
PS Mommies Thread!

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Thanks puffy!...I also thought it would be best to bathe them every few days but MIL is starting with her antics and criticizing everything..saying we have to wash them everyday. I do notice they sleep better after a bath but I still don''t think it necessary every single day.
I don''t know why it is they give us more problems at nightime than during day...jonathan ate at 1am and now again at 240am...meanwhile during the day he is on a 3hr schedule. It must be to withold sleep from mama!

Does everyone like this boon highchair?...seems very modern and nice but how practical and comfy is it? I want to put it on registry (ppl are still buying from it bc I never had a shower) but the graco 4 in one seems more practical.?
Burk, sorry you were sick this weekend! That is never fun! I could see a dark gray countertop to tie into your new appliances.

pave, those were taken with my Nikon D60. Works so much better than my point and shoot b/c it takes pics FAST. *Almost* as fast as her. Haha. Try a frozen wash cloth for teething. As for clogs they can happen b/c of stress, illness, you aren''t emptying the boob...basically ANY reason. The key is to deal with them early before you get an infection. Lots of feedings/pumpings, heat, massage and cold (ice) helped me.

nyc, I remember when T demanded to be fed EVERY HOUR! It was horrible. We only bathed her a few times a week. I don''t think we used (or were suppose to use) soap. I love the boon. It has a foam insert so I think it would be comfortable. She or any other kid who has used it while over have certainly never complained. So easy to clean and it is more my "style" than other high chairs on the market. I love it!

puffy, thanks. It is such a grown-up walk.

Q, she is my mini me. My SIL actually got her that dress. Target has the cutest clothes and the price is right. She gets SO dirty now I hate to put her in anything expensive.

Lili, yay for the compliments. I was actually feeling guilty about not getting pro shots so I am glad these look so good. I took them with my Nikon. See it''s already paying for itself. Haha. Her hair is getting long. It touches her shoulders. You aren''t the first to try to convince us that DH and I need to make lots of babies. We WILL have at least one more I am just not in a rush. I don''t think she is ready for potty training. She never lets me know when she went or seems uncomfortable.
NYC I really feel that babies don't need to be bathed too often unless they get poopy or have spit up on themselves. We actually only bathed Hunter 2 times in the first two weeks or so... I know that seems gross to some, but their newborn skin needs to develop and the oils in the skin really help! We never used soap for the first few months, we actually used cetaphil cleanser and still do most times. We use shampoo on his hair every third bath or so... now that he is older he has a bath every night but it is mostly for the routine, not for cleaning. We just wipe him with a wet cloth and use cetaphil on his nether regions which do get dirty.

Courtney Every mother worries whether her baby is getting enough, I still worry now! But you have to trust in your body and in your observations of Alilas demeanor and her diapers. I think unless you are trying to create a stash you should stop pumping. If you keep it up, you will become very engorged because your body will think that Alila is eating much more than she is! Your supply will be fine just with her feeding. I think now you can focus your attention more on perfecting her latch and trying to get things to work without the shields--- I only stress this because it makes life easier if you don't need them. M one friend uses them always and when we go out in public places she won't nurse and I think part of it is that it is a little harder to do so in public having to place the shield prior to latching etc. I think I mentioned that I also had one nipple that was less protruding, and it was harder to get Hunter to latch onto it. You really need to pinch the nipple on one side so that the areola is easier for Alila to grasp. Also, beware next week you may have some pain from a poor latch -- I did on my breast where it was harder for her to latch. But within 3 weeks is was great! Keep practicing and get some hands on help, it will work wonders.

