
The Official TTC Thread!

CD3 - Miscka (ETA) sorry about AF, but at least you know where you're at in your cycle now. Lots of dust! I had a good giggle about your hickey!
CD4 - Kunzite
CD5 - DCGator
CD9 - Krissie
CD10 - PO10472
CD12 - Plantationcatt
CD18 - CatLuver, InHisArms
CD19 - Lanie, noelwr
CD22 - Lynnie
CD24 - Bella_mezzo
CD28 - Loves Vintage
CD29 - Bliss
CD31 - Sweetlime
CD35- Ryan Claire
CD44 - brightlight

Bliss - I may be changing my 'not feeling it' this month... So BB's started getting sore Tuesday (CD17). Normal soreness, they always get sore around 10 or so days before AF. Today? They hurt like a mo fo!! I don't think they've ever been this sore, unless I'm just hyper-sensitive about it... or maybe I'm making them more sore by, um, checking them often??? IDK... I wish we could just lay eggs and incubate them. This TWW stuff is for the birds!! lol

Also, last night while I was at work, MIL dropped by and gave DH a scrapbook she had made for him when he was 13 (just by coincidence, she doesn't know we are TTC... maybe she's hinting, though?). It had sweet sayings, old pics (DH as a baby & child), DH's 'firsts'... tooth, walking, crawling, etc. DH was premature - only 4 1/2 lbs at birth and was born not breathing and they had to resusitate him. Anyway, his mom wrote this story about his birth, and I CRIED like a baby when I read it this morning. I mean, bawled my eyes out for a good 10 minutes!! I don't know what came over me... hormones acting up? Or just too much baby on the brain??

In any event, I'm so trying to not get my hopes up. But I can't help it! This would be the perfect time to get preggo... I could surprise DH on our 1 yr anni, the due date would be mid Dec (veeerrry timely... I would LOVE to be home for the holidays). A Jan/Feb due date would be great, but I'd worry about getting to the hospital in a snowstorm!! Gah... time will tell, right?? *sorry if I sound a bit whiny/needy... night shift wreaks havoc on me*

Happy Easter, everyone!!! I'm off to take a nap... the ILs are coming over for dinner tonight.
LYNNIE!!! The baby book! Its a sign! I''m not joking at all, the week before we found out I was preggo, my husband and I were down at his moms house, and she gave him his baby book to take home! It had all that same kind of stuff the one your MIL brought over has...including the hair from his first haircut...I loved it. It was completely out of the blue that she brought it over to us. She didn''t know anything, in fact we had told her that since I had the lasik, it was going to be a few more months! Gah! You''re gonna be KTFU in no time! Oh how exciting if you''re pregnant right now! Id be telling everone to start getting their DH''s baby books pronto! I don''t have the sore bbs right now, but sore nips...its wird. But I don''t really get sore before af...just cramping when she comes.
By the way, I read you asked about lasik...I''m loving it more and more now that my eyes are healing. What I''m not loving is that they say since your eyes can change while preggo you need to wait 6 months until after lasik to I have to call the docs office tomorrow and tell them i didn''t have a clue I was pregnant when I had the surgery and see what they say.
Bliss: you and your husband sound just absolutely perfect for one another. I just read your post about the pregnant touchdown dance and him yelling pregnant and got the biggest smile. That is just adoreable! Between your fun illustrations and enthusiasm and his excitedment, I just love reading about you two. If you two just kept on BDing, there''s always a chance! And the "michael phelps spermies" lasted 5 days before my ovulation if I ovulated when I think I did!
I started reading the JBP thread last night and my heart broke for you. You are such a strong, wonderful woman, and I cannot wait to cheer for your next BFP. Best of luck this deserve it the world over!

Cheapie Internet: No second pink line.

EPT: No blue plus sign.

Above average counts of healthy motile sperm. At least three eggs. Two IUIs. Beautifully thick uterine lining. Regular acupuncture. Countless injections, blood tests and ultrasounds. And, I am NOT pregnant.

I was CERTAIN that I would be pregnant this cycle, so it is NOT for a lack of a positive attitude either. I am not feeling too positive now, though. I just can't believe that it did not work. I feel like a complete failure.

So, now the question is: do we do another IUI, or do we take a cycle off and do acupuncture only? I don't know at this point.
Hi, ladies!

I hope everyone's having a good Easter. Even with the disappointment that TTC can bring us, there is much to be joyful in the world. So very much.

I'm home while Paul's at his parents' house for Easter lunch. I have the ending of a lingering nasally cold and I didn't want to chance his mother getting sick from me. Her immune system is still recovering from chemo last year. Bah.... At least I'm promised no baby questions today!

