
PS Mommies Thread!

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bobo OMG, what a great AV!!!

snlee sounds like D is doing great!! 6 months already?!?! i hope D will just surprise you guys and make an easy transition to soothing himself.

curly Lucy sounds adorable playing with Lily. sounds like she''ll be on her way to crawling soon.

burk welcome home and enjoy your week with T.

tacori have you decided on a stroller?

really weird thing...B started calling me "babe." haha!!! Dh calls me that ALL the time and out of nowhere today, B decides he wants to call me that. he looked directly at me and said "babe." i have got to get him to stop!!! he still calls me mommy, but now there''s a babe here and there.

I am way behind too. My parents were in town over the weekend, so I didn’t check PS at all.

Can’t believe the April babies (Amelia, Jadelyn, Jake and Cohen) are going to be one in a couple more weeks. So what are the plans? I know Jas12 is doing a party, and Tgal decides to just do a small family thing. Whatever you ladies decide, I agree with Tacori that I expect some birthday pics. =D

Curly, Janine and Snlee
Your babies (Lucy, Chloe and Derek) are 6 months already. I remember when you share your good news on the pregnancy thread. They grow so fast. Like my co-worker said, they are going to be off to college tomorrow. =P Snlee, sounds like D is doing great. He sounds so cute… giggling and talking. Any stats for Lucy and Chloe.
How’s James? Did you go to the 9 months well visit yet?
So have you decide on a stroller yet?
Cute av. Little B’s hair is getting long.
So funny Brady calls you “babe” sometimes. It’s so cute. I wouldn’t correct him b/c he will always call you mommy/mom, but he won’t call you “babe” for too long. =P
Pave and DD
How you guys doing? Getting into a routine?
DD, so great that Hunter can already soothe himself to sleep.

Remember when I was talking about M trying to eat puffs off my hand. I followed your advices and stopped feeding them to her. She picks them up and put them in her mouth now. She is actually pretty good at the pincher grasp already.
M still isn’t mobile yet. I am wondering if she isn’t getting enough time on her tummy or on the floor during the day. I think my MIL just holds her all day when I am at work. Sigh. Oh well, she will crawl when she is ready.
Curly, glad to hear everything is going well. I laughed out loud when I read you taught Lily to say "oh Lucy, I''m home."

Burk, welcome back!

Thanks Tacori. Sorry to hear T keep running away from you at the baby store. How funny she told ur DH to wake up.

Thanks puffy, we were at a friend''s house where the photo was taken. We had to borrow friend''s baby''s bib because we forgot to bring one and a clip because his hair keep getting into his eyes. I''m sure you can tell from the picture the friend''s baby is a girl. How funny B is calling you babe.

Thanks Q, I actually just cut little B''s hair about a week ago. Now he look like he have a bowl on top of his head. Yay on M feeding herself, I''m still waiting on little B to feed himself.
Chloe''s 6 month appt is this Friday, so I''ll have some stats then--really curious since alot happens between 4 and 6 months! Hard to believe next appt after that is 9 months!

I''d like to get some mommies opinions on another topic meanwhile. DH''s brother is getting married in Europe over the summer. DH has to go, and guess I should go too, but I don''t know what to do about the baby (she''d be 10 months by then). One plan is to leave her with Grandma (who she''s already with most days) for the week. This way DH and I get some time alone and spend a few extra days there. I''d take another week off for when I return so that I could spend it at home with the baby 24/7.

The other option is to bring her,..but then it''s more difficult to move around and it may be tough on her with the travel/time difference and she''s too young to appreciate the travel aspect. Of course, I also could not go.

Urgh, what would you do? Option 1 seems the most reasonable, but a whole week away? Right now I couldn''t do it..will it be easier or harder at 10 mo''s?
Tessa is miss crabby pants today. I think it''s those darn molars again. They HAVE poked through but not all the way (just tips) so I wonder if when the tooth continues to break through if it is painful. She wanted me to hold her during our class (which is RARE for T). Plus she won''t nap. *sigh* I was jealous of DH when he left for work today. Haha.

puffy and Q, no real decisions yet! I am getting there.

