
PS Mommies Thread!

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Can you believe the difference???

Hi gang, still reading a bit, but been hectic so i haven''t posted much

Since Co has transitioned to the dreaded one-nap-a-day deal i''ve had NO time to myself. He went down for 1.5 hours today which was blissful, and why i got to finally come and read some PS, but the rest of the week i was not so lucky. I posted last week about what i HAD to get done in 40 mins, not WHAT i get done--so ya, no super mom over here, i would rather nap

Also, a friend of mine had a baby this week--a difficult L &D. She was induced due to high BP and labor was going well but had an epi and her contrax slowed dramatically and she was numb on one side so after almost 20 hours of active labor she ended up with a section. She didn''t take it well and is having a hard time with recovery, is utterly exhausted etc. I am just across the street from the hospital so i''ve been running stuff over and checking in.

Lili-potty training is going alright. Co pats his bum as he is going to the bathroom and after, but it''s the *before* part that is king of key to training haha
so althought he goes several times a day on the potty i am not sure if it is still coincidence. I know he understands the sensation, but it may be months before he knows how to control it??? Iam not sure how this''ll play out, but he''s more than happy to read a book with me on the potty so i am not forcing him to do anything. If it becomes a struggle i''ll back off
So J goes for a nap around 6? She''s still a night owl isn''t she. I am assuming she sleeps in.

Bobo--your avi is soooo funny. I think you need a girl
but then again, maybe not, we do need well dressed men who aren''t afraid of a little accessorizing

Yay for walking!!! How exciting

Burk--your new avi is adorable too, want to reach thru the screen and kiss that face. Sounds like Tayva is really getting the hang of the potty--awesome!

ILuv--oh that is an adorable sam story--really, you have to keep a little book of all the hilarious things kids say, they are priceless!

Neat--the Baby Whisperer (the only book i read) recommends sleep training from day one and suggests a 7 pm bedtime. I didn''t start till the second month but i wish i hadn''t waited--and by ''train'' i just mean things like a bedtime routine, set time, consistency. Cohen took to it in a few weeks b/c he was like your boys and was going to bed very late (after 10) --i did as Tgal suggested, keep moving bedtime up by 1/2 hour every few days. They probably interpret the 7pm sleep as a ''nap'' (that''s what Co did) and it''ll take a little time for them to associate 7 with bed time. You will be getting up earlier but you get your evening to yourself.

Tacori-hope u are sleeping better. Are you getting anxious/excited/nervous for the inlaws to arrive for good? Not much longer now and you''ll have some freedom.
My MIL just bought her car seat/play yard/ high chair for her ''granny daycare". That starts the first week in April for me. I am only back to work 3 days a week but i know my MIL is just *dying* to get her hands on Co. Kinda makes me appreciative and nervous at the same time! eeks

Tgal--Co totally has more fun with his dad and although he prefers me over anyone else (evidenced by his constant whining if i am not giving him my undivided attention...SO annoying) it does bug me that he laughs much more with him, so i know how ya feel --hmmph
I need to be more stern with my "no''s" I always break down and laugh and i know this is bad, bad, bad. Did you find it hard to be firm? I am a friggin teacher and can lay down the law with my class no problem but i can''t say no sternly to my own kid
I find it really hard b/c i still think of him as a little baby, but he is bright and iam setting a bad example...

DD--wouldn''t worry at all about the crib thing--i remember being sad when i moved Co, but that sadness was replaced with relief when we both slept better, and that means a lot in the early months.
If Hunter''s bedtime works then i would stick with it. You can follow EASY the same way but it''ll just be a few hours late to start and end--which i am sure you are aware of since u are livin it
Hunter may move himself up (as Co did with a little prompting --he went from a 10:30 ish bedtime to his current 7:15)

sorry if i missed anyone, i am pooped....
Man, this thread IS hopping today!