I was so eager to come back and see what kind of good news would be found here from the past several weeks' posts. Happily, there are lots of congratulations to be shared (I hope I remember them all!!). Icekid--- yay! I will miss you around here, but am delighted for you, girl!! Split Shank--your toes in the sand icon is one of my favorite.... Hope you're able to pop in and say hi every now and then. Congratulations! Charbie, how do you think the pups will react to a baby? Very excited for you!!

Shoot, my memory is shot at three. I will have to go back and look for who else I missed.

So many of the girls who've been here for a while I thought of often while I was away. I missed getting updates and just hearing how you all were doing. Bliss, good to see your humor is still there. Vintage, I certainly pray and look forward to the day when you post a most wonderful post. Some days are so hard on this road....

While I missed knowing how people were doing and being able to offer support, I *loved* the break. Paul didn't even know I'd given up PS for a while and he asked me one day (about three weeks in) why I was so relaxed and I really have to admit that not reading about it all the time and not googling and not looking for articles on what *could* be wrong has been really good for me. For us.

I still think about our baby every day, I still pray for our child. I still look forward to the moment that we learn our lives have been changed for the rest of forever, but I also do so from a much more low-key standpoint. As in, when the baby comes to mind now, I smile instead of becoming anxious, and I simply ask that God bless our cycle, and what will be our child.

And BLUSHING!!! I don't know if you still come here, but I will peek into the prego thread, too. But YAY!!! A friend on FB told me that you were pregnant and it took all I had not to come right then and congratulate you!!! Talk about answered prayers, huh? I wish nothing but the best pregnancy for you. You've been so supportive to all of us here and I'm so elated to hear of your news. Actually, I'm excited to go read your own post. :) Eeek!!! Congratulations on your babies!!!!

Blessings on Easter to you all.
Oh, forgot to add this: Paul and I have debated baby names since before we were married (yes, I like to plan ahead
) and have never really truly *agreed* on any particular name combination.

Yesterday we were driving home from Lowe''s (another fun home owner adventure... new seals for the back door) and out of no where he says, "I know a boy''s name I like a lot." Christian. I admit, I''d thought of that name before, but it never struck me as original and I don''t like common names. Being a Jennifer will do that to you. But, it just felt right when he said it. And we''d often talked about giving our son Dane as a middle name because Paul''s best friend who died last year had that middle name. And Christian Dane (partnered with our last name) just feels so right to us. So, at last, we''ve come up with our son''s name. Not to say it won''t change, but I kind of doubt it. The smile on Paul''s face when we paired those names together was just so sweet, peaceful, like it really resonated with his heart. The same way it did with mine.

And, happily, Paul now loves (or at least likes) the name I''ve held to for a little girl for so long, because of how it sounds with Christian Dane. Callie Jayne. Yeah, they rhymne, but only if you do both middle names and by all accounts, we''ll call our kids by their first names only.

I kind of hope we have a son first now. Christian Dane just sounds like my child''s name. It''s such a warm feeling to think of this person you''ve loved for so many years having a name. I can''t describe it, but I do hope the kid was just waiting to have a name before coming along and now he''s ready. How I pray!!
I''ll pray for you too, Fisher. I''m so looking forward to checking in here and seeing your announcement soon.

LV, I''m so very sorry. That must be heartbreaking. If there is no other reason why it didn''t work, it seems like a matter of chance, and that it would work on another try? Maybe you would feel better if you got a little break from IUI for a cycle and then try again? Sorry, I don''t know what to say but you have my sympathies.


I feel silly - I must have been delusional yesterday morning about my temp. I could have sworn it was 97.6 and that''s what I put in FF. However, last night when I went to take my temp just out of curiosity, the number that popped up first as the last saved temp was 98.5. So I guess I had my temp shift after all? Today''s was a little lower at 97.86, below my coverline but not too far below.
CDNinNYC, thanks! You, too. How fun would that be, to have a preggo GTG! We'd show off our bellies instead of bling! LOL
How are you doing? Enjoy this amazing weather we're having today!!!!

CatLuver, of course! How was your temp this morning? Ah! So, I was wondering if you have a Walgreens BBT therm? Mine does that as well. If you don't turn it off *right* after you check your temp, it reverts back to some baseline temp. Mine flashes to 98.6 for some reason if I don't click it off fast enough. I have no idea why it does this! Try it a few times... to check! Take a temp, then turn it off. Then fire it back up - your last temp should flash...and then it'll go back to some arbitrary baseline temp... or at least mine does! OR... 98.5 really was your temp! Either way, it's fantastic that your temps are rising and that means you O'd! So either way.... happy news!!! I just thought I'd pop in to tell you that because my therm is also weird that way! Think it's a glitch?

Kunzite! Tell AF to calm down! She beat up my friend yesterday, who was doubled over from the cramps. Why is AF so fiesty these days? She needs some attention from her man! I think that's why she's cranky!!! YAY for OPKs!!!!!!!!!!! They are really cool tools to help demystify the whole process! We'll be here for you if you have questions!

