
PS Mommies Thread!

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Hi everyone sounds like you are all doing great, so Yay!! for that!

Going backwards
Curlygirl what a great appt.! So happy to hear that Lucy is growing so well and such a brave girl with her shots. Baby sleeping seems so complicated to me! It''s too bad it happens at the end of the day when I am tired and ready for the baby to go down. It''s hard to have patience when things arent going my way,haha. I hope you guys figure it out soon,though, and then please tell me the secret!

msb Such a cute picture of your guy on the beach! I can imagine my son will not like the beach for a while either, but it''s great to see your son loves it now! what fun! I can''t believe the temperature you said- crazy. I guess you get used to it?

Tgal where do you have to travel that is 7500 mi if you don''t mind me asking? That must be tough- I know my dh comes back tired from travel- all work and no play too! poor guy!
Thanks Tacori, DH was there when the photo was taken. He just rolled his eyes

Burk, 5:40 bed time, that is early. What time did Tayva woke up this morning?

Thanks TGal, DH doesn''t seem to think so

puffy, you have one very smart boy!

Thanks msb!

Thanks Curly, I''m so jealous, little B is only 18lb and 2 oz. Our pedi is sending us off to see a nutritionist April 1. I do feel like a bad mom in front of the pedi, I keep telling him that we are stuffing him as much as we can but he just don''t gain much weight *sigh*

As for little B news, he is in a slapping mode. He especially love to slap me and he''ll slap even more if we tried to stop him or tell him "no, don''t hit"
Any advice?
Now I''m the one behind.....

MSB - K is so cute in his swimsuit! My mom got one for James but it''s still way to early for that weather-wise around here.

JANINE - James is grabby too. He tell him no in a stern voice and redirect his hand(s). He especially loves DH''s glasses and beard. I think you should travel this summer without C. You guys deserve some alone time
I know it will be hard to leave her for a week though. We are traveling to Indiana in June when James will be 11 months and I''m already
about it even thought it will only be for one night.

DREAMER - When James was an itty bitty baby like H he also hated bath time. We gave him sponge baths for the longest time since he hated being in the water so much. Now he loves it. He can sit up by himself now and he loves to splash with his hands. He also moves his legs in a "froggy" motion and laughs so lound when it makes the water go all over
Don''t let your mom make you feel bad about moving H to his crib! Being a mom is hard and you need to stick to your guns. We moved James to his crib at about 12 weeks and he''s been there ever since.

SNLEE - I can''t believe D is already 6 months old! We need pics of the cutie
I hear ya on the high pitched squeal since my guy does the same thing. Congrats on D sleeping in his crib!

BURK - You must be so glad to get to spend your spring break with T. I''m glad you had fun on your trip.

TACORI - Hahaha to T running toward the doors in the store. I know, I know, not funny in the moment but still funny to think about.

Q - James has his 9 month well-visit on April 8. We measure/weigh him at home a lot though
We are trying to start him on puffs but he just doesn''t put anything in his mouth (except his fingers/fist). If you put food in front of him he pics it up and shakes it to see if it makes any noise. If not then he puts it down and moves on
So silly!

BOBO - OMG, your AV is so cute! We have the same jumper too.

CURLY - Wow, Lucy is big!

Thanks everybody for your delayed TTC support. I know my last post was so unlike me but I was just really down that day. DH and I really have so much to be grateful for - we both have jobs, a place to live, food on the table, our health and a happy, healthy son. We can''t really ask for more. We will have another, just not as soon as we thought.

I''ll check in again later today - I''m at work but I figured that since I''m caught up I had a little time
DD~I have never read about SIDS being lower when in parent''s room and I honestly cannot see why that would be unless the parents are awake monitoring the sleeping baby which is crazy. Hang in there!

Tgal~Glad your "Morning sickness" only lasted a little while. I knew you''d be proud of Miss T going to bed at 5:45! LOL

puffy~Yea, it was crazy early. I knew she was ready when she said "ni ni" though. We''ve been playing hard and had quite a few play dates and lunches lined up since I''m on spring break and so we''ve been super busy. B sounds just like T causing situations to use "uh oh" makes me laugh some times but others I''m just like "seriously, do you HAVE to throw your doll across the backseat of the car just so you can say it?"
Too funny about thank you!

msb~Thanks! We''re playing in another tourney this weekend. Hopefully we do as well. T always says she''s putting her dolls down for "ni ni" but rarely says it for herself so I knew she must be tired!

Curly~Yay for a great check-up! Lucy is a big girl. I can relate. T was always off the charts for height and was in 18 mo PJ''s by 7 months!

Pave~Hey there! How are things going?

