
PS Mommies Thread!

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I went to dinner with ZoeB, Mr ZoeB and Princesss last night. All I have to say is the avocado club egg rolls are sinfully good.
Posted bling pics in hangout for those who are interested. Not sure if I mentioned a fight DH and I had early last week. basically I called him out b/c he is not very nice to me in front of other people. HE thinks it is funny (and claims he means no harm) but honestly I KNOW it makes people uncomfortable and fell awkward. Anyways he has really gone above and beyond lately. Brought me roses, calls to see if I need anything, woke up with the baby I guess sometimes fights are good! Haha.

Burk, I REALLY like corian. It is so easy b/c you don''t have to seal it or anything and LOVE the integrated sink. I think you should wait to pick out hardware until the cabs are installed and buy one of a few different kinds to hold up and see what you like. FYI I bought half of mine at hone depot for like $8 a piece
only to find then for $4 on so check there first! Less than 6 months for a NEW house to be built seems quick! Yay for you guys.

nyc, thanks! She is a cutie.

puffy, I think it is her huge cheeks. No wrist fold! Oh no! Yes, I only lasted 6 days sugar free. I got stressed so I had some cookies.

Bobo, well it is BEAUTIFUL and I am jealous!

iluv, people say mean things. I had a few incidents with my ILs
She is growing up so fast. I cannot believe she will be 18 months tomorrow. Is it strange I am still freaked out by her L&D? Maybe she will be an only child. Haha. Ava is so funny.

janine, I never weighed the same as DH even though he was LOSING weight with that in mind. Such a jerk
GTG are fun. Bling, gossip, food...what more do you need? I am bad about cleaning her toys. She rarely has friends over plus I am in the germs are good camp. If something is gross I will use a cleaning wipe or throw her sleep bear in the washer.

NF, that is awesome news!
Congrats from the Tacori family! Will you be there in June?

MrsS, thanks friend. She is a funny girl.

pave, I will be there over father''s day weekend. My sister''s wedding shower is then and my mom really wanted to come. So much so she is flying me out for my b-day pressie. I am excited to be w/o my two kids (DH and T). Hope to meet you then! T gets cradle cap. Using that brush thing they sell gets rid of it.

Lili, I was in tears! I hated being preggo. She is very sassy and very funny. I bet her and J would get in A LOT of trouble together!

snlee, I know the baby fat is so adorable. My fat...not so much! Haha. She is getting big.
will catch up properly later, but just wanted to check in and say hi.

omg...i have a MAJOR spending problem...
just bought a BOB!!!(choc and blue revolution)...they have them for 20% off at REI right now. i already have an uppa baby...i am going to be in TROUBLE with dh, but i just couldn't resist!

coby is doing OK with sleeping. the past 2 nights he's only gotten up once (around 2ish), so that's not tooo bad. unfortunately i have MAJOR insomnia. it's really awful. my FIL took dh aside today and told him that he thinks i need professional help. dh and i had a good laugh over that one!

oh, and coby LOVES carrots. go figure. pears, no so much...

also, have any of you tried grobags? i got a couple off of mamabargains, and i love them!

DD...careful with the sleep gods! coby was an AMAZING sleeper from about 6weeks until 5months. 10-11 hours SOLID. dunno what happened since then!

tacori, qt, puffy, lili...SUCH CUTE PICS!!!!!

Lia, I have the exact same BOB. I love it. Stylish for sure. I FINALLY am going to the Derm on Tuesday. Can''t wait to get that over with.

lili, if I ever put it on ebay, you will be the first one to know.

Thank Tacori, I wasn''t going to get anymore bling until the house is done and everything. But the stone is such a great deal I can''t let it pass by so the little project didn''t cost too much which I''m really happy about. Too bad you didn''t take a picture of that avocado club egg rolls. That sounds really yummy! Sorry to hear you and DH had a fight, sometime you need to let him know you are the boss too.