Miscka!!! Your DH is so sweet. Yay for your BBT therm! Heck, that is very romantic! I think so! LOL about the hickey! I get it! I get it! I'm too shy to share my chart bc we went so nuts this past month. You guys are going to think we need to go to BD rehab or something! The month before was so quiet compared to March!
You and Kunzite are so funny! I was the exact same way!!! One cycle of being in the dark and I was *done*! Hello, OPKs!

LYNNIE!!!! Oh my goodness!!!! Wow! That is great news!!!! Ouchie on the BBs, but that sounds very promising! Mo fo pain, you say? A good sign! Yes, I agree the TWW stuff is for the birds! I love how your MIL gave you a baby book out of the blue. I agree with Charbie that it is a sign! Oh, sending lots of love and prayers your way...with extra dust! How many days past O are you? Squee!

Oh Loves Vintage, I am so sorry to hear about the BFN. That is devastating. I'm sorry, my friend. However, maybe it's just this IUI, no? You were a jerkstore right away with your very first IUI, so that is really good news. It might just take one more to get you KTFU. Still, I know a month of effort, meds and everything... must feel tough to think it was all in vain. Those feelings are understandable and we'd all feel the same way. I know I would. But I have great hopes for you! And your DH! Great swimmers... you've got everything you need working to get knocked up... which means, it's only a matter of months! If it were me, and I don't know much about IUIs.... what would be the cons of trying again? Maybe try again after one cycle off to give your body rest and let yourself recalibrate?

FISHER!!!!!!!!!! Oh my, how wonderful! I love those baby names!!!! How nice! I do feel great things for you and your DH. I said many many prayers today for you and your DH so I think your baby will come soon! Maybe your angel baby was up there with your DH's friend in heaven...and think how happy they are that you two are a step closer to meeting each other! Yay. The break from TTC investigations and threads sounds nice! I'm happy to hear you are so relaxed! Yes, we're all doing well! I'm on my 3rd cycle since the mc and feel like we're in such a better place since then. It seems like so long ago sometimes. Life moves fast, it's like a blink! Lost of dust and love to you! Can't wait to hear your good news!

On our end, just waiting for AF! I think she'll be here next week. DH insists I'm preggo, which is cute... but also takes a lot of work convincing him that we are NOT preggo. I feel great, no nausea, no sore hot flashes...nada! So I'm pretty sure things are status quo this cycle. Maybe we'll get lucky later this month?
Let the BD marathon begin!

Thinking of all of you in your 2WW!

Hello dcgator, HOU, Noel, geri - hope you're having an amazing honeymoon...Bella, miss you girl! Sorry if I'm forgetting anyone!

Hope all of your Easter eggies are doing well!!!! Lots of love and dust to you all!
LV- my thoughts and prayers are with you. I don''t know much about IUI, but do you think you could ovulate on your own if you took a month off? You are NOT a failure by any means. Things happen for a reason, they really do, and even if this wasn''t the month, there is a reason for you to be pregnant when it does happen.
Lv--so sorry to hear this. But you got pregnant so fast the first time with special meds and IUI, so like bliss said, it''s just a matter of time. I don''t have anything else to say other than I understand your disappointment. You can hopefully get some answers soon on your next appt. Hope you were able to still enjoy your Easter.

Welcome back fishie!!! Love your name choices!
Date: 4/2/2010 6:24:36 PM
Author: charbie
I''m in shock right now. Serious shock. I can''t even call anyone yet, and my husband is on his way home since I said he needed to hurry up and get home. He knows what''s up. I''m like, ''crap! I can''t even find a cute way to tell him since we really were not trying. The man must have some super sperm!'' We had one incident on CD 9 where he was ''daring''- anyone remember???

I''m way way excited, but honestly so freaked out right now I don''t even know what to do. Guess baby is gonna be due on or around Dec. 5! Gahh! I''m going to be a mom before the end of the year! Holy $!(*&!!!

Here I am wondering how in the world this happened so fast, when we have all of these wonderful women who have been trying so hard, and I get preggo on a fluke!
OMMMMGGGG! That is too funny girl. I am so happy for you! Our first BFP for April, and what a way to do it. I guess the joke was on you indeed. Well, Congrats on getting KU. Hopefully you will be the first of many this month. Big congratulatory (((HUG)))
Here is to a happy and healthy 9 months!
Evening ladies. Wow, it seems like I have missed quite a bit this weekend. So, I will try my very best to catch up here. Again, my sincerest congrats to Charbie. Woohoo for our first April BFP!