Puffy, so funny about Babe. That kid will keep you on your toes for sure!

Q, you are right she will move when she is ready. Don''t sweat it. She is doing great.

Bobo, I realized that she says more words than I think she does. Can we see a bigger pic of your AV. Little B is seriously cute!

Janine, I think the wait between the 12 and 18 month seems INSANE! So much happens every month. I would probably leave Chloe behind. You guy DESERVE some time alone. It will be way more fun that way. Of course I have a mover so traveling after 4 months was tricky. We go see my parents in WI in a few weeks and I am NERVOUS and it is only a 2 hour flight! I can just envision her running up and down the aisle, laughing MANICALLY!
Had to share, D slept in his crib the whole night!!!
And even better, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. He was up and nursed at 9:30, 2:45, and 7:30. After the 2:45 feeding he was up for about 30 minutes talking to himself. Each time he took 15-45 minutes to fall asleep. He was a little fussy but paci helped a lot. We had to hold him a handful of times to help but each time we didn't hold him very long. He slept two good 4 hour stretches. Let's hope this is the start of something great.
It felt great to have our bed to ourselves, even though I know I'll miss co-sleeping. I am so proud of D for sleeping on his own in his crib!

I will be back later to catch up!
snlee, that is a wonderful milestone! Congrats mama!
congrats snlee--that's fantastic! He just sounds so cute..

tacori: image of T running down aisles giggling is classic. Take photos for whenever that moment happens! behind.
Guess I''ll work backward.

for D sleeping in his own crib.
That''s a huge milestone.
I have yet to move J to her own bed

Sounds like D is growing and doing very well.
Ahh....giggling and that stage.

Thanks. I like that picture cuz it showed her playfulness.
That girl just loves rough playing.
Janine sounds like she''s a load of fun too.
Hehe, gotta love those bubble blowing stage eh?
As for the trip.....I''d say leave her home w/ grandma -- good for everyone (time for you and hubby to reconnect and time for grandma and chloe to bond).

Darn those molars.
Hope they come in soon.
I agree with Bobo and know that T knows more than you think.
She''s probably one who only does or say things when she wants to and not when asked to

Hehe...I can just picture T running amok in the aisle of the plane LOL.

Oh goodness....that is such a funny and cute AV!
hehe, I figure it has got to be taken elsewhere instead of at home (little B''s probably had a cow if dress him in pink flower and clip LOL).
Aren''t those wobbly walk the cutest?
I love it when they walk like a cowboy who just got off a long horseride

That''s great that your parents were in town.
They must be smitten with M and enjoying their time playing with her.
Yay for M feeding herself!
Don''t worry, she''ll crawl in no time.
I can''t catch up on everything so I will just do this page.

JANINE, sounds like Chloe is doing well! She sounds so cute! I too wonder where my little soft-spoken newborn has gone. I can''t believe how fast they grow up! You have a tough dilemma. Can''t say what''s the best option. Traveling without baby sounds great but I can''t imagine leaving baby for a week. Looking forward to Chloe''s update on Friday. How is she doing sleeping at night?

DREAMER, sounds like Hunter is doing great! 3 hours of sleep is wonderful! If he likes his crib that''s great. One less transition later on. As for baths, D used to be the same way. Cries when you take him out of the water. It was just a phase for him. Now he LOVES bathes and doesn''t fuss when we take him out and wrap him in a towel. I don''t think you can do much about it. Hopefully it''s just a phase for Hunter too.

CURLY, your girls sound like they are doing well. So cute! And how funny Lily says, "Oh Lucy, I''m home!" Looking forward to your update tomorrow. I''m sure Lucy is a big girl! Can''t believe she''s showing interest in crawling already!

BURK, congrats on winning the volleyball tourney! Enjoy your time with T this week!

TACORI, Tessa sounds like she''s doing great. Her saying "uh oh" sounds so cute!

PUFFY, LOL! I can''t believe B calls you babe!!!

QT, that''s great that M can feed herself puffs! I''m sure she''ll start crawling when she''s ready.

