
The LIW Small Talk Thread

Thanks Jessie. We will think about other options when we don't get that venue. I just emailed back asking when is the earlier time I can call. I will be the first one to call. I will ask my friends to help me call. Am I turning into a bridezilla already?
Man, it sure has been slow lately on the boards. I've been very tired and lazy the last couple of days so I keep checking in on posts but don't feel like typing. Does anyone have any good pill suggestions for motivation? I sure could use some!

So Cali, do you like the yoga class at least? I've still been bad about going to the gym :( But I finally did order the hormones for that diet I'm going to be starting probably around the end of the month, so we'll see how it all goes. I need to make sure I'm done with it before the holidays start and the ski/board season comes. I should probably renew my pass but we hardly used it last year since the season was so poor here. They say it's supposed to be a rough winter this year, so I keep telling myself I better sign up now because it'll be worth it. I'm hoping my poor little car will be able to handle another season though.

BG, with a Sunday date at the end of Aug I would think that as long as you're contacting them right on the 4th, you should be able to get your date! I'd be much more worried about a Saturday in June of July so it is kind of convenient. It's going to be fun hearing about the whole planning process for you. It's a joke that when I'm finally engaged I'll have everything all set because I look at venues, etc all the time now. I need to live vicariously through someone else.

Oh, I just realized the final for America's got talent is on right now. Got to see who wins!
Ggggrrrrr.....sometimes i get so frustrated with ym family....i swear, i want a small family. Very Small
Seattle: Thank you! I really hope it's not so bad since it's a sunday. I will make sure I call them first thing in the morning that day. That will be my new year resolution. :lol: I just emailed them and ask if alumnus can book sooner. My FI is an alumnus there. Another venue there allows alumnus to book earlier. It doesn't hurt to ask. :tongue: wish me luck!

Jessie: Do you want my family? I only have my parents. No siblings, no grandparents... Even though my dad's family is very big, they are all in HK. I never see them anyways. However, everytime I see them, I don't want to go back to Canada. :lol:
Good job getting your English essay done Jessie. Just keep pushing and you'll be done studying soon!

So at my meeting, I discovered I have a terrible new habit. Before I never noticed a woman's jewelry, but now I check out everyone's e-rings. I really need to stop that because if I get caught it could be very embarassing. :oops:
calibali said:
Good job getting your English essay done Jessie. Just keep pushing and you'll be done studying soon!

So at my meeting, I discovered I have a terrible new habit. Before I never noticed a woman's jewelry, but now I check out everyone's e-rings. I really need to stop that because if I get caught it could be very embarassing. :oops:

:lol: I got that habit ever since I was a LIW. Well, I guess ever since we've been looking for my e-ring. I still do it ALL THE TIME! It's normal. You want to admire or "compare" your e-ring. However, our own e-rings will always be the most gorgeous because they're from our dream guys. :love:
Thanks Cali....

I do that too, its so bad, im sure it drives C crazy.

Bg- okay i dont want a family that small, but i meant im not having a whle butt load of kids :lol:
Great news about the venue BG! The garden sounds so perfect and since you're doing a sunday, you probably won't have too much competition for it. It sounds like your persistence and desire for that location will pay off. No one is going to sneak in there before you. ;)

Have you ever posted the dresses you like? I'd love to see what you're thinking of wearing for a garden ceremony.
calibali said:
Great news about the venue BG! The garden sounds so perfect and since you're doing a sunday, you probably won't have too much competition for it. It sounds like your persistence and desire for that location will pay off. No one is going to sneak in there before you. ;)

Have you ever posted the dresses you like? I'd love to see what you're thinking of wearing for a garden ceremony.

Seattle - we've also been told that last ski season wasn't that good and that this year is going to be one of the best in years. I'm sure the effect carries over to you guys, so seems like its the right year to get a season pass.

I think yoga is good, I'm just not very strong so its a bit of a struggle. I do like how you work hard and then get to stretch/rest. I know I couldn't do an hour class of non-stop work, so I think it has the right balance for me. I'll keep at it and report back, haha.