Catluver: I''m glad to hear you get your temp shirt. Sounds like you are officially in the 2WW now, good luck

Kunzite: Yeah for being my cycle twin! I think April will be a great month for us both

Lynnie: Congats on getting to the 2WW. Hopefully you will be next! The scrapbook from DH sounds so cute. Maybe I can get my MIL to give me one too in a couple weeks when we visit, lol. As for your April slogan, I am not a huge baseball fan, but I really like the homerun idea. Let''s see how many homeruns we can rack up this month indeed!

Miscka: Sorry about the BFN. Hopefully this end of this month will bring you some better news.

Lanie: I hope that you did indeed O. Fingers crossed for you...

Bliss: Your hubby sounds like such a gem, and quite the comedian. I think you both make the perfectly adorable pair
. Even if you don''t get a BFP this month, I am sure it won''t be long for you.

Fisher: Glad to hear from you again. I am also glad you are feeling so at ease. Lots of luck to you in your journey and thanks for adding your kinds words.

Brightlight: How are you doing dear? We haven''t heard for you in a while, and I just wanted to make sure all is well with you.

Well DH and I enjoyed a great weekend with beautiful weather. We got a nice 8 mile run in before our 10-miler next weekend. I hope the weather stays this great for the next couple weeks. As for the BM stuff, I am chugging along on CD5 and feeling pretty good. I am looking forward to getting started on Friday with our BD''ing marathon.

Good luck to all you ladies in the 2WW!
Date: 4/4/2010 2:14:57 PM
Author: fisherofmengirly
Oh, forgot to add this: Paul and I have debated baby names since before we were married (yes, I like to plan ahead
) and have never really truly *agreed* on any particular name combination.

Yesterday we were driving home from Lowe''s (another fun home owner adventure... new seals for the back door) and out of no where he says, ''I know a boy''s name I like a lot.'' Christian. I admit, I''d thought of that name before, but it never struck me as original and I don''t like common names. Being a Jennifer will do that to you. But, it just felt right when he said it. And we''d often talked about giving our son Dane as a middle name because Paul''s best friend who died last year had that middle name. And Christian Dane (partnered with our last name) just feels so right to us. So, at last, we''ve come up with our son''s name. Not to say it won''t change, but I kind of doubt it. The smile on Paul''s face when we paired those names together was just so sweet, peaceful, like it really resonated with his heart. The same way it did with mine.

And, happily, Paul now loves (or at least likes) the name I''ve held to for a little girl for so long, because of how it sounds with Christian Dane. Callie Jayne. Yeah, they rhymne, but only if you do both middle names and by all accounts, we''ll call our kids by their first names only.

I kind of hope we have a son first now. Christian Dane just sounds like my child''s name. It''s such a warm feeling to think of this person you''ve loved for so many years having a name. I can''t describe it, but I do hope the kid was just waiting to have a name before coming along and now he''s ready. How I pray!!
Hi Fisher! I love those names too. So beautiful, and they really go together too. It''s nice to hear from you. Sometimes I check this thread just to see if you''ve checked in. I''m glad that you continue to be faithful about having your baby in your arms one day - a baby who will be so blessed to be able to call you and Paul his/her parents.
CD4 - Miscka
CD5 - Kunzite
CD6 - DCGator
CD10 - Krissie
CD11 - PO10472
CD13 - Plantationcatt
CD19 - CatLuver, InHisArms
CD20 - Lanie, noelwr
CD23 - Lynnie
CD25 - Bella_mezzo
CD29 - Loves Vintage
CD30 - Bliss
CD32 - Sweetlime
CD36- Ryan Claire
CD45 - brightlight

LV... You are NOT a failure. I wish there were a way I could persuade you to think that way. I''m so sorry about the BFN. Unfortunately, I know next to nothing about IUI or accupuncture... I''d say just go with your gut, and do what YOU think''s best for you. Are you feeling overwhelmed? Maybe a break would be good. Sorry - I''m not down with all this gyno lingo, but is there a specific reason you need IUI? Are there any other options you havent explored? TONS of hugs to you. (I''m too lazy to find that group hug emotie, but it would be here!)

Fisher, I LOVE Christian Dane. It''s so eloquent sounding!

Charbie!!! What a crazy coincidence it would be if the baby book thing panned out!! A week before you say? A week from now I should be testing if no AF... I will be totally weirded out! lol Thanks for the info about LASIK. My hospital offers discounts for lasik to employees, and I''ve been seriously contemplating it. Alas, I shall wait for it, though. I wanna conceive. haha

Bliss... you are so positive, and your energy is amazing! It really comes out in your posts!! I think I O''d on CD15, so today would be 8DPO. I love how your DH is insisting you''re preggo. You know, not all women have signs... look at that ''I didn''t know I was pregnant'' show. I''m crossing my fingers for you even though you think you''re getting AF.

DC... 10 miles counts as a marathon to me. So you''re pulling DOUBLE marathons this weekend.
Have fun!