LILI, TGAL, MRSS, JAS12 - Can''t believe J, Amelia, Jake, and Co will be ONE soon! Can''t wait to see all the pictures!
Janine, I''m no help here, we face the similar situation as you and ur DH. We want to go on vacation and our choice is just like yours, leave little B behind with MIL for a week or take him with us. We know it won''t be a *vacation* with little B but we can''t stand leaving him behind...

snlee, yay onD slept in his crib!!

Tacori, here is the bigger pic of my AV. little B will kill me when he grows up.

LOL....too cute that little B call you by your pet name!
My niece does that with her parents too.
I guess kids just absorb everything they see and hear huh?

Yay for getting to spend the whole day w/ T.
Hope she''s feeling better w/ her asthma.
Thanks for your input on how much babies should be eating.
I guess J is eating ok -- she didn''t get that buddha belly from being undernourished.
Oh, congrats on your volleyball tourney.

Thx for the gate info.
Will look into that pronto.

Lily and Lucy sounds like a barrel of monkeys.
Love the "oh Lucy, I''m home!" -- too cute

Lucy is a strong one....she''s going to be mobile so soon.
lili, you can see his expression in the bigger picture, not too happy with me and yes, he look like a cowboy that just got off a long horse ride everyday
your cuppies looked yummy.
you are a natural at piping -- they look great!

We switch out of the newborn fairly early.
J''s thunder thighs were being cinched with the newborns.
J screamed when we took her out of the bath too.
I guess they don''t like the temp change when we take them out of the nice warm water.

Sorry to hear that you''ll be postponing TTC, but you are still very young.
Time is still on your side

How exciting about your TTCing. So another spring baby hopefully?
bobo awww, little B is so cute!!

tacori poor T. hope the molars come through quickly and hoping you get a break!!!

snlee YAY!!! D sleeping in his crib is such a great achievement!! i hope the transition continues to be this way.

qt that''s great that M is feeding herself the puffs. take advantage of this time that M is not mobile!! when she is, it''ll be fun, but what a PITA it is keeping up with them!!!

lili i forgot to comment on you AV!! she is adorable!! i think we need a bigger version so we can see her a bit more.

janine i would leave chloe at home just because 10 months i think is a difficult time to travel. they''ll need to be entertained and she might get bored easily, she might want to constantly be on the move, etc. and you and your DH can take advantage of the time you guys have together and ENJOY the trip!!

now when i ask B where is "babe?" he will say "mommy." haha!!! but he still calls me that, kinda weird when we are out and instead of saying mommy, he says babe.
puffy~Shopping and tourney were both good. I missed T like crazy, though. That''s so stinking funny about B calling you "babe."

DD~I was happily surprised that DH didn''t call for help once (he did have two pages of notes from me and my MIL though
). T was also a super loud sleeper. We had her sleeping in her crib full time by 3 weeks...mainly for my sleep. You have to do what works for you.

Jas12~Your August trip sounds perfect!

Diva~I can see your stress over TTC. I agree with you that having your financial situation in order is very important before bringing another baby in the world. Daycare alone is crazy expensive. We were just talking about how much more expensive it will be to have another one.

msb~Glad the planning is going well! I also big puffy heart shopping! SUCH cute pics of your little guy!!

mrss~Glad packing is progressing. Packing sucks so you''ll be glad you''ve been working on it now.

janine~This was the first weekend DH had T for more than a few hours so I was a little nervous. But, I knew he could do it and I left a book of notes for him!
Sounds like Chloe is doing well! About your trip, I agree with the others and I''d probably leave Chloe behind as well.

snlee~Yay for sleeping in the crib!!!

Bobo~Your av is priceless! Teething is NO fun! Hope little B''s teeth pop through soon!

curly~My weekend was so relaxing! My DH had way he could have done it alone!
Miss Lucy sounds like a rock star!

Tacori~Isn''t the "uh oh" too cute?!? I don''t say it either so I was shocked, too. Makes me smile, though. So cute about saying "nose" too! I went to TJ Max yesterday to see if they had the Volvo and they did. I still use my chicco and am thinking I will go back and get one if there is still one left. Hope T''s molars make it through the rest of the way. Poor girl.

lili~hey there! I''m sure J is eating plenty. Tayva is doing much better with her asthma. Hopefully she continues to do so!