Puffy Hunter regularly sleeps 7.5 to 8 hours in his first shift, then about 3.5 and then 1.5 (just so I can get a little extra shut eye!)... so all told he sleeps from about 8pm until 8am. It is very nice! My only concern right now is weaning him off the swaddle. He sleeps better with it and even sort of needs it to nap and sleep at night. I am not relishing trying to get him used to sleeping without it!
Just popping in to say that my big girl Lily is TWO YEARS OLD today!!!!
It''s bittersweet, actually. She''s totally not a baby, more like a teenager on most days! She''s really a star and I couldn''t be more proud of her. I meant to stop posting photos of her when she turned one but I broke my own rule so this may be one of the last photos I actually do post of her now that she really doesn''t look like a generic baby. We had a big party for her at Gymboree on Saturday and she had so much fun with her friends. And she actually didn''t want to have anything to do with me or DH, that''s when I realized that things are really changing!
Unfortunately, we can''t stop them from growing up so it''s important to just enjoy every minute because it goes by sooooo quickly. Anyway, just wanted to share. I''ll try to catch up to everyone later!

Courtney-sounds like you are doing great. I agree with the others that unless you are trying to build up a stash you don't need to be pumping. I never pumped with any of my 3 kids. I tried with my first and found it painful and didn't have the determination to keep at it so I gave up. I just nursed them when they wanted it in those early weeks. It's great that your milk has come in and is flowing strong!!
Let us know what the LC says too, I'm glad you decided to call her. I really do think having a hands on person to help make sure everything is going in the right direction re: latch etc. is such a great idea and will help give you some peace of mind.

tacori- LOVE the pics of tessa. she's just a doll baby and turning into such the pretty little "girl." are you going to put her into any type of mother's day out or something in the fall?

burk-I hope you are feeling better

nyc-giving newborns baths every few days is fine. I did start giving Jakes a little bath every night at a few weeks b/c I wanted to make it part of his night time routine but you certainly don't have to.

curly- Happy 2nd Birthday to Lily!!! wow the time has flown by. I love her piggy tails too. My Lily loves to wear piggy tails and I think little girls just look so cute in them.

So, for the first time yesterday Jake stood up completely unassisted in the middle of the backyard. Usually he uses something to pull up but he had nothing but his own strength and balance
Happy Birthday Lily! And she is turning into such a beauty
. It really hits home how fast time goes when I see how quickly she is growing!! eek!

I wish there was a way we could create a closed forum so we could post photos. Facebook group or something? People could still set up nickname accounts, but at least we''d know who the other "anonymous" people are and it''d be a closed forum.
BLEN - I had to do some clothes shopping before I went back to work - and I was on maternity leave for 6 months
I''m within about 3-5lbs of my pre-pregnancy weight but my body still isn''t back to "normal". My hips, butt and thighs are bigger than they were before and I think they''re going to stay that way. I already told DH and if/when we have #2 I''m saving up for lipo and a boob job

TANDOGMOM - Our daycare schedule is good for us, but it can get confusing sometimes. Being that my MIL just had major abdominal surgery she can''t lift James at all so her sister, Nan, has been helping out at home. We all have to get together with our calendars to make sure everything matches up. It''s exhausting
DH and I also visited a daycare center that I thought was lack on security - and cost just as much as the national center we also checked out. Obviously, we didn''t go with either since we only need part-time care. You''ll make the right decision for your family.

Q - We are doing good over here - how is your family? Work has been crazy for me, especially with Chrysler going under. Lots of calls, although the rush to file hasn''t started yet.

TACORI - Awww, Tessa is so cute. I love the one of her model walk! She looks like a mini supermodel with her hair blowing back and the serious look on her face

PAVE - Sorry to hear about T''s sleep issues. I know how you feel - James is 10 months and still not STTN
James also slept in the carrier until he was like 7 weeks old. After that we started putting him on his tummy and he did much better. He just got his first two teeth and also didn''t take to any teethers. We have the Baby Einstein carterpiller one and also a penguin one from Target, I think. He just doesn''t put things into his mouth - except for his own fingers - so they never worked for us either. Sometimes I can get him to chew on a cold washcloth.

LILI - James was big for being so early and both my OB and the pedi said he probably would have been over 9lbs if I had gone to 40 weeks
He''s still big for his age!

