
The LIW Small Talk Thread

Hey Ladies :wavey: was your weekend.

Too- I am so sorry about Lily, i hope she will be okay. Please keep ym updated, and i hope her lung will be okay. When do you take her back...and goodness you have a lot of pets.

Bg- I know you can keep with your workout. I fell off the bandwagon and am trying to get back on it. Like

My weekend was okay. C and i went out with some friends Saturday Night, and it was a issue as usual. C and i go to a few places but they cant stand too long due to health aligments, so we ended up going home early, BUT had a few drinks at home. Than Sunday was football, and goodness, i was sick, sick. We didnt do anything sunday or monday, since, i started freaking since i have a Essay due on thursday that i havent started and an exam on thursday. Than today whatever i ate yesturday made me sick, and the smell of everything makes me sick. Im just now eating a little bit of food.
Oh my gosh Too, poor little Lilly. That is a lot for a kitty to have to deal with, I hope she starts to feel better very very soon!

Millie looks so cute, but she is definitely getting big. I love that you have so many animals. I always want to add more to our family but FI says that 2 high maintenance rats are enough. We don't really have a yard or anything at the moment so I can see his point, but I still love little dogs and I know we give them a great home. Oh, and I think my little guy tore his ACL. ;( He gets super coddled now since he needs lots and lots of rest, but I doubt he notices a difference since he always acts like a little baby.

Good luck with your workouts BG! I've got a little bit of a cold but I'm still going to pilates tonight, ugh. Have you tried pilates? It's a really good workout without any impact plus when you do it in a big class it makes the time go by quickly. Definitely prefer the workout of pilates to yoga. I don't think I was getting anything out of going to yoga except a good stretch.

So I haven't been on PS for a few days since my poor little computer got infected by a nasty virus. FI refused to fix it since he wants me to get a Mac, but alas I won out and now my crappy PC has been restored. I will resist getting a Mac forever, bwahaha.
Welcome Back Cali :wavey: ....i feel the same way about pilates and yoga too....i need to go back to wroking out, i was losing like double the As funny as this sounds, since im on PS right now, im ANTI-technology, and so is C, like we wont go get new computers, we dont use a cell phone, or watch much i know about not getting a MAC
Hi Cali :wavey:

How's your business going?

Run from Mac's!!!
Too: My FI doesn't really like animals. :lol: If I do get a parrot, it won't be BB's company since it will be like 10 times bigger than BB. :lol: BB would probably be scared. However, BB is kinda bitchy, so who knows. :lol:

I just want to tone up my butt and arms. I want to look AMAZING on my wedding day. I also hope that by working out, my skin will look better. This week, I have breakout on my face. OMG I am freaking out. Probably PMS.

btw.... have you ladies thought what is YOUR ideal age to have kids? I want my first kid by 30 LATEST. However, my FI doesn't want one until I'm AT LEAST 32. :eek:
I'm soooooo miserable ;(
I've been sneezing for the last 2 days and today is really bad. My face is red and puffy, eyes watering, nose raw & flaking, skin on my face dry/irritated and flaking (cheeks, forehead, everything). :nono: :nono: :nono:

I hate allergies ;(

On the plus side, my throat doesn't hurt :sick:
calibali said:
Oh my gosh Too, poor little Lilly. That is a lot for a kitty to have to deal with, I hope she starts to feel better very very soon!

Millie looks so cute, but she is definitely getting big. I love that you have so many animals. I always want to add more to our family but FI says that 2 high maintenance rats are enough. We don't really have a yard or anything at the moment so I can see his point, but I still love little dogs and I know we give them a great home. Oh, and I think my little guy tore his ACL. ;( He gets super coddled now since he needs lots and lots of rest, but I doubt he notices a difference since he always acts like a little baby.

Good luck with your workouts BG! I've got a little bit of a cold but I'm still going to pilates tonight, ugh. Have you tried pilates? It's a really good workout without any impact plus when you do it in a big class it makes the time go by quickly. Definitely prefer the workout of pilates to yoga. I don't think I was getting anything out of going to yoga except a good stretch.

So I haven't been on PS for a few days since my poor little computer got infected by a nasty virus. FI refused to fix it since he wants me to get a Mac, but alas I won out and now my crappy PC has been restored. I will resist getting a Mac forever, bwahaha.