DD, TRUST me. I am SO not a morning person and a total night owl. Even WITH Amelia waking up between 6-7 am, I still go to bed at 1 am some nights (usually it''s midnight). I can manage pretty well in the mornings, but that afternoon siesta time is a killer. So I usually put her in a stroller and go for a walk (or go to a friends for a play date otherwise I just struggle.) Waking up at 7 am (or even 8 am for god''s sake) was actually a SCARY prospect for me. Work days are not so bad since I had to get up for work in my past life. But weekends too? Ugh! It''s just one of those things where I have to discipline myself because I think it''s good for the kid. Plus as I''ve said before, I need the extra time to train myself to wake up because I will have to do so once she starts school. Part of me thinks I should have just made her wake up late and enjoy it until she goes to school, but I''d rather nip it in the bud now and just always have had it as a given that she wakes up early.

Tacori, trying to eat the cat food? LOL. Dang, that girl is funny!

Pave, I hope he will not need more surgery for a long time. I can only imagine your anxiety sometimes. As he gets stronger and feels less fragile, hopefully you will feel more confident and secure that everything is indeed just fine.
And as far as where to go...anywhere that will give you some privacy and alone time!

lili, that''s great that J "reads!" She understands what the concept of the book is all about, which is great. I will try to get Amelia on camera for her music sessions. But you know these babies...when the camera comes out, nothing is a natural pose if they see it.

Burk, aww, poor sweet thing. I have no advice on the potty training (haven''t even read up on it yet) but doesn''t sound like a break would be a bad idea?

Bobo, it''s DEFINITELY tough when your husband doesn''t support you when it comes to setting boundaries. Have you discussed this kind of stuff with him? I think it''s easier said than done, but the whole "united front" thing seems very important when it comes to child rearing. TGuy and I discussed it ad nauseum when we were talking about having kids. I hope little B''s slapping is just as simple phase, especially since as you said, he seems to understand the word no.

And YAY for little B walking! That''s EXCELLENT!

iluv, LOL. That one is even better than your last story.

neat, OMG, wow that is a difference! How adorable. Wait until they are 6 months, then 9. I remember thinking it couldn''t be the same bear with I saw MrsS''s Jake pics. Too trippy!

Jas, good to see you! Amelia is about to head into one nap territory (she is already doing it, but not consistently). I am going to start her next week when she is one. She seems ready. I actually don''t think of Amelia as a baby anymore. She''s more of a "child" to me. A child that has the potential to get out of control and make my life hell.
I just think kids (babies, whatever) are smarter than people give them credit for. I look at her with narrowed eyes and think, "I know what you''re thinking missy, and you''re not getting the better of me!" I''m half kidding of course, but I think there are cognitive similarities with puppies in their first year. Obviously humans surpass dogs very quickly, but in the same manner of thinking, it''s harder to teach old dogs new tricks! I just make sure I shower Amelia with lots of love too. I don''t ever want her to think she''s not loved immensely.
Oh, forgot that I do have an Amelia update, but it''s not a good one. Her left foot is gimpy. She can only stand on the inside edge and her ankle is tweaked causing the inside bone to protrude. It''s very difficult for her to stand on the entire flat surface of the foot and it looks like the underside of the foot and actually developing funny. I would make an appointment now but have one next week for the 1 yr appointment so I will wait until then because it''s not like she''s on her feet much. I am if it''s anything to be concerned about, it can be fixed pretty easily but it''s disconcerting to see.

She might be walking later than I thought!
OK, get ready for a vent. I rarely vent, but I JUST got an email and I want to vent. I just don''t want to start a thread so I am going to do it here.

As I mentioned, TGuy and I are going to Sydney in Sept without the kid. A rare vacation with Amelia, and I am looking forward to spending time with him.

We did tell his parents we are going and of course invited them out to Sydney. I TOTALLY GET they want to see their son. TGuy also wants to spend lots of time with his parents. I did, after all, take their son away to another country and they are lucky if they get to see him once a year.

I get that. I GET THAT. I really do.



