
The Official TTC Thread!

A quick fly by to say today is most likely CD1 for me. Most of the day was just light spotting, but changed a bit this evening to more of what I would normally chart as CD1. I sometimes have a hard time judging. Boo! Which means only a 9 day LP this cycle. Double boo! I guess the B vitamins haven''t done their work in that department yet. Although I think the B is supposed to help with spotting as well so maybe that''s why I''m not starting with as much spotting this cycle. So maybe they''re working one step at a time!
CatLuver - as I don''t have a fade in pattern for OPKs, I took the first considerable line with a dark edge to mean that was the start of the LH surge. the 2nd day, like yours, was clearly positive, so I took that to mean middle/end of LH surge. 3rd day was again clearly negative.
Kunzite -- sorry to hear about AF.

Geri -- where are you? Hope you are doing okay.

Laila -- I shout out to you every once in awhile...hope you are doing okay as well in case you are lurking and see this.

LV -- thanks again. The hubs has good SA I think we''re going to DTD for a few nights in a row. No temp shift for me yet but a positive on CBEFM this morning like you said!...does HCG mess with temps as well?

Fisher will be back soon! Lent is over this weekend and she can log back on to PS! Maybe she''ll have some good news!
Lanie - Sounds like a good plan! I'm not sure if the HCG messes with temps, I know Clomid does. I stopped temping long ago. It was always a chore. I see you are still looking to confirm ovulation. I don't blame you. You've been through a lot. I'm pretty sure you're good to go, though.

And, I believe Geri is on her honeymoon right now! I too would love to hear from Fishie!
Quick post to say that when I called last night to check on my Mom (who''s doing well) she told me that the stray cat that had kittens a couple months ago is pregnant again. I must admit I felt a twinge of jealousy.

Hi, my name is plantationcatt, and I have a problem.
PlantationCatt - That is one of the funniest posts I''ve read in a while. Hee hee! I''m so glad to hear your mom is doing well. You must feel very relieved!!
Lanie - Looks like we're having similar cycles. Yesterday (CD28) I had an LH surge and administered Ovidrel on myself too. it was a bit scary to see that needle, but it didn't hurt at all! this morning I went to my doc for IUI (I was supposed to go again tomorrow but they cancelled the second IUI since I surged yesterday). anyway, time for 2ww!


for you ladies that have gone thru IUI cycles... did your docs say anything about exercising afterwards? i run at least 2 miles everyday and lift light weights. just wondering if i should resume my normal exercise routine. thx!
ladies, I''m off on vacation tomorrow so want to wish you all well and hope to return in 2 weeks time to lots of good news.

I''m sure I''ll eat so much on the cruise that I''ll look pregnant - hopefully there will be a BFP to go with it!
It''s a beautiful spring day here, and I woke up SUPER EXCITED because it''s CD 6 and I thought that meant Eva was going to ask me to pee on stuff!! I am such a POAS addict! Suffice it to say, I was a little let down to get a plain "CD 6" notice with no pee request. I am warped!
Sweetlime - I think I am the only IUI-er who posts regularly. I don''t know how to answer your question, and I am sure a google search will reveal conflicting results. I would call your RE''s office. Perhaps there''s a nurse that you can speak with?
noelwr - I hope you have a fabulous vacation and come back w/good news! and enjoy the food!

plantationcatt - understandable about being jealous of the pregnant momma cat (reminds me of the SATC episode with Charlotte). (Can your mom try to get the poor cat spayed, after she has her litter? The sad fate of millions of unwanted cats just breaks my heart.)

Bliss, I’m still excited for you even though you don’t feel preg.
Congrats Lanie on O! Good luck with the BD!

icekid, I can’t wait to see your Leon setting. Also, good for you w/the timing of your SIL’s pregnancy and deflecting MIL’s attention

I had another positive OPK this morning! It looked even darker than yesterday’s. My temp normally fluctuates within a range of 0.5, and today it was 0.4 higher than the top of the range, which may not count as an elevated temp. It may just have been messed up today because my DH got up early and woke me up so I was semi-awake for about 45 minutes before temping. It doesn’t make sense to have both a positive OPK and an elevated temp, does it? Guess my DH is on duty again at least for tonight and maybe still tomorrow! Also I had some weird pain last night/this morning down in my lower right ab area that I don’t remember having before…I thought to myself, “mittleschmerz?” Haha, that’s such a funny word. It felt like a dull ache, like there was something heavy down there…anyone have that before?
sweetlime -- thanks for chiming in! I don''t know the answer either....good luck to you! Anything you are doing to keep your mind off of the 2ww?