Turn out, M does have a cold. She got her runny nose and sore throat today after the fever lowered a bit. It''s been a tough day for me since she''s pretty fussy (I think the most she''s ever been). So I won''t try to catch up.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend.
I am not really tiny, just short

I might take her up on her generous offer, except she uses her sleeves as a napkin. Stains everywhere

She is cute though

So glad no more bandages!

Also good to hear you are feeling well!

Sounds like GTG was fun.
Not so cool about your DH, but glad he is being sweet.
Must be something in the air - I fought with DH today too.
Well it wasn''t actually a fight - more of a snarkfest on my part

I''ve had the kids for 2 weeks straight, one of which was school vaca.
The first thing he did when he got home from being away was head over to the trails.
They are building a jump
"It was the only time the bulldozer was available"

Then this morning while putting his bike on the car, he accidentally broke his back windshield. So he took my car, and I had to wait for someone to fix the windshield
Then he spent all day building the jump

Then I got the "You are the best wife and mom in the whole world speach..." I am a sucker for that one

Then he took the kids for a while, so all is good again....
Thanks everyone! We are super excited but busy busy busy this week...not even with stuff for the move-that is a whole other ball of wax. In addition to moving it looks like we're going to be trying to buy our first house out there too because I reaaaaally don't want to move twice and we know we want to buy this year. So hard from far away though! Very stressful so I am spending an inordinate amount of time reading every blog, article, and advice post I can about buying houses. So much to learn! I feel like we are going to make a huge mistake with what house we choose unless I read everything humanely possible.

Burk Can I just say HOW JEALOUS I am of your house-to-be??? I love love love craftsman/bungalow style houses. There is a teeny one I fell in love with in the town we are moving to but it is a short sale so who knows what the heck will happen to it. But I love it. I told my realtor to keep a close watch on it for us! I can't wait to see pics of your new house!

Tacori Probably not-unless it's late June. When are you going to be there again?

Bobo Love your new pendant!

Puffy How's little B doing? Mastered any new skills lately? He's such a smart one.

lili Have I told you I ADORE your new avatar? So adorable.

Dreamer So glad Hunter is behaving for you. Mommies are so much happier with sleeping babies!!!

Linda The boys would love love love to have you as their NorCal grandma! And Gypsy has already volunteered to be their NorCal auntie-they are going to be all set! I am very excited for them to grow up in such a fun area-so many great things for kids to do. You'll have to help me throw them a birthday party in December so they are not deprived.

QT Hope M feels better soon! We just got over a round of colds in our house too. Not fun.

NYC It'll get immensely better-don't worry! Might take you guys a bit longer because you have to count their developmental age from their due date rather than their birthdate-but you'll get there.

Pave Dex and Max have had CC on and off too. We find that letting some baby shampoo sit on their head for a few minutes really softens it up. Then we use a soft brush or washcloth to wipe away the scales.

Janine When I was a kid my mom always used to just throw our stuffed animals in the washing machine, on a gentle cycle, in a lingerie bag. Not sure if that will damage rattles or anything though.
lili haha, actually the first haircut B got was a buzz cut and i HATED it!! so i said that once his hair grew out, i would never do it again. how''s J been doing? hope she is feeling better and cold free!!

tacori sorry to hear about your fight with DH. but i get you, my DH is the exact same way, but he doesn''t see it. but i think since mother''s day is right around the corner, he is being especially nice to me. ok well maybe cause i''m preggo too. but we''ll see how long this lasts. haha. i like being spoiled rotten, but i am definitely not going to get used to it cause i know, it''ll all come to an end soon. T''s cheeks are so cute!! when is her 18 month appt?

LIA haha, i have that BOB as well and i love it. glad to her that coby is sleeping better.

qt poor M!! i hope hse is feeling better, or on her way to feeling better.

iluv glad to hear that all is good with your DH again. i know that was totally not supposed to be funny, but for some reason, i thought it was kinda funny. but too bad about the windshield. how are the kids?
My first post in this thread as an official mommy.

