
PS Mommies Thread!

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Tacori The boys are actually 14 weeks now so I think we are getting to the point where we can try to start scheduling/training right?

Burk is weird that they'll go to sleep but only in our arms (or sometimes in the bouncy chair) at 7 because otherwise they sleep pretty happily in their cosleeper/crib. I can't figure them out! And YAY for Tayva! What a smartie.

TGal I wish we were more scheduled. I try to be as scheduled as possible, but I have found that really hard to manage with twins. We have a rough schedule for sure-but it's just almost impossible to stay on schedule with two babies with sometimes completely different wants and needs. For example, Max is ready to STTN (he slept 7 hours last night in a row!) but Dex isn't. So their feeding schedules then get thrown off-then that throws off their napping, etc. When there are two of us to tag team we can stay on schedule but if it's just me...well obviously the one who is screaming and wants to be fed wins out regardless of the schedule.
I will try waking them earlier in the morning and seeing if that helps at night.

Puffy That's a great point about nursing. But I was hoping to just do CIO when we put them down at 7 (and they have a full belly) because otherwise they only wake at night when they are hungry. Do you think that would work?

We are at 14 weeks now so they are getting to the point where we might just have to CIO at 7pm (I think we'd only have to do it at 7pm since that is the only time they have trouble, right?). I don't want to, but with twins I'm not sure that there is another way unfortunately...grrrr.

Thank you ALL for your unending advice. This new mom really appreciates it!!
Burk, maybe a month ago. I was motivated b/c my babysitter only had monday or tuesday morning open and it seemed like a waste for her to watch T while she was napping. She went from taking two naps the first starting at 10, the second around 3 to one at 12. Works better for play dates too.

iluv, seriously the molars are the WORST. I am NOT long or lean either! Haha. Try them anyways. I get ankle length too. I think I meant to try a curvy one but was in a rush b/c of T. Or maybe I was worried b/c they were low rise. Can''t remember. My ILs are arriving on saturday. FIL will be here for good. MIL for a week. SIL is coming too to help MIL while DH and I are away. I do exercise at night but that''s really the best time for me. Mornings are too busy at the gym''s child watch plus all the good classes are at night. I have had sleep problems WAY before I started working out though. Cute Ava story! Haha!

Bobo, well I''ll keep my fingers crossed for you!

puffy, T is doing great. Wish T liked child watch as much as B. But at least she doesn''t cry anymore. Just looks kinda heart broken. The ladies know T too. B is such a ladies man which is so funny! Haha. Do you take him everyday? I take T with me about 3 times a week. Sorry you are having sleep issues. It does suck. BTW T called DH by his first name since that is what she hears me call him. So funny.

TGal, it would have been a great side business for you. Haha. BOBs are so popular where I live. I feel like if I got one I could sell it for close to what I bought it for in a few years. They are like Toyotas and hold their value. Haha. I slept better tonight. Still not like the old days but at least I was up at 7:30 instead of 4:30. When I get angry with T now she rushes towards me and gives me a kiss. Such a manipulator!

NF, not sure why I thought they were 7 weeks
I would try moving their bedtimes 30 mins every few days. I read "healthy sleep habits, happy kid" or whatever that book is called and though it is confusing it did help me. I DO think they need to stop falling asleep in your arms. You are asking for trouble later on IMHO. 4 months is when all sleep is suppose to be in their cribs. I cannot even imagine how difficult it is with twins. Hope they catch on fast!
just a quick one..thanks to all for the advice on vacation. DH and I definitely DO need the time alone--we've barely seen each other the past 5 months. Bad thing is we are in such survival mode that sometimes it's hard to know how to enjoy time off (we're always onto the next project/task). Hoping this phase is ending soon with us moving to the house soon.
6 month appt is tomorrow--i hope C has caught up in weight and height...

Curly: Lucy is such a star...are you sure she wasn't born 3 mo's old already?
And laughing during shots..geesh, no one can top that!! Hope you're hanging in there with the sleep issues and balancing all that you have going on.

Burk: love the avatar!

Bobo: how old is little b? I wish we had a running list of when everyones' little ones were born since I only really know the ages of the babies born around when mine was! B doesn't look skinny to me at all in photos btw!! Don't worry, he's eating and happy and sometimes it catches up later! Sorry about the slapping, but TGAL has great advice.

