 20% down so much that they picked me over someone who had a bid over 30K higher. I couldn't believe it! I feel you on the housing market in CA. 550K for a small 3 bedroom house sounds like a steal to me. Argh. That'll probably buy you a shitty one bedroom where I live!

puffy, a 3500 sq ft house is our area IS big! Especially compared to our tiny 950 sq ft place. I sometimes want a big house but I really don't want it too big. That just means more to clean!

jas, you definitely sound hot. Sorry to hear about AF! I am not looking forward to it! Hope your boy feels better soon.

For those who breastfeed, when did your period return? I believe my MW said the average is 14 months, which seems like a long time to me but I'm not complaining!

I'm excited because I'm going out tomorrow night! My company is having an event and it'll be nice to get dressed up, out of the house, and catch up with co-workers and eat some good food!

I received two packages today. It felt like an early Christmas! I love online shopping.

Baby has been sleeping pretty well lately so I've been getting some me time and time to do the dishes and get rid of some junk. Why the hell was I a pack rat when I was younger?! I swear I still have stuff from when I was 3 years old that I never wanted to throw away. I am kicking myself right now!

Overall, things are good!
TGal, HAHHAHAHA!!! That is great! I know CA prices are crazy. My parents still have their home in SF. They could sell it for what they bought it for (30 years ago) WITH another 0 on the end. Insane!

Puffy, our house is the same size (well, it is 3,400 or is it 3,200??? Can''t remember) and I agree about needing more space. Our 4th bedroom is HUGE (size of a 2 car garage with a big closet) so we could fit two kids in there is need be. We also have an office/play room and a sun room where our exercise stuff is. I would trade the sun room for another bedroom though. We want to build onto our master bath/closet (so on top of the sun room) and then we are going to build a stand alone garage with an apartment over it which DH will use for his office. Probably won''t do it for 10 years though (or whenever I want that bedroom back (his current office is in the 4th bedroom).
Snlee, you HAVE to do what is best for you and your family. I only BFed 6.5 months and i think I got my period a few months after that. My friend BFed for 12+ months (can''t remember when she weened but it was after he was 1) and got her period 8 weeks after giving birth. So who knows! Enjoy it while you don''t have it (says the woman on her period).
Tacori, I''m enjoying it while I don''t have it. Sorry you are crampy. It seems that the return of your period following childbirth varies widely between individuals. I was just wondering so thanks for sharing. I''d be very angry if my DH blocked my car and I had no way out! Glad your DH apologized. How funny he gave you a hundred dollar bill!

TGal, couldn''t agree with you more. Good thing I love top ramen. You guys are creating some great holiday avatar over at the thread, mine is not half as good as the ones you guys created. I wish I can help/join in on the fun but we don''t get home until 8:30 ~ 9 pm and by the time I put little B to bed and finish preparing for next day it''s 12 am already. Big applause for yor credit score!!


Tacori, so funny that ur DH gave u $ for it. tell him that he don''t need to give u $, some *bling bling* will be just fine.

puffy, Wow~ 2 millions? I guess the slow market doesn''t reflect in CA. Little B will have another echocardiogram on the 24th. Hopefully if all goes well then we can stop his med. Your B cracks me up, he is forming a good habit already.

snlee, sounds like u are in NY? 550K for one bedroom


Date: 11/19/2008 6:06:06 PM
Author: snlee

MrsS, baby and I do sleep better when we cosleep. When did you move Jake into his crib and own room? Did you find it more difficult moving your girls to their crib at 6 months? I read that it's more difficult when babies are older. That is one of my concerns.

I just moved Jake a few weeks ago. I'd been starting him in his crib in his own room for a couple of months but then once he woke, i got him and brought him into bed with us. It was hardest moving my oldest at 6 months. Part of the reason was her room was on the second floor of our house at that time and seemed so far away. I even had the camera but I didn't like being that far from her. It was easier moving Lily b/c she went into the same room as my oldest so she wasn't alone
I probably would have let Jake co-sleep longer if he would actually sleep. He's restless and moves around and likes to sleep on his tummy now and I found we all sleep better now when he's in his bed. If you're not ready, and you are both sleeping then I wouldn't worry about it at this point. Like I said, the time came when it was just obvious that Jake needed to sleep in his crib. I also nap him in his crib so he got a used to it before he went in for the night. ( oh and still no AF for me) I remember it coming sooner with my first even though I nursed her too. You just never know for sure.
Tacori~I got T''s winter jackets at ON too. I love Gap''s jeans because they have the waists that you can change the size. T is so long and skinny that most jeans that are long enough are way too big. So, I thought 30% off what prime time to get some more pairs. Sorry about the faulty pants at Target. I would have been excited about that price too! As for our house: we will be waiting to finish the basement so there will be an additional 1-2 bedrooms in the basement eventually. So, the 4-5 bedrooms are the upstairs bedrooms only. I also want large rooms and extra rooms such as office, playroom, ect....we may be closer to 4000 sqft once everything is said and done. We''ll see. Our current home has 4 bedrooms and only 2300 sqft. The $100 from DH cracks me up. Men. SO funny.