noelwr -- have fun on vacation!!! Hope you get a cruise BFP!

plantation -- that was really funny!

catluver -- I''m feeling that today! It''s so weird! I guess this is what normal people feel like once a month! It''s a combo of specific pain with dull aching. Could just be my meds though. We''ll be cycle twins or at least really close!
Lanie, it looks like you and noelwr are 1 day ahead of me, so we''ll be waiting together! I don''t remember feeling that pain before, but maybe I just wasn''t paying attention, or attributed it to digestive issues or a muscle strain or something. Good luck!
hi ladies!!
so i am going to the doctor on monday and i am going to get my yearly examine..and was going to talk to her about starting a family (not till march 2011 is when we will start) but before i get kicked off my insurance in august i wanna make sure everything is good and we have everything lined up for when i get my new insurance but wasnt sure what i should ask the doctor! i stopped taking my BCP (yaz) because all of the side effects are driven me crazy! but i think DH is worried we will get pregnant sooner if im not on it (we do not like condoms ;-) ) so i gotta if i completely stop i gotta figure out what to do to protect us... BUT this is our problem right now.... DH got accepted to medical school, but its in Grenada, and unfortunately i am not going because I need to stay over here so I can work (its hard to get work permits there and the availability of jobs are very rare) so really we wont be able to have sex for almost 4 months at a time (he is there 4 months and back 1 month-but ill probably go visit) so i would rather not be on BCP at all because before i was on them my period was wacky! Id get it whenever it felt like showing up-be in 2 weeks or 2-3 months but that was when i was like 16-17. So i want to get off and start temping?? ive been trying to read some stuff up on it but its hard, but id rather all of our ducks be in a row so when we start in march-hopefully we get it the first time because otherwise we would have to wait another 4 months because i cant have the baby when he wont be home, so we are aiming for a december 2011 baby :-) He would only be away for another 4 months and then we would be together again. I really plan to get my body ready in the next year physically and off all of my medications so i can have a nice healthy baby... I just get worried the later i have a baby...its going to really damage my body (i already had surgery on my back and my disc is re-herniated again) so I am hoping to hopefully be healed and the younger i am the better my body bounces back (im 25 and 26 in december)...I just dont want to start having kids at 30 (my mom had be at 32 and my sister at 40 and i hated it...always wished she was younger and more active with me) (and no offense to anyone at all-its just a personal preference!) Plus the other thing is the following 2 years after DH gets back we will be moving every couple of months for his clinical rotations that are in miami and NY and NJ and i wont be able to work then so i figure why not be at home with my baby? I plan to work for the next 2 years and put away as much as i can (i will be living rent and everything free).

Okay sorry if i went off topic-just need some advice :-)
Hi Ladies,

I am sorry that I have been MIA today, but I have been working like a dog this week. Big Ugh...Anywho...

CDNinNYC: "April Fool bfps Rule"...hmmm, I will have to think about that one. Either way, its more creative than I could come up with this week
. Have fun in Mexico!

Charbie: Any news? Have you taken your HPT yet? I hope all is well. Either way though, I wouldn''t worry about what has happened the past few weeks. Just take it from today and see where you stand. Good luck with everything.

Noel: Thanks for the chart, that is very interesting.

Catluver: Welcome to the TWW. I hope you get some happy results in a couple weeks

Icekid: So exciting about your SIL. Yeah for having pregnancy buddies! Good luck with work and take care of your liitle bean! Tell it s/he can''t play with the flashing lights, lol.

As for the rest of you ladies (LV, Lanie, Bliss, Kunzite) I am sorry, but I need to get some sleep now. It''s already after 11, and I had a hellish 12 hour day today. I promise to get to you in the morning...

Sleep well everyone and talk to you tomorrow!
No news...I haven''t tested. I''ve got this gut feeling that AF is just around the corner- as soon as I think she''s not coming anymore, I get nasty cramps. I had some light pink d/c two days ago, and a bit of brown d/c yesterday and this morning, so I''m still thinking she''s just waiting to rear her head to ruin my holiday weekend.

If she hasn''t come by the end of the weekend, I''m testing. I did tell dh that I tested yesterday and was preggo.
I''ve been lurking this thread off and on since my first post a while back. I''ve decided to jump back in full time (more on that later)!

I have missed so much since around October, but wanted to send enormous congratulations to Icekid, Blushing Bride and Split Shank!!! I''m so happy for you ladies!

So, as of last night, DH and I have made the decision to go off of BC (Yaz) at the end of this cycle while we''re in France on vacation.