I''m just now starting to get my milk in after 3 days of colostrum only. It''s been so challenging to nurse. We''ve supplmented just a little bit of formula because I have no idea how much she''s getting. DH is really concerned about it, so he''s always pushing more formula in addition to the nursing. I hope now that my milk is coming in, we''ll see a difference and not need to give her a bottle. Any advice about this is greatly appreciated!! I''ve also had to use a nipple shield because apparantly my nipples aren''t long enough. I also hope they pop out more as the milk supply increases.

It''s only been 2 nights at home and I''m feeling a little more comfortable and getting a bit of a routine down. This whole thing is just amazing. Hard work, but it''s just wonderful.
courtney-welcome to the mommy thread! I''m glad your milk has come in. A women''s body really is an amazing thing and it will adjust the milk supply based on your babies demand. If everything is working normally you don''t need to supplement at all. The baby sucking is what stimulates the production so you want her to suck. if you give her too much forumla she could not be as hungry and you milk supply could actually decrease. It sounds like you are on the right track. Nursing is HARD! Many of us cried at one time or another during those early days/weeks. Don''t be afraid to get a lactation consultant to help too if you feel you need it and don''t hesitate to ask any questions here. congrats on mommyhood!!!
Okay, TWO of my posts got eaten over the day so I will catch up later but I wanted to respond to Courtney.

Courtney, I had the EXACT same problem (who knew?!?) and used a shield the entire time I BFed. Part was laziness (on both our parts), comfort, easier, etc...She self weened at 6.5 months being the little indy girl she is. We started supplementing at 4 months when her weight dropped to the 5% tile. We were ALL concerned (even my laid back pedi). We used high cal formula (later the regular when she was weened) and it worked like a charm (as shown in her recent photos). I felt guilty. It is hard not to think something is wrong with you. I felt judged when I bottle fed her...judged when I BFed...basically NOTHING you ever do will be right ever again b/c someone ALWAYS will judge.
Welcome to motherhood! We are a tough crowd. Nursing is easy for some but difficult for most. It was one of the hardest things I have *ever* done but I''ll do it with the next one. I am stubborn like that
Good luck, don''t get frustrated, and do what is best for you and your daughter. THAT is the right choice
Date: 5/3/2009 8:29:21 AM
Author: mrssalvo
courtney-welcome to the mommy thread! I'm glad your milk has come in. A women's body really is an amazing thing and it will adjust the milk supply based on your babies demand. If everything is working normally you don't need to supplement at all. The baby sucking is what stimulates the production so you want her to suck. if you give her too much forumla she could not be as hungry and you milk supply could actually decrease. It sounds like you are on the right track. Nursing is HARD! Many of us cried at one time or another during those early days/weeks. Don't be afraid to get a lactation consultant to help too if you feel you need it and don't hesitate to ask any questions here. congrats on mommyhood!!!
Ditto to this! My milk actually took 7 days to come in and we supplemented for one day. I took Fenugreek and Blessed Thistle which also really helped -- you can buy these herbs in pill form at most pharmacies. Take 2 of each three times a day, it will get that milk flowing hard! I still take it on days when I feel I need a little more milk for Hunter.

You can tell if your daughter is getting enough milk by her pees and poos. Input equals output
Over the first few days her poops should turn from black to brown/green and she should have al least 1 - 2 poops per day. When your milk in she should be having at least 2 to 3 poops per day from days 3 to 5 and they should be brown, greenish, or yellow. From day six on she should be having at least 1 to 3 (or many more) poops per day and they should be yellow. She should be having at least 1 wet diaper in day 1, 2 on day 2, 3 wet on day three, 4 on day 4, 5 on day 5, and then at least 6 heavy wet diapers after that. So keep a record of her pees and poops and feedings and you can know that she is getting enough! You can also tell by her demeanor. A baby who is feeding well will have a lusty energetic cry, and she will seem satisfied after most meals... at least for a while

We knew Hunter was not getting enough milk because he had too few pees and poops, and he was never satisifed and cried all the time for food.