CURLY - I can''t belive Lily is 2 already! Time goes by wayyy too fast.

My MIL''s pathology reports came back and they were all clean so they got all of the cancer
She won''t have to have any chemotherapy or radiation either. We are all so relieved. She''s recovering well from the surgery and seems to be more like herself every day. She''s not allowed to lift James for at least another 2 weeks so her sister, Nan, is helping with baby duty so DH and I don''t have to spend the $$ on our sitter.

On another sort of unrelated update - my friend T called me at work the other day and apologized. We got together once since then but I''m not really sure how I feel about our friendship anymore. I feel like I''m walking on eggshells around her so I don''t know how this will end. I love her dearly, as we''ve been friends for a long time, but on the other hand I don''t want to feel like I always have to watch myself around her since she''s so easily insulted by the things I do (per her email to me).
I guess I''ll just take my time with it and go from there.
qt glad to hear that M is doing better. B is happy as can be. i''m good too. thanks for akskng. not as tired as i thought i would be, but i''m still having sleep issues, which hopefully will resolve itself soon.

lili poor J!!! sorry to hear that she''s not doing well. that poor girl. i hope she''s doing better today. yeah, i am totally taking advantage of DH wanting to do stuff for me or with me. haha. we''re going to our first prenatal appt later today, hopefully everything is fine.

DD you have a wonderful sleeper on your hands!! i hope you are enjoying it. as for the swaddle, just swaddle him is it helps him to sleep. i stopped swaddling B a little before 2 months only because he was breaking out of it and would try to fight me every time i swaddled him.

tacori i can''t believe T''s hair is so long, but it looks just perfect on her!!

happy 2nd birthday LILY!!! what a great pic!!!

mrsS YAY for Jake!! you must be such a proud mama!!

diva that''s great news about your MIL!

burk i hope you are feeling better.
Pave~T took naps in her swing until she was 5 months. I wouldn''t worry. Maybe work on one thing at a time-try and ween from the swaddle first and then when you have success with that then worry about the swing. T is doing great. She''s talking a lot more and surprising me every day with the things she knows. So much fun!

nyc~We only did a couple baths a week as well.


bobo~Sorry little B isn''t feeling well! Hope he gets better soon!


lili~Poor J! Hopefully the antibiotics will kick in soon and she''ll be back to her old self! When do you leave for HI? So exciting!

Tacori~Being a sick mommy sucks but I feel much better now. I like the idea of a dark countertop....not sure if I''m going to do the light cabs, though. I think I still like the idea of the dark to off set our white woodwork. We shall see. I should be getting our plan emailed to me from our architect today. If you''re interested maybe I''ll start a thread and post a couple pics?

curly~What an ADORABLE 2 year old you have there!! Happy birthday to Lily!!!

mrss~Thanks. Yay for Jake! He''ll be taking off in no time!

janine~I agree, it makes me sad that we''re all going to stop posting pics of our kiddos soon. I wish there was another way...

Diva~Yay for your MIL!!
Ok, it looks like I''ll need to cave and do some clothes shopping. My mom''s visiting Thursday-Tuesday, so maybe we''ll have some girl time out shopping.

Work... ugh. I get 6 weeks paid, and the plan has been for me to go back at 6 weeks as long as hub''s still unemployed, because we need some income. And he still is. However, I just realized a few days ago that I have yet to take any vacation time this year, so I think I may tack 2-3 vacation days onto the end of my maternity leave so that my first week back is a short one. That just seems easier, mentally. I don''t want to go back.
But it''s going to be in about two weeks, so unfortunately I do need to be on top of the freezer stash issue. And the clothing thing.

Court - I hope that the LC is able to help you out!

NYC - we just bathe George whenever he has a monstrous poo that I don''t feel like cleaning up with wipes, or when he starts to smell like spit up. This usually comes out to once every few days. They really don''t need to be cleaned more than that. If your mom wants to and is willing to be the one to wash them, I don''t know that I''d stop her though - there are probably more important things to hold your ground on.