Tayva and I had two very busy days. She was so worn out from our play date today that she went to bed at 5:45 tonight! I need to get laundry done and get my house in order. I missed all my mommy friends and adorable PS babies while I was away!
Janine, usually we are around people who hate babies and glare at my sweet little girl.

lili, okay my girl OBVIOUSLY watches too much TV b/c on "Dora" when they talk about going somewhere (on every episode) Dora says "What do we need?" and Tessa always responds "Map!" and then they do this map song.
You are completely right that she will only answer/talk/play when SHE wants to. Good luck with the gates. BRU has a coupon (I think 10% off a gate) and a 15% off any item coupon so you can stack them.

Bobo, I miss the wobbly walk. So cute! ADORABLE AV. Did you show your DH? Haha.

snlee, hope everything is going well with you. We haven''t seen a pic of D in awhile!

msb, your cupcakes turned out AMAZING BTW! Awesome piping!

Diva, no hurry IMHO. You are being smart by looking at the whole picture instead of just your desire for another baby. I cannot even IMAGINE what it costs to have two in daycare. Yikes!

puffy, are B''s molars all finally in? She just has like 3 little points on each one. Such a PITA! I hate it. I think it is SO funny he calls you Babe. I would laugh so hard if I heard that IRL. He is a ladies man in the making!

Burk, they must say it at T''s daycare. It is cute but *slightly* annoying when she says it for 20 mins straight. I am a horrible mom. She is saying a lot more things lately. My friends all say around 18 months a bunch of stuff starts to happen. She is 10 days shy from 17 months. Go buy that Volo. It is SOOOO great. So light. I can pick it up with one hand (easily) and it is great for travel. If you need to fly or like us if your car is too packed for your full size. I really love it and it steers really nice. I can''t believe she went to bed before 6! Crazy. Awesome Mr Burk did not need any back-up. My DH still asks me where the diapers are.
I talked to my mom tonight and she made me feel a little guilty about having hunter in his crib already
She is a big believer in the importance of the "family bed", like we are pack animals and like to sleep together. She wasn''t really harsh in what she said, she was trying to understand my POV, but she still made the point. The trouble is, part of me agrees! I thought we would have him in our room for months and months and months, and it is a little sad to see such a tiny baby by himself in his ginormous crib... But I just sleep so much better with him in his own bed
, and he seems to sleep well too. Sigh, being a mom is so hard sometimes!
Tacori~I finally asked at daycare because I wondered where the "uh oh" came from....they do say it. My T can get annoying with it too (like when she says it and THEN throws her sippy
) My mom is coming tomorrow and I think I''ll bring her with to TJ Maxx to check out the volvo. I need something that will take up less space in the vehicle. I was so surprised about her going to bed so early too....but she was rubbing her eyes and tired so I fed her and did her routine early and at 5:40 she laid down on the floor and I asked if she wanted to go "ni night" and she said "ni ni" and walked to the stairs. It was pretty cute. (and shocked the s*** out of me!

DD~It is so hard to be a mom! If you are getting the sleep you need and Hunter is sleeping well in his crib, then I think it''s worth it. I wrestled with the same decision and I felt guilty for a few days and then I realized how much better we were ALL doing with her in her crib. I don''t regret our decision at all. You do what''s best for your family. We''re here to support you no matter what you decide!
Date: 3/24/2009 10:13:03 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
I talked to my mom tonight and she made me feel a little guilty about having hunter in his crib already
She is a big believer in the importance of the ''family bed'', like we are pack animals and like to sleep together. She wasn''t really harsh in what she said, she was trying to understand my POV, but she still made the point. The trouble is, part of me agrees! I thought we would have him in our room for months and months and months, and it is a little sad to see such a tiny baby by himself in his ginormous crib... But I just sleep so much better with him in his own bed
, and he seems to sleep well too. Sigh, being a mom is so hard sometimes!