Tgal~I find it absolutely crazy what the CA real estate market is like. We''d get at least 5 or 6 bedrooms for 550 k here. Yay for an awesome credit score!!! I teach general business and we were just talking about credit and credit scores the other day!

puffy~Have fun on your trip! You live in a 3500 sqft house and it only has 3 bedrooms? Those must be some huge rooms!
Babies do take up a lot of space.

snlee~Have fun getting out of the house tomorrow night!

I need to go book a hotel room. We''re heading to Kansas City this weekend for a sort of bachelorette party/shopping trip for my sister and I''m in charge and have yet to book the hotel. Bad sister.
Snlee--i am going on 8 months BF and i still have no period.

Jas--oy, you poor thing. At least you haven''t lost your sense of humor --The old Jas is in there somewhere, after u scrape off a layer of nasty
Don''t worry about catching up, we give twin mommies permision to just let us know they are still alive. The rest it bonus material

Burk--i would take the lake lot! We were looking for lake property but it is sooo much more expensive (plus we have a brand new 4 bedroom family cottage 10 min away so it really didn''t make sense ) We are building a bit smaller-- a little over 2000 . I hate to clean--so much so i''ll sacrifice size. We also can''t afford much bigger right now. If we get approval on the design in the next week or so we may start building as early as next month. If not, and more likely, we will wait till the spring.

Tgal--LA real estate sounds like Toronto. My sister paid 250 K for her teeny tiny condo. and it was a deal. Now drive 4 hours north to where i live and i hate to tell you, but your stellar down payment could have come close to buying *in full* my home. I paid, get this, 90 k for a 3 BR, 2 bath, 2 story home. Now, we put *tons* of cosmetic work into it and will sell it for around double, but isn''t it crazy how housing costs can vary so much just a few hours away. nuts.

Tavori--a 100 bill? Funny. Is that a first? He must have felt pretty bad
Burk, ahhh...I am jealous. No basements here (unless you are built into a hill). T has the opposite problem...Her pant legs are WAY too long for her belly. What size jacket does your T have? I bought the 12-18 months but now am wondering if I should have got a larger one.

Snlee, it is funny b/c obviously he pays for everything anyways (since I am a SAHM) so not sure what the point of the money was. He is silly sometimes.

Bobo, don''t think I am going to get bling anytime soon! I want too many OTHER things.

Jas12, no he has done the money thing before (like for ROMANTIC! Haha) I think he did feel bad and felt bad with how *he* reacted to *my* reaction. But I guess I rather have cash than flowers! Oh and he bathed and put T to bed.
Jas~I''m not a big fan of cleaning, either. Thank goodness our cleaning lady does most of the deep cleaning. So exciting that you could be building by next month!! yay!!! I think the lake lot would be a lot of fun expecially down the road when the kids are old. They are more expensive, but I think it''ll be worth it. It''s so crazy hearing housing costs in other areas. My parents live in a small town about 40 miles from us and they currently have their 3000 sqft home on the market for $140,000!

Tacori~I forget that there aren''t basements in other parts of the country. It''s nice that we''ll have the extra space to finish down the road. My T has 12-18 month jackets. She has the big puffy one and the lighter weight plaid one and the big puffy one seems tighter than the other one. Maybe bring T with you and put the 18-24 mo one on her at ON (I know, big pain in the a**, but probably worth it so it fits right).