Quick Q for you all... besides you & your DHs, does anyone know you''re TTC?
I had all the inlaws over for dinner last night, and BIL was here too with his gf. She was egging me on, saying she needs a preggo buddy, it would be so much fun, etc. And I spilled the beans that we''re TTC (only to her). I''m sure she''ll tell BIL, and I''m almost positive they''ll keep the secret (after all, we were the first to know they were preggo and we kept their news secret). But now I''m wishing I didn''t blab... I don''t wanna jinx it. What if it takes a long time? She would know... we''re friends and all, but we aren''t THAT close. Ugh... me and my big mouth

Still sore BBs... doesn''t feel as horrible as yesterday though. Weird. Nips feel fine. We shall see what the next week or so brings. Hope everyone had a nice holiday!

Wow, there''s been lots of action on this thread! Ovulation, IUI and - BFPs galore. Congrats to everyone who got a BFP and tons of baby dust to those who will get them soon!

Fisher, I''m glad your time away from PS did you some good! I''m sure it was the ultimate in will power to stay away when you heard Blushing''s big news! I LOVE your name choices. Callie is one of my all-time favorites. We''re struggling with names right now and, of course, we''re getting LOTS of advice - mostly from my mom and the ILs. Direct quote from my mom "I don''t like the name Henry but I''m not going to give you any grief about names." Gotta love the total contradiction in that statement!
Date: 4/4/2010 11:12:56 AM
Author: Loves Vintage

Cheapie Internet: No second pink line.

EPT: No blue plus sign.

Above average counts of healthy motile sperm. At least three eggs. Two IUIs. Beautifully thick uterine lining. Regular acupuncture. Countless injections, blood tests and ultrasounds. And, I am NOT pregnant.

I was CERTAIN that I would be pregnant this cycle, so it is NOT for a lack of a positive attitude either. I am not feeling too positive now, though. I just can''t believe that it did not work. I feel like a complete failure.

So, now the question is: do we do another IUI, or do we take a cycle off and do acupuncture only? I don''t know at this point.
LV, I tried to post to you last night, but unfortunately, it ate my post...

I did want to say how truely sorry I am. I can''t begin to imagine how you are feeling, but I do know for sure that you are not a failure and this is in no way your fault. You are a great, kind and beautiful person who has had some not great things happen to you. I know it might not be what you want to hear, but I do believe everything does happen for a reason. I hope that reason is reveled to you soon so that you can be more at peace with what has happened.

Please know that I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers and hoping that you get your LO soon. I wish I could do soemthing more, but for what it''s worth, here is a VERY BIG ((((((HUG)))))). I hope it makes its way through to you.
LV -
i''m so sorry, hun. i know what you''re going through and please don''t feel like a failure. i ask my doc every cycle why i can''t get preggo and he says it''s just luck sometimes. but please don''t get down on yourself and be assured that you will have a baby!

can you get out and do something you enjoy to get your mind off things? i played golf over the weekend so i wouldn''t think about my IUI. acupuncture helps me too - i listen to guided meditation during my treatment sessions which totally relaxes my mind and body.

i know what it feels like to want to walk away from all the needles, ultrasounds, drugs, etc. so if you really feel a short break will help you, then go for it.

Bliss, I do have the Walgreens BBT therm and I noticed that too. Usually, it flashes the last temp, then 98.6, then "Lo." When I turned it on that time it said 98.5, 98.6, Lo. But I don''t know if that was a glitch. I did a couple more experiments and it seemed to be accurate with flashing the last temp, then 98.6, but I think I remember one other time when it flashed something different, then 98.6. Who knows! Well, I''m going to write down my temp right away from now on so I don''t get delusional again and keep mixing up numbers. I put back the low temp on my chart, and either way, as long as I have another high-ish temp tomorrow, it has me ovulating on the same day (14). Unfortunately based on that, we BD''d only on O-1 and O (and O+1, O+2), so who knows if it worked...Easter eggies, I love it! :) Good luck w/the rest of your wait...

dcgator, thank you. Why is the 2WW always the longest two weeks of your life!? (except maybe finals in school) Hope you get some rest before your BD marathon. Just curious, do you run during your 2WW? I''m probably paranoid, but I''m afraid I might knock something out of place so I don''t let myself. Go you, you can run 10 miles, that''s awesome!

Lynnie, hope that situation with your BIL''s gf wasn''t too awkward. Things are just so iffy with TTC and people knowing about it. I haven''t told anyone except for my best friend from college (who just had a baby) and my best friend from grad school. I don''t want to tell any family because then they''ll just be constantly wondering and asking if I''m pregnant and I would not do well with that. They have already been asking when I plan to have a baby and that was before I started TTC and it drove me up the wall. Thanks for posting the schedule. Only a few more days for you!