They just sent me their flight info and I KNOW this is for convenience sake but they land in Sydney the same day and time we do and leave when we do.

I don''t even have ONE DAY in Sydney without them to enjoy with my husband. I''m even OK for just having him for the morning/afternoon which we land so we can just detox.

I''m such a b*tch. I LOVE his parents. But his mom is a TALKER. We are going to get there, I''m going to be jetlagged and have to concentrate on conversation.

EVERY international/travel vacation we have had in the last 4 years has been to Australia to his parent''s house. Again, I GET that I''m being entirely selfish because they are LOVELY people and want to see their son! They miss him! But the TRAVELINGgal side of me wants a traveling vacation with TGuy. I knew they would come out but I honestly thought it might not be for the exact length of time we were going to be there. I was hoping for ONE day. ONE.


I will of course, be kind and sweet and understanding. But I think one night I am going to let them go out and say I need to do something and sit in a bar by myself like the good old TravelingGal travel days.

OK, I feel slighty better now. Apologies for the vent. I normally vent to "real life" people (i.e. TGuy) but I refuse to complain to him about this because it's his parents and they have every right to want to spend every second with him. I would be livid if he said something like that to me if the situation was reversed.

Thank god they really are fun people to hang out with. (I'm still going to run away for a few hours though!)
neat your boys are just the cutest!!! they are getting big for sure!

burk awww, poor T. it''s still really early in the potty training so i think a break would be the right thing to do for now. at least she kinda has the concept down and it sounds like she knows when she has to go which is awesome!!

jas12 how is Co doing? your MIL sounds like she is ready to take care of Co.

qt haha, i promise you, you are going to get so tired of chasing M around. but i''m sure you are anxious for her to start crawling. but some kids don''t crawl. B crawled AFTER he started cruising, and he barely did at that.

lili haha!!! i totally get what you mean. B brings all the toys from one room to another. all his kitchen toys aren''t even in the same room as the kitchen is. i gave up cleaning up after him and re-organizing everything long time ago.

bobo sounds like maybe you and your DH have to be on the same page as far as disciplining goes. your DH probably doesn''t think it''s important to start early, but it really is. and it''s not going to help if you are telling him "no" and your DH is coming to little B''s rescue. i apologize if that''s not what is going on, but it just seemed like that''s what you were saying.

iluv OMG!!! haha, that story is so funny!!

tgal sorry to hear about the ILS. i get what you are saying from both points of view, but i just totally understand that you wanted just a little bit of time with Tguy. maybe you guys can have 1 day alone or something? sorry to hear about amelia''s foot too. i hope it''s not too bad and just a minor set back.

B went to his urinal today and he started screaming for me, so i went to the bathroom and there he was standing there screaming at me...he was screaming "off!!!" and i was like what??? huh??! and he was getting frustrated and i finally realized he meant his pants and diaper. haha!! then when i went to take it off, he started laughing and clapping then he went potty in his urinal and everything was good again!
TGal Is there anything that his parents totally hate activitywise that you could say you already planned/booked? Or you could both feign food poisoning one day and both stay in bed all day!

I understand the need to vent though. My MIL is here for a week and so far hasn't left my side from 8am-10pm. This is the one wek I am thrilled to get up with the babies at 6!
Burk, I kinda forced T to go to one nap but I like it much better. Even if it does mean having less time for me it makes doing errands MUCH easier. Sorry about the traumatic potty training experience. I am sure she will forgot about it soon. What was the link Jas posted? I never looked and now I am curious. Haha.

Puffy, my sleep is off and on. I slept good last night but didn't go to bed until midnight (late for me) and didn't nap on Thursday (so I am sure that helped). I am impressed you go to the gym everyday. I just cannot bring myself to do that. I try to go 4-5 x a week. Sometimes it happens. Sometimes it doesn't. My gym does NOT have amazing toys. They do have this big mirror and my girl is vain so she likes that. I always thought it was creepy when spouses call each other "mommy" and "daddy" too but I have caught myself saying that in front of T. I can see where it could become a habit. Maybe it is time to put in Pull ups!