Tacori - love the new pictures!

Curly - happy 2nd b-day to Lily! Where''s all of the time going?
dd - your new diamond is gorgeous! baby and i are doing well - he''s growing up so fast!

i suppose i''ve put off joining the mommies thread far too long, so i''ll officially do so now - hi all!!

my son was born mid january and the past few mos have been a blur of activity, change and emotion. i held off on joining the thread because i had house guests staying and helping out for the longest time. now it''s just baby and me @ home during the day and i spend much of my time lurking on PS and reading all the amazing advice given out by the mommies here...

little jelly is doing well, and now at 3.5 mos he is really showing his personality and turning into a little person! i love that he now responds to us, smiles all the time and we actually heard his first laugh last week - gosh there is no better sound in the whole world is there? anyways, i hope to be a more regular contributor to this thread...

all in all motherhood has been the most challenging but most worthwhile thing i''ve ever done! to the new mommies - hang in there things DO get easier!! trust me, it''s so rewarding to see your baby literally celebrate everytime they see your face
Thanks Burk! I think you make alot of sense. I might do the swing first, swaddleme second. we will see. the swing didn''t help his sleep last night- only 3 1/2 hours for long stretch and he does htat in the crib so...

Argggghhh! I know i know I will be fine, but I just got the final dates for dh''s next trip for work. almost two full weeks!! Yikes I am not happy. Poor dh I know he does not have a choice and I shouldn''t take it out on him. I guess I start to feel stressed about it and end up lashing out at him a bit, although maybe a little of it is deserved since I have been asking for Weeks what the dates are so I can plan and now he''s all oh- yeah its this date to this date- I forgto to tell you! too late for my mom to get a cheap plane ticket. Realistically it doesn''t matter anyway b/c my mom and dad think I just need to suck it up!!!! I probably do to some extent, but still...My mom''s theory is "well I never had help"- umm, sorry just because you didn''t try to get help and take care of yourself, that doesn''t make me wrong. and also she did have her family(inlaws around the corner. granted she may have done it all herself but just knowing you have help around the corner has to make a dif mentally, no?
thanks for listening whoever read this! sorry to vent.
curlygirl - happy birthday to lily! she is so adorable.

tacori - love the latest tessa pics :)

nyc - i don''t bathe jelly everyday either, but i do wash his little booty everytime he does a poop. i find it easier than wiping him and to tell you the truth it''s what i''ve always seen the women in my family do so it''s what i do.

courtney - hope your recovery is going well!

burk - hope you feel better soon - get tons of rest.
sbde~Welcome to the mommies thread officially! Giggles are the best!! Do we get to see a picture?

Pave~For us T only took her naps in the swing-she always slept great in her crib at night so I''m not really sure about that. Does he wake to eat or just fuss? Sorry about your DH''s long work trip. I can totally relate-my hubby travels all the time. I am lucky that my parents and my IL''s are close so I have free babysitters when I want to go work out. We''re here to listen whenever you need to vent!
Date: 5/4/2009 10:47:44 PM
Author: Burk
Tacori~Since I was sick this weekend we didn''t go look at cabinets. When we do (hopefully some time this week), I''ll take some pics if we see anything we like and post.
I agree dark countertops with light cabinets.

iluv~Thanks! What kind of cabinets do you have? I feel like I''ve seen a pic of you kitchen...was it in the thread we started about old homes? I''m off to look....

Courtney~I think Tacori''s right and L is having problems with her latch. Drinking from a bottle is less work so that''s probably why she''s drinking so well from the bottle. Do keep us posted.

Forgot to mention earlier that I stayed home from school today and slept for the entire morning. Then I went to the doctor (had to do strep test and influenza screen which both sucked and both came back negative) and ended up leaving with another prescription for an antibiotic (which I did not fill). Boo. I do feel better tonight so hopefully just getting some rest was what I needed.