Dreamer just remember that a well rested mom=happy mom=happy baby.

And tell your mom that you know she means well but to ZIP IT (in a politer way of course). You don''t need guilt from her I am sure you feel enough as it is...don''t we all!
Hey gals...

Thanks for the concern over my "morning sickness." Must have scared my boss when I told him because normally he doesn''t remember stuff like that but he asked me today if I was *okay* - meaning, "are you pregnant?" I laughed and swore to him I wasn''t. He doesn''t want me out for 4.5 months again!!!

Curly, that is the cutest pic of Lucy! You are so good at getting adorable pics of your lovely girls! And I think you gotta do what you can to survive!

Diver, I can''t believe how your kids have grown. Gosh, I feel like D was just born!

Puffy, so cute how much B talks. I feel like I know his personality and even his picture talks to me from the screen, lol!

lili, Jas, I haven''t given my mom the photos yet...need photo ink. But she saw them on my laptop and LOVED them. Well, all except for the orange butterfly barrette...she asked if could do a reshoot with a yellow clip. I said, "What? You said before you like clips that stand out and don''t match exactly and now you want a yellow clip? Tough mom, she''s only 10 months old once!" She then smiled and said the clip was LOVELY. Hee.

Jas - only 40 minutes to do all that? You''re supermom! We still put Amelia down for two naps, but she usually plays through one of them. I''m moving her to one big nap very shortly.

MrsS, babies just love to climb at this age, don''t they? I''m pretty sure my A is the gimpiest climber out of the lot, but she still gives it a go. Jake was pretty active early on, so he must be pretty fast now.

QT, cute Patrick''s day photo...she''s just chillin and cute!

Be back right after dinner...
Thanks Burk & NF! I know that there is nothing wrong with him being in his crib, some people argue it is best... but still it''s hard not to worry. My mom brought up a point that supposedly SIDS risk is lower when a baby sleeps in the parents room (not in the same bed though). Ever heard this? It rings a bell, but it isn''t mentiond in any of the official sources I have read.
Diva, sounds like James is doing so well! I also believe that "discipline" does work at an early age. Just firm no''s and consistency. Amelia now knows not to go into the kitchen or bathroom on her own. I''ve also been teaching her since she was 4 or 5 months just to stroke hair and not pulll. She''s still not perfect on that one but gets it 80% of the time.

Diver, haha...yeah, I do remember you said you were tired. That is too funny about cars and goldfish! Knitting eh, no wonder you''ve been MIA! Hard to type and knit at the same time. Knitting is more productive than PS anyway. I give you my blessing.

Bobo, that new av of little B is HILARIOUS. Girl, you have the best avs. I nearly died laughing when I saw it.

lili, I know I am not a BFing mom, but Amelia isn''t eating much either. She just won''t. I don''t give her snacks either right now because I don''t want her to get in the habit of snacking. She has between 20-30 oz of formula a day plus oatmeal or applesauce for breakfast (not much), yogurt for lunch, and rice/veg and some cheerios for dinner. I''ll also give her an entire piece of string cheese some days. We substitute different things for lunch and dinner obviously, but it is a challenge to get her to finish everything.

Jas, I feel the same thing you are, re: the time of year. I remember walking around in Feb and thinking, when the new leaves come out, it will be spring and my kid will be here! And now I walk her down the same streets admiring the spring leaves that I did last year with her in my belly. And I think, it''s only been a year? It feels like a FREAKING LIFETIME!

Tacori, the Cosco Scenera is like 50 bucks but is rated very very well. I read the carseat board over on that baby website (which name is STILL eluding me) and it was mentioned often.

Round three, coming up...
Date: 3/20/2009 6:59:42 PM
Author: kennedy

Date: 3/17/2009 3:46:34 PM
Author: TravelingGal
Attn all mommies who are thinking of going for the next one...

First of all, let me say there is NO WAY I am pregnant. TGuy has been out of town and I haven''t been shacking up with anyone else.

This morning, I woke up and was MASSIVELY dizzy and nauseous. TGuy had to stay home until the nanny got here. The room kept spinning and my stomach was jumping. I ended up running to the toilet and dry heaving (if I had eaten, I would have had lost the meal). Just hung onto the toilet for dear life while the room was spinning and spinning.

