
The LIW Small Talk Thread

Jessie, I hope your BIG one will come soon. The good news is, it's already near the end of September. You will be engaged within these few months. You should enjoy being a LIW. You might miss it a little bit. I did sometimes. If I have my ring with me, I think I'll enjoy my engagement more. :lol: Once we start planning, I'm sure I wish I'm a LIW. Oh well. I feel like we don't have a lot of time to plan our wedding. I want it to be Aug 2011. My FI said it can be Aug 2012. NO!!!! TOO LONG! I should do more research now. I'm glad he has no more cold feet. We talked about it all the time, we're all good! He has been very sweet and stuff. :love: Have you moved in with your SO yet? Less than one month until our Thanksgiving trip. This time I get to go with my ring. YEAH! We booked our trip. We are going from Oct 8 - 10. I'm EXCITED!
No i havent moved in with him yet, between starting school, and being laid off, that got pushed to the back burner. Which si fine with em right now, i cant even think about packing right now. Yes, im hoping its like REALLY SOON, i get the ring, but im trying to not think about it. Im actually at home right now, i should be at school, but im waiting on the unemployement office to call so i can answer some of their questions and hopefully find out wheter or not i get the unemployement and when.Im trying to enjoy being a LIW for as long as possible, it just gets hard sometimes, but you know that. HaHa, all of us ladies know that. Ive been trying to get ahold of my friend Julie, the one who is going through some things( getting a divorce, going through a breakup with her current bf( she went and got his name tattooed on her) she deleted hr FB today, so im kind of worried). O, congrats on your trip. I took a look and that place looks so romantic. That might be a good place for a honeymoon. So do you have your checklist ready for wedding planning?
I'm sorry about your friend. I hope she's ok.

I guess your mom is better and not trying to kick you out? I wouldn't wanna go there for our honeymoon, too close. :lol: We might go to Maui for our honeymoon. We'll see. I do have a checklist with me. However, There's only two checks on it: select and purchase engagement ring and announce the engagement. :lol: I'm hoping to get our planning starting right after tomorrow.
No, she is still being bad, but im trying to ignore her. :lol:

Yeah i think you might want to redo your list. :lol:
heehee.. I don't need to redo my list. It's already written out. It's from my wedding planner. I just have to check it. heehee :appl:

I just ordered a Jewel Jet on ebay. After this, I'll avoid spending anything at all. I did lots of shopping in the states. Good that we're not going to LV for our thanksigiving trip, or else I'll want to shop at the outlet. We need to save money for our wedding. I have to be a good girl! :cheeky:
O, thats cool. Yeah, it sucks having to be good. Ask how i know. LoL
BG - Wooot! Come back and tell us the dates the guy comes up with. So are you going to make your wedding date whichever day this guy says is "good?" If so, you have to jump on your vendors stat! It's all so exciting, I'm so happy for you. Since I'm not really planning a wedding, I want to hear all the gory details about your planning adventures.

And that's awesome about the trip. I'm totally spacey and just assumed your thanksgiving would be near ours. You're one lucky girl, Hawaii and now another vacation. I love traveling, so I think it's great you guys are going to all these different places.

For our trip, I'm still not booked on the flight. I'm getting antsy. I like for things to be planned and ready to go. :rodent:
Jessie - totally enjoy being a LIW. I kind of miss all the anticipation and excitement of not knowing when it was going to happen. Don't get me wrong, I had an amazing day and wouldn't have changed it for anything, but now that it's over, I feel like one of my big life milestones came and went so quickly. In retrospect, the wait is half the fun! Plus all that's changed is I have a ring on my finger and my FI says I got promoted to "housefiancee" over "housegirlfriend."

Anywho, good luck with all your studying and your exams! Sounds like you've been working really hard, so I'm sure you'll do spectacular. And sorry about your friend, sounds like a tough situation. :(
Cali: I'm excited about tomorrow too. I heard that he'll tell us 3 days, the best, second best, good. I did some research on venues today. We might not have a reception/banquet here, maybe just a small "dinner", since we'll have the big banquet in HK. Yes, our Thanksgiving is in October. We usually go on 2 trips a year, summer and thanksgiving.

