
The LIW Small Talk Thread

Jessie: I am excited to go. I will be busy though. Gonna look for stuff for the wedding too. Lol. Med school???

Too: you should try everything and pick out something you can wear everyday!!! :love:
Jessie: I am excited to go. I will be busy though. Gonna look for stuff for the wedding too. Lol. Med school???

Too: you should try everything and pick out something you can wear everyday!!! :love:
Okay,Okay, i got some explaining to do. I have not and nor will i ever give up Theatre and Acting, but at this point in my life, i do not want to go into education. Here in NV, teachers do not make enough money, they arent hiring any teachers, and the its getting worse. I cant imagine going to school for 4 years to possible not be able to get a job, or if i do get a job, im barely making enough to cover the cost of my loans. I got a job working with a boy who has autism, and i LOVED it, and looking back, people with special needs have always been drawn to me. It dawned on me, that, that is what im supposed to be doing in life.Also, i am interested in trying to find cures for things. I will always love music adn Acting, but its not the only things i love.
Jessie702|1299288080|2865066 said:
Okay,Okay, i got some explaining to do. I have not and nor will i ever give up Theatre and Acting, but at this point in my life, i do not want to go into education. Here in NV, teachers do not make enough money, they arent hiring any teachers, and the its getting worse. I cant imagine going to school for 4 years to possible not be able to get a job, or if i do get a job, im barely making enough to cover the cost of my loans. I got a job working with a boy who has autism, and i LOVED it, and looking back, people with special needs have always been drawn to me. It dawned on me, that, that is what im supposed to be doing in life.Also, i am interested in trying to find cures for things. I will always love music adn Acting, but its not the only things i love.

Quite a change!

I think you'd do great working with kids who need help. Good luck!
My birthday is tomorrow.
(so... 1 year since engaged)

I'm trying to not be depressed. FI doesn't have a card (he's not the card type). No gift (that's why the sparkly looking but he waited too long and he's been too sick to go look/buy this last week). No cake (he's been sick too and while he's doing better, he isn't up for it and he doesn't want me to make my own so he might try to make one next weekend).

It'd be nice if we could go look/buy a sparkly tomorrow but I'm pretty sure that's not going to happen since he's sick and looks like he could fall into bed and not wake up until Monday.
So... I get to spend my birthday studying calculus and doing the stuff I brought home for work.

Oh well. Last year was beyond amazing and I do like to have a quiet day at home with FI and the animals.

Have a great weekend ladies :wavey:
TooPatient|1299289023|2865085 said:
My birthday is tomorrow.
(so... 1 year since engaged)

I'm trying to not be depressed. FI doesn't have a card (he's not the card type). No gift (that's why the sparkly looking but he waited too long and he's been too sick to go look/buy this last week). No cake (he's been sick too and while he's doing better, he isn't up for it and he doesn't want me to make my own so he might try to make one next weekend).

It'd be nice if we could go look/buy a sparkly tomorrow but I'm pretty sure that's not going to happen since he's sick and looks like he could fall into bed and not wake up until Monday.
So... I get to spend my birthday studying calculus and doing the stuff I brought home for work.

Oh well. Last year was beyond amazing and I do like to have a quiet day at home with FI and the animals.

Have a great weekend ladies :wavey:

Happy Birthday Too, hope its great one.
Happy birthday too!!! :)
O man, i have a massive headache...have a good weekend ladies, ill talk to you on tuesday. :wavey:
Hey Ladies!

I have been MIA as I have been trying to keep my mind off engagement. It worked for a while but now I am back because I am in such a bad stage of LIWitis :( Not sure what to do. I just can't understand why he has kept the ring for 4 months. He doesn't look like he will be using it anytime soon either. I really don't know what I am meant to do.


Hope you have all been going well. Any exciting news?

mif_|1301049142|2879836 said:
Hey Ladies!

I have been MIA as I have been trying to keep my mind off engagement. It worked for a while but now I am back because I am in such a bad stage of LIWitis :( Not sure what to do. I just can't understand why he has kept the ring for 4 months. He doesn't look like he will be using it anytime soon either. I really don't know what I am meant to do.