TGAL: you are so good at being strong when it comes to instilling good habits early. You're right about it being important b/c before we know it we'll have to face the results. It seems sooo hard though! And when are we "supposed" to start telling our little ones "no"? Right now we let Chloe do as she pleases, and she is just starting to establish a few bad habits. I mean they are also really cute, but I can see how it could lead to bad habits I suppose. For example she is now spitting food out into Grandma's face! (solid food..she blows bubbles and food goes everywhere!). I don't think she really understands what she's doing, but she is doing it consistently. She also grabs people's faces and hair and it can be painful! I'm not worried at all, but it makes me wonder at what point do I say "uh uh uh" with finger wag TGAL style!

Kay: welcome back!! Sounds like A is just like my little one with the grabbing hair and toys on the activity mat! hehe. Would love to see photos! Oh and I might be in Paris over the summer so may come back to you on recommendations on where to go for cute baby clothes! You know you're a mom when you think about buying baby clothes in Paris instead of something for myself! But I love Petit Bateau and other French clothes.

C meanwhile has regressed a bit on sleeping. I think she is becoming more aware and now realizing she is in this big crib and wanting to be near someone so she can fall asleep. I never did sleep train her, I just got lucky in the sense that if I put her down (asleep) she stayed asleep through the night without problem. Last night she went to bed 830pm, up at 1130pm. I gave her a paci and she was back to sleep. Up again at 1am!! (agh I have to wake up at 6am for work). I didn't take her out of the crib or feed her--I rubbed her back, gave her a paci, let her cry a little. She finally went to sleep at 2am. Wasn't easy, but I figure I have to try to teach her to sleep on her own, not assume a cry will lead to bottle and being held to sleep. Hope I'm going about it ok. In the past she never woke up like that--only at 4-5am once in a while for a bottle , so 1am leads me to believe it's not hunger related.

Boy my "quick one" turned out to be pretty long..
Date: 3/26/2009 9:00:17 AM
Author: Tacori E-ring
NF, not sure why I thought they were 7 weeks
I would try moving their bedtimes 30 mins every few days. I read ''healthy sleep habits, happy kid'' or whatever that book is called and though it is confusing it did help me. I DO think they need to stop falling asleep in your arms. You are asking for trouble later on IMHO. 4 months is when all sleep is suppose to be in their cribs. I cannot even imagine how difficult it is with twins. Hope they catch on fast!

Hehe, no worries. Probably because I said "Should we CIO in a few weeks at 7" which was confusing. I meant 7pm not at 7 weeks!

I totally agree about them falling asleep in our arms. The interesting thing is that if we wait to put them to bed at 9-10pm they fall asleep on their own no problem. It''s only if we put them down at 7 that they seem to need us to go to sleep.

I think we''ll try the earlier to rise earlier to bed thing and see if that works. I''ve got no ideas otherwise!
NF - James is a total night owl too. He still doesn''t go to bed until around 8:30 and is up at least once in the middle of the night. He''s usually up for the day at 6am. We tried sleep training but I could not stand to let him CIO.

Burk - Yay for T going on the potty! That is wonderful and she''s so young too. I love your new AV!

Janine - James has regressed in his sleep too. He was STTN at about 12 weeks and that lasted for a bit and now he''s up at least once a night, but usually more. Last night he was in bed at 8:30, up at 1:45, 4:30 and 7:15. It''s exhausting when you''re a working mom so I feel for you!
Thanks Puffy!

Thanks TGal, I had tried the "scar no" and the "uh uh uh" with finger wag but that only prompt him to hit harder. I *think* he knows he shouldn''t hit but for some reason the more we tell him not to hit the angrier he gets and won''t stop. But like you said, I refuse to be *slap* around by my kid so even thought it''s a battle everyday I will not back down.

I tried not to take it personally but sometime it''s hard, little B is very *in love* with DH even my MIL and DH sisters said they must be lover in the past life and I''m the third person that broke them up. Plus I''m the disciplinary one in the house so maybe that is why he like me less?

Thanks Tacori!

Janine, little B is 13 months and I agree it''s hard to remember the ages of other babies. How about we add the birthday to our signature so it will appear at the end of each post? Don''t let the photo fool ya, he only got the cheeks the rest are string bean.