Good luck with those hormones, are there any odd side effects? (I'm thinking of that alli pill, yikes...)
Cali ive had friends who have gone on the alli- they said it helped them lose weight, but one down side is if you eat fatty food it comes out in a way you wont like.
Hah Jessie, I'm sure there's plenty of people on these boards that can relate to having family issues. I'm convinced my dad's side are all pretty much crazy. Even recently it got so bad that I completely stopped talking to one of my Aunts and hope that my dad wouldn't force me to invite her to my wedding. She really is one of the worst people that I know on this earth. I figured that since I was blessed with crazies on my dad's side that my mom's side was able to make up for them...partly since they don't speak any But really, my mom's side are the most amazing people. Other than that, it's just my mom and dad...I wouldn't never have an only child of my own though.

I think it's funny about looking at other people's rings. I actually can't say that I pay much attention. If anything, I do look at people's designer purses and try to spot out the fakes. I don't know why it bother's me.

Cali - I haven't seen any side effects (well some people get hungry but that's the diet itself, but the meds are supposed to help combat that). The version I'm taking is actually the homeopathic formula, rather than RX. I wouldn't do this diet if I thought it was unsafe though. I have seen read about people getting seriously ill, but it's because they're abusing the diet or diabetic. I really would never consider that Alli pill. When I first heard about it, it seemed amazing, but I wouldn't want to slip up and eat a little bit of extra fat in one of my meals and poop myself! hahaha, no seriously though, I believe that's one of the possible side effects. :errrr:

Dress pictures +1 more!
SC- my mms side is the crazies, and my dad side are just dense. Honestly, i keep to myself, and the family considers me antisocial, but i have enough issues, i dont need to add to it. Must be nice that half of the family doesnt speak english. LoL...i wish mine didnt either some days.

Yeah, the alli makes you go to the bathroom on yourself, if you have too much fat in your diet.

So im watching the Time Travelers wife, and it is so sad to me. Im at the point when she keeps losing the baby :(( . I dont think i could lose my baby, or over and over again. :blackeye:
I don't know anything about diet pills, but the one thing I had heard was that alli made people crap themselves. So I was just curious if what you were taking had any unwanted effects. I'm glad that it's homeopathic and won't have you running for the hills. :lol:

I've always looked at everyone's handbags - that I am openly obsessed with and will not hide. I keep all my bags stuffed, wrapped and boxed when not in use. But the rings was a new one for me and I was comparing them to mine. Definitely not a nice commentary in my head, some of these girls should have turned their future husbands on to PS. :devil:
And sorry about the family Jessie, I can totally relate. I won't get into details, but it's pretty easy to figure out why we don't live near any of them. I've always used the ignore tactic and it has allowed me to keep my sanity (to some degree).
Nope, nothing that I'm aware of. Believe me, if pooping without advance warning was a side effect, I definitely would not be doing this.

You're much better with your bags than I am. I get them in their dust bags but that's about it. I've never received a box for any of my bags, do they normally come with them? I have 2 bags sitting in my living room right now though, the one I used today, and my staple bag that I tend to always use - but just swapped over. I think the reason that I don't pay attention to rings that much is that I rarely see rings that really impress me on other people. I'm not sure if demographics just call for smaller rings in this area, but you would think Seattle would be a big enough city. I remember going into a store and asking about 1.5ct H&A and having the woman gawk at me and say "oh those are really expensive" like I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I guess it's no different than going to a car dealership and having them assume that you can only afford the smartcar when you really want the Mercedes. :nono:
I love so addicted to sparklies...its so bad, i now have C turning it on the home shopping network. LoL....

SC- that lady would have gotten a ear full if it were me she said that to. Im really bad about keeping my mouth shut sometimes. Like Really bad
Oh, she got snapped at when I told her that if what she was pulling off the top of her head for that size/stone was correct (30k+) was absurd unless we're looking at a practically perfect stone and that I've done my research on what's out there. I declined any additional assistance, walked over to another case with the BF where they had settings and while another SA was standing there said loudly, "it's rather pathetic for that woman to assume 30K is a lot of money when she has no idea what we're looking for". Should have seen the look on that lady's face, asked if anyone was helping us and I just let her know we had already been helped and didn't need anything else.

I think if BF came home to me watching HSN he'd run. I'm bad enough already with all my wedding talk :)
LoL...your as bad as me.

Its funny, before C would run away, but now, hell actually turn to the HSN for me, and while watch together and comment on some of the things we see. I avoid wedding talk though, no reason to until the ring is on the finger. :D Than ill pull out the secret folder ive been hiding. :lol:
Hahaha. Before we found our ring, I always look at people's purses. Anyways, I haven't looked at wedding dresses yet. I have found my two bridesmaids. I will probably make one of them my MOH. We will see.