It felt like massive morning sickness, which I never had (I just had queasiness at around 4 pm every day). If this is what morning sickness is like and if you have it EVERY DAY for 6 to 7 weeks -


Happying TTCing!!!


I''m mostly a lurker, but I read this thread with some frequency. I happened to read this post a few days ago and it popped in my mind when I woke up this morning feeling HIDEOUSLY dizzy and nauseous. My husband had to stay home from work as well because there is NO WAY I could take care of my 2 year old feeling like I do. I had horrible morning sickness during my pregnancy lasting from about week 6 to week 15. Just like you, Tgal, having this stomach flu (or whatever it is) made me think I can''t possibly imagine being pregnant again.

Was your illness short-lived? I''m still feeling dizzy and a touch nauseous at 4 pm. I need for it to go away ASAP because I''m completely miserable. Hope you''re all better!!
Kennedy, it lasted until about 11ish, so 4 ours. I slept it from about 9-11am because the room was spinning so badly. it sucked!!!

Hope you are feeling better!
msb, I love your little prince. He looks so happy ALL THE TIME! So funny about saying everything but mama. Amelia says everything but dada. I''m like, how can you make all those freaking noises but won''t say dada? She can make the sounds now, but will rarely say it.

Janine, I can believe all your babies are 6 mos already. It sounds like you are having fun with her!

DD, I agree with NF. It''s crazy how many diapers you go through in the beginning. It goes down a lot. Now Amelia gets changed 5-6 times a day and I know I change her more than I need to.

Also, as far as the co-sleeping goes, girl, don''t stress yourself out.
You''re finding out all sorts of things about motherhood and it''s GREAT that you are doing what is best for your family even if it means going against your original ideas. That is what responsible, SMART parenting is about. If he slept better in your bed or in the co-sleeper, that would be one thing, but he is doing great in the crib. And you really do need the rest at this point because as everyone says, rested mothers are happy ones. Now you can be smart and savvy enough to tell future mothers, "you won''t really know what will happen until you have one" because it''s crazy true, isn''t it? Humbling and fun at the same time (fun meaning when we figure out how to solve something, lol.)

puffy, that "babe" thing cracked me up. OMG, so funny. If my son (if I had one) called me babe, I would lose it on the spot from laughter

QT, lucky duck that M feeds herself. You don''t even wanna know how much I am dealing with Amelia refusing to do so. And now I know she''s CAPABLE of it. She''s done it a couple of times. But she would rather not eat at all than feed herself. Don''t worry about the me on this one, it''s niiiiiiiice to have a few extra months of a happy sitting baby!!!
burk WOW, T went to bed early!!! but at least you had a chance to get stuff done around the house. glad that shopping went well. how is T doing? haha, i just have to laugh at T''s "uh oh" only because B says "oh no" and he says it every chance he gets. he throws his cups, toys, does stuff he knows he isn''t supposed to just so he can say "oh no." kinda cute but frustrating at the same time.

tacori the molars that have broken through are all in, meaning all of the tooth has broken through. he''s still missing a few. hopefully T''s will break through all the way soon. poor girl and poor mama! B is a total ladies man. this is bad, but today this woman said hi to B, and B shook his head and said "no, no, no, bye bye now." i was like huh?? the woman did laugh though. have you still been working out? you must be great at zumba now eh?

DD if hunter is sleeping in crib and he is fine with being in his crib, and you and your DH are sleeping better, then that''s all that matters. we moved B to his room at 6 weeks, and people thought that was crazy, but boy did i enjoy having my room back, not to mention sleeping better for DH and myself.

neat how are the boys doing?

tgal how is amelia? almost her 1st birthday!! and she will be talking like crazy soon too. some people find it really odd that i can kinda have a conversation with B, granted not a long one, but when i ask him questions, he will answer.