Little B still get up at least once a night and I remember last month for several days he''ll get up at around 3:30 a.m. wanting to play...don''t know why? could be teething, could be growth sprout or could be because he was ready to walk (read that on

NF, little B is a night owl too. He usually goes down at 9:30 p.m. and will roll around in bed some time until 11 p.m. before he falls asleep.
Tacori, Tessa is just very savvy. She knows how to melt momma''s heart, hehehe.

NF, two definitely doesn''t mean twice as''s probably THREE or FOUR (if not ten) times harder. I can''t imagine and you have my total respect (as all multiple moms do). I think I thought they were 7 weeks too because of what you said, but in the back of my mind, I thought, hm...I thought they were older? Try manipulating their days and see if that works first.

Janine, lol, I really don''t think you need to be screaming no to Chloe right now. Amelia started grabbing my hair early on and I didn''t sternly say no. I gently said no, told her to touch, not pull (and showed her the motion) and then used distraction if needed. I think the repetition of that action (because she went for my hair a lot) taught her more than screaming no to her. I think stuff like blowing raspberries, etc at C''s age is a phase (not to mention funny) so I''d be OK with that. I think I started really saying the no''s when Amelia started crawling, which of course was LATE. The first bit of training was with the floor space heater. Obviously I would not BUDGE on her touching that thing (even when it was off) so she seemed to be trainable at around 10 months. Now, nearly two months later, she seems to have a full understanding on what the finger wag means. Sometimes I don''t even need to say no along with it. She sees the finger wagging and backs off of whatever she is doing.

So my answer on saying no would be this - for as long as distraction works, use that method. When they get smarter and things like object permanence come into play, try and start setting boundaries.
Aw Bobo, I know it''s tough to be the "bad cop" sometimes. I obviously am in this famliy as well. Amelia LOVES her daddy. But she knows it is ME who gives her what she needs. It''s just that dads get to have all the fun, you know? Sometimes I feel bummed that she seems to laugh more with the nanny. Like you said, it''s hard not to take it personally. But I didn''t have her to be her friend. I gave birth to her and I am her MOTHER. And with that comes the responsibility of raising the child to become a responsible adult. I think all the
for us comes later in kids lives when they realize "wow, mom put up with ME? She''s AWESOME!"
NF, the other website is giving me issues but check out the PRIMO Deluxe Easy Chair (Natural Birch wood color) on Amazon. $87ish
Wow this thread is hopping today!!

The sleep discussion is really interesting. Like NF''s boys, Hunter goes down for the night between 9pm and 10pm (depending on how the days naps were spaced) and wakes for feeds at around 12/1am, 3/4am, and 6/7am, then we are up for the day at 9/10am. He goes straight to sleep after the nighttime feeds--mostly
For us right now this schedule works great because I am a night owl and would find it very painful to wake at 7am! Good lord, what would I do at that time of day?!?
But maybe I will pay for this later? DH and I typically stay up until midnight, so even with him going down at 9 we get some private time. I guess as he gets older we may have to try TGal''s suggestion of waking earlier. That seems easier than trying to get him to sleep earlier when he isn''t tired.

And may I say thanks to all the moms who recommended Playmats? Hunter loves his! In the morning he has a long alert period and he lays on that thing for at least 30 minutes just looking and enjoying!

Tacori I think its awesome you are going to the gym, whatever the reason. I haven''t started going again yet b/c I am still not 100% recoeverd from labour, but soon I hope to start going when DH gets home from work and can watch H for a while.

Burk Yippee on peeing in her potty! That is such a milestone.

Janine My friends had the same type of regression with their kids... seems to be developmental? Somethign changing in their little brains sparks new behaviours.
NF, I was gonna say I thought they were older! Haha. Don''t forget we need to hammer out Easter details. Yay! Anyways check out that high chair. I know you want a wooden one and it looks like a great deal. Have you tried white noise? We used it for a LOOONG time!

TGal, today I SCREAMED at her (she was trying to eat the cat food) and she jumped and ran into my arms. She totally tries to work us. T is such a daddy''s girl too. She gets SOOO excited to see him. With me she is more meh except when I pick her up from child watch. Then she makes me feel like the most needed/wanted person in the world.