My dad is making sushi tonight, and I''m not sure if I should eat any. It''s probably fine, but on the weeeee off chance I do get preg, and the fish is bad, I guess I shouldn''t. Going to have to figure out how to manage that though, because I reeeeally don''t want to tell my whole family that we''re TTC (maybe sneak pieces to DH? But that might make it more obvious). They''ve only been asking me for the last 2 years (we''ve been married almost 3) practically every time I see them. The other night my grandma asked me when I was going to hurry up and have a baby and said her friends are asking about it. I feel bad, but I have to ignore it because it just makes me anxious and annoyed! This is going to be tricky because I have family in town so there will be 9 other people to notice that I''m not eating sushi (usually my fave).

What is the consensus on the earliest reasonable day to test? I have an appointment w/my new OB 15DPO (coincidentally - it took a couple months to get the appointment). I don''t want to test too early and get a negative and just have to test again anyway. My cycles have been 29-30 days.

Good luck to the 2WWers!
Date: 4/5/2010 1:41:46 PM
Author: CatLuver
Bliss, I do have the Walgreens BBT therm and I noticed that too. Usually, it flashes the last temp, then 98.6, then ''Lo.'' When I turned it on that time it said 98.5, 98.6, Lo. But I don''t know if that was a glitch. I did a couple more experiments and it seemed to be accurate with flashing the last temp, then 98.6, but I think I remember one other time when it flashed something different, then 98.6. Who knows! Well, I''m going to write down my temp right away from now on so I don''t get delusional again and keep mixing up numbers. I put back the low temp on my chart, and either way, as long as I have another high-ish temp tomorrow, it has me ovulating on the same day (14). Unfortunately based on that, we BD''d only on O-1 and O (and O+1, O+2), so who knows if it worked...Easter eggies, I love it! :) Good luck w/the rest of your wait...

dcgator, thank you. Why is the 2WW always the longest two weeks of your life!? (except maybe finals in school) Hope you get some rest before your BD marathon. Just curious, do you run during your 2WW? I''m probably paranoid, but I''m afraid I might knock something out of place so I don''t let myself. Go you, you can run 10 miles, that''s awesome!

Lynnie, hope that situation with your BIL''s gf wasn''t too awkward. Things are just so iffy with TTC and people knowing about it. I haven''t told anyone except for my best friend from college (who just had a baby) and my best friend from grad school. I don''t want to tell any family because then they''ll just be constantly wondering and asking if I''m pregnant and I would not do well with that. They have already been asking when I plan to have a baby and that was before I started TTC and it drove me up the wall. Thanks for posting the schedule. Only a few more days for you!

My dad is making sushi tonight, and I''m not sure if I should eat any. It''s probably fine, but on the weeeee off chance I do get preg, and the fish is bad, I guess I shouldn''t. Going to have to figure out how to manage that though, because I reeeeally don''t want to tell my whole family that we''re TTC (maybe sneak pieces to DH? But that might make it more obvious). They''ve only been asking me for the last 2 years (we''ve been married almost 3) practically every time I see them. The other night my grandma asked me when I was going to hurry up and have a baby and said her friends are asking about it. I feel bad, but I have to ignore it because it just makes me anxious and annoyed! This is going to be tricky because I have family in town so there will be 9 other people to notice that I''m not eating sushi (usually my fave).

What is the consensus on the earliest reasonable day to test? I have an appointment w/my new OB 15DPO (coincidentally - it took a couple months to get the appointment). I don''t want to test too early and get a negative and just have to test again anyway. My cycles have been 29-30 days.

Good luck to the 2WWers!

On the sushi, can you eat just the veggie stuff or the stuff with crab? Assuming you use crab sticks, that is. Man I love sushi!
Date: 4/5/2010 2:06:54 PM
Author: Miscka

On the sushi, can you eat just the veggie stuff or the stuff with crab? Assuming you use crab sticks, that is. Man I love sushi!
I love it too! My dad doesn''t really make any veggie ones however, since we all usually eat the fish. So it''s super obvious that I''m not eating it
Fisher, Thank you for your kind words. I think I will follow your lead and spend less time on the internet this next cycle. I am glad that you are doing well.

Catluver, It is just a matter of chance that it did not work. I set far too high expectations this last cycle that it would work because so many factors pointed in my favor and because the first IUI worked. There is really only about a 20% chance of success with IUI, on average.

I am glad to hear that you've got your temping issues worked out. I hope your 2WW passes effortlessly. My best advice is to occupy your days with activities so as to lessen the amount of time you have to think about it. Tons of dust!!

Bliss, Oh Bliss! Thank you for your post! You bring such a wonderful energy to this thread. Yesterday was the worst day for me since this process started. I cannot understand it, but I was not nearly as sad with my m/c as I was yesterday. I think I may have pushed down a lot of feelings, and they all came forward yesterday, or I had just simply set my expectations too high, and my hopes were dashed. I felt wretched when I came to work today, but went for a walk at noon and feel a lot better now. Of course, it is the 'not thinking about it' which helps the most.