Hope you have all been going well. Any exciting news?


Hi Mif :wavey:

I was lucky to only have to wait a few weeks after we got mine. 4 Months would have been torture.
Did you talk to him before/after getting the ring about how long he expected?

Maybe he's waiting for a special day (anniversary, holiday, b-day...) or a chance to get you to a special place (vacation, weekend trip, some little place that is special for you two...)?
Do you have anything coming up?
Hey Ladies...ive been coming by, but no one is posting. How is everyone??
Jessie702|1301547805|2884018 said:
Hey Ladies...ive been coming by, but no one is posting. How is everyone??

Me too.

How are you doing? Is C eating healthier? How's school?

I'm doing.... eh.
Not too bad just really tired, frustrated, not ready for class to start already.

I feel like I haven't slept at all recently. Finances are tough and I'm afraid they could get worse. FI is being stubborn and doesn't want to go to the doctor for blood pressure but he's having a stressful time at work and his bp is jumping up really high. Got a mess I'm still trying to sort out that if I can manage would be a huge step towards saving for a wedding (there's a thread in Hangout about some of the details).
Yesterday I was feeling so hopeless about stuff that as I was reading the "small stuff" thread in bww I actually seriously considered the possibility of selling my eggs to pay for the wedding (and maybe some extra bills too!). Decided this morning after some research that it isn't a good idea and possibly something I'd really regret (have you seen what is required and the painful procedure and the too-frequent-for-comfort side affects?!?!).
Do have some pretty big things posted on CL so hopefully that'll help with the finances AND let me get stuff more organized around the house.

Classes start Monday.
Calculus at 7:30 in the morning :knockout:
Chemistry online with lab one afternoon a week.

Feels like the quarter just ended and now I've got to do it all over again ;(

Positive stuff:
I got a B from calc-2!
I got a B+ (just a couple of points off of an A :nono: ) in Java!
Millie is staying in the fenced backyard while we're gone!
The sun is coming back!
My dishwasher works again!!!!
It's FRIDAY!!!!!!!
O Hon, you do have so much going on. I was thinking of selling my eggs also, but for school reasons and wedding reasons. Im still thinking about it, at 5 grand a pop, they can have an egg, or two.

Tell your FI, to go and get his stuff check out, you dont want him to get sick, i would know, i had been telling C to go forever, and he never listened, and if he woudl have listended to me earlier, he wouldnt have as many ulcers, which arent healing up. You want him to be healthy, its best to take care of things now, rather than later. Usually later, means your trying to heal it, or deal with it longer.

Im okay, just stressed wwwith school, and my 6 classes, even though i missed two weeks of school, i have all A's and B's, hehe, im actually taking time away form homework right now, im just so tired, im not sleeping, the paper can wait a few minutes. Also, i met with my advisor, since i changed my major, and it was just depressing news, i have another 31 classes to get through before, i can graduate, and take care of all my pre-med classes. I was so looking foreward to just 2 more years of school, but it looks like its going to be 2 years, 2 summers, and 5 classes each semester. Booo,

C is doing better and eating healthier, we went out last weekend, but that was the first time in about a month, and he is still paying for it with his stomach. He sees now he cant do that every weekend anymore, which makes me happy, since i dont tolerate alcohol all that well. We go out, once a month, or maybe once ever 2 months now. Im so happy, it saves us money, and ouur health. Which is imporant, since we have been talking baby names, and maybe one child. When im done with Med school in about 6 man, hes gonna be old, okay, maybe that 3 or 4. LoL....

I keep looking in BWW and i get so sad, because i want to plan our wedding, but we really cant right now, between him, not setting a date, and money. I think once the semester is done, and i get a chance to think, i will sit down and talk with him about it. I just so depressed the other day when my cousins wedding invite came in, its not that im not happy for her, i am, her and her FI have been dating for 7 years, but its, i want to get married, and start on that part of life together already, and im older than her.

I have been workingout, and yes fasting lately, i feel better when i dont eat. Weird, i know, i plan on working out today after class, gonna do some light weight lifting, and than cardio in the pool. I could use a few laps around the pool.
They may pay well for eggs, but I decided that it isn't an option for me. Apparently it takes something like 60 hours of medical/psychological exams. The potential side affects are also too serious (and common!) for me to justify. It sounds absolutely miserable and painful.