I also had one nipple that was a little less protruding than the other. In this case it is extra important to get a good latch so if you have a lactation consultant give her a call! It got better, though, and after about 3 weeks he had no trouble latching onto my less protruding nipple. You can rent an electric pump from medical supply stores and use it, it will help your nipples to come out and also help bring in your milk more. Pum AFTER you have fed Alila.

Finally, re: nipple shields -- they *can* inhibit your milk supply because the baby isn't right on your nipple, so many lactation consultants don't recommend them. BUT in the end, like Tacori said, you have to do what it right for you and if that is the only way that works, then do what you need to do!

There is lots of help available if you really want to BF, don't give up it will get easier! But in the end just do what keeps you and Alila happy and healthy!
Diver! Glad all is well! We''ll need some updated pics ASAP!

lili~How is J doing? Does she seem to be feeling better? Sleeping better I hope!!

Bobo~Shoot! Sorry your hubby didn''t like that idea so much. You can always ask around here I know there are lots of ladies who''d love to help with a kitchen reno...myself included! I want second dibs on your oec pendant if you sell it! If lili doesn''t buy it, I will!!

puffy~Tayva didn''t go to bed until 8:15 tonight! Last week if she was still up at 8 it would have been UGLY but tonight she played so well with her cousin and was a total angel. Yay!

nyc~sounds like things are going well! You are lucky to have such an amazing support system! We''d love some new pics!

Tacori~So jealous of all the GTGs you''ve been having! Sorry about your fight with your DH. Sounds like he got the picture and is being sweet now. Yay for you!! I was so pissed at Mr Burk the other night because he schedule two trips-one to Phoenix and one Vegas within 3 weeks and both for fun (one for golfing and one for a bachelor party). I told him he owed me big time and so he''s been pretty sweet lately too. We''ll see how long that lasts.
We must have an integrated sink. Must. I think we''ll wait to get some hardware to bring in once the cabinets are done (and I''ll also get help from our interior designer). We bought our appliances tonight. As we were walking out I noticed this fridge that was a dark colored stainless so I asked our SA about it. I guess they came out with something they call "black stainless" which is just a darker color stainless. I LOVED it. So, by the time our house is done they may have all my appliances in the black stainless and I may end up switching to it.

lia~Yay for a BOB! I''m sure you''ll love it!! Sorry you''re not sleeping well.

QT~Sorry poor M is sick. Hope she feels better soon!

neat~Another craftsman lover! yay! I hope you''re able to buy one! I think they just have so much character and charm. So excited for you and your DH and your move!! Keep us posted on your house hunt. I''ll post pics as ours comes along. We should have plans from the architect tomorrow so I''m so excited.

Courtney~Welcome to the mommy thread! Like everyone said, BFing is NOT easy for everyone. They all said what I would have. I also used a nipple shield for a few weeks. I had no problems with supply because of it (if anything I too much). Good luck and keep us posted!

Okay. I think I''m pretty much caught up. I''ve been sick all weekend. I need to go to the doctor tomorrow because I still feel crappy. We had all these plans for this weekend and got pretty much NOTHING done because I felt so horrible. Boo. Oh well. Better head to bed. Hope everyone had a great weekend!
PSA announcement...sleeping in just a t-shirt may NOT be a good idea for your toddler. It was so hot I didn''t put pj bottoms on T last night and she took her diaper off in the middle of the night. Luckily she just peed b/c I have heard horror stories of kids pooping and then playing with it *barf*
The funny thing is I was so tired this morning I didn''t notice right away until she was sitting on my lap and I put my hand down and felt her bare butt!
It was funny the little turkey. Anyways I did a little 18 month photo shoot today. I cannot believe how quickly the past year and a half has gone. Everyday is a new challenge, new milestones, new laughs, sometimes tears, and lately lots of bruises.

Bobo, they were SO good and I am sure SO bad for me.