Jessie: I totally agree with what Cali said about missing "all the anticipation and excitement of not knowing when it was going to happen". You will miss it!
Thanks Ladies, i know i will miss it, but i still cant wait for it to happen. So i went to school, and took my workout clothes to realized i left ym wallet at home, which is super bad, was driving with my ID. :shock:
^ that's my life story. I always forget my ID with all my purse changing or having FI hold it. I get nervous driving if I know I don't have it since I'm bound to get caught speeding then.
hi all,

sorry I have been missing have had a really tough time lately but trying to get through it.

hope everyone is going well. anymore engagements?

Hey Mif.....welcome back hon
Aw, sorry you're going through a tough time Mif. If you need to vent, you can always let it out here.

There haven't been too many engagements in the last week or so. I was exactly a week ago (I can't believe it's already been a week) and I know one or two others on the LIW list have come off. Maybe it's a little calm before the storm?
Mif- Yes, you can vent to us. I know ive done it over than a few times

Morning Cali :wavey: - i cant believe its been a week already for you. We usually have a few months of no movement of very little and than your right, its like the list gets flooded.
Morning Jessie, whatcha got going on today?

It's only noon and I'm pooped. I went to yoga this morning and tonight I have a 2.5 hr long meeting I have to attend. I wish it were nighttime already and I could just crawl into bed. I'm sooo tired...
O wow...Im sorry Cali. Hopefully your day goes by fast. I so wanna do Yoga, at school they have candlelight yoga, but its so late. LoL. How long have you been doing yoga?

I have Lots of homework, i gotta study for an Ast exam for next week, gotta work on my english exam, and study for a Psy Exam for Friday
Today was my second day of yoga, haha. I started on Monday and I can't get over how hard it is. I know the elevation here is definitely making it worse, but I am by far the worst in the class. All these 60yr old woman can hold the poses while my arms are shaking and then I basically collapse. Oh, and I stand out so much in the class since I'm like a foot taller than everyone, so in the mirror everyone can notice my ineptitude. I've got to get better, fast.

However, it's definitely preferable to standing on an elliptical for 30-45 mins. That is the worst.

Now you're reminding me of the one part of school I always hated. It was so annoying how all the classes grouped the exams together. In my liberal arts classes, we always had our exams the same week. Quite the plannners.... Anyways, keep on with your studying! Then you can take little breaks on PS. :halo:
LoL...thats how i felt in Pilates on Saturday. But than again i worked out for 2 hours before the class and lifted like 75 with arms and inner thigh pressed about 110.( i have super strong legs) I loike Yoga though, but its super hard. LoL...just keep it up, im sure youll be good in no time.

Yeah, i dont know why the Professor group EVERYTHING together. All of my first exams and first essay are due the same week, actually. My Psy exam is this friday, and than my Ast, Math Exam and English paper are all on the Sept 21. Friggin Good thing about being this busy is, i dont have a whole bunch of time to focus and obess over C proposing. :lol:
Holy cow, just a pilates class would tire me out. I wish I had that kind of motivation and passion to work out all the time. My plan is to stick to yoga for a couple months, then I have skiing, and then I need to do some cardio to lose weight before the wedding. Do you do marathons or triathlons or anything?

See, definitely a bright side to all that school work! The less you think about it, the better it will be when it happens. :D
HaHa.....thats excatly what im thinking Cali....

I was super sore all the way until Yesturday. I really need to work out tonight, but im gonna push it off until tommorow. Ill just pull a few hours, i wont weight lift until friday night, that way im not super sore on saturday for class. I dont do Marathons, but i really want to, at least try. I would love to do a 5K...have you ever done one?
Jessie: good luck on your exams and papers.

We went to see the feng shui person today. I have 3 possible dates for my wedding, from BEST, very good, to good according to our lunar birthday/time.

1. May 21, 2011
2. Aug 21, 2011
3. Aug 6, 2011

May is too early. I'm leading toward Aug 21, 2011.
beezygal said:
Jessie: good luck on your exams and papers.