FI's blood pressure is heading back in the right direction. I'm doing what I can to improve his diet even more and he's been exercising (carefully!) for 20 minutes each day.

Boy do I understand your wanting to be married already! I thought about suggesting we just skip the wedding and do it already, but I think I'd really regret not having a wedding (and I KNOW my grandparents & mom would be sad). And just because he's BTDT, I haven't and I really do want to have a beautiful gown and flowers and people and food.
Im so glad, that you understand how i feel. I know C isnt going to set a date while he doesnt feel well. It sucks, but as silly as it sounds, i would rather get married while we are both happy and healthy, than see him stress about us getting married, and him not feel well on top of it.

I found a location i would love to get married in, its called The Grove, here in Vegas, and its far away fromt he strip, but its like a huge garden and you can get married at a few different places. I dont know how well the good is, but for 4700.00 you can have a wedding, and reception, with food, and set up, break down, and alcohol. Its very pretty too. *Sigh*, i shouldnt look at places online, it makes me sad.

C and I are going out of town on sunday for the night, we need to reconnect, we have lost touch since he has been feeling depressed, and not well. Im kinda of excited, but a little nervous, i hope he feels well for the night. Please send some dust my way, hehe, i could use it.I booked the room to surpise him, and i didnt tell him, but i ordered chocolate covered strawberries,a dn champange for the room. Im trying to think of what to buy to make the room, ummmm...mood setting :naughty: ....any ideas?

Whats your plans for the weekend?
A night away sounds wonderful!

Hmmmm.... Champagne & strawberries in front of a fire?
Or maybe in a soaking tub-for-two? (If tub is too small, maybe shower for two? -- or just each take turns in the tub... plenty for the other to see/soap :naughty: )

Breakfast delivered to your room in the morning? (A lot of places offer something like a champagne breakfast, but just something he really likes would be good) A relaxing breakfast in fluffy hotel robes is nice.

It's been a year now since we stayed over at the winery but it was wonderful. We had chocolate cake and wine looking out over the Columbia River & gorge, wine in front of a fire while watching the sun set over the river, bath for two in this amazing marble tub, a little snuggling :naughty: with the blinds all open looking out over the river (the way it is set up, we could see out but no one could see in). Then we left our room and had an AMAZING dinner with fire & candlelight & wine & more chocolate cake.

Turning the lights down/off and sitting in front of the fire with something yummy is just so relaxing and nice. (no tv, radio, etc)
My weekend:
Friday -- school, work, Shabbat dinner
Saturday -- read chemistry book, work at memorizing ellement symbols, read calculus sections (do problems after sundown)
Sunday -- chemistry homework, more memorizing, lots of calc problems

If it is nice outside, I'd like to get out to the range with the rifles too but that depends on what sort of homework I've got.

Maybe icecream sitting on the deck?

Sounds better than this last weekend.... taxes :knockout: (at least I only had to pay a little this year :sick: )
TooPatient|1302036101|2888562 said:
A night away sounds wonderful!

Hmmmm.... Champagne & strawberries in front of a fire?
Or maybe in a soaking tub-for-two? (If tub is too small, maybe shower for two? -- or just each take turns in the tub... plenty for the other to see/soap :naughty: )

Breakfast delivered to your room in the morning? (A lot of places offer something like a champagne breakfast, but just something he really likes would be good) A relaxing breakfast in fluffy hotel robes is nice.

It's been a year now since we stayed over at the winery but it was wonderful. We had chocolate cake and wine looking out over the Columbia River & gorge, wine in front of a fire while watching the sun set over the river, bath for two in this amazing marble tub, a little snuggling :naughty: with the blinds all open looking out over the river (the way it is set up, we could see out but no one could see in). Then we left our room and had an AMAZING dinner with fire & candlelight & wine & more chocolate cake.