Q, hope M feels better! Fussy babies are never fun.

iluv, I bet you have some PSers that live by you. GTGs are lots of fun. Ava is so funny. I can see T saying that to me one day. Our fights are usually venting not screaming. Hopefully you can get some alone time soon!

NF, it is father''s day weekend.

Puffy, don''t think I have ever been spoiled.
Enjoy it! T does have some kissable cheeks. Mine were even bigger when I was a baby. She goes to the doctor on Wednesday. She hasn''t been since her 12 month appointment so it will be interesting.

MrsS, summer is coming fast! Hehe.

Burk, dark colored stainless, I have never seen it! I''ll have to check it out. Can you change it later? I know I am having 3 GTG over 3 months. Fun! All of your DH''s trips NOT fun. At least they aren''t for 30 days. Haha.
courtney welcome to the mommy thread!! BFing is definitely hard. it sounds like you are off to a great start. and hopefully you won''t have to supplement much more since your milk has come in. its just important early on to keep at it and let your little girl nurse as much as she needs so you can establish your milk supply.

neat buying your first home sounds fun, but i am sure it is pretty crazy for you to be doing it so far away. B talks like crazy, and aside from his colors, animals, he is actually starting to count. CRAZY!!! he will lay out his toy cars and count them, so it''s not like he''s just reciting his numbers. if he has 4 cars out, he will count to 4, then go get some more and continue counting. i tell ya, baby einstein is no joke!! are the boys sleeping well?

burk that''s awesome that T was up later and was so good about it!! i hope you feel better!! get some rest.

tacori i am totally taking advantage of DH being super nice to me. i dragged him shopping with me and he was all for it, and bought me tons of new clothes and shoes. and he did NOT complain about the shopping at all, but i think B was getting tired of it. he kept saying "go home mommy." haha. would love to see some of T''s pics. as for the diaper deal, if B is in sweats, he will put his hands down his pants and take his diaper off unless i put a onsie on him too, which is just too much work.
Okay - I am so far behind. Things have just been crazy over here.

TACORI - Awww, Tessa is such a cutie. I love those thighs
I wish thunder thighs were cute on adults too. Hahaha at T taking her diaper off at night. At least she only peed!

BURK - My MIL has a double oven and it''s great if you bake a lot. We usually only use the bottom portion since it''s bigger. I also love the cabs that you posted the link to. I love the look of dark wood in a house - so rich and inviting. I''ll second TACORI on the Corian countertops. DH and I lived in an apartment once that had them and they were very durable and pretty.

Q - I love your new avi! Cute cute cute!

Lili - I agree with you on the daycare set up suggestions to TANDOGMOM. I think it''s important that babies have plenty of interaction during the day - even when they''re little and "lumps". I love your new avi too!

JANINE - Sorry that C is not eating well these days. James sometimes goes through phases where he does not want a bottle and just wants babyfood. It makes me nervous, but he''s obviously not starving so I try not to worry about it. As for cleaning toys, we just wipe the plastic ones with a damp cloth and hand wash/drip dry the fabric ones.

NEAT - Congrats on DH''s new job!! How exciting that you get to move and possibly buy your first house soon!

PUFFY - Wow! B got his first haircut at 3 months! That''s a lot of hair! James is still pretty bald. He has hair, but it''s sooo blonde that you can hardly see it.

NYC - You will get by when your DH goes back to work. Are you still going to have help when he does? If so then take advantage of it while you can. I will get better, I promise. Hang in there momma!

COURTNEY - Welcome to the mommies board
I read your birth story last night and you did a great job! It is such an exhilarating experience and you''ll learn as you go. Alila is such a perfect little girl as well.