We went to see the feng shui person today. I have 3 possible dates for my wedding, from BEST, very good, to good according to our lunar birthday/time.

1. May 21, 2011
2. Aug 21, 2011
3. Aug 6, 2011

May is too early. I'm leading toward Aug 21, 2011.

May is too cool you actually meant with someone to help you choose. I like Aug 21...its my birthday.
Oh sweet Jessie, I can't even run a mile without feeling like I'm going to die - so no 5Ks in my future. I have some seriously screwed up knees and shins from years of basketball, that's why I stick to the no impact elliptical.

However, some of my friends in AZ did several half marathons and they loved them! One of my friends would average a 6.5 min mile in a half marathon (which I think is insane) and she would only train for 3-4 months beforehand. But she also does a TON of hiking and works out 5x a week. You should give it a try, from what they told me it's very addicting and you feel amazing afterwards. You could start at a 5k and work your way up... Also, if you work out all the time anyways, this will give you something to work towards and I bet you'd get even more out of your workouts.
Yay the dates are in! I agree that May is too close, but did you notice that Aug. 21 is a Sunday? I don't know if that matters, just something to consider if you have people traveling. There was a thread in BWW recently about people getting discounts for Sunday weddings, so that could also be a positive. What does your FI think about the dates?
Thanks takes me forever to run a mile, so maybe ill try to do one early next year. I think i will workout tonight,just o i can burn off some of calories that i ate. LoL....

So Eng essay draft is done, all i gotta do is study for my Ast test and Psy.....So how was your meeting Cali?
I know it is a Sunday. We don't really care since we might not have a reception here. We have 2 plans. 1. Have the ceremony then hop onto a plane for our honeymoon. 2. Have the ceremony, then have a small dinner within close family and friends. We are having a reception in hk, around 10 tables (100 ppl).

My FI doesn't know the date yet. I didn't want to bother him at work. I don't think he cares which day we get married as long as it's cheap and we get to find a good place for our ceremony. I've called and emailed some places. I realized that we can have a wedding ceremony at the rose garden where my FI asked me out and proposed. Omg. I emailed them about the availability. They don't have a phone number. I am crossing my fingers. I am not letting my hopes up. It would be soooooooo romantic. However, my backup plan is another rose garden. I called another rose garden and it is available on aug 21. They have a deluxe booking which includes additional hanging basket, 50 chairs and a table for signing certificate. The price is pretty good too. I will probably go have a look.

This is all getting very real. I was shaking a bit today of excitement.
beezygal said:
I know it is a Sunday. We don't really care since we might not have a reception here. We have 2 plans. 1. Have the ceremony then hop onto a plane for our honeymoon. 2. Have the ceremony, then have a small dinner within close family and friends. We are having a reception in hk, around 10 tables (100 ppl).

My FI doesn't know the date yet. I didn't want to bother him at work. I don't think he cares which day we get married as long as it's cheap and we get to find a good place for our ceremony. I've called and emailed some places. I realized that we can have a wedding ceremony at the rose garden where my FI asked me out and proposed. Omg. I emailed them about the availability. They don't have a phone number. I am crossing my fingers. I am not letting my hopes up. It would be soooooooo romantic. However, my backup plan is another rose garden. I called another rose garden and it is available on aug 21. They have a deluxe booking which includes additional hanging basket, 50 chairs and a table for signing certificate. The price is pretty good too. I will probably go have a look.

This is all getting very real. I was shaking a bit today of excitement.

I am so happy for you BG. Ill keep my fingers crossed for you that, that garden is avaible.
I just got an email from the guy. 2010 booking doesn't start until Jan 4. It is first come first served. Omg. That means I can't do anything until that day. I can only do aug 6 or 21 because they are the lucky dates. I suggested picking a random date so that I can get that venue. My dad got so pissed and said it has to be those 2 days, for our own good. He said if we picked other dates, he will not come to my wedding.
o wow BG....well just mark it on your calendar, and be the first person to call that morning, and im sure you will get it, or you can either choose another location. You got lots of time and options right now, so no worries.