NF, I saw that high chair on one of my bargain sites and thought it could be perfect for you. Of course $25 is MUCH cheaper. Haha. Good luck moving up the bedtimes. You will get there. The boys are so adorable and getting so big! I love that you and MrsS took pictures with a stuffed animal b/c you can REALLY tell how much they have grown. So cute!

Lili, she is like every kid and LOVES and is fascinated by older kids so I am sure it would help. The ladies know her by now too which probably helps. I am going to visit my parents over Easter so I get to meet Miss Neat and the boys!
We are going to try to hook up with Miss Jas and her boys too. The problem is figuring out a central location.

Bobo, moms are the bad cops. I is totally unfair. DH lets her do CRAZY things (dance on our glass coffee table for example).
She loves her daddy too. I feel like I am more of an after thought at this age. Yay for little B WALKING!!!
So exciting!

Q, I wouldn't want to leave an expensive stroller for that very reason. People are desperate right now. They have a really cool new umbrella and I thought of you b/c it came in orange. I forgot the name (of course). I'll look it up for you though I do love my Mac Volo. I remember the first time T pulled herself up on something. She totally surprised me and I bet M will surprise you too.

iluv, thank you my dear. Sam is so funny. Well both of your kids are. Hope you are feeling great.

Jas12, sleep is okay...nothing to write home about. I am excited for some freedom and more me time. I miss me time. But it WILL come with a price. It will be interesting to see how everything plays out. FIL will be down here for a few months before MIL. I wonder if he will be over all the time.
I understand the mixed emotions of having your MIL watch her. With my mom it doesn't stress me as much b/c I know she respects my decision. With MIL everything seems like a battle. I KNOW she will disobey me and we will have conflict. Hopefully not weekly though. It is awesome your MIL is watching Co for you when you go back PT.

TGal, yeah my girl will eat anything that she isn't suppose to. She is the most oral kid it is annoying! I hope her foot is okay. Let us know what her pedi says. Remember we were both late walkers and we turned out great. Haha. Early walking is so over rated. Seriously. Sorry you are disappointed about your vacation. Firstly it is AWESOME you are getting away with TGuy
Maybe you can have a date night while there. I am SURE his parents would totally understand. It is tough since he doesn't see his parents but once a year. It will work out. Don't ever fell bad about venting to us.

ETA: wow I did a lot of clapping that post. Haha.
neat~awww...look at your big boys! I can''t believe they''re three months!! Too cute!

Jas12~Thanks! She seemed to be doing well with the potty training. She didn''t tell me every time she had to go, but was starting to go to the stairs. With the whole poop fiasco I think I''m going to lay off for a bit. Sounds like things are busy busy around your parts.

Shoot...Tayva just spit up
Be back in a bit....
Bobo - Congrats on your little one walking! Now you''re really gonna have to keep an eye on him

Tgal - I often joke with DH that James loves me more because when he''s upset he wants his MOMMY and not daddy. DH can get him to do belly laughs so much easier than I can though and sometimes that makes me sad. I tend to be the bad cop too. DH lets him get away with things and sometimes I think he does it just to get on my nerves. Sorry to hear about your vacation! I would NOT want to go on vacation with my IL''s especially since I live with them!

Things are good over here. DH''s brother and sister are in town for the rest of the week so I may not be around too much. We went on a date last night and that was fun - we saw Confessions of a Shopaholic - very funny. Gotta go for now!
TGal I would feel the same way, but then I am a selfish b**** as well
I like NF's suggestion of booking some things together that you can claim we booked in advance. Or, can you change your flight to give you an extra day or two at the start? Usually it isn't very expensive to make such changes. Oh, and I wanted to say you are one hard core mama getting up early with Amelia to avoid issues with wakeups in FIVE YEARS! LOL! I think I will stick with the later wakeups now and deal with switching his timetable when school starts. Luckily, my job is very flexible regarding when I start in the morning, and preschools have afternoon sessions, so I can probably maintain a slightly later start to the say until he starts Kindergarden.