DD, DH and I are both night owls too. We didn''t try to change her bedtime to later (8-8:30) just kinda of evolved. My friends who have older toddlers tell me their kids go to sleep around 8ish too so I think that is normal
But she did the 7-7 thing for 8 months or so. It took be a LONG time to recover from L&D too. Plus not sleeping for 6 months...uggg! I didn''t start working out until recently. Does your gym have daycare? I wish I took advantaged of it sooner. It is great!
Lili Tyler is doing great but will have monthly cardiology appts for now. echo each 6 months to check heart function. eventually will need more surgery but hopefully not for a very long time if we are very lucky. thanks for asking. pediatrician reassures me my guy is "normal" and to treat him so but sometimes it is soooo hard not to have anxiety over if anything is going wrong that I can''t *see*...J will have a great immune system from being exposed to germs so that is definitley a good thing over the long run but it will be a pain in the short term, I guess.

Tacori- hope your sleeping is improving...I am not happy when I don''t sleep. Are you against something stronger like you mentioned the other day? I have never taken them but know ppl who use ambien, etc with good results. I wonder if you could use it short term to get you back on track? like kids in hshc?

Bobo I wanted to say sorry for making a joke about B hitting...I know it is stressing you out and it was probably not funny to you so I apologize.
I can imagine it''s not fun being the strict one. Hope the house works out. tried to read back and find what happened but didnt see?

Iluv what a cute story- little kids are so darn cute! i love these stories. I heard about a mom (dont'' remember where) who wrote stuff down and kept it in a box, and then would read later with the family. I love that idea. Since I have not made/had one second to even work on a baby book, I don''t know if I can do this but I love the idea.

Burk I did increase the dose for T( it seems like 6 mg per kg works well for him and the two times when he "breaks through" are when he has gained a couple of pounds.) My friend helps with the dose(the nurse practioner) and then I tell the pedi. He just says ok but I don''t really think he believes that the dose needs to be increased. ah well. as long as he orders it and doesnt give me a hard time it''s ok with me. So nice you are home all week with Tavya! What fun.. How are you doing with dh being away?

Puffy yeah the sleep was great but short lived. last night the l.o. decided to wake at (went down at 6:30) 10, 1230, 330, 4, 430, 5 yuck!!!!!! I don''t know, maybe his tummy was bothering him? Bring on the caffeine,haha. I know he probably needs to go down closer to 8 but when he is tired, I am not sure what to dO? He gets really fussy if he gets overtired and is then kind of impossible to get to sleep. someday it will end,right?

Tgal that is great you guys are getting a vactation! I hope to schedule one eventually! I think it is probbaly so important for the relationship. I really miss connecting with my dh but I am so tired when he gets home and I know I should sleep to "prepare" for the night ahead. I guess it''s good we are missing each other vs. not caring at all. It will be nice to have a trip to look forward to. Hmmmm. where should we go?

Janinegirly ditto on the vaction- sounds great and a good idea.

Well I hear T so I should wrap this up. hope everyone is well and sorry if I missed some ppl.
OMG, that AV is just the cutest thing I''ve seen.
Love those eyes and pucker

for 2 successes in the potty!

LOL....gotta love those "kids say the darnest things" momemts

Love how Ava was looking at the menu like she''s really reading it.
J does that with her books -- her eyes be scanning the pages and she''d be uttering sounds like she''s reading -- of course the book is upside down

Hope you are feeling better.

Puffy his call by his lastname. Too funny.
J is doing well despite her mucuous latent nose.
Yep, running and lugging anything in sight everywhere.

I can just picture A kicking back and enjoying her music

You gotta capture that moment for us.

Is T in the bigger kids class at child watch?
Sorry to hear that she''s not totally comfortable there

Does she at least look like she was having fun when you come pick her up?
pave, I HATE going to the doctor. Pretty much try to avoid it so I am not so much against using a sleeping pill but don''t want to go to get one. Haha. I don''t have an addictive personality (at all) so I think it would be okay. I am glad T''s heart is doing well! Yay!

Lili, no she doesn''t move into the toddler room until 18 months. She is a week shy of 17 months so just a tad longer. Yes, she looks like she is having fun *before* she sees me. Once she sees me it is over. She just wants me.
I'm glad you all like the avi...I thought you'd all enjoy a kiss from Miss T!

iluv~Thanks! She certainly is a lover. She would give you a kiss without a second though. I love that Ava story!

Bobo~Thanks! I'm also the one who disciplines and while Tayva totally loves her daddy, I think kids respect boundaries and consequences. Some times when T gets in trouble with me she'll say "no no mama" and walk to her dad. What can ya do? It's hard, but little B will get it.

puffy~Thank you! Sorry you had a rough night's sleep!