I have a question for those of you that stopped your BC to TTC. Did you just stop mid-cycle? Wait for AF and then quit? I''ve been on one pill or another for the past, ummmm, 16 years.
What kind of emotional side effects did the Pill have for you ladies and what changed within the first few weeks of quitting your BC?

I also have a major problem with focusing on the negative because of my age and planning for worst case scenarios, and I really need to readjust my perception to feeling overall positive about the whole TTC process. Are there any books or recommendations you ladies can make to keep me focusing on the proverbial prize, instead of obsessing about everything that can potentially go wrong?

Looking forward to seeing more BFPs from you ladies!
LTP- from what i have read and the little researching ive been doing, i think it would be best to finish you last pack, so you get AF like normal and then you would be able to really see how long your cycle is after that, and i dont know if you are going to be doing the temping and keeping track of everything to determine when you ovulate, but i was playing around with it today and i think itd be good to be able to start off fresh and new off a period doing it too. I know sometimes when i forget pills and stuff i get spotting or even get my period really quick again, so when i plan to go off BC (yaz as well) i am going to finish out the month and start it nice and fresh with no BC in my system when i do temps and stuff. I was reading and it says that "Once you stop taking the pill, the hormones are out of your body quickly, usually within a couple of days. When the hormones are gone your body needs to start again on its own to function." not sure how true that is, but who knowS? i know the other ladies will have way more info than me! goodluck!
Sorry for the short post and to not addressing everyone yesterday. But, I have a few minutes to catch my breath, so I figured I would finish my train of thought now

Noel: Have a WONDERFUL vacation! I hope that you have as fruitful a vacation as Bliss did...

Miscka: You could be feeling ovulation, though not everyone does. But perhaps you were able to catch that flood of eggs
. Good luck!

LV: My doc actually gave me about 10 different samples of prenatals to try and all but 1 had DHA with it. She did suggest I get on prenatals and while she didn''t stress the DHA, I think it was more of a given for her.
Btw, isn''t tomorrow the BIG DAY? Fingers, toes, and every other available apendage is crosse for you to KU. Lots of dust and please let us know as soon as you get some answers!

Lanie: Yeah for the big follie. And BIG WOOHOO for ovulating this month. That is so great for you! I''m sorry but I don''t have much experience with the hormone shots, but I hope you can catch the little egg just right!
And yes, Geri is on her wedding/honeymoon Mexico trip.

Bliss: Even though you don''t feel KU, I still hope you get a pleasant surprise from your exotic BD''ing marathon
. Don''t stress too much about the missing temps b/c there is not much to do now. Just get yourself a new thermometer and get ready for the next cycle. Good luck!

Kunzite: I am sorry to hear that AF showed up. What a little punk. I really do hope that the vitamin B helps out with the LP. Either way, jump onto the April BD''ing train with the rest of us and let''s see if we can all make some January LO''s!

Plantationcatt: You are too funny. No, you don''t have a problem, just a burning desire. Not to worry though, April is going to be a great month for us all. We are on a mission, dang it!

Glad to hear mom is doing well too!

Sweetlime: Congrats on the IUI and getting to the 2WW. I wish you lots of sticky dust. Please keep us updated!

Krissie: I hate when our bodies just don''t do what we want/expect them to do. Hopefully Eva asked the right question today. Otherwise, you could always threaten to send her wherever Bliss''s Eva went...

Catluver: Are you using FF. Hopefully you have something that will assist you with decoding all the signs. As for the positive OPK, I would trust that, especially if it was darker than yesterday. Just keep BD''ing until you get the sustained temp shift. Good luck!
As for the mittleschmerz, I think Hudson gets it, and I have gotten it in the past. Mine kinda developed into folicle cysts or ruptures throughout the years, and you don''t mistake that pain. But, yes, you will know when you are O''ing if you do have that. If it gets really bad, try a heating pad or some tylenol.

Blondebunny: Welcome to the TTC hood, even if you are just poking your head in for now. I am not quite sure what the question was, but it sounds like you are planning all the right things (getting in shape, etc.) I think it makes sense for you to go off BC, but do beware that some people can get KU after gettng off. So, if you don''t want/aren''t ready for a LO yet, then do use some sort of protection. As for temping, etc, it still take a bit for your body to get back on track so to speak, so I wouldn''t count on that in the short term. However, in the long term, it could be used for preventing pregnancy. I recommend reading "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" to get a better grip on the whole thing. Good luck!

Charbie: Did I understand right that your told your DH your were KU even though you think you aren''t? How did he react? What were your reasons for doing so. Just curious, so don''t feel you need to answer if you don''t want to...Either way, I would take a test and find out for sure. That way, you can prepare you (and your DH) for whatever it may be. Good luck hun!

