
The LIW Small Talk Thread

Date: 3/12/2010 2:37:38 PM
Author: sunnyd
On the topic of leggings, look what I found on In what circumstances would these be worn?!?!?! I don''t know whether to laugh or cry.
I don''t even understand them! Do you wear them under a skirt?! Wouldn''t the lace mess with your vagine?
Date: 3/12/2010 2:43:36 PM
Author: sunnyd
I don''t even understand them! Do you wear them under a skirt?! Wouldn''t the lace mess with your vagine?
I would imagine you wear them under a skirt but they''re see-through so... why bother? No one wants to see lacy camel toe.
Ewwwww!!! LOL!
Sunny, those may be the worst things I''ve ever seen.

And P...a Safari sounds like an AWESOME honeymoon!
P, I''m with you - no huts over the water for me. It''s gorgeous, and I''d love to look at it, but I''m not really into relaxing vacations when we''re one-on-one. A safari sounds way cooler!

I like to save the relaxing vacations to do with friends - it''s hard to get bored with so many other people around. If DH and I are just going to sit around our whole vacation, we might as well sit around at home (which is what we do anyway)
Those leggings would be kind of cute under a skirt, assuming they''re long enough. And assuming you''re under 20 years of age.

I certainly hope nobody''s wearing them without a skirt
Date: 3/12/2010 3:20:37 PM
Author: elrohwen
Those leggings would be kind of cute under a skirt, assuming they''re long enough. And assuming you''re under 20 years of age.

I certainly hope nobody''s wearing them without a skirt
I will be Cher for Halloween and wear them, sans skirt.
Date: 3/12/2010 4:12:02 PM
Author: sunnyd

Date: 3/12/2010 3:20:37 PM
Author: elrohwen
Those leggings would be kind of cute under a skirt, assuming they''re long enough. And assuming you''re under 20 years of age.

I certainly hope nobody''s wearing them without a skirt
I will be Cher for Halloween and wear them, sans skirt.
Date: 3/12/2010 4:13:07 PM
Author: elledizzy5

Date: 3/12/2010 4:12:02 PM
Author: sunnyd

Date: 3/12/2010 3:20:37 PM
Author: elrohwen
Those leggings would be kind of cute under a skirt, assuming they''re long enough. And assuming you''re under 20 years of age.

I certainly hope nobody''s wearing them without a skirt
I will be Cher for Halloween and wear them, sans skirt.
Shhhh! Secret!
I just gave myself a heart attack. I really don''t function well when sick/recovering/worried, and I narrowly avoided something bad happening.
Date: 3/12/2010 2:45:56 PM
Author: elledizzy5

Date: 3/12/2010 2:43:36 PM
Author: sunnyd
I don''t even understand them! Do you wear them under a skirt?! Wouldn''t the lace mess with your vagine?
I would imagine you wear them under a skirt but they''re see-through so... why bother? No one wants to see lacy camel toe.
Perhaps I am loopy from a solid week of thinking about my job offer, selling the house, finishing my PhD, etc but this made me giggle like teenage boy.
Date: 3/12/2010 4:36:46 PM
Author: princesss
I just gave myself a heart attack. I really don''t function well when sick/recovering/worried, and I narrowly avoided something bad happening.
Oh noes!
What happened? No messing with that heart, wife. I need my virtual LIW ST spouse for years to come.
Date: 3/12/2010 2:11:46 PM
Author: princesss
Wifey, I think it''s ''She''s got to love nobody''.

Ack. M gave me a heart attack at lunch. We were wondering about where our friends are going on their honeymoons, and he said, ''I don''t care what you think, I know where we''re going.'' I asked where, and he said, ''One of those huts over the water.'' Meaning Fiji.

Thank God he was kidding. That''d be fun for a few days, but we would be at each other''s throats if that was our whole trip! Luckily he''s still on board with Operation: Safari. Otherwise we''d have some issues.
Hmmm.... interesting. Anyone else want to weigh in? I really can''t tell anymore.

DH and I definitely twiddled our thumbs a bit in Rarotonga after all of my fam left. Since it wasn''t quiiiiiiite warm enough for beach weather, we were a little confused about what to do with our time. We scootered around the island a lot. One of the excursions was soley for taking pictures of all the random churches out there. I saw everything but a Jewish temple. They even have Mormons and Jehovah''s Witnesses in the Cook Islands! There were also places of worship for Seventh Day Adventists, Catholics, Episcopaleans, and Baha''i. I''m sure I''m leaving something out.
Date: 3/12/2010 5:26:46 PM
Author: Clairitek

Date: 3/12/2010 4:36:46 PM
Author: princesss
I just gave myself a heart attack. I really don''t function well when sick/recovering/worried, and I narrowly avoided something bad happening.
Oh noes!
What happened? No messing with that heart, wife. I need my virtual LIW ST spouse for years to come.
I forgot a major part of my job (don''t really want to say too much, but I know that''s barely passable as an explanation) and barely discovered it in time to remedy it. If I hadn''t figured it out and fixed it, my boss would have ripped me to shreds on Monday and I would have totally deserved it.
Good morning, everyone!
Slooooow morning, huh??