Tgal~Thanks! She was totally posing for the camera. She's quite the little ham.

neat~I think you're right about them needing to be able to put themselves to sleep since there are two of them. Good luck waking them early/to bed early. Keep us posted!!

Tacori~Some days I think T may be ready for one nap and then others not so much. She still naps at 10 and 2.

Janine~Thanks! I agree with Tgal regarding starting "discipline." I started gentle "no's" very early (like 5 or 6 months) and a lot of diversions and removing her from the situation. Now, if T hears her name in a stern tone or hears "no" she stops in her tracks.

Diva~Sorry James isn't sleeping well. Thanks for the compliment on my kissing girl.

DD~Thank you! Play mats are awesome aren't they? T played with hers until she was probably 8 months (she would crawl over and play with it).

Pave~Glad the dose increase seems to be working. You are right, the more they weight the more meds it takes. T always regressed a bit when she wasn't getting enough meds. Things were just great with DH out of town. He got back this morning and T was so excited to see him.

lili~Why thank you!

We have not had a wet diaper yet today!! She has peed in the potty every time...however the poop thing isn't happening. Not really her fault because her dad was watching her the first time
and the second time she must have pooped while still in her crib from her morning nap. Kind of funny since my goal was to "poop train" her this week. Ha.
neat hmmmm, i think you should just try to move up their bedtimes cause if they are falling asleep on their own when it''s 9-10, then they should be fine putting themselves to sleep at bedtime, when ever that may be. i could not imagine doing what i do on a daily basis except with 2 kids!! but like tacori said, them falling asleep in your arms has to stop soon or you will be carrying around 9 month old twins to sleep.

pave glad to hear that tyler is doing well. the sleep will get better, i promise!! we have all been there and we have made it through and you will too! how old is tyler again? i can never remember how old all these babies are....must be old age. has his reflux gotten better? i hope tonight is better.

tacori did you sleep better last night? haha, B does love the ladies. i take him to the gym with me just about everyday. i go everyday and he goes maybe 5 or 6 days a week. i have taken him everyday before. i think part of the reason B loves it there is because they have amazing toys there. heehee, that is funny that T calls your DH by his first name. now i kinda get why parents call each other "mommy" and "daddy." before when i heard it, i was like why would you call your husband/wife that? i get it now!!! haha.

janine i hope C''s sleep gets back on track for everyone''s sake. hope she has a good 6 month appt.

bobo awwww, i must say that it is very cute that little B is so close to your DH. and it really isn''t a personal thing...if he wants to slap you around, he will until he KNOWS that he can''t.

DD i just wanted to add that as hunter gets older, sleep patterns change. B used to sleep around 11, and slowly, he decided that he wanted to be in bed earlier, like 8, which i great for DH and i so that we have a chance to catch up on the day, except now DH usually doesn''t get home until 11pm and i''m usually already asleep.

lili that sounds like the J we all know and love, sick but still running around causing trouble...still hurricane J huh? she just sounds way too cute!!!

burk YAY for T!!! you must be so proud! so does she point to her potty when she has to go? i only ask cause B will point to his urinal when he feels the need to go. or i will ask him if he has to potty and he will run to his urinal and stand there. then when he does go potty, he claps for himself and flushes the urinal and waits for me to help him wash his hands. for me personally, i am really glad that i started with semi-potty training early. it makes life so much easier and i don''t have to fight him as much for diaper changes.
Date: 3/26/2009 1:34:40 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
NF, I was gonna say I thought they were older! Haha. Don't forget we need to hammer out Easter details. Yay! Anyways check out that high chair. I know you want a wooden one and it looks like a great deal. Have you tried white noise? We used it for a LOOONG time!

Thanks Tacori! That highchair looks great. We are also going to check out the one from Ikea (Antilop). A lot of moms say it's no frills but really great, so at 25 with the's tempting! And I am super excited for our GTG. We do need to make plans soon.

Thanks everyone for the advice. I'll keep you all posted on the moving up bedtimes a bit.
That''s great that T is doing well.
Dr is right, T is as "normal" as can be.
He''s a happy healthy baby boy.
Sorry to hear that T is having frequent wake-ups at night.
I think most babies go through that stage every now and then when they are teething or having growth spurts.
And yes, it will end some day, sooner for some people :)

Hehe, so the sad face is just for show since she''s enjoying herself while you are gone :)
Hopefully when she graduate to the older room, she''ll look forward child watch more.