Bobo~T usually doesn''t go to bed until between 6:45 and 7:30 but last night she was so crazy tired I knew she was ready. She woke up around 7 this morning. We had to see a nutritionist for T and she just had us do some food journals for a few days and then read them to see how much Tayva was eating, ect. It was very interesting. Let us know how the appt goes! As for the slapping, we just say "no no" and grab T''s hands if she tries to get at our faces or touches too rough and then say "gentle" and take her hands and help her touch gentle. If he continues to do it I would just put him down/remove him from the situation.

Diva~Spring break has been fantastic. Makes me sad to think I have to go back next week, but we''re in the home stretch before summer break and I only work part time so I really shouldn''t complain!

Tacori~I got the Volvo at TJ Maxx today. It was the last one and ironically I really like the color. We''ll take it for a "test drive" when T gets up from her nap!
mrsb B is still calling me babe and when DH calls me babe, B will scream "mommy." how is K doing? i saw your cuppies and they looked awesome!!!

curly wow, Lucy is a BIG girl!!! i hope she starts to sleep better soon, with CIO, or not.

pave how are you nd tyler doing?

bobo sorry to hear that little B is slapping. i agree with burk. when B tries to hit, i just tell him "NO" in a stern voice and stare him down. haha, not really a stare down, but just to make sure he understands that he can''t hit. then i wait a few seconds and tell him "gentle" and show him how to be gentle. it''s worked with B quite well. good luck with little B.

burk YAY for the volo!! how do you like it? now when i ask B to do something, i have to remember to say thank you to him after. he did the same thing to my mom this morning and my mom had the most confused look on her face. then she started laughing like crazy. sounds like T and you had a busy couple of days. hope you are enjoying your spring break!
Last time I could not sleep. I woke up at 4:30 and tossed and turned the rest of the night.
I took a two hour nap when T did so I do feel better now. Sleeplessness is so frustrating. Maybe it is time to move up to something stronger to help me sleep. T seems to be feeling better today though she didn''t go down for her nap until 2 (usually she goes down at 12). She ate a lot at lunch so I think her teeth aren''t bothering her today.

DD, I do not think the "family bed" is the right choice for us. I know TOO many kids who refuse to sleep in their own beds and it really causes issues. I am not judging the moms on this thread who do sleep all together but like everything it has flaws. The fact that you admit you sleep better without him there says a lot. When we moved T into her own room we ALL (her included) slept better. Sometimes DH complains b/c she will NOT nap with him. But I know in the end it is so much better this way. Being a mom is about doing the right thing for your family and it sounds like you are! So IGNORE all other advice.

Burk, I figured. I doubt kids pick up many phrases that they don''t hear at least once. I guess I just can''t imagine my 16 month old having an imagination. haha. She picked it up from a friend. Now it is like her favorite phrase. I love my Volo. I have the skip hop saddle bag that works PERFECTLY on it (hooks to the side) for extra storage. I used mine today at the mall in fact. We only went to one store and good thing I didn''t bring the full size b/c they have no handicap dressing room. Isn''t that against the law or something. So we were like sardines in that dressing room but I cannot let her out b/c she will NEVER go back in her stroller after she tastes freedom. Which color did you get? Poor girl was worn out! My girl slept until 10 this morning!

TGal, funny about your boss! That must have made you felt needed. I am SO jealous of your awesome BOB deal. You should have bought a bunch and resold them. Would help your down payment fund
I looked on the carseat board on WP (if that is the same one) and it was mentioned. This price would be right up MIL''s alley

puffy, lucky! Haha. T has always been slow in the teeth department. I am still working out. 8 weeks now (I think). At least it gives me a break from the monster...errr...I mean lovely daughter. Haha. Zumba is easier but it is funny b/c she just started a new routine and it takes me FOREVER to catch on. Seriously much longer than my friend. I feel like I have cobwebs in my brain when she is demonstrating it. That is so cute about the "thank me." He is a smart boy. I agree teaching manners is important. I really like how in the south they say sir and ma''m. Also will say Mr and Miss (with the first name) of adults which I think is cute.

msb, did they taste good w/o the egg? K must have been thrilled! I really think she would run away and never look back if I let her. It is funny though b/c when I am trying to leave the house and she runs away into her play room or something I will start saying "bye! Bye!" and then she comes RUNNING towards me. Doesn''t want to be left behind. Haha.

Curly, first I cannot believe Lucy is 6 months! Didn''t you just have her! And what a big girl! T was only 21 lbs at her 12 month appointment. Sounds like everything is going great! I hope my second is like your Lucy. What a sweetheart! Good luck with CIO. We were lucky and it wasn''t hard for us. Maybe 2 nights and she would only cry for 30 mins or so.

Bobo, so funny! Most dads would have freaked! I still love his big cheeks. T hits me sometimes too. At first I tried to ignore her but now I grab her wrist and say "no, that hurts mommy."