Turning the lights down/off and sitting in front of the fire with something yummy is just so relaxing and nice. (no tv, radio, etc)

Thats just about what i was thinking. I was thinking of getting some candles to take with us, and than some massage oils, and stuff. And ordering some breakfast. Your right in line with what i was thinking, hmmm, and taking a bottle of wine or two.
Okay Too....been thinking about this all day...hehe...and heres the plan.

Im actuall going to call the hotel, and cancel their chocolate covered strawberries, and champange. Why, might you think? I have 3 bottles of champange at home, and the stuff we like. On Saturday, while he is at work, im going to make him some chocolate covered strawberries, and oranges. Im going to go and pick up some candles also, to take with us, along with this really good smelling massage oil i have.

I plan on take a cute black satin skirt, and top, to wear to dinner, with ummm...cute stuff underneat, with the included hose and heels. (Hmmmmm, this is getting spicey already :lol: , hmmmm, this sounds like we might not make it to dinner :naughty: ), i was going to pay for him a massage, but whats the point, when i can do it for him.

How does that sound??
I like your idea of you doing the massage -- may as well be the one getting him all relaxed in the privacy of your candle-lit hotel room :naughty:

Making the strawberries yourself I'm not as sure of only because mine NEVER look as good as what you can order. If you've done it before then it might be a nice thing to do. Hmmm.... then again.... there is something wonderful about having the chilled wine (and nice glasses!) waiting in your room with perfectly ripe strawberries in gorgeously smooth chocolate.
Our chocolate cake & wine were all set out on the coffee table in front of the fire and it just looked so nice. (plus I didn't have to stress about keeping them the correct temperature, not smoooshing, etc and then setting them out on... something?)

Ah.... and you really should make it to dinner -- just make sure you check in early enough and make your reservations late enough that you've got plenty of time to relax and dress (and undress :naughty: ) before dinner.
TooPatient|1302107957|2889284 said:
I like your idea of you doing the massage -- may as well be the one getting him all relaxed in the privacy of your candle-lit hotel room :naughty:

Making the strawberries yourself I'm not as sure of only because mine NEVER look as good as what you can order. If you've done it before then it might be a nice thing to do. Hmmm.... then again.... there is something wonderful about having the chilled wine (and nice glasses!) waiting in your room with perfectly ripe strawberries in gorgeously smooth chocolate.
Our chocolate cake & wine were all set out on the coffee table in front of the fire and it just looked so nice. (plus I didn't have to stress about keeping them the correct temperature, not smoooshing, etc and then setting them out on... something?)

Ah.... and you really should make it to dinner -- just make sure you check in early enough and make your reservations late enough that you've got plenty of time to relax and dress (and undress :naughty: ) before dinner.

Thanks Too. Ive never done anything like this for him before. im actually a bit nervous. LoL.....I actually worked at a chocolate shop and had to make chocolate covered strawberries daily, so i know how to make them look pretty. It took me a long time to learn, but now i can even make the little

im going to call and see if we can get a late checkout, i dont want to have to rush home, its only one night, and would like to sleep in a bit.

Im going to do a trail run on the strawberries to make sure, i know how to do them still. LoL...ill post pics
That sounds like a yummy job!

I love chocolate covered strawberries but they always turn out clumpy, smudgy, dull looking, or otherwise funky when I make them.... of course that's never stopped us from eating them :bigsmile:
Hmmm... and of course I've always got problems with them getting too cool and sweating or too warm and getting sort of limp and squishy.

It'll be a GREAT weekend and I'm sure that even if some little detail doesn't quite work out, he'll still be happy to be there with you. It's really sweet that you're doing this and I'm sure he'll appreciate it (and show that appreciation appropriately :naughty: )
Okay, did a trial run with the strawberries, not my best, but o well, i still wanted to pratice...i also wanted to trial the chocolate covered oranges, my friend and her BF LOVE them.