NF I looooove that comparison shot of your boys! I really love the three week shot where you are having to reach in to hold up Dex who is crying madly! So cute... I also think they are starting to look more and more alike as they get older. When they were little they looked very different, perhaps because Dex was so much smaller than Max, but as Dex fills out they are starting to look more and more alike! Such cutie pies, I love little boys
Man how babies change, it is shocking! Newborns always look so small and alien to me, and then in only three months they fill out to be cute chubby babies! ETA I missed that Dex's sock is off his foot in the three month! How hilarious, he is not co-operating in either picture!

ETA In non-baby news, I just found out that I have had a manuscript accepted for publication in a very good journal
The funny thing is, this is the paper that I re-submitted the night I went into labuor. Somehow I knew something was going to happen that day!
Tgal~Sorry about your vacation. I can totally relate. My IL''s are very nice people but would do the exact same thing. As a mater of fact our summer vacation is scheduled and it is now a family vacation....MIL, FIL, SIL, get the picture!
Keep us posted on A''s foot.

puffy~I feel horrible for the whole potty training debacle yesterday.
I''m in no hurry, but it just seemed like she was doing so well. No big deal. We''re giving it a rest for a big and I''ll try again in a week or so. Sounds like B is doing awesome with his potty training. Does he go through the night without peeing in his diaper?

Tacori~Glad the new schedule is going well. I went back and got that link Jas12 posted here I found it very interesting. I read an article on potty training in 3 days on Baby Center the other day and it scared me (kid has to be naked on the bottom half all the time
) and the link Jas posted was a little less severe I guess. T slept in until 8:40 today and I was THRILLED! I can''t imagine what 10 would be like.
Thanks Burk, sorry to hear about the bump in potty training. I agree just gradually do it since you said she was really upset.

NF, they are so cute~

Thanks Jas, it will be great if we can be bless with a girl. DH is trying to talk me into have a second child. here is our conversation:

DH: I think little B need a sibling so he have someone to share things with. What do you think?

Me: I don''t know, I love to give little B a sister or brother but just the thought of 10 months pregnancy and the foggy months after really scare the crap out of me. Not to mention all the stretch marks and my belly button is all mess up...

DH: you can go have plastic surgery after the 2nd baby to fix all that, I will pay for it.

Me: I rather you give that $ to me so I can go buy diamonds

DH: I''ll pay for the plastic surgery + $ for diamonds how is that?


Thanks TGal, We been having the talk lately. I don''t want to be the one that discipline and little B think he can get away with DH.

Sorry to hear about Amelia''s foot, hope it''s nothing to be worry about. Sorry to hear about your vacation plan, hope you will still get some alone time with TGuy.

Puffy, DH think disciplining is important but I guess he spoil little B too much that he don''t really see it. Good thing is when I discipline he won''t come rescue little B. He''ll just stand next to me and try to talk me out of disciplining him.

Thanks Tacori, I totally agree with you. I think DH is afraid if he discipline little B won''t love him anymore

Thanks Diva, the real work out starts!

DD, congrats!!
So some of us were chatting and we think the PS mommies should do "kid pic Friday"
Date: 3/27/2009 1:42:34 PM
Author: fieryred33143
So some of us were chatting and we think the PS mommies should do ''kid pic Friday''

While the idea is nice in theory you will find out shortly that it an entirely different matter to successfully photograph a baby/child every week than it is to photograph a belly.
Date: 3/27/2009 3:37:52 PM
Author: neatfreak

Date: 3/27/2009 1:42:34 PM
Author: fieryred33143
So some of us were chatting and we think the PS mommies should do ''kid pic Friday''