Janine, DH and I went to Mexico for a wedding when T was 5 months old for 4 or 5 days. It was tough b/c I had to pump and dump but (this sounds HORRIBLE) I missed her of course but wasn''t sad like I thought I would be. It was nice being me again w/o worrying about her.

Diva, she really did want to escape
Such drama my girl.
Thanks Diva!

Thanks Burk & puffy, I usually said "no" in a very stern voice stare at him and grab his hand but that only make him angrier and prompt him to hit me harder. Usually it end up with me walking away in tears and little B crying while still waving his hand in a hitting way while DH stand next to us and *sigh*
Hi Mommies!
Hope there’s room for one more over here. Wow this thread is huge! I only have time to go back through the last few pages. I finally posted my L&D story on the preggo thread yesterday (now that my DD is 5 months old!), so I feel like I can officially graduate to the mommy thread. Having a new baby is such a crazy adventure -- I definitely have lots to learn from all of you.

Diver, your kids are so cute! Love Jake’s expression – make me wonder what he is thinking.

Qtie, love your St. Patty’s day pic!

LIA, glad to hear Coby flew well. We are going to attempt our first trip with A in May or June. That is really freaky that you had a plane accident – at least it was before you left the ground! This may be too late to help, but we use the “Breastflow” bottle by Learning Curve because the bottles are designed to be the most like BF’ing. We get them at BRU.

Diva, our LO tries to grab glasses too. It cute and annoying at the same time (like so many things).

DD, Hunter is a little cutie pie! That sounds like you had a really scary night with him. A’s mostly formula fed (we’ve had major BF’ing issues) but her appetite seems to fluctuate quite a bit. She regularly spits up small amounts, but some meals she just gulps the milk down and then spits half of it back up. That’s when we call her our little piggy.

DD and NF, A hated baths – she screamed bloody murder for either sponge or tub baths. When she was about 2 months old, we started taking her in the shower with us. I get in first and wash myself, then DH gets in with A. DH holds her while I lather her and then rinse her with the hand-held shower head. Then I take her out to dry and dress her while DH finishes his shower. A loves shower time! We talk to her and sing to her, so she thinks it is great fun – she does not even mind if the shower spray hits her face.
NF, I cannot imagine trying to BF two babies. Of course it would be difficult to build up any kind of supply. Hooking up to the double pump makes me feel like a milking machine (or a milk cow) too.

Puffy, your play grocery shopping story is hilarious, as is the fact that B calls you “Babe.” B must be quite the character.

MSB, K looks so handsome in his wetsuit! That’s so cool he is saying Mama and BaBa now.

Janine, I cannot believe C is 6 months old already. My little girl also loves to grab my long hair with both hands and hold on tight (not good when it is already falling out). It is amazing how quickly those soft-spoken newborns grow up. A grabs everything she can reach and then tries to put it in her mouth. She squeals with delight while she hits and grabs the animals on her activity mat.

Snlee, good to hear D is such a happy baby. I’m laughing because my giganto daughter was that same size at her 4 month appointment!

She is almost the same size as the 7-8 month old babies in her day care class. Has D started teething yet? Lots of drool is a sign of teething. That’s great that he slept in his crib the whole night. We had a hard time emotionally switching A to the crib in her room (MIL actually did it while she was visiting and taking the night shift), but we all sleep so much better now.

Bobo, that picture of B is priceless! Sorry to hear little B is cranky. What do you do to comfort him through the teething? I think A is going to teethe soon.

Curly, that is awesome that Lucy can sit up and roll in both directions now. You cracked me up with "Oh Lucy, I''m home." Sounds like you have a giant baby girl too. Mine is outgrowing her clothes way too fast.

Burk, congrats on winning your volleyball tourney!

Tacori, that is so cute T is saying “uh oh” (but I bet it does get annoying). Sorry your inlaws are being weird about the price of the car seat – it is rather an important purchase.

Lili, I love the pic in your AV – please post a bigger version.
Date: 3/24/2009 4:05:00 PM
Author: puffy
qt that''s great that M is feeding herself the puffs. take advantage of this time that M is not mobile!! when she is, it''ll be fun, but what a PITA it is keeping up with them!!!

Haha, it sure is. Not only do you need to make sure the floor is clean for them to crawl, but you also need to pick up after them cuz they are like hurricanes -- leaving a path of destructions wherever they go.
B is just a barrel of laughs huh?
So does he call "daddy" by his pet name as well?

