
The LIW Small Talk Thread


You're so close! He seems really interested in rings. Odd that he would remember your size...

BTW.... As I was reading that I kept thinking "OMG! OMG! I'm going to get to the end of the story and find a ring picture! OMG!!"
Thanks Too- I hope im not reading too much into it, but im hoping, im not going to bring it up, im just going to let him find it himeself.I was SO shocked he remebered my size, i thought on Sunday night " hes just trying to find something for me to do, he wont remeber" ....I wish i had ring

Hey How is LiLy?
She has a lot fewer asthma attacks when we are super careful of the dust/fur in the house. Vacuuming has to be done every day including in all the corners, dog beds washed weekly (or twice weekly if I can manage it), lots of laundry, lots of dusting. The new higher rated house filter has helped too. Oh -- and we found hepa filter (filtrete) vacuum bags!

We're also being careful about caleries instead of feeding instructions so she's eating healthier too. She's got lots more energy now!
o wow, that is a lot of work to do, but what is imporant is she is okay. At least the house is SUPER clean now :lol: . I dont know how she would do here, because there is soooo much dust here, you can dust and by the end of the day its dusty again. Your doing a really good job of making she she has a healthy home to live in.

Also, its good you are watching what she eats, im sure that helps a lot.

SO have you started christmas shopping? I havent yet, im going to start this week, sinc eim out of work, i have to do a little bit at a time instead of all at once like i like to normally do. It sucks, people are only going to get one or two gifts this year instead of the normal 4 or 5. :blackeye:
We're Jewish and don't celebrate Christmas.

I do remember the search for just the right gift and trying to give people nice stuff with a tiny budget.

Hope your shopping goes well. Don't overlook the possibility of DIY stuff. Some of the greatest gifts are craft things that someone does. (and they don't have to be cheap and cheesy looking)
See you ladies tomorrow :wavey:
Too, i keep forgetting your Jewish, Sorry.....Hope you have a good day.
Thanks Jessie. These few days, I don't feel like going online at all. I don't want to look at wedding dresses. However, tomorrow, I'm going back to that bridal store. Maybe I'll find something I like. At least I get to do an exchange. I just need to find a dress there. Christmas is coming up. Hopefully that means ENGAGEMENT TIME!!!! OMG! Even though I'm upset over my dress, I'm so excited for you! :naughty:
Thanks so much Bg- ive missed you. You need to come back to PS more. Im trying to not think too much about it, and just hope he surpises me soon.
Don't worry! I'll come back more often. It's just everytime I'm in front of the computer, I'm looking at wedding dresses. The more I look at them, the more I worry about not being able to find a dress at that store. Since I'll get the store credit from them, I need to find a dress there. Wish me luck tomorrow. I'm going in and look for more. Last time I just wanted to get a sample gown for 50%, so I didn't really look at the other bigger sizes. The person said I can try on the bigger sizes, I just need to order it. This time, I'll look at everything since I'm planning to order one anyways. If I can't find anything, I'll wait until December. They said they have new collections coming in in dec. Right now, I have an eye on this one: It's the same brand as the one I'm going to return tomorrow. I keep on telling myself that "things happen for a reason." Maybe I will find a better dress at that store. I need dust girl! LOTS AND LOTS OF IT!
*****Dust**** Bg, no worried, you will find a dress and it will be the perfect one for you. Sometimes things do happen for a reason, i truly believe that. :D
Good luck in your continued search BG! I'm sure you'll find something that you absolutely love and then you can put all this stress behind you. Please give us an update tomorrow about what you find.

Omg Jessie, that sounds like great progress. Fingers crossed that C gets is arse in gear and ends your wait soon. I can't wait to see what he picks out. :appl:
Thanks Cali, im hoping he is getting his butt into gear too. Im trying to NOT get my hopes up that it happens soon, i really am, its so hard though :lol:
I really hope you will get engaged soon. He said by the end of the year. It IS almost the end of the year. :angryfire: :lol:
Im really trying to not get my hopes up.....i really am....but its getting hard. Hmmmm, ill take some dust on friday though, Monday is our big Date Day at the Shark Reef, BG, did you look at the pictures?
I just looked at the picture. Omg, I have lots of catching up to do. It looks like a cool aquarIum. Hmm... Best burger in LV, huh? I should try it out when I visit LV. :love:
I have ate there, and its SOOO good. OMGoodness, i really hope we stop in there to eat, i know C will want a Bison Burger Also, Check out Minus5 Bar too when you come. The bar is made out of ICE, and its super cold. Its like 25 bucks, but that includes getting into the bar, rental Gloves, Jacket, Picture and a Drink. C and i are thinking of trying this also :D . I cant wait to go to the Shark Reef,
Well Bg, im headed to bed, let me know how dress hunting went to tommorow, so that means, CHECK BACK IN SILLY. :lol:

Night :wavey:
I went to return my dress. Now, I have $500ish store credits. I couldn't find anything I like there. Ppl there told me not to rush into it. I should relax and take my time. They said they can order anything from davinci and impression. They will give me 15%off. Usually, they only give it to ppl who go to the wedding fair, but they will give it to me anyways.