I think we've decided on Aug 21, 2011. I like the date 82111. :lol: I am weird. My FI said we should look at other places too. He said maybe we might find other beautiful venues we Iike. True. The main reason I want this rose garden because it's so meaningful to us. He asked me out there, asked me to marry him there... And if we get married there, It would be so romantic. We are kind of worried about the rain though. If we find a place that has a gazebo, that would be perfect. I've found two rose gardens that has a gazebo in the middle. What do you guys think?

You guys should be careful with diet pills. I have a belt that shakes. I don't know the proper name for it. It is supposed to help you tone your body. It is actually my mom's. I don't know if it actually works, but i have been using it on my butt and my thighs for a week already. You just secure it onto a part of your body where you want to tone up then it will shake like mad. It makes you want to pee. I am hoping it might work. We will see.
If someone said something like that to me, they would get a good ole fashioned stare down. I have honed a good method of making someone feel small just by looking at them. FI would say it's just my inner b*tch coming to the surface. I haven't had to use it very much, but it's a good weapon.

There's a few handbag designers that give you boxes, so I like that extra layer of protection for my babies, um I mean bags. Jewelry and bags - I just can't get enough. :naughty:
I agree with looking at other venues while you wait for Jan to come. You never know you might find something much more romantic than that one, and can have two meaningful places youll love to visit.
OKAY....side note, The Time Travelers good, and totally made me cry and im not a big crier for movies since i act, but it totally got me. :oops: :D ;( :nono: :appl:
Cali and Seattle: I love designer bags. It seems like you guys are like me too? I always put my bags in their dust bags. Some bags come with a box. I always put them back very carefully. I baby my bags. However, my MJ stam is still sitting next to me on the couch. I will put her back when i go upstairs. :tongue:

Jessie: two places to celebrate. That's a good idea. I will keep doings research tomorrow. I shouldn't be so stubborn about having it at that rose garden. It actually looks quite simple.
BG- that is is two different places you can take your kids when you have them.
Jessie: that is so true. I really want a gazebo in the garden. Even if it rains, we don't need to exchange vows in the rain. Since we live in vancouver, it can rain any day.
the fact that you have to think about rin is something you need to think about while looking at the site too. You dont want to pick a location and theres no coverage for rain.
Ditto Jessie. You really have nothing to lose by looking at other venues and this way you can know you have absolutely the best place available. Plus, I feel like looking at venues could be pretty fun (for a little bit anyways).

Oh yes, I am very into my bags. I haven't gotten a new one in almost a year and it's making me a little nuts. I've been looking but FI knows what I'm up to and has already stated that I need wait. I called him a killjoy.

I'm heading to bed, have a good night everyone!
O yes...i forgot to mention the fun part! Im all for wedding planning fun!! I so want to go to a bridal shop that serves champenge when you looking so bad, just to do it.

Headed to bed now. Night everyone, sleep well
**stomp's feet** who gives boxes? Is it terrible that depending on the designer's you mention, I may seek out a bag just because it has a box? I doubt I'd actually use it though, it's not like I use my shoe boxes either. I don't really have a ton of bags though, but one day I really want a classic Chanel. Btw, BG, do you use your stam a lot? That bag is so darn heavy, with all the other stuff I carry around, I think I'd look like a body builder if I had one of those! Thank god I don't have an obsession with jewelry though. I'd be broke! I told my BF (and everyone else I've dated for a significant amount of time) to never buy me jewelry because if we ever broke up, it'd be a waste. Needless enough, I have a couple of pieces from x's that just stay in the drawer.

Having 2 places to celebrate could be nice too. The rose garden could be the place that just you and your FI have together, and then deciding on doing the wedding somewhere else would be a place to remind you of your celebration with your family and friends.

Jessie, was that movie by the same person that did the Notebook? I'm terrible and knowing movies and who directed what so I could be totally off. I never cry during movies either, but I did end up crying during episodes this season of the Deadliest Catch. Not sure if anyone watches that show but it really hit close to home this year. It's one of the few shows that I was completely addicted to. I don't think there's anything I watch now where I'll block out times in the day to make sure I don't miss it.