Lauren: Welcome to the TTC neighborhood. There are a couple of us who have abandoned our BC in the last few months. We all had different reactions to it, as I am sure you will as well. Mine were a bit more severe (weight gains, migranes, and mood issues) but some other ladies had minor reactions. Unfortunately, you won''t know until you try. I got off BC at the end of the pack, which is what they usually advise you to do.
As for the negative feelings, I can only say that this is a very emoitional process and your just need to try to remain positive. Bliss is the absolute best at that, so maybe you should seek advice from her.
I would also recommend What to Expect Before You''re Expecting, and hopefully that will get you excited. It never hurst to talk to your Dr. too, and just make sure all is well before you start trying. Good luck and hopefully you will gather all the info you need here.

As for me, I am at CD3 and am roaring to go in the next week
. I hope you ladies have a great weekend and I will talk to you soon!
Lauren, so glad you are here!
Btw that cake recipe you posted looks devine and I want to try it for my DH''s grad school graduation party!

Um I am grumpy today bc I think AF is here? But I can''t tell? I haven''t had AF in well over a year from the IUD and I hate not knowing whats going on, makes this TTC thing tricky. Shooting in the dark, so to speak. I hope it''s her so then I can at least guesstimate where I am, though I still don''t think I will temp.

Oh well, our anni is tomorrow and we have a super fancy dinner planned on a gorgeous patio of a winery, I am dressing up and enjoying the wine
while I can!

Hope you all have fabulous and productive (reproductive? hahaha) weekends!!!
LTP: I was on Yasmin on and off for about 10 yrs. I finished a pack before stopping, just to keep my cycle on a regular schedule. I didn’t have any side effects. I waited 2 full cycles before TTC to be “safe” although others get pregnant off BC right away with no problems. Good luck w/starting. I have to try not to obsess about the perils of TTC either; it’s hard not to.

- thanks for the support. Enjoy your few days “off”
The one thing I don’t like about the 2WW is having to be super careful about my body…what I eat, drink (caffeine and green tea-wise), whether I can be active because I don’t want to jar anything out of place…

I’m really confused, I had my 3rd positive OPK this morning with no real temp shift - here’s my chart. Has anyone had 3+ positives in a row? My DH is getting spent

LTP - I stopped taking the pill after finishing my last pack, back in August or September, for some of the reasons BB mentioned. I was on the pill for 10+ years. While I experienced no negative side effects going on them, going off has been a little...annoying. My cycles remained super regular from day 1, albeit much heavier, and I''ve experienced no emotional changes. My only unexpected side effect, which is opposite from the norm, was that I packed on 10 lbs in the first 3 weeks, that I haven''t been able to shake. The gain is most likely coincidence (subtle changes in habit that I''m not aware of), but frustrating nonetheless. We had gotten a puppy around the time I went off, which has forced me to take 1 1/2-2 hour walks or hikes daily, rain or shine.

Just a few rambling observations, as someone who''s TTC at age 33 (well, 34 in a few days). It''s been exciting watching friends getting pregnant and having babies in the past few years, but I''ve had to make a conscious effort not to let their stories of getting pregnant the first week of trying discourage me, or worse yet, raise my inner green eyed monster. I''ve also come to realize that as much as I love reading this thread, hearing about other people''s experiences and all of the shared wisdom, it''s been in my own best interest to keep my journey a more...quiet one. I''ve noticed that verbalizing/vocalizing my efforts on a regular basis tended to make me focus on TTC so much, that every day states of being turned into pregnancy signs (I''m ravenous today, I must be pregnant! I have a headache today, I must be pregnant! Pickles sound so good to me right now, I must be pregnant! etc.), and rather than feeling simply disappointed when AF came around, I''d actually feel a dull ache in my chest. My husband and I are still trying, and I''ll probably make an appointment with my doctor one of these days to make sure everything is in "working order," but for now, I''m back to enjoying the process, and the peace that comes with being a newlywed.

Best of luck, and have an amazing time in France, you lucky girl you!
Date: 4/2/2010 10:18:11 AM
Author: charbie
No news...I haven''t tested. I''ve got this gut feeling that AF is just around the corner- as soon as I think she''s not coming anymore, I get nasty cramps. I had some light pink d/c two days ago, and a bit of brown d/c yesterday and this morning, so I''m still thinking she''s just waiting to rear her head to ruin my holiday weekend.