I tried pilates by myself when I was still in school. It was ok. Maybe I didn't do it long enough to feel/see the result? :lol:
beezygal said:
Too: My FI doesn't really like animals. :lol: If I do get a parrot, it won't be BB's company since it will be like 10 times bigger than BB. :lol: BB would probably be scared. However, BB is kinda bitchy, so who knows. :lol:

I just want to tone up my butt and arms. I want to look AMAZING on my wedding day. I also hope that by working out, my skin will look better. This week, I have breakout on my face. OMG I am freaking out. Probably PMS.

btw.... have you ladies thought what is YOUR ideal age to have kids? I want my first kid by 30 LATEST. However, my FI doesn't want one until I'm AT LEAST 32. :eek:

How can you not like animals?!?!??!!!
Would BB prefer something like a conure?

Lots of water is supposed to help your skin too. (not that its done me any good.... dang flaking skin :nono: )

I always thought I'd have my degree by 22, married by 23, kid by 25....
Things have not worked out that way (obviously since I'm 25 now).
For many reasons, FI and I will probably not be having any kids. (not absolutely final, but not likely)
Heading home. See you ladies tomorrow :wavey:
C and i will probably not being having kids either. C is getting older and very less likely to want kids, EVEN THOUGH he always says he would love to see me pregnant and glowly. I think that if it happens at a time during our life when we are settled and done more of what we want in life, than yes we would probabaly go ahead and have our child. If it were at a time when it isnt a good time, say our of work, or still have many things to do, than no. Idealy i would like to be close to 30, maybe a little younger, but than that would make C close to 53....
honestly... I think BB prefers to be all by herself. She had a buddy before, who looked exactly like her. I think I told you guys a million times. :lol: Anyways, we used to play with that one a lot because she was soooooooooo tame (so much tamer than BB). As much as I love her, BB is like a bitch, but a smart bitch. :lol: She got jealous all the time. When we were playing with the other one, BB would start at fight with the other bird as soon as they are both in the cage. :lol: I just want a parrot that talks. How cute is that?

I want to be married by 26 and have my first kid by 29/30. Well, I GUESS I will still be getting married at 26 since the wedding will be a few weeks before my 27 b-day. My FI is kinda undecided on kids. He thinks kids are forever. They stick around FOREVER, like us. However, he knows I HAVE to HAVE kids in my future. He was like "I really don't want a kid when you're 30, how 'bout 32?" :lol: Oh well, I don't know.
I think thats C's hang up on kids too. I think its the " From the cradle to the grave" thing. My mom thinks we will have 2, as weird as this sounds, secertly i cant wait to be pregnant, and go through labour. Im the only person i know, but i want to feel the baby kick, and the pain of labour.
I just think 29/30 is the BEST time to have a child. It's not TOO early and it's not TOO late. I mean.. just because we want a baby, doesn't mean we will get it. What if we can't get pregnant for some reasons, then it will be TOO late to start having a kid by 32, you know wat i mean? At least my FI wants a kid. He doesn't get it. I just don't want a kid. I want a kid WITH HIM. I shouldn't be stressed about a kid now. I should just focus on planning a wedding and marrying a man I LOVE. :love: I'm looking forward to Thursday.
I'll just gently state that I plan on being childfree forever. Kids are most definitely not my thing. Little dogs, yes. Kids, no.

BG - I bet you weren't doing pilates long enough. It is GREAT for toning the arms and butt. Seriously, I'm doing an hour class tonight and it is really really hard. I don't see it for losing weight, more for toning up. So I think if you did cardio and pilates, you would be one sexy lady.

I'm so glad everyone agrees Macs are the devil. I hate everything Apple.

Ah, I missed Too. Maybe I'll catch her tomorrow...
Oh, but I think we're going to carve some pumpkins and put them out for when the kids come around for halloween. Anyone know how long a pumpkin lasts? Just want to know when I need to carve em up. :)
Its weird, i get mixed signals from C, he says he doesnt want a kid, but than says he wants to see my pregnant, and than he says he cant promise we will have them, but than he brings up baby names...i dont know some days with him.
Jessie - well that sounds annoying. How old is C? Are you two going to have a conversation about this before getting married?

FI says that he is ambivalent about kids and that if I don't want them he's fine. But he, along with all my friends, always say that I'm going to change my mind. I don't know why they say that, I cringe and recoil around children...
cali: I am all for toning up. I don't want to lose weight as I am already KINDA underweight for my height. Do you think it's better to take classes or just do it yourself for pilates? I have been googling and looking at magazines about toning exercises. BTW, ever since I got an ipad, I love APPLE! It is very user friendly. :lol: Maybe I'm in the minority.