I''ve decided to take the offer I got recently. I''ll be moving to the Bay Area this year sometime!
Date: 3/15/2010 10:04:33 AM
Author: vc10um
Good morning, everyone!
Morning? Yes.
Good? Debatable.
Date: 3/15/2010 10:23:38 AM
Author: Clairitek
Slooooow morning, huh??

I''ve decided to take the offer I got recently. I''ll be moving to the Bay Area this year sometime!
Date: 3/15/2010 10:23:38 AM
Author: Clairitek
Slooooow morning, huh??

I''ve decided to take the offer I got recently. I''ll be moving to the Bay Area this year sometime!
Yay Ctek!

Were you able to negotiate with HR at all?
Claire, you''d best make coming up for a Boston GTG a priority missy!
Date: 3/15/2010 10:23:38 AM
Author: Clairitek
Slooooow morning, huh??

I''ve decided to take the offer I got recently. I''ll be moving to the Bay Area this year sometime!
Yay! Congrats missy! West Coast rules!

Yay C-tek! You''re going to love living there.
Yay C-tek! That''s great! Did they show you the money?
Anybody else excited for bball starting this week? We''ve having a bunch of people over Saturday to watch the games.

For the first time in years, DH''s team (Syracuse) has a very good shot at winning the whole thing. Unfortunately, it''s making him really nervous. He''s taking Friday off work to watch their first game and he said if they lose we''re cancelling our party on Saturday

Oh, and the school we went to (Cornell) is having an amazing year. They''re still a 12 seed, but there is always a 5-12 upset and I''m hoping Cornell is the one with the upset this year. They''ve been in the tournament the past few years, but have never won the first game.
Date: 3/15/2010 11:02:40 AM
Author: elrohwen
Anybody else excited for bball starting this week? We''ve having a bunch of people over Saturday to watch the games.

For the first time in years, DH''s team (Syracuse) has a very good shot at winning the whole thing. Unfortunately, it''s making him really nervous. He''s taking Friday off work to watch their first game and he said if they lose we''re cancelling our party on Saturday

Oh, and the school we went to (Cornell) is having an amazing year. They''re still a 12 seed, but there is always a 5-12 upset and I''m hoping Cornell is the one with the upset this year. They''ve been in the tournament the past few years, but have never won the first game.
In a word: no.

I''m so not a basketball person.

I usually fill out a bracket for sh!ts and grins...and usually do okay. But I''ll keep my fingers crossed for Cornell and ''Cuse!
Ehhhh they sorta did. Not really as much as I wanted. My dad convinced me that it wasn''t about the money at this point. He is in the same industry as this company (and another one that I was talking to) and felt that I wouldn''t find something similar with another company. The company I will be working for is a big deal in the industry and he thought it was pretty amazing that they came around with a job offer for a kind of job I''ve known I wanted for a long time. Everything my father said I was thinking already, but it felt good to hear someone who really knows the ins and outs of the industry confirm what I was thinking.

Now we just need to sell our house... what a ton of work we have ahead of us.
Sorry El, but I''m not really a fan either.
Date: 3/15/2010 11:04:53 AM
Author: vc10um

Date: 3/15/2010 11:02:40 AM
Author: elrohwen
Anybody else excited for bball starting this week? We''ve having a bunch of people over Saturday to watch the games.

For the first time in years, DH''s team (Syracuse) has a very good shot at winning the whole thing. Unfortunately, it''s making him really nervous. He''s taking Friday off work to watch their first game and he said if they lose we''re cancelling our party on Saturday

Oh, and the school we went to (Cornell) is having an amazing year. They''re still a 12 seed, but there is always a 5-12 upset and I''m hoping Cornell is the one with the upset this year. They''ve been in the tournament the past few years, but have never won the first game.
In a word: no.

I''m so not a basketball person.

I usually fill out a bracket for sh!ts and grins...and usually do okay. But I''ll keep my fingers crossed for Cornell and ''Cuse!
I didn''t like basketball either before DH. I''m lucky that he rarely watches sports except during the NCAA tournament and a few football games, so I''ve started to get more into it. I can''t always sit through whole games without getting antsy, but we do talk about who''s winning, who sucks, etc. And I think college basketball is sooo much more interesting to watch than the NBA!