I have 2 plans. I will try on dresses from divanci and impression and another store and order from this store. OR.... I can use the store credit on something else, like tux rentals and other stuff. FI need to rent the tux for 2 days. One for the wedding, one for the pre-wedding pictures. That will be $200ish. Shouldn't be that hard to spend the other $200ish-$300 right?
I like the idea of going somewhere else, getting the EXACT item number and than ordering from the store that you have store credit from, espically since you will get an extra 15% discount.....that sounds like a MUCH better idea than using it on a tux.
I think I'm giving up in finding a dress. Maybe I do need a little break. I've called lots of places with Da Vinci wedding gowns. None of the stores has the one I want. *sigh*
Just take a break for awhile, youll find the right one at the right time.
BG, Cali, Too- I need help, im starting to obess over the possibilty that C will propose soon, im trying to not think about it all the time, because i know its not going to happen and i dont want to get my hopes up, but im slightly obessing, ladies, please help :errrr:
Jessie702|1289452789|2760961 said:
BG, Cali, Too- I need help, im starting to obess over the possibilty that C will propose soon, im trying to not think about it all the time, because i know its not going to happen and i dont want to get my hopes up, but im slightly obessing, ladies, please help :errrr:

Lots and lots of dust for this weekend!!!!

I'm not going to be here tomorrow so just wanted to let you know I'm thinking about you and sending all the engagement dust and positive thoughts I can manage.

Just relax and enjoy yourself. If it happens it happens. If not, it'll be soon and even better. (sorry, not much to say here -- I know the waiting stinks)
Thanks Too, im trying to not think about it, i really am, since i already know its not going to happen due to money. C keeps talking about how much we have left after paying bills. Ill still take the dust though, hehe, ill take all that you can send. :lol:

I hope you have a good weekend Too, maybe ill have something to report back on tuesday.
AHHHH Jessie! While I am so so excited for you, you really need to take a step back and breath. Obsessing about it will not make it happen any sooner and you definitely do not want freak C out by always seeming expectant. I know it's hard, but you really just need to enjoy your time together and not always be wondering, "is this the moment?" Think about all the things you love about C and how you two will always be together, and then the proposal might not seem as important.

I've always felt that as long as both of you know you're not going anywhere, life is as perfect as it can be. The engagement is just the icing on the cake since you get an awesome ring to show off. ;) Sorry if this seems rambly, but I just hate to see you disappointed. ****Dust**** that you have good news to report soon, but just remember what a great relationship you already have and how C is going to give you an amazing proposal when the time is right.
calibali|1289519109|2762684 said:
AHHHH Jessie! While I am so so excited for you, you really need to take a step back and breath. Obsessing about it will not make it happen any sooner and you definitely do not want freak C out by always seeming expectant. I know it's hard, but you really just need to enjoy your time together and not always be wondering, "is this the moment?" Think about all the things you love about C and how you two will always be together, and then the proposal might not seem as important.

I've always felt that as long as both of you know you're not going anywhere, life is as perfect as it can be. The engagement is just the icing on the cake since you get an awesome ring to show off. ;) Sorry if this seems rambly, but I just hate to see you disappointed. ****Dust**** that you have good news to report soon, but just remember what a great relationship you already have and how C is going to give you an amazing proposal when the time is right.

Cali- thank you so much. I need some advice like that, your the "down to earth" friend :lol: . I am going to try to live in the now and not in the future i guess, and yes, its the icing on the cake. Also, your right i do not want to be disspointed, it always seems to ruin a good weekend when it doesnt happen.

Maybe i should bake something? So what is going on with you? Everyone is so busy lately
Jessie, I totally agree with Cali. Enjoy being a LIW. I know you are very excited. I am very excited for you too. Remember what happened to me? I kept on thinking my FI was going to propose on our anniversary. I was so obsessed with it that he decided to choose another day to propose. Don't bug him about the proposal. He told you the end of the year, then wait until the end of the year. Get into the holiday spirit and hopefully you won't think about it so much. I know its hard. Last year around this time, I kept on thinking I would get a Christmas proposal. I know you can do it. You are a very good person and you deserve the proposal. Sometimes I think back the time when I was still a LIW. It was quite interesting. You never know when it will happen but you know it WILL happen. Enjoy your time. Every time you want to talk to C about the proposal, talk to us Instead. I bug you guys about my wedding gown situation. :lol: you can bug me about being anxious. :lol:

Btw, I am going to look at tacori wbs tomorrow. I am very excited. Trunkshow! Here I come!
awwwww, that sounds like so much fun bg, you have to check back in and let us know how it went.

Also, im not bugging C about the engagement and proposal, i excatly made a silent vow to not bring it up, and than if he doesnt propose by the end of the year, because something happens, ill bring it up than. I am seriously trying to not think about it, i want to enjoy my weekend with the football game, and Dinner and the shark reef.

Thanks for letting me vent ladies, its so much easier to vent to you than my mom or friends, they just roll their eyes at me.
Jessie - I think BG has a great idea - focus your energies on the holidays and doing a lot of fun things for them. We've all seen how amazing your Halloween party was, so now you can do some great planning for Thanksgiving and Christmas. I don't know if you are cooking for thanksgiving, but perhaps you could do some test runs on some recipes just for fun. I'm sure C wouldn't mind eating some delicious home cooking either. ;) If you're going to bake something, can I interest you in my favorite pumpkin bread recipe? I've made it a few times this year and everyone always devours it immediately.

It's so good. If FI were still eating carbs, I would make a batch tonight. :) Oh, and it's even better if you add walnuts.

So what have I been up to? I've mostly been planning our Dec. and getting ready for ski season. It flipped from 79 degrees last weekend to being around 32 degrees today and snowing. I've been going to the gym more to get ready, so hopefully we'll get to go for the first time next week. I also planned a trip to Breckenridge for FI, me and his brother in the middle of December so that took a bit of work considering we'll have 3 dogs with us.

My little dogs had an "interview" today with a really nice dog sitting service and they are going to be taking care of my pups when we go to NY in a few weeks. I'm ridiculously excited for that trip since I'll be getting my wedding bands, yay!

It has been oddly quiet around here, though, which stinks. I haven't been on PS that much recently - I've been stalking the knot a bit more and more....