Jessie: My FI and I have names for our kids too. That's why I was kinda suprised when he said.. he doesn't know if he wants kids. We talked about it a few days ago. Then yesterday, out of nowhere, he said.. he doesn't want to be a dad when i'm 30 (when he is 32). I told him I don't want to be an old mom if we are going to have kids. I think we'll probably just have one. We'll see. No more than 2 for sure. You really should talk to your FI about kids if you want any. I think it's normal to talk about it.
calibali said:
Oh, but I think we're going to carve some pumpkins and put them out for when the kids come around for halloween. Anyone know how long a pumpkin lasts? Just want to know when I need to carve em up. :)

depends if anyone will steal them. i am serious, people do steal them and put them in front of parked cars. I think it will probably last 1 week outside and a few days inside.
We have talked about it, but have not come to a final conclusion on the subject. I think a few years from now, once we are settled, and i have a career, he might change his mind. C is 46, but whats funny/ironic about it, is his father was close to 50 when his mother had him, and his mother was in her 30's, along with my father who was 53 when i was born and my mother was close to 34 when she had me. It seems to be a trend that runs in our families.

Everyone says you will change your mind about having kids, but no one can really tell but you.

I dont know how long they last, mold wise, but im having C carve one next week for the says its a lot of work, but since ill be doing all the cooking, he can carve a pumpkin and vaccum a few rooms.
Jessie702 said:
We have talked about it, but have not come to a final conclusion on the subject. I think a few years from now, once we are settled, and i have a career, he might change his mind. C is 46, but whats funny/ironic about it, is his father was close to 50 when his mother had him, and his mother was in her 30's, along with my father who was 53 when i was born and my mother was close to 34 when she had me. It seems to be a trend that runs in our families.

Everyone says you will change your mind about having kids, but no one can really tell but you.I dont know how long they last, mold wise, but im having C carve one next week for the says its a lot of work, but since ill be doing all the cooking, he can carve a pumpkin and vaccum a few rooms.

That's true. Who knows. Maybe my FI wants to have a baby sooner than I thought. My parents also didnt have me until they are older. My dad is 11 years older than my mom. They didn't have me until 33 and 44. Well, they wanted to have a kid sooner, but couldn't until me. I just want to have a kid younger, like 30.
I just got back from my pilates class and omg I'm sore and tired. I'll come back after I eat dinner, but BG I just wanted to say you will get soooo much more out of pilates if you take a class. In the class I take, we do different stuff all the time so you are never super comfortable with any of the moves. It just makes it harder and you are always working on different parts of your body. Like today, we did a lot of inner leg work and mine are still on fire. I've tried videos at home, but I was never as tired as after a class.

Pilates classes can be expensive, so try taking them at a gym. I go to 24 hr fitness and pay 30/month. That's less than one pilates class in my area (they are around $60/class, which is insane).
And I'm also thinking about a week on the pumpkin, so maybe this Sunday we'll carve. Didn't think of anyone stealing them, but I don't think they would do that in this neighborhood.

Ok, be back in a bit.
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone! =)
Wow Jessie, I didn't realize there was such an age difference between you and C. That just makes his statements about babies even more confusing. I feel like someone who is older would have a set opinion of whether or not they want to deal with kids anymore.

BG - isn't it crazy when you start planning stuff out long term how the years start creeping up on you? It's like a year to plan a wedding, then a nice honeymoon period, and then maybe trying for a baby. Then suddenly when the little thing is born you're 30 and you never expected that.

All I can say is I'm glad FI isn't that into kids, otherwise he would've been kicked to the curb years ago. :lol:
Thanks is confusing, and yes you would think he would know by now. Im sure it will happen, my mom thinks so ready to go to bed, but i gotta finish this essay
Jessie702 said:
C and i will probably not being having kids either. C is getting older and very less likely to want kids, EVEN THOUGH he always says he would love to see me pregnant and glowly. I think that if it happens at a time during our life when we are settled and done more of what we want in life, than yes we would probabaly go ahead and have our child. If it were at a time when it isnt a good time, say our of work, or still have many things to do, than no. Idealy i would like to be close to 30, maybe a little younger, but than that would make C close to 53....

You and C are about the same # of years apart as me and B!
I'm 29 years younger than B. (which is a factor in probably not having kids)
O, wow Too, i thought you too were closer, C and i are about 23 years apart....but sometimes he talks about kids. I think if it happens than it will happen, i dont think we will be baby-making.

Hey Ladies......hows your day :wavey:
calibali said:
Oh, but I think we're going to carve some pumpkins and put them out for when the kids come around for halloween. Anyone know how long a pumpkin lasts? Just want to know when I need to carve em up. :)

A good fresh pumpkin in cooler weather (with no candle or only short time with candle) can last for a couple of weeks or more...... if someone doesn't smash them in the middle of the street, stomp them into mush on your porch, or steal them (usually middle or high school someones...)
LoL....i didnt know a pumpkin could last that longer, i always thought it was like a week. Im not chancing it though since it will be on a food table. I could imagine how that would be.