LOL....little B does not look happy.
That''s a good picture to have in your back pocket for times when he''s misbehaving as a kid

Ah, slapping. J was into that a while back. Slapped me crazy when we gave a bath when she was tired and hungry.
I gave her a stern "NO" and squeezed her hands.
Re: weight gain. Does B eat his rice cereal? J was around 16 lbs when we took her in for her 9 months and the dr told us to give her 2 servings of rice cereal everyday. We did that and also gave her yogurt, string cheese, and avocado. She''s up to 19 lbs now. I forgot, can B tolerate yogurt and cheese?
Anyway, good luck at the appt w/ the nutritionist.

Wow, bed by 5:45? That''s probably J''s second nap if we are lucky.
Good to hear that T is continually getting better w/ her asthma.
T is another Dora fan huh?
That''s so cute when they "get" what they are watching.
Hehe, J''s into the "uh oh''s" too, except her "uh oh''s" is more like "uh uh''s" like A.

As far as co-sleeping goes, you do what works best for you and Hunter.
Like TGal said, since both you and Hunter are getting sleep w/ him in the crib -- then that''s the best arrangement.
Sleep is king for us mommies.

LOL...too funny about your mom requesting for another photo shoot of A''s 10months.
You could make use of your photo editing savvy and edit the clip

No Amelia news? How about posting some of those pictures that you owe us? :P

I love your B stories -- he''s a riot.

Wow, Lucy is another tall girl.
First it''s Burk''s T, then TGal''s A, then QT''s M, and now little Lucy.
I read in the preggo thread on Kay''s Alexis update -- she too is a tall girl.

Wow, James is going to be 9-months?
Man, all these little babies are growing so fast!
That''s so funny about him shaking his puffs for sound.

Glad you made your way over here.
Now, how''s about posting some recent pictures of your little angel.
Forgot to say that K is adorable. Can’t believe he is only 2; he looks so mature.
M is really oral. She puts everything in her mouth.
Don’t feel bad about little B’s weight. You are feeding him. Some kids are just smaller. Our 3 yrs old nephew still wears 2T clothes, and he is a healthy, happy eater.
LOL on little B hating you for taking the pic of him in a girly bib and hair clip.
Good luck with the nutritionist appt next week.
This is no a suggestion, but I would probably bring M along with me for the trip if I were in that situation. Some of the mommies might think I’m crazy, but I love experiencing everything with her. I guess it comes down to if you feel like you need alone and couple time away from Chloe or not.
How is Tessa today? Molars sound so painful. I am not looking forward that.
I keep going back to your stroller thread, and wondering if I’ll need a second stroller for M. Seems like most moms have more than one.
How cute about “Dora” and her “map”. T is so smart.
Sorry about the sleeplessness.
Yay on D sleeping in his crib. Congrats.
My parents are in town quite a bit. At least once a month, and some months they come every two weeks (since when I was pregnant). They LOVE M, being the first grandkid and all. I’ve never seen my dad so playful and caring in this way. It’s really sweet.
So funny that Hunter doesn’t like getting out of the water. M loves when we undress her for the bath. She is ok with the actual bath, like playing with her squirters. But she loves when DH comes in to get her out of the water. She gets so excited, smiles and giggles. Silly girl.
Sorry about your mom’s comment, but you are doing great. If it makes you feel any better, M sleeps in her own crib from day 1.
I know what you mean about keeping up with them when they are mobile, but it’s just so fun when they are.
Cute that B says “thank me”. He is a genius.
So glad your DH did great with Tayva and that her asthma is getting better.
Yay on getting the Volo. They don’t have them at the TJ Maxx around here.


LOL about your boss. You scared him.
Like I said to Bobo, M is really oral. The puffs just happened to be food. Even if it wasn’t, she’ll stay put it in her mouth.
Wow, Lucy is one big girl. I thought M is a big girl, but Lucy has her beat. Hehe. People must always think she is older than she is. SIL shows her friends pics of M, and they always think she is at least 9 months.
Good luck with resolving the sleeping issues and CIO if you end up trying it.
Do you have a scale at home?
How cute that James shake the food to see if it makes noises.
Congratulations and welcome to the mommies thread. I’ll have to go read your birth story when I get home from work.
Hi Kay, welcome to the mommy thread! We don't really do anything for his teething, he usually just get cranky and fuss for a while and move on to play with his toys. He will get up in the middle of the night to cry but I don't know if it's because of teething. Usually he'll go back down after fussing for 15 minutes.

lili, I tried many ways, told him "no" and squeeze his hands, in a very stern voice and stare him down, "no" and shake my head which he will get when I do this if he want to touch something that he shouldn't be etc.

But when it comes to slapping me it seems like the more I tell him "no" the angrier he gets or he'll just sit across from me and cried but keep hitting at the same time. Maybe he don't like me?