While the idea is nice in theory you will find out shortly that it an entirely different matter to successfully photograph a baby/child every week than it is to photograph a belly.
I think it''s a cute idea. Not necessarily everyone taking a pic of their kid every week, but an opportunity for mommas to show off their LOs if they did take photos during the week. In other words, if you have anything, it''s show and tell time! That way people who want to see can know to tune in on Fridays!
Or every other friday.
Or once a month

Really, I''m just one of those people that like to see pictures of kids all day every day. LOL
Date: 3/27/2009 3:43:39 PM
Author: TravelingGal
Date: 3/27/2009 1:42:34 PM
Author: fieryred33143
So some of us were chatting and we think the PS mommies should do 'kid pic Friday'

Tgal said: I think it's a cute idea. Not necessarily everyone taking a pic of their kid every week, but an opportunity for mommas to show off their LOs if they did take photos during the week. In other words, if you have anything, it's show and tell time! That way people who want to see can know to tune in on Fridays!

Mela said:
yah yah yah yah! Exactly! Show and tell!


ETA: I messed up the quotes and now it looks like I said what Tgal really said. oy! You get the drift...
DD Congrats!!!

tacori glad you got some good sleep! i only go to the gym everyday cause i actually enjoy it. and on most of the days, i have a workout friend who i go with. my gym has crazy toys for kids...the basketball arcade game where the basket moves and you throw the balls into the hoop, well they have that for big kids and little kids. every time i go get B, he is playing that. haha, so funny about T liking the mirrors. i would love to put B in pul ups, but i doubt he''s ready. he only knows to go when he has a big potty, or i ask him when i see that he''s drank a ton of water nd then he''ll kind of remember to go. haha. you must be getting so excited for your trip coming up!!

burk how is T doing? are you enjoying this week off with her? i''m sure you are. B doesn''t exactly go through the night without peeing. he will go potty before he goes to bed. when i get him in the morning, i''ll take him to the potty and he will go again. his diaper isn''t crazy wet, but you can definitely tell that it is wet. B is no way near being potty trained, but i figure, if he will go once or twice or 5 times in his potty, it''s a success. i''m sure t will pick up where she left off when you get back into it.

RE baby pics: it would be really cute to see everyone''s kids, but with a toddler who does not sit still or does not want to be cute in front of the camera, forget it! haha.
hi mommies. I promise to catch up with everyone soon. I ended up having a job interview yesterday and had to load up the kids and drive solo 7 hours to TN. it''s spring break next week so we are staying here and visiting my SIL in Memphis for the weekend. I hope everyone has a great weekend as well...

real quick-tgal, I feel your pain on the inlaws interrupting the solo trip/time with t-guy. I think you need and t-guy need to plan to have at the very least one night out together alone if not more and a few lunches just the two of you as well. You certainly sould see them everyday but there is no reason for you to have to spend 24 hours day with them. I hope you all can figure something out. I''ll be thinking of Amelia and her foot too. I''m sure it''s nothing to worry about but know as a parent you will anyway and we never want anything to be wrong with our kids. it''s heartbreaking
for the interview and getting to start early for spring break.
Hope you get the job!

Sorry about the IL interrupting your solo time w/ TGuy on your upcoming vacay.
I hope you can figure out something before the trip.
I''ll be thinking about A and her foot too.
I hope it''s nothing. Keep us posted.

OMG, those two are soooo cute!
They are getting so big too.
I love the comparison shot (and the funny stuff animal you used :)
How fun about the GTG.
T is going to have her picks of boys huh?

Congrats on your publication!

LOL...I think it''s time for the pullups for B.

So true about babies and camera!
Your A will give you the stare down....and my J will give me those up-close and personal shots.

Hehe...Co is too cute w/ patting his bum.
Sounds like he''s doing great with the potty training.
J sometimes go down for a nap at 6 if she didn''t get her midday nap -- too busy playing

She goes down for the night at 9.
Unfortunately, she''s up at 7 in the morning.
I dont'' think she''s ever slept past 9 (maybe that time when she had a couple of rough nights in a row).
How''s the bday planning going?