Totally not related, but I just got off the phone with my sister and so many people have cancelled coming this weekend. This is her only bachelorette party and it''s what she wanted to do-go out of town and now I am the only bridesmaid out of 6 that is going and she is kind of upset. I feel so bad for her!
hehe, can''t wait to see little B in his santa suit!
hey, perhaps you can now convinced your dh to let you put the holly felt clip on little B.
it doesn''t look girly on his avi

good luck with the scan next week.
hope everything checks out ok.

haha, i know. somehow it''s always the bear onesie that she does interesting thing

how cute that little K is sprawled on the floor too. i agree with Tacori -- we need s picture of it.

thanks. somehow they are just captivated by the camera. i remember and love that shot of T (that you used on your invite) running toward the camera -- so cute.
too funny about your hubby bribing you with $100. i''d probably have him upped it some more
eeee....Co is too cute in his fluffy vest!
i can't believe that's not even his winter wear yet.
not to rub it in with the weather, but the warmest that J's been in is a long sleeve onesie and thin pants.
i wished you lived nearby too. then J can take lessons from Co on eating and taking the bottle! she'll need napping lessons from Amelia

Wow, that's insane how many offers they get. that was a smart move that the owner did with putting the house lower than the comp.
lots of escrow dust out your way!
anyway, i still want pics of A even if she's sleeping. those make the cutest pix

thanks. have fun on your trip!
thanks. any news from the dr''s office?
bummer about other BM cancelling on your sister''s bachelorette party.
you two can still have fun on a night out of town.

sorry to hear that your boys got the tummy bug.
at least both of them didn''t get sick at the same time.
there must be some awful going around.
j got it too from her daycare.
she was puking throughout last night and a good part of this morning.
sick baby(ies) is definitely no fun.
and bummer about the AF

i''m going on 8months of BFing too and no AF (knock on wood).
my sister BF her son till he''s one...but she got hers after 8 months PP.
hmmm...i really don''t know when i''ll move J to her own room.
i had wanted to move her out at 6 months when she was starting to STTN.
but since she started daycare, she''s reversed feed and is waking more at it''s looking more like 9 months probably.

Burk, sorry to hear about the cancellation. So is it just the two of you girls now? Maybe go do something else, like a day of spa?

thanks lili, funny you mention this. I just ordered a santa felt clip for little B yesterday. DH just rolled his eyes when I told him.

lili~Sorry J is sick!! No fun for baby or mommy. Boy can I relate!! Still no word from our pedi so I''m calling today. They said 5 days and it''s been more like 10! I just want to know.

bobo~Thanks. There are still 4 other girls going (and myself and my mom). I think she''s upset because she doesn''t feel like she chose the right girls to be in her wedding part. She feels like the girls who are going are her "real" friends and she should have chose them as bridesmaids but instead she chose people she''s been friends with longer, but aren''t really probably her best friends. That probably doesn''t make any sense..... Long and short of it is we''re going to have fun and I look forward to shopping!!!
Hi all! Checking in to let you know I''m alive and reading, but just don''t have the time or hands free to catch up with everyone personally... I''ve always got a girl on a boob it seems (if not both), I''m not getting sleep and I''m starting to get the crud too.
Other than that, life''s great
Girls are 4 wks old already (and totally worth the insanity!) -- seriously, where does this time go??

Sorry 4 those of u w/sick babies -- hope everyone''s well soon! Typing 1-handed is hard -- i''ll be back when i can try to catch up more (i''m a bad PS friend i know!)

ps here''s a pic of the girls from last week...

marina and sophie to post nov 14.JPG
You are all so supportive -- thank you!

More later when relief comes, but here are two pictures of Logan which DH took earlier this week.

This first one I like to call "Count the chins on my Rasta Baby"

"I may be a little too young for the Bumbo"

Jen your girls are GORGEOUS!!!
Great twin pictures Jen and Jas!
aw Jen look at your sleeping angel'' precious..

jas. I love your boys and those pics of Logan are just fantastic. he''s a cutie double chin and all
Cute pics Jen and Jas!!!
Love the double set of doubles! So cute, and funny too (Jackie!)

Stopping by real quick to say no house (and no surprise). In the end there were TWENTY ONE offers! The offer they took was 45K above asking.
Awww the pictures are all so cute!!! I''ll be officially joining you ladies soon, my due date is right around the corner. Crazy.

Anyway, question for Tacori and anyone else with the Chicco keyfit carseat and a Snap N Go I just got my double snap and go today and put it together (so easy! I love that), but the directions inside don''t include the Chicco in the set up. Do any of you know what "settings" your SnG is on to fit the Chicco? I''m too lazy to go out to the car and get one of the carseats because it is COLD and I am bigger than a house at this point.