EAT: just got the news from DH, we might not get the house. I don't get it, we're putting 25% down and we both have very high credit scores why is the bank being a pain in the as*...
ok trying to catch up again

Puffy your son cracks me up..."thank me" hahahah. he is so smart. thanks for asking about me the other day, I think. things are good. Dh is home. last night was a stellar sleep night- 4h 45 min for first sleep, then ate each 3 hrs/slept less than 3 b/c of the feed/dipaer change. it was so grea though. I felt alive today and like I could get some stuff done. so it was good. and he slept alot today...I don''t know if he is under the weather or what. he was just at the pedi yesterday and all was ok as far as I know. hope b''s teeth finish up coming in soon.

tacori wow you are really dedicated to the work outs. good for you! I wish i could get into a routine. maybe someday. I love dora it''s so cute. Not sure about that yogabba show that you said she also likes. I will have to see if I like it. Is it like the other one with the names winky, po that I can''t remember the name of right now? what a good deal on the volo. I have mine ready to go but am excited to get that bag you recommended. good idea. never enough storage space.

dd sorry your mom is giving you the guilt trip- if you are all getting sleep that is excellent news. It is hard to cut out all the interference of well meaning ppl. Keep up the good work, though. I was using your b.w. tips- I still haven''t gotten through much of the book and I haven''t seen what you are talking about, or Jas'' info either- (well some of it). that is why I wasn''t sure I have the "right" book but I do have the same one as Jas.

Burk good to see you and thanks for asking how I am. we are doing better all the time although t''s reflux was acting up the past couple of days, I htink(he had gained weight and needed a dose increase I believe). congrats on the tournament! I didn''t realize your dh is gonna be gone so much until I went back and read. All month almost? except will he be home on weekends at least? I hope so.

neat I hope your visit with mil goes well! How are the boys? Sleeping better? are they taking longer feeds for you at night?

bobo good to see you ! I like your new av(maybe Bobo is hitting because you are dressing him up in girl stuff, haha!) just kidding.

Kay its so good to see you! sounds like things are going great! Your daughter sounds waaaay healthy! thats great. How long have you been back at work? How does the daycare work out/ can you get out of work on time and everything?

lili hi how are you guys? Is j over her cold? what''s new?

qt we are doing good. thanks. a little better all the time. I don''t know about a routine, but I am figuring out things like what to do so he doesn''t melt down and stuff like that(blocking the sun before we go out the door and making sure he is fed right before we get in the car and stuff like that. and the nap thing sort of. night time sleep I dont know. i just take what I can get. I was reading hshc last night and it was kind of saying for "coliky/fussy" babies, you can wait to try to sleep train or whatver. so I think I will just keep using the swing and try out the crib once in a while. like right now he is napping in crib and it''s been 30 min so tht''s pretty good. Good for you for being relaxed about the crawling. plus I heard its a lot more work when they are mobile haha.

ok ladies well htats it for now. sorry for anyone I missed. see ya later!
Date: 3/25/2009 7:03:50 PM
Author: pavelover
bobo good to see you ! I like your new av(maybe Bobo is hitting because you are dressing him up in girl stuff, haha!) just kidding.

I know....grandparents (particularly grandpas) are so much more playful w/ the grandkids then w/ their own kids huh?
That''s great that M gets to know both sets of grandparents.

I read somewhere that babies save their worst behavior for the ones they love ... LOL.
Hopefully it''s a stage that he''ll pass soon.
Sorry to hear about the house.

We are doing ok, thanks for asking.
J still has her cold. She''s got the crackling cough too

Oh well, not much I can do in terms of keeping her cold-free.
Maybe I''ve missed your update....but is T done with his hospital visits?
M, her molars seem to be better today. Who knows about tomorrow. I think 3 strollers is a good number. 1. snap ''n go (but you are past that stage). I lent one of mine out to a friend who just had a baby. Great invention! 2. full size/jogger. Something that is good for a trip to the zoo, mall, park, etc...nice for walks. 3. umbrella. I keep my Volo in the back of my car and we use it for air travel. I would NEVER want to put an expensive stroller in the hands of the baggage handlers!
I hope I get better sleep tonight. Thanks.

Kay, welcome!
5 months was when the fog was lifting for me. Hope you have adjusted to motherhood well! We give her motrin for teething but I think you can only use it after 6 months. Can''t remember. Before that we gave her baby tylenol. Motrin works MUCH better though. We have to hide it in her food like a dog. Otherwise it takes 2 (and a third would be helpful) adults to give it to her.

Lili, she loves "Dora" and "Go Diego Go." She says "Dora" well it sounds more like "Door" but it is funny. Hope J is feeling better!