Are you planning on dressing A in her Korean outfit for the 1-yr bday?

LOL....thanks for sharing those hilarious stories.
Your Ava and Sam are just a riot!
We are doing well, thank you.
J''s latest accomplishment? Going to fetch her diaper when I asked her to in the morning for her diaper change.
We will have to work on her lying still for the diaper change though
Haha, being the nosy person that I am, I went on YouTube to see if I could find your post

Unfortunately, I couldn''t

No new pictures of J.
She stops whatever she''s doing whenever she sees the camera, so all her pictures are of her white-out face.
M will be pulling (or pushing) herself up in no time.
Her legs are strong enough since she''s able to support herself for a while.
Can you post some pictures of her standing by the rail? :)

Lili, is J over her cold yet? It is so hard when they are sick.

Qtie, that’s great your parents get to see M so much. First grandkids certainly do get spoiled, don’t they? It’s especially fun watching grand dads fawn over little girls.

Bobo, that’s so exciting that B is walking.

He must enjoy it if he is doing it in his sleep too! I hope things work out with the house. When will you know for sure?

Pave, I have been back at work about 11 weeks now. It’s been interesting trying to juggle my job and A. I’m supposed to be working 3 days a week, but I’ve had a lot of client “emergencies” the past several weeks, so I keep having to cancel my days off. A is in daycare in the building next door to my office, so that is pretty convenient. I used to work late every night, so it is hard for me to get out in time to pick up A by 6 pm every night. I am consistently the last mom to pick up her kid – they must hate me. I’m glad to hear Tyler’s pediatrician said to treat him like a normal little guy. It’s natural that you feel anxious, but just try to enjoy him.

Tacori, I do feel like the fog has been lifting a bit recently. Of course, I still feel totally overwhelmed by how much I need to accomplish each day (and how little actually is accomplished).

LOL re hiding Motrin in T’s food like for the dog.

Burk, I love your AV – she looks so kissable. I’m sorry you hit a bump in T’s potty training after she got off to such a good start. It’s probably a good idea to give her a short break to forget before you start again (or just follow her lead if she heads for the stairs).

Iluv, I love the story of Ava and the square bread. Your Sam story is hilarious too. Sounds like you have a couple of real characters on your hands.

NF, your little guys have grown so much – they are so cute! I can’t imagine how tough it is juggling 2 babies with different schedules. Hang in there, mama.

Tgal, wow, you were way disciplined and organized with getting Amelia on a sleep schedule. From what I’ve been reading we need to try to get A on a regular schedule for feedings, sleep, etc. Up until now, we’ve been pretty much following her lead on when she wants to do things. I can definitely understand your disappointment over not having some vacation time alone with Tguy. Can you just announce you are taking a date night (or two)? Of course your inlaws want to see their son, but they should not need to be with you 24/7 for the whole trip.

Puffy, sounds like B is quite the ladies’ man blowing kisses all around. A is doing well other than the teething. I love being a mommy, but I am worn out.

Janine, I would be happy to give you baby store recommendations for Paris. LOL re buying for the little ones rather than ourselves. Shopping for A has become my new obsession. Oh well, it’s cheaper than jewelry. How long will you be in Paris, and will you travel to any other areas of France? If you love French food, I have a few favorite restaurants in Paris that I plan to re-visit every time I can get there. Have you been to Paris before?

DD, yay on getting your manuscript accepted!

Glad to hear Hunter likes his playmat. I could not live without my Gymini – A spends so much time playing on the mat.

Jas12, sorry to hear your friend had such a rough L&D. I love the pic of Co in your AV.

Diva, congrats on getting a date night out.

MrsS, I hope you get the job! Have fun at spring break.

Hope I didn't miss anyone. I've got to get to bed, but since it is still Friday here, I'm going to post a pic I took of A on Sunday (at 5 months and 1 day). DH had her doing tummy time on his stomach, and she just looks so happy (so did he, but he does not want his photo posted online).