NF, what pattern did you get? They have some cute new ones since I got mine. Anyways I had the Baby Trend SNG and there were NO settings. The carseat plopped in and there was a strap. Maybe the twin ones are different. Are you getting the bundleme? I loved ours!

TGal, sorry about the house! I know the perfect one will come along soon!
jen, I was just thinking about you yesterday wondering how you're doing. Your girls are beautiful! Thanks for checking in!

jas, logan is adorable!

TGal, sorry about the house but like you said there will always be another nice house to buy later on. 21 offers is crazy, especially at a time like now!

NF, can't wait for you to join us! SnG has different settings? I just put the Chicco keyfit in the SnG, clip the strap, and go. I don't recall any setting.

ETA - we love the Bundle Me too! And the Kiddopotamus Velboa Snuzzler - Head & Body Support. They outgrow the body support fast but we still like it.

I put on my pair of nice black pants and what does baby do? He spits up on it! Of course! I knew it was highly likely but I hoped he wouldn't. Looks like I'm going out tonight with baby spit up on me. I think I got most of it off...hope I don't stink!
Date: 11/20/2008 5:39:22 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
NF, what pattern did you get? They have some cute new ones since I got mine. Anyways I had the Baby Trend SNG and there were NO settings. The carseat plopped in and there was a strap. Maybe the twin ones are different. Are you getting the bundleme? I loved ours!

TGal, sorry about the house! I know the perfect one will come along soon!

I totally have two bundleme''s ready to go! They look perfect for winter babies.

Mine does have settings of sorts (i.e., for different seats you are supposed to put them in different ways using different bars), but also has straps, so maybe I just use those.

I got them reallllly cheap at our hospital''s safety center, so I didn''t get a choice of pattern, but they are green and brown, I like them for two boys. Luckily no pastels!
Too tired to contribute much tonight but had to pop in to say the new twins pics are ADORABLE, oh how i LUV twins. Jen and Jas you guys have amazing little ''sets'' there.

Had a fun turned sh*t a** day. For brevity sake lets just say it involved going out of town for the day to get a shopping and starbucks fix with my mom and Co (fun right?) and ended with my somehow loosing my car key *in the car*(??), searching for it in a snow storm while getting increasingly colder and colder madder and madder, loosing it on my drama-queen mother, with a crying, cold, poopie Cohen listening to his mom and grandmom bicker while they do a frantic search
(notta so fun)

(end of story--eventually had to get a key cut from a ford dealership in the area, saving DH from driving 2 hours to rescue us with another key! )

NF, I thought the bundlemes were a lifesaver for T (since she was a nov. baby). I don''t think chicco has any pastels so would would be safe. I have the gray and green that everyone has. I really like the new red ones and the dark gray/black with square stitching.

Jas12, so sorry! That sounds horrible. The same thing happened to me a month or so ago but I dropped them in the parking lot and luckily thought to go back into BRU to see if anyone turned them in (which they did!
) and that was after almost getting in a wreck so I can totally understand! The important thing is you are home safe and warm. Move south it was sunny today!

So I think Tessa tried to say her name today. Also my friend taught her the other night that when she says "touchdown" to put her arm in the air. Her DH used to play for the NFL so it was their DD''s first "trick" (she is 17 months. Did I already tell this story?) Well not only does T do that now (so cute) she tried to say it. She said "Ta Do". And she FINALLY stopped calling the cats "ga"s and now calls them "ca"s. My friend said around 12 months is when stuff starts happening and she is right!
Tacori-- Oh you MUST get a pic of Tessa doing the touchdown dance. SO cute. I bet she''ll be doing new things on a daily basis now. there is no stopping her.
And saying her name?! Wow, that must be very cool sounding. Your heart must just swell.
i thought of you while searching for my keys--sucks doesn''t it. It wouldn''t have been too bad if we were in town, but feeling stranded caused my mom to freak. That combined with the cold and a crying baby is stressful. Oh well, these things happen. Weird thing is, the keys are somewhere in the car! It was a single key so it must be caught on something or wedged b/w something- how maddening.

Despite the key incident, while shopping yesterday I discovered that Co is waving ''bye bye''
He did it a few times last week when ppl were leaving our house and i assumed it was just coincidence but yesterday while shopping he mimicked a wave for 5 of the 6 cashiers we came across and said goodbye to.
I looked it up on babycenter and yep, this is a common time for it to happen. So fun!
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