I''m not sure if you can see them in those pics, but the wood is mahogany and the front is leaded glass.
How are the plans coming along? Are you feeling better?
Date: 5/5/2009 1:49:49 AM
Author: lili

Hope M is feeling better.

Seems like kids are getting sick again and I thought the season of colds is a thing of the past.


You are petite

Hehe, too funny about Ava using the sleeve as her napkin (at least she''s using something instead of her bare hands right?)

So how are your 2 monkeys doing?

They should be out of school for summer pretty soon huh?


How exciting that you guys are going to buy a house.

First time home purchasing is overwhelming but fun.

Good luck w/ your home search!

And thanks, it''s rare that I can take a good picture of her these days.

How''s about letting us see some recent pictures of your Max and Dex?


Haha, I''ll just shave him bald if I have a boy.

So much easier w/ the shampooing and bedhair.

Woohoo....your first prenatal is coming up soon huh? sweet DH is spoiling you already.

J isn''t doing too well unfortunately.

Had to take her in today for a checkup because she had diarrhea and vomit the last 2 days.

Dr checked and she lost almost 1 pound
and her ear infection got worse.

So we got the antibiotics for her -- hopefully it doesn''t make her run and vomit (as that can be a side effect).

We''ll have to get her to drink pedilyte too (which she''s not taking) because she''s a bit dehydrated.

Hopefully she''ll be a little better tomorrow.



Looks like you''ve got some good advices already regarding BFing

and sounds like you are on the right track.

Lili, I am sorry that J is still sick.

Poor little thing! I hope the medicine helps.

My kids are fine, thanks for asking. They get out of school at the end of June.
BTW, Ava does tend to wear her food...

You are right though - it could always be worse haha
Thanks everyone for the bathing tips! i may start giving the baths every nite for the routine as well...i actually do think they sleep better, my sister always used body wash and lotion on her daughter but interesting that many of u didnt, i will try infusing chamommile tea into the water...i hear it relaxes them and does wonders for the skin.

DD- interesting about the cetaphil..never heard of using that but must try!

curlygirl- shes such a cutie!! love those pigtails hehe

Diva- yay for happy for u and the whole fam!

Blen- MIL doesnt necessarily want to wash them ...she just wants to complain that we dont do it. i would only bathe them before bedtime anyway ..unless pooping issues of course...and she isnt around then anyway (thank goodness
.i wouldnt want to go bak to work either
but its tough when u have to...dh just went bak and im highly upset but theres nothing we can do about that ...luckily i still have lots of help!

sbde- would love to see pics!
nyc - I was just hoping that if she was trying to create extra work, that she''d be willing to do it. Guess not! Maybe the bedtime baths would help Jonathan sleep better when he goes down for the night. Good luck!

Iluvcarats - how old are your kids?

I just realized that I haven''t posted any George photos for a little while, so here''s one of him today - 4 weeks exactly. His neck control is getting better!

G 4wks.jpg

He''s adorable! I''ve been wanting to ask about the cloth diapers... does he have a lot of leakage? And Dreamer, have you moved to cloth yet? I know you''d started on disposable and wanted to move on to cloth. Just wondering, as that''s a route we''d like to take, if we can.
Date: 5/5/2009 6:26:13 PM
Author: Blenheim
nyc - I was just hoping that if she was trying to create extra work, that she'd be willing to do it. Guess not! Maybe the bedtime baths would help Jonathan sleep better when he goes down for the night. Good luck!

Iluvcarats - how old are your kids?

Hi Blenheim!
George is so adorable!

My kids are Sam,almost 7 Ava,10 and Muddy

Blen- omg he''s such a cutie! When can they actually hold their heads? My munchkins are also doing the tummy laying excercises and are practically crawling! Lol.