Wow, you guys are starting potty training pretty early.
I wonder how Jas12 is doing with Co on that front.
It is nice when you don''t have to change their diapers so often.
Don''t have to wrestle with them to get the diaper on and off and also the $$ you save :D

Haha, she sure is. Now it is worst cuz things will move from one room to another.
Before, the mess is at least somewhat contained in one area :P

Are you, Tacori and MrsS doing the GTG?
Remember to take lots of pictures

I like to see all the kiddies side-by-side.
Thanks TGal, I think part of me feel that way is because whenever I discipline little B DH always make me feel bad by saying "oh he is just a baby, he doesn''t understand" That make me feel like why I have to be the "bad cop" but like you I totally feel the weight of the responsibility on my shoulder. I bought him to this world. I will like little B to be a hope to the future, to do some good for this society and not be a responsibility and trouble.

Tacori, I love that feeling from little B that I''m the most wanted person in the world. But that don''t appear very often, and usually disappear after he sees DH walk in after me.

Pave, no need to apologize. I know you mean well and it was funny
We were in escrow about 2 months ago and it didn''t work out because while we were in escrow I found out there were 3 sex offenders living next to/close by the house we were about to purchased so we cancel the escrow. I don''t remember either if I post about this current escrow, I felt very comfortable and relax the moment I walked into the house so we made a offer on the house and soon we were in escrow again. But the bank is *SUPER* strict and it''s giving us a hard time. So fingers crossed we will get this one.

Burk, what really puzzle me is little B understand me when he want to touch something that he shouldn''t be touching and with me say "no no" and shake my head he''ll shake his head and walk away. So I know he understand but he just won''t budge on the slapping

puffy, I think your right. Hope he''ll KNOW soon that he can''t slap me around.
Want to share with you ladies that little B is *officially* walking! DH pick him up from MIL''s house last night and after he got home he won''t stop walking, he was even "walking" in his sleep

I posted a video on YouTube and my friend asked me if I was laughing or crying in the background
So much emotions went thru my head as I watch walk...
Date: 3/26/2009 4:56:23 PM
Author: Bobo ^__*
Want to share with you ladies that little B is *officially* walking! DH pick him up from MIL''s house last night and after he got home he won''t stop walking, he was even ''walking'' in his sleep

I posted a video on YouTube and my friend asked me if I was laughing or crying in the background
So much emotions went thru my head as I watch walk...

that''s great.
Too funny that he''s walking in his sleep too!
He must be liking his new found skill
5.gif I want to see the video.
Date: 3/26/2009 4:56:23 PM
Author: Bobo ^__*
Want to share with you ladies that little B is *officially* walking! DH pick him up from MIL''s house last night and after he got home he won''t stop walking, he was even ''walking'' in his sleep

I posted a video on YouTube and my friend asked me if I was laughing or crying in the background
So much emotions went thru my head as I watch walk...
Bobo that is great! How exciting! Now the fun really walking in his sleep. that''s funny.
bobo YAY!!! GO little B GO!!! you must be a proud mama!!! now you really have to watch out for him.
Maybe little B is going through a phase.
Sorry about the house. The banks are just super tight right now. Hopefully it’ll still work out.
Your DH will be surprised how much babies do understand and how fast they learn. You are doing great disciplining little B. Maybe you should have a conversation with DH on discipline. It’s important to agree on the method of discipline b/c consistency (from both parents) is key.
Yay on little B walking.
Sounds like you are doing great.
When you have time, please post new pic of T.
I guess we’ll probably need to get an umbrella stroller if/when we go on a long trip or to Disneyland. I heard about people getting their stroller taken when they are on rides. It’s horrible. Yeah we never got a snap-n-go b/c we didn’t have an infant seat. But DH’s cousin offered to let us borrow hers, so we wouldn’t have bought one if we needed it.
I didn’t know Primo made other baby products; we have the EuroBath and love it.
Yay for Tayva using her big girl potty.
LOVE LOVE LOVE your new av. Super cute.
Cute story of Ava ordering.
How’s party planning?
Hope you are doing well.
Any new pics of J?
Hope she is cold-free soon. Maybe once the weather stops changing, it’ll be better.
I do think it’s fun when they are mobile. I was home when our nephew was crawling and I would chase after him and play with him everyday. But ask me again after M starts crawling, and I am there 24/7. hehe.
M isn’t rolling everywhere. She is going sideway-ish to everywhere.
B is such a social butterfly. So adorable.
I think M is one of the late sleepers on here. Her bedtime is 9-9:30pm, and she sleeps until 7:30ish am. So I have no advice. Wishing you luck with moving their bedtime.
First mommies GTG, definitely take lots of pics to post. =D
Sorry that Chloe had regressed in sleep. There were nights like that when we were trying CIO with M and I wake up at 5am for work, so I know how hard it is. Hang in it. You are doing great.
Can’t wait to hear about C’s 6 months appt.