To answer your question, there would be no cons to doing another IUI next month. I asked the nurse this very question this morning. Basicaly, it makes no difference if I try right away or take a cycle off. We are leaning toward trying again next cycle.

How are you feeling today? I hope that your DH is right, and you get a BFP!

Charbie, Thank you so much. You are right, it will happen when the time is right. And, I know that it will happen. I really appreciate your thoughts. I felt a little guilty after posting it because I did not want to detract from your wonderful news at all. I've said this before on here, but we are each on our own paths. Mine is turning out to be a bit longer and with a few more twists than I had expected, but I am still so happy every time someone on this thread reports a BFP. That probably doesn't even need to be said, but I wanted to say it anyway.

Lanie, Lanie, Lanie - What can I say! This month wasn't the month. I do think we will try another IUI. I just can't pass up the increased chance for a BFP. It's going to be hard for me, but I am going to try to post less about it here in hopes that helps keep my mind off of it some.

Lynnie, Thank you for your very sweet post. I'm happy to report that I no longer feel like a failure. I was super-dejected yesterday, but appear to be coming out of it. You are right. I was feeling totally overwhelmed. I just need to set my expecations at a realistic level. The IUI is only to help increase my chances of getting pregnant, since it wasn't working the regular way. I am confident it will work for me, but I am really impatient about it at this point. There is a certain level of stress that gets added when you spend the first part of the month getting an injection every night, office visits, blood draws, ultrasounds, then the IUI, then THE WAIT. I'm working on it though, the patience, that is.

Regarding your TTC question, I have told my close friends only. I think it's ok to tell the people who you would feel comfortable talking about it in the future with. It is helpful to have people IRL to talk about it with, so I wouldn't feel too badly about telling BIL's gf. Sometimes it's hard not to tell, especially when people keep asking!

DCGator, Thank you for your very kind post. I am doing much better today. You are right, it was just not the right time for me. I really appreciate your post and everyone's support here.

Sweetlime, Thank you. Was this your first IUI? How many days past IUI has it been? I didn't know you were doing acupuncture too. I can only imagine how much worse off I would be without it. I went on Saturday and sank into a very deep relaxation. It is remarkable because I was very keyed up when I arrived for the appointment. Best of luck to you!


Today is CD1. Here's to new beginnings.
LV- i don''t want you ever saying you feel guilty again! dear- we are all here to celebrate and support one another. your post is just a reminder that this is a real journey, this is real life, and you cannot control that. you''re feeling guilty for your post- and here i am feeling guilty because i get pregnant on a whim when we weren''t really trying! everyone here serves a purpose- your path of TTC is going to inspire hope in others one day. my path of TTC might provide a laugh and a moment of lightness to the whole process. either way- someone will gain something from whatever happens as we share our stories. it is SO brave of you to share your life with us- i know it cannot be easy- and to have gone through so much will only make that BFP so much sweet.

big hugs to you!
Bwahaha! I just wrote a little post inspired by LV and Fisher's ideas on a PS TTC vacay/not thinking about it as much... espousing the views of taking a break to relax and wander blissfully in a land far far away from TTC obsessive thoughts...

Then I realized, "I can't leave you ladies!" You've been my greatest support through the greatest and hardest times online.

So I'm re-writing it now... and it's called... Take Me Back!!!!

But I'm still popping in to give my sista LV a huge hug!

Hey Charbie, glad to hear you're doing well!!!!!
LV! Oh honey! So AF showed up plus the tests? I am so sorry about this cycle. Biggest most fierce hugs. You did the blood test with the nurse? I''m so surprised, I just know that everything will align for you soon. This is certain.

Fisher, Christian is simply perfect, and awesome that it got Paul on board with your precious pick forever with girl names! I can just see you guys discussing this, too adorable.

Good luck on your journeys ladies!

Congratulations Charbie!
LV, I'm so sorry.

So I am back from sunny pre-earthquake San Diego and the southern Louisiana bayou country. A much needed vacation--esp since our TTC timing was totally off this month and I was kind of bummed
Our flights got all messed up yesterday so I spent 13 hours in the Houston airport and caught up on all my fave FHH threads. I am off to start my new job in a few minutes
but I wanted to say a big congrats to all the new mommies to be.

We''re still TTC, and I''m sure I''ll be using OPKs again this cycle b/c I want to know what''s going on, but we''re trying to chill out and enjoy the process more. We both have a ton going on in our lives and if it takes a while to get pregnant than so be it. We''re loving our time together and I don''t want the rest of this special solo couple time with no screaming little intruders to be spend stressed about trying to create said screaming little intruders

Fisher-Welcome back and Christian Dane is an awesome name!