Bobo, sorry about the house! Where are you again?

pave, I am only dedicated b/c I am STILL holding onto 5-8 lbs of baby weight which is appalling given how T is almost 17 months. I have started to reshape my body in the last 8 weeks but haven''t lost any weight. Also some days it is the ONLY break I get from T. It is good motivation to go for the free child watch. Haha. "Dora" is cute. "YGG" characters are names (spelling might be wrong) Plex, Foofa, Tudee, Brobee, and Muno. Or and of course DJ Lance. It isn''t a cartoon (though part of it is). Jack Black is on a new one coming up. Is it pathetic I am excited to see it? I got my Skip Hop on sale for $13 on Amazon. Check there. Works great.
puffy~I think the volvo will be great to keep in the car for trips to the mall, traveling, ect. That''s so funny that B did the "thank me" thing with your mom. Too cute!

Tacori~Oh no! Sorry you''re not sleeping well again.
I think I''m going to enjoy having another stroller option. T seemed to like it, since it''s more of a "big girl" stroller. What store didn''t have the handicap dressing room? How could they not? Hmmm. I got the blue/red/black/yellow stripe. Sleeping until 10?!?! I want my girl to do THAT!!

Bobo~I think you''re doing the right thing by being stern. I''m sorry it''s not working as well as you would like. It''s so hard, but I would stick with it. I''ve made T cry more times than I can count by telling her no.
Sorry about the house. Hope it all works out!

Kay~Glad you came to join us. I had to pop over to the preggo thread to take a look at your little angel....soooo cute!!

lili~The 5:45 thing was a total fluke, but I was able to get a lot done so I''m not complaining.
Sorry poor J still has her cold.

QT~Too bad your TJ Maxx didn''t have them. It was a steal (only $79).

Pave~Did you increase his dose then? Is he doing better? We were pretty lucky in that Tayva always had her "colicky/crying" spells around 5pm and was always down for the night around 7 for night was during the day I stressed about (swing naps until almost 6 months). I read the same thing, though-wait to sleep train with babies with tummy issues. So we did and now I wish I would have just relaxed!
T sleeps okay during the day (two 45 min-1.5 hr naps) and at least 12 hours at night and she puts herself to sleep without crying. Take what you can get and try not to worry about props/swing/whatever. Oh, and about Dh traveling, yes he''ll be gone some every week this month. It will only be for 4 or so days a week so we''ll at least have him on the weekends. He gets back tomorrow morning! Yay!

In Tayva news....she went potty on her big girl potty two times today! I missed getting her on for her first poop of the day (well actually my mom did) but got her for a poop and she peed before her bath. I''m not really expecting her to be potty trained any time soon, but she did seem very proud of herself. We''ll see.
Burk, it was at the Gap. Strange right? My volo is the silver one. I LOVE the huge sun shade. Yay for Tayva!
That is impressive. Was it gross to clean? *shiver* T sleeping until 10 is not normal. Usually she gets up between 8:30-9. She has been sleeping later for the last few months. I still remember those 6:30 mornings. Painful.
Question about sleep training for TGal, Burk, and other "early to bed" moms.

My boys are night owls. We just cannot for the life of us get them to go to sleep at 7pm unless we are holding them and then it's fitful sleep not good sleep. They'd rather go down at 10 and sleep until 9-10am (with feedings of course).

Should we do CIO in a few weeks at 7? Or should we wait and then try to slowly move their bedtime back? They do get tired at 7 and we can get them to sleep in our arms, but for some reason they won't do the cosleeper/crib until 10-11pm. Weirdos!
tacori~That is super odd that Gap didn't have one! There was a silver one and this striped one, but there was a lady that was checking them out before me so I let her choose. She chose the silver. I would have been happy with either. The potty wasn't gross to clean at all. Just put dumped it in the toilet and rinsed it out. Was actually nice and calm compared to changing her diaper.
T usually sleeps until 7:30 or 8. 10 would be an absolute dream. Not going to hold me breath. he he.
Neat~We must have been posting at the same time. How old are you boys again? Hmmm..a little complicated since it sounds like they actually are tired at 7 (since they''ll go to sleep if you''re holding them). Were you planning to CIO at some point any way? I guess I would probably try slowly moving it up first and then if you aren''t successful that way, then doing CIO. I''d go in intervals of a half hour or so every few days. So maybe tomorrow shoot for 9:30 and stick with that for a bit, then move up to 9 ect. Good luck!!
Burk, OMG look at your AV. So cute! What kind of potty did you get? Does your volo have the mesh back too? Nice in the summer.