Iluv- what an awesome pic!
Date: 5/5/2009 6:52:28 PM
Author: nycbkgirl
Blen- omg he''s such a cutie! When can they actually hold their heads? My munchkins are also doing the tummy laying excercises and are practically crawling! Lol.

Iluv- what an awesome pic!

Thanks Nycbkgirl!
How are the twins? how are you feeling?
ILuvcarats- how adorable! I love all of Sam's freckles. Are you looking forward to having them home for the summer?

Fisher - thanks! The funny thing is that I was JUST about to reply to you but got peed on and figured that while I was changing my shirt, I might as well hop in the shower. We've had George just in prefolds today (no cover) so that his bum can breathe a bit more, as he's starting to develop diaper rash and airing out the skin can help. So of course we're dealing with more fluid control issues than normal.

To be honest we have had some leaking problems, but all of them were fixable. At first we didn't realize that you're supposed to point their penises down (regardless of what type of diapers you're using), so we were letting it point wherever it felt like pointing and were getting leaks out the top of the diapers whenever it pointed up. That's user error and not anything with the type of diapers though! The other issue that we've had is with when we go more than 4 hours or so between changes (which sometimes happens at night), but that's been fine since we've started using hemp doublers at night - they're more absorbant. I really like our diapers and the additional laundry has not been a big deal, which is the main thing that I was worried about going into it.

ETA (because while I can now type while BFing, I'm really slow at it and miss stuff)
NYC - thanks! He acts like he's trying to crawl too! I'm not sure when the average for holding their heads up is - G's able to do it for limited periods of time.
Date: 5/5/2009 7:02:57 PM
Author: Blenheim
ILuvcarats- how adorable! I love all of Sam's freckles. Are you looking forward to having them home for the summer?

Fisher - thanks! The funny thing is that I was JUST about to reply to you but got peed on and figured that while I was changing my shirt, I might as well hop in the shower. We've had George just in prefolds today (no cover) so that his bum can breathe a bit more, as he's starting to develop diaper rash and airing out the skin can help. So of course we're dealing with more fluid control issues than normal.

To be honest we have had some leaking problems, but all of them were fixable. At first we didn't realize that you're supposed to point their penises down (regardless of what type of diapers you're using), so we were letting it point wherever it felt like pointing and were getting leaks out the top of the diapers whenever it pointed up. That's user error and not anything with the type of diapers though! The other issue that we've had is with when we go more than 4 hours or so between changes (which sometimes happens at night), but that's been fine since we've started using hemp doublers at night - they're more absorbant. I really like our diapers and the additional laundry has not been a big deal, which is the main thing that I was worried about going into it.

ETA (because while I can now type while BFing, I'm really slow at it and miss stuff)

NYC - thanks! He acts like he's trying to crawl too! I'm not sure when the average for holding their heads up is - G's able to do it for limited periods of time.

Thanks Blen!
Just when I think Sam can't possibly get any cuter, I'll find random freckles in obscure places like inside his ears

It will be nice to have them home, although Ava is going to sleepaway camp for 2 weeks.
But I think it will be a really good experience for her.

Sounds like George is realy strong and has great head control. He is a cutie!

ETA You can use a tissue to spare yourself from an unwelcome shower. Just place it gently on top...
I never would have known about the pointing down thing, Blen.

Geesh, I have to learn *so* stinking much!!!
Iluvcarats - I have such good memories of sleep away camp, and I''m sure that she''ll love it.
Thanks for the tip -we''ve figured out that we need to put things over him while we''re changing him after getting sprayed a couple of times. The problem today is that we have him in the absorbant part of the diaper but not the waterproof part so that his skin can breathe, and I was nursing him when he peed. I could get our changing pad out of the car and put it between us, but I''m just too lazy to walk out for some reason. (Like showering really that much easier?)

Fisher - We didn''t know either, but you pick it up! I''m sure that there''s a ton that we still don''t know.
Curly! Happy 2nd Birthday Lily!!! She is so adorable! Glad the party was a blast.