LV-((((((((((((((((((((HUGE HUGS)))))))))))))))))))) I am so sorry that this cycle didn''t work out the way you had hoped. I am very optimistic for your next cycle--whether it''s this month or sometime in the future--and I hope that you can somehow find peace and even joy in this stressful and uncertain process!

Bliss-Your DH is crazy! I love it. My DH is always certain I am pregnant and I am like nope, for sure not, and he''s like, oh yeah, I looked up that symptom and it''s a sign of pregnancy, plus I just know it
Husbands-they are so cute, but sometimes so clueless

I know I missed a ton of people, but I gotta catch the subway!

Date: 4/5/2010 3:31:54 PM
Author: Loves Vintage
Today is CD1. Here''s to new beginnings.
Amen to that! You will look back on these posts in a year and think to yourself "why all the worry?" I tell myself that. Everything works out in the will happen for you!!!!!

Catluver -- did you decide when to test? I''m the wrong person to answer that question since this is my first 2ww. From other people''s experiences, girls say a lot of times to wait as long as possible so you aren''t disappointed and wasting money. I am the type that would give up hope after the first BFN, so I''m waiting 2 weeks. And as far as sushi goes, I am no help there either. Does that fall under the umbrella of not sharing blood supply with your baby until a certain point? That would be a dead giveaway if you didn''t eat it, so if you don''t, be prepared to answer a lot of questions!

Lynnie and noelwr -- how''s it going? Anything special you are doing to keep your mind off of babies??? And to answer your question (Lynnie) if anyone knows we''re TTC, a few people do. It has made it hard bc my coworkers ask every week if I''m pregnant.
They know bc I had to miss a lot of work with all of my appointments. Only a handful of close friends of mine know. I''m pretty sure my family knows. My mom definitely does...ugh...she asks about it all the time. I should have kept my mouth shut.

RyanClaire -- how are you doing? Has AF arrived for you yet? Are you still visiting the accupuncturist?

Bliss -- we will always take you back! You are our cheerleader!!!!

HOUMedGal -- I went to my parents'' house over Easter and thought of you! Hope you had a good holiday!!!

And I have an update from my case anyone gets a trigger shot in the future. (I pray you won''t have to, but if you do, that it works!) I didn''t see a temp spike after the trigger shot on 3/31, so I never knew how to guess when O was. OPK''s are false positives due to the hormone being in your system. So how are you supposed to know how many DPO you are? I called my doc, who referred me to my nurse, who said that temps can be very unreliable after an HcG trigger. She said if your ovaries made it so far to create maturing follicles, then the trigger will push them out. End of story. And actually FF gave me crosshairs for the first time this morning, saying I O''d on Saturday, but I think I really O''d on Friday at the latest. The trigger is supposed to push that sucker out between 24-36 hours afterwards. So you can''t really tell when you O''d afterwards. It''s just a guess. Either way, I O''d! I''m so thrilled!!!
And with the trigger in my system, I''m feeling all of the interesting side effects of pregnancy, even though they aren''t "real". It''s called the "pregnancy hormone", and for good reason. So there you have it, in case anyone needs to know! I''ll be testing on Tax Day!
Date: 4/5/2010 3:31:54 PM
Author: Loves Vintage

Sweetlime, Thank you. Was this your first IUI? How many days past IUI has it been? I didn't know you were doing acupuncture too. I can only imagine how much worse off I would be without it. I went on Saturday and sank into a very deep relaxation. It is remarkable because I was very keyed up when I arrived for the appointment. Best of luck to you!


Today is CD1. Here's to new beginnings.
Hi LV,
This is my first IUI, and I'm 5dp IUI. I'm not being very positive about my chances this time around.. I took a bunch of advil over the weekend for muscle soreness, and I just read somewhere that ibruprofen could interfere with implantation. oops! my bad. so I'm mentally preparing myself for another round of IUI, and I will also try Clomid for the first time.

I've been seeing an acupuncturist for 7 weeks now. For my last three sessions, she used electric stimulation. It felt prickly at first, but after awhile it felt like a really really deep massage.

Good luck to you too!

hi there,

i''m new around here. we''ve been trying since last june (sometimes with two cycles a month -- i have an approx. 12 day luteal phase), charting, timing, using a monitor etc., since very early on. looks like there is a morphology problem. we just started one round of iui -- failed. going for round II this month. this has been an incredibly challenging road, emotionally speaking. trying to feel hopeful but the waiting and waiting month after month is eating away at me. and i don''t feel like i can speak to many people about it IRL.

it looks like we may have to do IVF with ICSI. and i''m not sure the odds of that are so good. anyway, it is nice to see that i am not alone. because sometimes it feels that way.