Re: Gaining weight while preggo/eating habits. I started around 115 and was 145 when I delivered and I''m a tiny gal - 5''0". I gained what felt like a lot in the first trimester in my butt and thighs. They got HUGE (and still are
). Into the second trimester and during the third trimester I basically only put on weight in the belly - with a little in the arms and face. I also had horrible water retention and totally had cankles
I think I ate okay for the most part - but I loved my Big Macs, Captain Crunch, sweet tea from McD''s and lemonade. James was born at 36weeks, 4 days and was 6lbs, 7ozs - a full pound heavier than most babies born in the 36th week. I also had mild GD, so that may have been why he was big. I think if you''ve never been preggo then you have no business commenting on a pregnant lady''s weight gain or eating habits. For many of us it''s a very emotional time and it wreaks havoc on your hormones and self-image.

to anybody that I missed
Date: 5/3/2009 10:41:59 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
PSA announcement...sleeping in just a t-shirt may NOT be a good idea for your toddler. It was so hot I didn''t put pj bottoms on T last night and she took her diaper off in the middle of the night. Luckily she just peed b/c I have heard horror stories of kids pooping and then playing with it *barf*
The funny thing is I was so tired this morning I didn''t notice right away until she was sitting on my lap and I put my hand down and felt her bare butt!
It was funny the little turkey. Anyways I did a little 18 month photo shoot today. I cannot believe how quickly the past year and a half has gone. Everyday is a new challenge, new milestones, new laughs, sometimes tears, and lately lots of bruises.
Tacori that is HILARIOUS!! What a smart cookie.
dreamer - just had to delurk to comment on your new avatar...gorgeous!! do share deets!! (sry if you already have and i missed the post)
Date: 5/2/2009 11:42:42 PM
Author: neatfreak
Thanks everyone! We are super excited but busy busy busy this week...not even with stuff for the move-that is a whole other ball of wax. In addition to moving it looks like we''re going to be trying to buy our first house out there too because I reaaaaally don''t want to move twice and we know we want to buy this year. So hard from far away though! Very stressful so I am spending an inordinate amount of time reading every blog, article, and advice post I can about buying houses. So much to learn! I feel like we are going to make a huge mistake with what house we choose unless I read everything humanely possible.

Burk Can I just say HOW JEALOUS I am of your house-to-be??? I love love love craftsman/bungalow style houses. There is a teeny one I fell in love with in the town we are moving to but it is a short sale so who knows what the heck will happen to it. But I love it. I told my realtor to keep a close watch on it for us! I can''t wait to see pics of your new house!

Tacori Probably not-unless it''s late June. When are you going to be there again?

Bobo Love your new pendant!

Puffy How''s little B doing? Mastered any new skills lately? He''s such a smart one.

lili Have I told you I ADORE your new avatar? So adorable.

Dreamer So glad Hunter is behaving for you. Mommies are so much happier with sleeping babies!!!

Linda The boys would love love love to have you as their NorCal grandma! And Gypsy has already volunteered to be their NorCal auntie-they are going to be all set! I am very excited for them to grow up in such a fun area-so many great things for kids to do. You''ll have to help me throw them a birthday party in December so they are not deprived.

QT Hope M feels better soon! We just got over a round of colds in our house too. Not fun.

NYC It''ll get immensely better-don''t worry! Might take you guys a bit longer because you have to count their developmental age from their due date rather than their birthdate-but you''ll get there.

Pave Dex and Max have had CC on and off too. We find that letting some baby shampoo sit on their head for a few minutes really softens it up. Then we use a soft brush or washcloth to wipe away the scales.

Janine When I was a kid my mom always used to just throw our stuffed animals in the washing machine, on a gentle cycle, in a lingerie bag. Not sure if that will damage rattles or anything though.

NF: Of course I will help you throw them a first birthday part. It will be My Pleasure
. I can''t wait.
There''s no way that I''m going to get caught up, so I''m not going to try. Sorry in advance to everyone I missed. Put me down as another who "gained too much weight", although the only one who ever seemed like they were at all concerned was my mom! I was fortunate enough to work around a bunch of people who gained about 50 pounds per pregnancy and then lost it all pretty quickly, so I didn''t get judgment from them at least.
My butt and thighs are also huge now, and I''m wondering how long it''s going to take for them to go down. I really don''t want to have to wear maternity clothes when I start working again, so it looks like I may need to do a little bit of shopping.