so lately, i''ve been trying to teach B to say thank you, instead of signing it cause not everyone understands the sign and i wanted him to be able to thank people and then understand. so he kinda started saying it a few days ago when i give him food or when i pick him up. he gets when to say it. so today, i asked him to get me his spoon so i could wash it. he hands it to me, so i take it from him, and i forgot to say thank you. so he said "thank me." haha!!! i couldn''t stop laughing!! DH didn''t believe me when i told him, so i made him ask B to get him something and not say thank you for it. and B did the same thing. it was so funny.
janine, I vote for leaving behind the kid. It will be hard but couple time is really needed. I''m leaving Amelia for 5 days in July and 10 days in September. Makes me ill to think about it (especially since one of the trips is 7500 miles away) but we need to live life and take time to rejuvenate our marriage, KWIM?

snlee, yay for D! You were a trooper for sharing the bed for so long...I hate even sharing with my husband sometimes, lol. I hope he does well again and again!

DD, also forgot to add Amelia hated being taken out of baths. She got over it pretty fast and loves baths now

Burk, 5:45 bedtime? Whoo hoo, that''s my Tayva. hehehe.
As for Amelia news. Well, I have none.
lili: forgot to say that i love ur new avatar! (and thanks for the cupcake compliment!)

snlee: wow! 6 months already huh? time flies by !!!! great news about the D''s sleep!!

bobo: little B is so cute!

good to see u !! SO funny about "Oh Lucy, I''m home"!!! hopefully Lucy will sleep better soon

Burk: good to hear that the weekend went great and congrats on winning the tourney! so cute how she was ready for bed and said ni ni!!

Tacori: little K does the same thing..runs STRAIGHT to those sliding doors and CRACKS up laughing every time they open..thanks for the cupcake compliment :)

puffy: i couldn''t stop laughing when i read that B calls you babe! ahahahahah....uve got one very smart kid on ur hands knowing when to say Thank you!

TGal: thanks!! little K is a happy little boy and laughs and giggles all day long :) and i know!! he can spit out the strangest words with lots of complex letters but something as easy as baba or like u dada he wouldnt say!!

QT: great news about M feeding herself puffs!!

Janinegirly: as hard as it mite be, i think it would be best to leave Chloe and travel with your DH...other than the long trip and time difference, where you would keep her during the ceremony? if her grandma is fine with taking care of her while ur away, i say go for it!

DD: i know wat u mom made me feel guilty every single day for 40 days!!! at the end of the day YOU are the mom and know wats best for u just do wat makes u happy...
Another quick drive by from me!

Bobo, LOVE LOVE LOVE the photo!! What a cutie pie!

Janine, I know you love Chloe but if you can get someone to watch her while you and DH go and enjoy yourself in Europe, I think you HAVE to do it! I wish someone would offer to take care of my kids so we could get away. That age will not be a fun time to travel with her anyway so if I were you, I would take advantage of it and go without her. She''ll be fine, especially since she''s used to being with Grandma anyway.

So on to my Lucy news. Just had her 6 month appointment and as if I didn''t already know it, the girl is still a GIANT! She weighs...wait for it.......19 lbs. 7 oz.!!!!
That would be 97th percentile, ladies! HOLY CRAP!!! She''s also super tall at 27" which is 91st percentile. Fortunately, everything is in proportion so she doesn''t look freakishly large but let me just tell you that she''s busting out of 6-12 month clothes! She took her shots like a champ--didn''t even make a sound. DH and I kept her occupied and she was actually LAUGHING during one of the shots. What a baby!!! She also performed some tricks for the doctor (sitting up, grabbing everything, making noises, putting a tongue depressor in her mouth, etc) and was a real sweetheart. Unfortunately, I can''t blame her sleeping issues on teething since the doctor didn''t see or feel anything in her mouth so we may have to actually try CIO which I''m dreading but we really need some relief. It''s just going to be hard logistically in our apartment because Lily often wakes up when she hears Lucy cry so we might have to send Lily to Grandma''s for a few nights while we try this out. I''ll keep you all posted, of course! Other than that, I have a huge, healthy girl who is going to need a new carseat soon--I was hoping we could hold off for a while but she''s almost at the limit for weight and height!
But all is good so I''m happy!
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