NF, I think 7 weeks is WAY too early to sleep train. 4 months is when you are suppose to start. T was like your boys (but she didn''t sleep so late). For a long time we got her to 7pm-7am. For the last three months or so she has been staying up until 8-8:30. Maybe b/c she is down to one nap. I like it though by DH has more of a chance to see her then plus I have been taking cardio classes at the gym and we don''t get home until 7. Also I am not a morning person so much have her wake up at 9 than 7. That being said I think every kid is different and basically do what they want. You can help train them but if your kid is a night owl there is not much you can do. Good luck!
Tacori~I just got a Fisher Price potty at Target (it turns into a step stool). The volvo does have the mesh back. When did Tessa go to one nap? What time does she go down? I wonder if T's schedule will change a bit when she goes to one nap....and being home with me in the summer will probably change her routine too. Right now she has to be up by 8am for us to get out the door in time so she has to be down by 7ish in order to get her 12.5-13 hrs of sleep. Maybe this summer we can move her bed time back to 7:30 or 8 and she'll sleep in a bit more. We'll see.

ETA-thanks about the av! She now does that to "pucker up" but as soon as she gets close to kiss her mouth opens up and a big slobbery kiss is planted on ya. Too funny.
Once again I am WAY behind!

Cutting molars is a b***h! I remember how cranky my kids were, and they always seemed to get sick whenever they cut teeth.
I am glad that the Gap worked out for you. I like the fact that there are different cuts and lengths

I have never tried the Long&Lean because unfortunately that is the exact opposite of me
I head straight for the Curvy/Ankle

When are your ILs coming?
Sorry to hear you are still not sleeping well. What time are you exercising? If it is at night, that may have something to do with it. Hope it gets better!

That avatar is the cutest thing I have ever seen! I want to give her a kiss right back!
Yay for potting training! Hope you like your new stroller

Sorry about the house

Hope J feels better soon!

All these cute stories reminded me of a cute Ava story.
When she was about 2, we were in a restaurant, and she wanted to order for herself.
When the waitress came, Ava started "reading"her menu (upside down) and when the waitress asked what she wanted, she pointed at her (upside down) menu and said
"I''ll have a grilled cheese"
The waitress asked "What kind of bread would you like that on ?"
Ava thought for a moment and then said "Um, square bread" LOL
It was so cute!
I miss those cute days!

Sorry if I forgot anyone. Hope everyone is well! I have a lot of catching up to do.
Sprinkling lots of sleepy dust for the PS Babies and Mommies!

Neatfreak, is your day pretty scheduled? Meaning, they wake up, usually have their bottles at the same time, play for a set amount of hours, then back down for a nap, etc?

If so, gently wake them up 1 hour earlier and do the same schedule you usually do, but all moved up one hour. Then put them down 1 hour earlier. (You can do this in 30 minute increments if you feel more comfortable - see what works better.) Stay on that schedule for 2-3 days or until it works. Then do it again. One hour earlier on the rise, one hour earlier to bed.

Yes, this means you have to get up earlier, unfortunately. That''s the tradeoff when you have a kid who goes to bed early...they wake up early too (I HATE it but I do it because I believe it''s better for all of us if she goes down early). I found Amelia had some kind of internal clock. 12 hour from wake up and she was out for 12 hours (this was with one middle of the night wake up until she was 3 months old, then the middle of the night feed went a way). What I mentioned above seems to work if you are already on a routine schedule (something like the "EASY" schedule where the baby''s life is in predictable increments.) I wouldn''t CIO at 7 weeks, but the babies can be "trained", so to speak. Basically conditioned, but for us there was a lot that was laid down before I got to that point (self soothing with paci, predictable 3 hour chunks of time, able to put her down for bed and walk away, etc). By 8 weeks old, I had moved Amelia''s bedtime from 10 pm to 7 pm, and I think it took a couple of weeks to make that move.

Or, you can try to moving bedtime up 30 minutes every few days, but looking at their wake up times, I think those will have to be moved up too. We were able to just sneak the bedtime earlier between weeks 6-8 because Amelia already seemed to have a set wake up time of around 7 am.

But what is their schedule like during the day, and how many times right now do the wake up at night, and for how long are they up? I am assuming by this point they are sleeping longer stretches at night? Also, can they sleep on their own with a little assistance from a paci, swaddle, or whatever?

Good luck neatfreak. IMHO, it''s never too early to do little things here and there to lay down the foundation for schedules. If you read my early posts on Amelia, I tackled it like a crazy science project. Those first few weeks, all I did was try and figure out what was needed for sleep to happen. Fortunately I had an accomodating baby.


lili, thanks for trying o cheer me up. Sorry to hear J has a cold, hope she gets well soon!

Thanks Tacori, We are in "Sunny California"...