Speaking of going back to work - how many times a day should I be pumping to build up a freezer stash? I''m worrying that I haven''t been doing it aggressively enough. I''m adding approx 5-6 oz a day to my freezer stash right now, from pumping twice.

Courtney - welcome!! It looks like you''ve already gotten good advice about the BFing - just monitor output if you''re concerned about Alila getting enough. Kellymom also has a lot of good advice, and I''ve been using it a lot - here''s what they have to say about telling if a baby''s getting enough, for example. (It''s basically just what Dreamer said.)

Tacori- OMG. It sounds like you lucked out with that diaper episode - that could have been so much worse.

DD - your new avi threw me off for a second there. I''d love to hear the details too!
Blen & SBDE I posted a thread in SMTR here about my new lovely:

I thought my new avatar would throw people off! It makes me look much more serious over in RT
I love it, but I miss my puppies too!

ETA Blenheim I too had to cave and buy some non-maternity clothing
I am still about 1.5 sizes larger than I used to be. It will come off, I am sure, but it does take some time! You are only, what, 4 weeks pp? Give yourself a few more months. How are you feeling about going back to work?

SBDE How are you and your baby doing?
Date: 5/4/2009 4:34:23 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
ETA Blenheim I too had to cave and buy some non-maternity clothing
I am still about 1.5 sizes larger than I used to be. It will come off, I am sure, but it does take some time! You are only, what, 4 weeks pp? Give yourself a few more months. How are you feeling about going back to work?

Sadly I did too.
It''s coming off-but not flying off like I had hoped! It''s been long enough that sadly I don''t think you''ll lose any "magic" weight as I like to call it. It''ll probably be awhile to lose it safely.
hi ladies,
I just wanted to say thanks for those who took the time to write in about their daycare experiences in response to my post the other day. I kept thinking I would have time to reread everyones posts and a better reply but here is my quick posting -
For some reason I cannot bold ppls names - sorry about that!

thanks for sharing your positive experience with daycare. It makes me optimistic that you are having a great experience with the center where your girls are. I believe I read in this thread that you got a big promotion recently? if I am remembering right, congratulations! i am so glad that your hard work is paying off.

thank you for your reply as well. I am interested to hear how it goes for you when you do get into the more premanent childcare situation. It is great that your mom is willing and able to help out. I wish I had family closer by to do the same, but I don't. It sounds like you are working so hard to make it all happen with the commute and all. It is a tough balancing act isn't it? My DH says he is supportive of either decision - but *feeling* supportive and *acting* supportive (i.e. doing more housework, more stuff for our son, etc) are two diff things. I hope he will act supportive as well as feel supportive. His job is very demanding so its hard to ask more of him though... it's tough. I feel the same way you do about having another woman in my house taking care of my child - I just feel weird about it unless it is a family member.

I remember your posts when you were trying to figure out what to do. I am really glad that you figured out a solution that works for your family. it is wonderful that your MIL is able to watch your son part of the time and that her schedule and your schedule are compatible to the extent they are. Thanks for sharing your experience.

it sounds like you have figured out a really great situation! i am really glad that you are happy with your work and childcare arrangement. it sounds like a great fit!

I know I am missing at least one person who was nice enough to to write - sorry about that! I enjoyed each post and I really appreciated everyone's feedback.

I visited the daycare again last Fri and had a pretty good feeling about it - that is, IF he is going to daycare, I think this is a good one. The teachers all seemed caring and experienced, and the facility seemed clean. DH thought they were a little lax on security, but I didn't notice that.

Today I took the baby to my office to say hi to all my work friends and had lunch with one friend who is sort of a mentor in terms of being a working mom. She is making it work with 2 kids. I got some good ideas from her or at least commiseration! I am still not sure what I am going to do though. In the meantime I'm trying to work from home some so that I can extend out my maternity leave hours and delay the decision as long as possible!
Thanks everyone on their well wishes. M is doing a bit better. She still has a sore throat and lots of chest congestion. She actually lost her voice, but I think it''s coming back.