M loves standing up while holding onto something (like our headboard, the back of the couch, the stair rail, etc). We have to put her there, but she is stable for a pretty long time when there. She is trying to pull herself up, but I don’t think she is strong enough yet.
Thanks lili, I wish there is a way we can post video here. It was so fun to watch him walk and he really like his new skill. He won''t stop walking, after we put him down to sleep I keep hearing him pushing his leg on the bed and he was all the way up against the headboard so I pulled him down and realized he was asleep already but his feet kept moving

Thanks pave, it was exciting and I was in tears...silly me

Thanks puffy! Now my workout starts

Thanks Qtiekiki, I hope it''s a phase that will pass soon. I did talk to my DH last night, asking for his support when I discipline and not for him to side with little B.
Hi mommies!

Sounds like you have got a little ladies man on your hands!
Sorry to hear about your troubled sleep. You must be exhausted. I hope you get some sleep soon!

Yay for vacations!
Glad you liked the Ava story!

No helpful sleep advice here, just a lot of sympathy and admiration!

I will be sending you very Zen thoughts for when your ILs arrive.
The Gap Essentials are a good choice if your are looking for "coverage"

Everyone told me to write this stuff down, and I never did

Life just gets so busy. Ava has 2 baby books, but Sam has 0

When I remember them now, I write them down.
I think it is important not only for posterity, but the older and sassier they get, it is important to remember that they were once really cute

Helpful during those teenage years I'm sure!

I feel great, thanks for asking!
How are you and J? What is the latest J accomplishment?

T's potty training is coming along so great!
Dads are too funny - sometimes you can't expect too much!
My DH is highly intelligent and capable, but Mon. morning when I went to get the kids ready for school, and we couldn't find their sneakers they said
"Oh yeah, they're in dad's car...."

There is just something on the Y chromosome.....LOL

for B walking
So cute to watch!

Party planning is good, thanks!
Sounds like M will be cruising soon!
How are you?

Glad you all liked the Ava story.
Here is a favorite Sam story.
Last year, so he was 5.
They were bickering back and forth and started in with the "He said" "She said " routine.
So I said "Two wrongs don't make a right."
He looked at me with his big blue eyes and a very puzzled look on his face and asked "Does that mean you have to take a left?"LOL
Seriously, you can't even make this stuff up!
So, we had a major bump in the potty training road. I was late getting T on the potty this afternoon and she pooped WHILE I was putting her on the potty. So, she pooped on the seat (I didn''t see this) and I sat her in it. Boo. Poor thing cried and cried. She is so traumatized by it. Cried when I put her on before her bath. She was doing so good, but I really had no intention of pushing hard and her being potty trained soon...just wanted to gradually do it. So, I think we''re going to lay off for a few days because she was really upset. Do you guys think that''s best?

puffy~T walks to the stairs when she has to go (her potty is in the upstairs bathroom). She can''t say "potty" yet. She also claps for herself and gets so excited. Then, she walks over to the sink to wash her hands. I''m so sad about the "incident" today.

lili~I was not planning on starting early. I read that link Jas12 posted, though, and T showed so many signs of being ready. She did great today...until that bump in the road.

Bobo~YAY for walking!!!

QT~Thanks! That''s awesome that M is showing interest in pulling up! T loved to pull herself up and cruise around...she did it forever before she finally started walking.

iluv~Dads are funny. God love them, but yes, there is something missing in the DNA!
How stinkin cute the Sam story. Seriously kids say the funniest (and usually most sincere) stuff.
ILuv That story is awesome!!! Love it.
3 month picture time! How the time has flown...

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