If she hasn''t come by the end of the weekend, I''m testing. I did tell dh that I tested yesterday and was preggo.
Yeah...umm, somehow I lost part of this post. I told him I was preggo as a April Fools. I said, "I finally took a test today." and he said, "Oh really, how did that turn out?" and I said, "That I''m knocked up." and he goes, "You''re funny. Are you being serious??" and I said, "No, seriously!" and he goes, "Did you take it at work?" and I said, "Yup." he then says, "Oh boy." and got a big old smile on his face and jokingly patted my belly. I then said, "Um, April Fools." and he goes, "Wait, so did you test???" and I said, "No, didn''t test yet." He goes, "Well, I didn''t believe you anyways."

He''s lying. He totally fell for it. I feel like its ok to joke about since we aren''t really trying. If we were super serious about it, I wouldn''t joke about it. He laughed about it since he told his brother for April Fools that we were having a baby. But seriously- I need to test or something, since AF hasn''t come by yet. No sore bb''s, and my cervix is low and hard, which I read is usually a sign that AF is coming. GAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH.
Testing tomorrow?
i cannot believe i am typing this.
i''m officially a jerkstore.

Omg Charbie, seriously?!?!?! Congrats to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Our first April BFP! Woot! Great way to start the month!
Woooohooooo, Congratulations, Charbie!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Such great news, and what a timely April Fool's joke!!!!

Blondebunny - Thanks so much for chiming in. I was leaning toward waiting til the end of this pack, but the very last Pill has me going on my period sometime in the beginning of our trip to France. Worried I'm going to have a heavier AF than normal while we're over there, I think I may go through just one more pack to make sure everything is timed right.

dcgator - I'd heard about the weight gain, but I'm ready for it. DH and I started a weight + cardio plan about 6 months ago, and while I've gained weight (muscle) on the plan, I've lost quite a lot of fat, so I'm hoping the weight gain is minimal, or at the very least, manageable. Here's hoping anyhow! I've spoken with my Doctor about going off BC, and she said I was all good, but because of my age (35 this year), suggested I have a more aggressive TTC plan than I would were I younger, and see her again if we don't see a BFP after 6 months of active TTC.

Miscka - I'm so glad to see you in this thread, too! Let me know how the cake goes. I've seriously had dreams about that cake. It's that good!
Happy anniversary to you both and enjoy the wine and good time!!

CatLuver - Thank you. I'm sure just like LIW, a small breather away from the constant discussion about it may help, but I will have loads of questions over the next few months/years/whatever that I'm here, and I so appreciate the ability to come here to ask.

Parrot Tulips - Thank you so much for your outlook. It helps to know there are other early 30s lurking/posting in this thread who I can learn from. I'm sorry to hear about the weight gain going off the Pill, as it seems to be that I had a heck of a time maintaining my weight when I went on. It's a constant struggle, but I'm hoping I can convince DH getting a puppy (eyeing a Pembroke Corgi now
) is the perfect way to keep the weight from creeping back on! I'm in the same boat as you (though a year ahead of you now), so yes, I'm surrounded by people who have accidentally gotten pregnant on their first try. Ever. So, I can see that being a problem for me in trying to keep a positive outlook. I'll be thinking of you and sending dust your way, as well!

Thank you, ladies, for the increidbly warm welcome. I'm looking forward to the journey, and happily looking forward to all of the BFPs in here!
I''m in shock right now. Serious shock. I can''t even call anyone yet, and my husband is on his way home since I said he needed to hurry up and get home. He knows what''s up. I''m like, "crap! I can''t even find a cute way to tell him since we really were not trying. The man must have some super sperm!" We had one incident on CD 9 where he was "daring''- anyone remember???

I''m way way excited, but honestly so freaked out right now I don''t even know what to do. Guess baby is gonna be due on or around Dec. 5! Gahh! I''m going to be a mom before the end of the year! Holy $!(*&!!!

Here I am wondering how in the world this happened so fast, when we have all of these wonderful women who have been trying so hard, and I get preggo on a fluke!
OMG Charbie!!! LOL!!!
You little jerkstore, you! hehe! I am so happy for you!!! Congratulations, momma!!!! That''s you''re gonna have to go back and tell DH that it was a fool''s April Fool''s joke! hahahah! Awesome!! Best wishes for a healthy, sticky bean and a smooth 9 months! :)

OK, I have a lot to catch up on, so I will post more later, but this post is for Charbie alone.



OMG, I am so happy for you! We have been waiting for a jerkstore for quite some time!


I am also laughing bc you've already told your DH you're preggo.... then said April Fools!

But the joke was on you because you WERE PREGGO! Ha! I love it!!!!!

Your DH has Michael Phelps swimmers!!!!! And I'm sure your egg was super hot like Beyonce!

Here is to a healthy, happy and blessed pregnancy!