Thanks Burk, fingers crossed that the house will still work out. I love your new AV


kay ow are things going with you and the baby? hope al is well!!

bobo man, i really hope it gets better with little B and his hitting. awww, sorry to hear about the house.

tacori how is T doing? at least you are still working out. i''ve been taking B to the gym with me and he loves it. when we get into the gym, he runs straight to the kids club and waits for me there. and the ladies who run it sure do love him. he gives all of them kisses NON-STOP, from the moment he gets in, he gives them a kiss and when i go check on him, i see him giving them kisses and when he leaves, he blows kisses while saying bye. i have been having sleep issues as well lately. it SUCKS!!! i think last night, i got a total of 4 hours of broken sleep and i was so tired today. hope you sleep well tonight.

burk your AV is soooo CUTE!!!

lili how is J doing? i''m sure she''s on the move as usual. do i read that she still has a cold? poor girl. it''s funny, B calls DH "dad" or "pop" and sometimes he will call him by our last name cause i call him by our last name sometimes. haha.

qt haha, fun when they are mobile??? for like the first day then it is such a PITA!!! but i''m sure she will crawl when she is good and ready to. does she roll every where right now?

pave glad to hear that tyler was doing well last night. when you wake up and actually feel refreshed, that is the best feeling!! hope the longer sleep stretches continue. B cracks me up all the time. sometimes i''m just like HUH?!?! where do you learn this stuff? haha.

neat B goes to bed by 8. it didn''t require CIO or anything. but he was a complete night owl in the beginning when he was really young. i think i started to get him to bed around 8 around 2 months or so. 8 was when he would usually start to show signs of being tired so i put him down and walked away and he was out for the night. i would just try to move their bedtimes up slowly from 11 and see what happens from there. one thing IMO about CIO is that if you are still nursing in the middle of the night, the kids will get confused cause the whole point of CIO is to self soothe. and for one period they CIO and you don''t pick them up and they fall asleep, they wake up and cry and you go get them to nurse, then they will expect to get picked up and nursed each time. hope it all works out for you.

iluv haha, your Ava story cracked me up!!! the square kind!! i love it.
puffy, I love the B talking stories. "Thank me,", how clever is that?!

Curly, it sounds like both your girls are doing well. Wow, can''t imagine how logistically tough it can be living with two kids in small quarters. I know you can do it though! Lucy is so cute and sounds like a healthy girl!

pavelover, TGuy and I are going to Sydney, Australia for a wedding. We couldn''t resist with the cheap fares and while I hate to be away from the kid, we need a vacation. Sounds like T is doing well!

Burk, that av is so darned cute. What a superstar, lol. She looks like she''s a model pursing her lips. Makes sense, as she is gorgeous of course. And hooray for potty fun, lol.

Tacori, I wish I could have bought a bunch of BOBs and sold them to you guys at cost. It was cheap because the conversation rate was decent at the time too. I guess BOBs aren''t that popular in just looked like ToysRUs was blowing them out. I went again this past Christmas and didn''t see any BOBs in the store. Hope you get better sleep tonight!

Kay, welcome to the mommy thread. Read your story over on the preggo thread and am looking forward to reading more about your girl!

lili, I have pics, but can''t post them because I am still on a clunker computer! The only Amelia news is that she STILL loves music. Wasn''t a fluke...every time we turn it on, she''s content to kick back and listen. She''ll say, "Ah ah!" in between songs then quiets down until the song is over.

iluv, that is a CUTE story!

Bobo, I hope everything is ok with his weight. Sometimes, kids just don''t gain and they eat a ton! My BFF''s kid was 3 years old and 25 pounds. Totally a skinny little kid but didn''t look unhealthy. His ped was concerned but then my BFF told him how much her son eats a day. He just didn''t gain! And I saw how much he ate too, it was scary. I hope you get the house!

Re: slapping. Gosh, it sounds like you are doing what we all would have done. Stern no''s, hand squeezes if necessary and the staredown. Maybe you should progress to "scary no?"
My no''s are booming, coupled with a near shrieking (OK, I''m exaggerating here but it is NOT a pretty sound) "uh uh uh!" plus a finger wag. I mean it GETS Amelia''s attention. Sometimes it startles her, but that''s fine by me. I will NOT be beaten by my kid. I have the mentality that I need to lay down the ground rules early and fast. I probably think this way because I have a girl - you know they are gonna be trouble later on in life! What am I gonna do when she''s a teenager and screams at me, "I HATE YOU MOM!" ?? I figure it''s training myself as well - when she cries because she''s mad, it breaks my heart but she wants something that isn''t right or safe. I''m learning how to steel myself against her tantrums and get pretty tough myself. It''s not fun, but these boundary wars are only going to get tougher and tough, KWIM? So let him scream and cry, but DON''T let him hit you and don''t let him see you walk away crying. Stand your ground and don''t take it personally. It''s not that little B doesn''t like you, but he wants to do the act of slapping. That kind of stuff can be corrected, but it takes consistency EVERY TIME. And we all know how exhausting that can be.
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