Welcome to the mommy thread. Your DD Alila is so precious. Is her name pronounced Ah-Lie-La? It''s a really cute name.
Sounds like you are doing very well and enjoying motherhood.

It''s definitely easier on your mind after your milk comes in; at least you don''t feel like your baby is not getting enough. Was there any reasons why you thought she wasn''t getting enough from your colostrom? I think you were probably fine. I know the nurse and my MIL were constantly pushing us to supplement when we were in the hospital. Good thing for me was that DH was supportive of not supplementing b/c we took a breastfeeding class and he understands that the baby''s stomach is small and the colostrom is enough (unless the baby is not wetting enough diapers). I don''t have experiences with nipple shields. Ditto on getting help from a LC. IMO, a big part of BFing success is support. We are here if you need. Good luck.

LOL on the t-shirt and diaper. I''ll have to remember that one.
Can''t believe T is 18 months already. Hmmm you can''t tell us about the photo shoot and not post pics, you know.

Congrats on your DH getting the job. Hope the wait for official offer flies by. Government jobs have to follow a lot steps.

How are you and James doing?

When are you going back to work? I actually didn''t start pumping to build a stash until about a month before I went back to work. I figure if I start the stash too early, it might go bad before I go back to work (well that''s only b/c I don''t want to switch out and give M frozen BM). When I started pumping to build a stash, I just pumped once a day, and I had around 150oz by the time I went back to work. IMO, don''t worry too much about building a stash.

I didn''t respond for daycare experiences as we are lucky that MIL is taking care of DD. That also has some drawbacks, but we know she is well taken care of. We do plan to put her in daycare next year around the time she turns 2 b/c I want her to socialize with other kids and we might have baby #2 by then. It''s hard for me to go back to work, so I can imagine how hard it is to take your baby to daycare. Good luck with deciding what to do.

Hi to everyone else.

Qtiekiki,sorry to hear M have a cold. Little B got sick over the weekend too, he got running nose, coughing and slight fever.

Iluv, are the best wife and mom!

Thanks NF, so exciting that you guys are buying a house! I think a good agent is really important.

Hi Courtney~ welcome to mommyhood!

Thanks Burk, your post on picking out stuff for your home does help me in a way. Thanks for the compliments on the pendant, I actually end up giving the pendant to my mom as her mother's day gift since she like it too. But I have to say I miss it very much.

Tacori, I can't believe Tessa took her diaper off...oh my~ can't believe Tessa is 18 months already, soon you'll need to plan her 2 years birthday party.

Blenheim, I'm no help here, I am still in some of my maternity clothes

Sorry DD, I don't know how this post end up in your thread. I'm sorry~

Okay, here are a few of my favorites...

She likes to try to grab my camera.

my happy girl!

Tacori~Too funny about Tessa taking her diaper off! Crazy girl. I can change to the dark stainless if they come out with it on all the appliances by the time we move in. You are so lucky with all the GTG''s. I told DH if he isn''t nice to me about all these stupid trips he''s taking I''m going to take off on a trip of my own. Maybe I''d go somewhere where I could do a GTG!!

puffy~I didn''t go to work today so I could sleep. I feel much better. That''s awesome that your DH took you shopping! When is your doctor''s appt?

diva~I bake some and really like to entertain so I think the double ovens will be great. Hope all is well with you!

Re:post baby weight~I was back to my old size in clothes by the time T was 3 months old. However, my body wasn''t back to "normal" by then. By the time she was 7 months old I had my old body back. It''s just a process and it takes some longer than others. You''ll all get there!

TanDogMom~Your welcome. Good luck with your decision. Keep us posted.

QT~Glad M is feeling better!

Bobo~Your mom is a lucky lady!! Keep me posted on what you end up with for your new kitchen!
Tacori~We must have been posting at the same time. I love the pics!! She is such a doll. Love her dress!!
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