MrsS, I would love to put her into a program and our Y offers one (starting at 18 months) but I have to tweak her nap time first. Their program is 10-1 and as of now she takes her nap at 12. Could me worse. I am selfish though and would love more me time. Plus I think it is good for her to meet/play with other kids. She doesn''t look like a baby anymore huh?

Diva, I know! I mean usually she walks like a toddler but there she looks like an adult. So funny. I am glad your MIL is doing well. That is a huge relief I am sure. Sorry James is not STTN yet. I know you are opposed to CIO but how long do you let him cry?

puffy, people cannot believe she hasn''t has her first hair cut yet.

pave, I think T slept in her swing until 3 months. Some kids are just NOT good self-soothers but don''t worry. She is very good now so I think it just takes some longer to "get it."

nyc, I think one of the reasons we didn''t so it nightly (and sometimes still don''t) besides it not being good for their skin is I *personally* did not want a complicated bedtime routine. It makes my life SO much easier that 99% of the time T goes to bed without fuss. Anyone can put her to bed. She usually doesn''t make a peep.

Burk, yes! Start a thread!

Blen, thanks! G is so little and adorable!

sbde, I still get excited to hear T''s giggles, laughs and full out hysterics. Welcome!

iluv, CUTE picture as always! They look like they get pics anyways

Tessa went to the toddler room at Child Watch today. Well, there must have not been enough toddlers so they stuck her in the preschool room (I think it is ages 3-5). I spied on her and she was SURROUNDED by kids, eating some toy with 2 of the daycare ladies on either side. I have a feeling they were "protecting" her. When I came in the third lady said "Tessa! Mommy is here!" Then she saw me and got SO excited. She said "oh!" and TRIED to come running towards me but the kids wouldn''t separate. She was CLIMBING over them to try to get to me until the lady finally freed her. I think this older girl (3 maybe) was trying to help her. So funny. In other news she is seriously crabby. Teething BIG time! Not sure which tooth is coming in but it''s a BAD one. Gave her some motrin but she is upset for sure. Poor thing.
iluv- im feeling much better ...I will go to ob soon to check out incision bc there is a spot where it feels hard inside..duno what that is. Otherwise im good...except my wedding band doesn''t fit with my ering still
....I don''t know if I should size it or wait...(does swelling go down eventually??)

Jonathan is having a hard time falling asleep after feeding...he starts crying and I switch his side position and let his hands out of swaddle (he likes that now) and give him a pacifier but it takes a looong time for him to settle down..and at night its a bit hectic...
Jackie....has this snorting thing always sounds like she''s congested, we do clean her nose out but still seems weird...doc appt is in a week.

My fam told me to add some milk to the bathing water as well as infusing herbs and natural stuff.. Like sage,chammomile etc...will try that later on.

Blen- interesting info about the peepee ...learn smthg new everyday!
PUFFY, BURK & NYC - Thank you so much for your well wishes about my MIL!

BLEN - It is so hard going back to work. I''d try to extend your maternity leave as long as you can. George is soo cute
Makes me want to cuddle a newborn again.

Welcome to the mommies thread! Are you opposed to sharing pictures? If not I''d love to see some

ILUV - Your kiddos are cute (doggie too). I especially like Ava''s glasses - very trendy.

TACORI - At night DH does not go get James until he is actually crying crying. If he''s just making noise or "complaining" as we call it then we leave him be. I''m more open to CIO now that he''s older, but I still don''t like it. Soon enough. I''ve always had trouble sleeping so I know where he gets it from

We tried giving James table food today with some success. We had hamburger gravy with mashed potatoes for dinner so we gave James a bit of the taters with some gravy only (no meat yet) and he took a couple of bites and then decided he didn''t like it anymore
. We also tried to get him to take a bite of ice cream but he won''t have anything to do with cold food. Usually when we try to give him anything other than baby food or his cereal he gags so this is progress for him.
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