ETA: crap, how did the format of my post get so screwed up?

flying baby.JPG
Glad you and DH discuss about discipline.
$ for plastic surgery and diamonds... How tempting. LOL.

Your stories are so cute.

Awww... hope Tayva doesn''t get too put off from the big girl potty.

The boys had grown a lot. They are adorable.
Is that a Uglydoll?

Congrats to your friend. Hope her recovery gets easier.
How cute that Co pat his bum. Sounds like potty training is going well.

Hope Amelia''s left ankle and foot are ok.
Hopefully you can arrange to have some solo time with Tguy.

What a funny story. Time for pull-ups?

I am too tired to finish. Will continue tomorrow.
Looked up the signs for toilet training readiness...she is uncooperative, rarely follows simple instructions, has never seemed uncomfortable with soiled diapers, had never ASKED to use the toilet or to have "grown-up underwear." She has never expressed interest besides loving to FLUSH the toilet. She has never said she was going or about to go to the bathroom. She does say "no" and demonstrates her independence. So I would say she is NOT ready to start potty training.

fiery, I do not have the energy to take her photo every week. Even if I did it would most likely be her backside.

Puffy, still sounds like he is making progress! That is awesome you love the gym. Not sure I will ever feel that way. Haha. I am so excited for our trip! Eeeh! I''ll miss her of course but she''ll be fine.

MrsS, hope the packing is going smoothly. Hope you get the job! How exciting!

Lili, I want a photo of T surrounded by the boys. Haha. Tessa started sleeping later once she went to one nap a day. Maybe that is motivation.

Kay, she is SO beautiful! Love the picture. She does look so happy.

DD, congrats on the manuscript.
Date: 3/28/2009 1:28:48 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Looked up the signs for toilet training readiness...she is uncooperative, rarely follows simple instructions, has never seemed uncomfortable with soiled diapers, had never ASKED to use the toilet or to have ''grown-up underwear.'' She has never expressed interest besides loving to FLUSH the toilet. She has never said she was going or about to go to the bathroom. She does say ''no'' and demonstrates her independence. So I would say she is NOT ready to start potty training.
LOL! Tessa sounds like my kind of woman, totally headstrong and independent!
My friends decided to wait until her daughter was totally ready, which was when she was about 2.5 years old... then because she was so ready it took 3 days! Our other friends started earlier and it took months and months. I think I like the approach of really waiting. Three days sounds pretty good to me!
mrsS hope you are having a good sping break. hope you get the job!!

kay awwww, she is adorable!!! teething sucks as many will tell you, but as we all got through it, you will too!! and tell me about being worn out. haha. i totally feel worn out, and i would actually consider B as a pretty easy toddler. he listens pretty well and does his own thing most of the time, but it is still tiring.

lili i doubt i will put B in pull ups any time soon...i was just hoping that he would get the hang of going to the potty, that''s all. i didn''t think that he would catch on so quickly. hope J is doing better!! has she been eating better or at least more?

qt how is M doing?

bobo WOW, what a great DH you and plastic surgery!! hmmmm, if i can only talk my DH into it. haha. how is little B? are you exhausted from chasing him around all day yet?

tacori i''m sure T will be in good hands! something about a good workout makes my day so much better. weird i know. and i''m actually scared to stop going. i''m not that young anymore, so i can''t eat everything i want to and still be thin. haha. B loves to flush his little urinal, so that''s why i started potty training with him. he knows that in order to flush the toilet, he has to go potty first. then after he goes, i''ll let him flush it. and he loves to just stand there and watch the water come flush away. he laughs at it every time. haha. they are still so young though, so i''m sure T will be just fine when she is ready to be trained. and i also wanted to start early because all the preschools we looked at for B require them to be potty trained at least 4 months prior to enrollment. YIKES, what a long post.
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