Also, if you add paraffin to the chocolate, or shortening, they will turn out shiny. You can temper them( the shortening), it will make them shiny, and less dull, than just the chocolate. Downside, it makes the texture of them a bit ummmm weird. I prefer dull looking and great tasting, to shiny, and flimy. LoL...but thats just me. Also, make sure you heat up the chocolate, and than stir, i ususally use a fork, it helps break down all the little pieces, and try just getting a high quailt chocolate bar, opposed to chips. Chips, are harder to melt, and get a nice smooth constiney. Its weird, but true.make sure the berries are completely dry, if there is even a drop of water, the chocolate wont hold, and will make the berry mushy. Also, if you freeze them, make sure you eat them frozen, ive noticed when they are frozen, the tend to be a bit juicer.Also, When i worked int he chocolate shop, it was nice, we just used this HUGE pot of chocolate, and it kept moving, so the chocolate wa ALWAYS smooth, but it was a mix of dark and milk, which isnt as sweet, but still yummy. I gained ALOT of weight working there, i had to try ALL of the products, so i could tell the customers, and CEO's all about the products. I actually havent had their chocolate since i quit almost 4 years couldnt take the chocolate anymore. We made fondues, chocolate tea parties, lots of chocolate drinks, and can look it up..its Ethels M, and its a vegas local company. Anyhow...heres my expermint....they look just okay, hope they taste okay.

Those look good!

You know how to tell a PSer?...... The first thing I saw in the picture was your ring! Then I noticed the chocolate. :lol:

You know.... It snowed last night. (stuck to the ground and you can still see chunks in some places)

SeattleSC started a thread about the miserable weather here.
Add to my weekend plans:

Practice Hebrew.

B's friend (works for same company but in a different organization) just invited him for coffee. B suggested next week after 3pm so the friend can meet me (smart man :)) ) The guy is Israeli. His wife tutored B in Hebrew. I suspect some largish chunk of the conversation will be in Hebrew so I need to brush up so I can not only understand what is being said (which I'm pretty decent at) but actually form intelligent sentences myself (which I'm currently a bit slow at and rusty at even that since I haven't had a conversation in Hebrew for nearly a year(?)).
I know the guy (and his wife -- not sure if she'll be there) won't think any less of me for being slow at forming sentences in something that is not my native language but... well... it would be nice to impress them.
TooPatient|1302195110|2890232 said:
You know how to tell a PSer?...... The first thing I saw in the picture was your ring! Then I noticed the chocolate. :lol:

OMG- that's the first thing I notcied too!! :lol:

And those strawberries look yummy- especially the one that looks like it has on a suit! :D
Thanks Ladies...they are yummy, not my best work, but it will work for C. LoL....

Ya know whats sad, you know your PS'er...when you take photos of things and you ahve to stick your ring in there. LoL

It would be a good idea to pratice, but thats awesome, you ahve someone you can talk to in hebrew, and really let it flow. Its honestly the best way to learn a language i think. Good luck with that. Let me know it goes please!!!

I cant believe you got snow!!! Its super windy and overcast here. I love the overcast, hate the wind. We have gusts up to 70 miles an hour......i HATE IT. i was at school today, and a gust came, and was so strong it almost knocked me over, i hurt my knee trying to protect myself from the wind.
Hey Jessie :wavey:

Hope you had a great weekend and a wonderful night away with C!
TooPatient|1302539469|2893265 said:
Hey Jessie :wavey:

Hope you had a great weekend and a wonderful night away with C!

Hey Too, i hope you had a good weekend hon

Nope, not a good weekend at all. we didnt go due to our dog getting a burr(sharp point plant) in her eye, it being in the ey all night, us not sleeping, her throwing up around the house, o and running into C's ex wife....wasnt good at all.
Jessie702|1302667034|2894712 said:
TooPatient|1302539469|2893265 said:
Hey Jessie :wavey:

Hope you had a great weekend and a wonderful night away with C!

Hey Too, i hope you had a good weekend hon

Nope, not a good weekend at all. we didnt go due to our dog getting a burr(sharp point plant) in her eye, it being in the ey all night, us not sleeping, her throwing up around the house, o and running into C's ex wife....wasnt good at all.

I'm sorry. I know you worked hard to put together a nice evening and were looking forward to getting away together.

Is your dog okay now?

Oh.... and ex-wifes are absolutely, without any doubt, the WORST. It's like they have some way to sense when things are going well or looking up or you've got something special planned and then.... they suck every bit of happiness and hope out of life. :nono: