
The Official TTC Thread!

Hey Ladies,

Well, it seems like a few of you are very busy with BD''ing and TWW''ing...keep it rolling ladies!

Bella: Welcome back to the East coast. I am sorry to hear that your O/BD''ing times were thrown off, but I am happy to hear that you enjoyed your vaca. I bet you are super excited to start your new job today. Good luck and enjoy the new start!

Lynnie: How are you holding up? I am thinking good thoughts for a BFP at the end of your 2WW. As to your question about friends knowing we are TTC, one of my gf''s with a baby definitley knows, since I ask her about baby stuff. She can''t wait till I get KU, and asks me everytime I talk to her (which I find kinda funny). I may have mentioned it casually to a couple other freinds, but they aren''t married and/or don''t have kids, so they don''t really care. My mom, on the other hand, is the opposite of your fam it sounds like. She is telling DH and I to wait a couple more months before trying, but she knows we are going to try sooner rather than later.

Sweetlime: I hope that you get some positive results from your IUI, but if not, it sounds like you have some balanced optimisim as to trying again. I am not sure about the effect of the Advil, I just heard you shouldn''t take it. I hope that it doesn''t have any effect though. Sticky dust for you...

Catluver: I can''t say that I have really been in the true 2WW, only the what-if 2WW (if that makes sense). I am still trying to balance the we are actually trying this month with the not get too stressed out about it. Ask me that question next week, and I will probably be a straight wreck, lol. As for the running, I worry a bit about it, but I figure what will be will be. I need to keep myself in shape, especially with the baby stuff. I have the 10-miler this Sunday and then we are running another half-marathon in two weeks. Now that I say that, it probably is not ideal conditions for a LO, but I guess ultimately, its not my choice whether I get KU or not. I will likely take a test before I run just in case though. Either way, this half is my last race till the fall (I think), so that should give the incubator an easier time, lol.
Good luck with the sushi debacle. I have been enjoying sushi as well and hoping for the "don''t share the same blood" thing for couple weeks,

LV: To new beginnings indeed. I send you all my positive vibes!

Bliss: Please don''t leave b/c we would be lost without you
. You are everyone''s cheerleader, and more than that, you are the most positive, happy person I know (even if only in the cyber-world
). When do you expect AF? You do seem to know your body pretty well, but maybe the equivilent of the Indian rain dance via a baby/endzone dance will do the trick...

Lanie: Yeah for O''ing! I hope that you caught it just right and you will get another exciting first soon too

Charbie: I have lurking in the JBP thread and saw the fun you have been having. Hang in there and hopefully you can manage to keep your lunch down... Btw, I love your new signature

As for me, I am about 3 days away from my BD''ing marathon. Woohoo. I second the enjoying the DH and me time and if we get lucky enough to get KU, then we will be thrilled. If not this month, there I get to look forward to another couple weeks of debachery (sushi and margaritas) and more great, quiet nights of sleep curled up with my DH. It''s a win-win, right?

Good luck ladies in the 2WW and for those of you who are prepping for your BD''ing marathons, have fun!
Ugh...ate my post. Let''s see if I remember everything...

sweetlime -- when are you testing? And I didn''t know that about Advil! Gosh, we can''t have anything! And why does everyone always say 5 dpiui instead of 5 dpo? I''ve always wondered that but never asked.

Caitlin -- Welcome!!!
This forum is great to vent to, ask questions, cheer on other ladies and get cheered on! I''m sorry you''re having a rough time. There are several ladies going through difficult times right now, and many more who have moved on to the preggo thread after many painful and draining cycles without success, so it''s so good to see that it can happen! I personally am on my third cycle with an RE. It''s frustrating, I know. Did you doctor give you a limit on IUI''s before going on to IVF? One of my best friends is pregnant in May through IVF. She was so nervous about the cost, the emotional drain, the drugs, but she is so happy and pregnant now. What is your husband''s morphology number if you don''t mind me asking? What is ICSI? I''m not familiar with it.

dcgator -- I always forget to say hello to you! Have fun on your impending BD marathon!!!
CD2 - LovesVintage
CD5 - Miscka, caitlin
CD6 - Kunzite
CD7 - DCGator
CD11 - Krissie
CD12 - PO10472
CD14 - Plantationcatt
CD20 - CatLuver, InHisArms
CD21 - Lanie, noelwr
CD24 - Lynnie
CD26 - Bella_mezzo
CD31 - Bliss
CD33 - Sweetlime
CD37- Ryan Claire
CD46 - brightlight

LV - Glad to hear you're in better spirits!! Thanks for explaining the IUI. And patience is definitely a virtue. I am guilty of impatience, too... I mean, I'm only on month 2, but, dang. It's all such a build up, with potentially disappointing news. Continued hugs and dust for this cycle!

Bella - welcome back!! Sorry to hear your timing was off this month, though. So do you feel like AF is impending? I hope you have a great first day of work!!!

Lanie - YAY for O!!!!! That's so crazy about *feeling* pregnant, too. Fingers crossed for Tax Day!

Caitlin - welcome! I'm sorry you've been having a difficult time, and we are all here to support you and lend an ear. You are definitely not alone! Feel free to add yourself to the CD chart above.

Charbie... haha @ party in my belly!

CatLuver.. How'd the sushi situation go? Anyone catch on?

I've gotta babysit a 2 year old soon, so I'll be quick. Nothing new. BBs feel like they always do before AF. I'm changing my vote back to 'not feeling it' now. I had serious lack of sleep this past weekend, between working nights and having Easter dinner. So I'm thinking the mo fo pain was due to that. IDK. Got a text from BIL's GF. She had her appt, and it's official! DD is Nov 17. I'm soooo happy for them!

ETA... Brightlight, RyanClaire... what's the word?!?

ETA again... So I watch my friend's 2 year old a couple times a week. CHARBIE! You reminded me of this... I watch this show constantly when I babysit. It's a song called 'Party in my Tummy'.

Thanks, Lanie! So nice to find such a warm and welcoming group of people.

My husband''s morphology is between 2-4%, using the stricter method of interpretation (don''t remember the official name). ICSI is a form of IVF where a sperm is injected into the egg -- where morphology is a problem and they worry that the sperm won''t bind with the egg properly on its own. I''m sure that''s an unscientific explanation and may not be exactly right, but it''s something like that.

We can move to IVF whenever we are ready; the only issue is cost (it''s a big one though!).

How long were you trying before you started your RE cycles?

Thanks again for being so welcoming, Lynnie! I really appreciate it. Seems like a fantastic group of people. I''m CD5 now. I go in this Friday for monitoring. I have to travel Sunday-Monday, and am hoping that doesn''t mess up the next IUI!

Keeping my fingers crossed for all of you!

To new beginnings indeed.
Maybe taking a break from the IUI next month would be good.
I''ve heard good things about acupuncture.
My SIL (and several of her friends all) had success after her visits w/ the acupuncturist.
And this was after her RE told her that her eggs were old and their only chance would be IVF.
Fingers crossed for your ''11 baby.
Date: 4/6/2010 12:49:46 PM
Author: Lanie
Ugh...ate my post. Let''s see if I remember everything...

sweetlime -- when are you testing? And I didn''t know that about Advil! Gosh, we can''t have anything! And why does everyone always say 5 dpiui instead of 5 dpo? I''ve always wondered that but never asked.
I will likely test on 14dpiui unless AF shows up before then. as for the dpiui preference... hmmm, i guess for me it''s just easier to keep track of the day i had the latest IUI since it doesn''t always coincide with day O?
Hello friends! :)
Hope everyone is having a good day today!

Gah, so much to catch up on!! Silly work is keeping me busy and stealing my time away from my internet friends!! hehe!

Sweetlime - good luck with this IUI! Hopefully the Advil didn''t mess with things. :)

Caitlin - welcome!! There are plenty of folks here who have been through hard times of one kind or another while TTC, and I have found this group of ladies to be incredibly supportive. So you''re in good company! :) When I had my 9wk miscarriage back in December, it was so nice to have my girls here to talk to. If you end up having to go to ICSI and/or IVF, we''ll be here for you then too. But hopefully not...sending you dust for this cycle''s IUI!! :)

Lynnie - To answer your question from awhile back, only DH and I (and 2 of my closest girlfriends) know that we''re officially trying again. We haven''t our parents, thought it would be more fun to surprise them when I get preggo again! Sorry you''re back to "not feeling it"....but remember, it ain''t over till the fat lady sings! I bet you didn''t know AF was a singer, did you?! ;)

Lanie - YAAAY for ovulating!!
Woooohooooo!!! I sincerely hope you caught the egg....goooooood luck dear! I hope you enjoyed your Easter at your parents''!! I got to go spend a few days at my parents'' back in January, and it was really nice to get out of the city and relax in the piney woods. :)

dcgator - Enjoy your upcoming BD marathon!! :) Ours is going on right now, except for the fact that I''m on call for 30 hrs in the hospital tonight...grrr. Guess we''ll have to get busy as soon as I get home tomorrow afternoon to make up for missed time tonight!

Geri - can''t wait to hear how your wedding and honeymoon were!!!

Bella - hope you''re enjoying your new job! I like your attitude re: is nice to relax and be OK with the idea that it will happen when it''s supposed to happen. These truly are special times that we and our DH''s won''t have again until the little ones leave for college, so we ought to enjoy them while we''ve got them! :) We feel the same way since the MC...made me realize even more that I really don''t have a lot of control about when this happens...when it''s meant to be, it will be.

Miss Bliss - Hello love! :) I''m glad you''re sticking around!!! You''d be sorely missed if you left! I think the only way we''re gonna let you leave is if you''re going over to the Preggo thread.
I hope your lack of symptoms is just your body fooling you, and that you managed to get knocked up with all your wild vacation fun!!
I''m glad you had a good time...I looove Mexico.

LV - big big hugs to you, love. I am so sorry it didn''t work out this cycle. I am glad you are feeling better now. It''s so hard to get your hopes up about a particular cycle being "the one" and then have it not happen. Loads of dust to you for this new cycle, whether you choose to IUI again or take a month off!!!

CatLuver - mmmmm sushi!
Earliest day to test...hmmm....well, I got my faint BFP on CD 9, but others don''t get theirs until 12 or so. If you really want to ensure that you don''t get a false negative and have to test again, you should probably wait until at least CD 12, maybe as long as CD14. And some women don''t even get their BFP until after AF is due...if you want to, you could wait until your OB appt. Now, I wouldn''t be able to wait that long, but that''s just me. hehe. I think I started testing on CD 7 or something ridiculous like that when I got my BFP CD9.

Fisher - welcome back, dear! I absolutely love Christian Dane...what a great name. And I love how it just feels so right to both of you! I think that now that he''s got such a great name, he''ll come along any time now!! :) I hope hope hope!!!

Charbie - how are you feeling?? Hope you''re OK!

Miscka - welcome to the wonderful world of temping! I really think that temping is the best thing I did to get to know my body and how my cycles typically go. I feel soooo much less clueless about things now. Best of luck this cycle!!

Kunzite - Ahhh, you''re not OCD. OPK''s are yet one more tool to help us make those babies we all want so badly!! Embrace the insanity!! LOL!

CDNinNYC - hmm, I could fly up to NYC from Texas for that get-together!
Sounds like fun!!

LTP - Welcome!! Soo excited for you to be starting TTC! I didn''t have a heavier/worse AF for my first one off hormonal BC, and I had been on the pill or the ring for about 10 years when I stopped. I stopped mine at the end of a cycle...took my ring out, had a period, and then didn''t put my ring back in. Best of luck, and feel free to ask any questions you come up with...there is a lot of collective knowledge around here to be shared!

Krissie - glad you''re enjoying your Eva! :) I would be as obsessed as you if I had one, I''m sure...I LOVE peeing on sticks. LOL. It''s a sickness, really, it is. At least we''re in good company, right?!?

Noel - I hope you''re enjoying your vacay!! Where are you cruising?? I hope you come back to us with some good news....

PlantationCatt - we are CD sisters!! And I totally busted out laughing when I read about the stray cat....LMAO. Toooo funny!!!!! Well, like I told Krissie above, at least you''re in good company.


Adding myself to the CD tracker...

CD2 - LovesVintage
CD5 - Miscka, caitlin
CD6 - Kunzite
CD7 - DCGator
CD11 - Krissie
CD12 - PO10472
CD14 - Plantationcatt, HOUMedGal
CD20 - CatLuver, InHisArms
CD21 - Lanie, noelwr
CD24 - Lynnie
CD26 - Bella_mezzo
CD31 - Bliss
CD33 - Sweetlime
CD37- Ryan Claire
CD46 - brightlight

Soooo today is CD 14, and I think O is impending! I''ve got my typical sore bb''s today, good CM, and had a positive OPK this morning, but it was with FMU so could have been a false +. Repeated the OPK this afternoon and got a negative, but I really don''t think that I''ve already O''ed because my OPK was negative yesterday, and I just started getting the good CM and sore bb''s late yesterday. I''m thinking this morning''s OPK was a false + because of the FMU and I''ll O in the next couple of days. Anyway, we''re running our BD marathon and crossing our fingers! It''s fun to be officially trying again! :)

Charbie! Woohoo! Hey Pretty Mama!!!! Glad you're doing well! Keep that party in your belly going!

LV, I agree with Lanie. Just take lots of care of yourself, nurse yourself through it. You are strong, mama! You will have a beautiful healthy baby soon. I just know it! Huge hugs to you. I totally understand how you feel. Like you said, here's to new beginnings. I know it will all be worth it in the end.

Lanie, thinking of you!

dcgator!!!!! Wow, you sound like a lean, mean goddess machine! Kudos on living it up and staying fit! I guess you're getting in shape in preparation of the BD marathon!!!
And don't worry, I'll never leave youuuuuuu! LOL

Sha, hello! Thanks for popping in!

Lynnie! 8DPO? We're the same! (I think!) I'm either 8DPO or 11DPO! I'm leaning towards 8, because on Sesame Street...they say, "EIGHT IS GREAT!" Ha! How do you feel? Aaaah, I also spill my beans sometimes and regret it later. I am SO good about keeping other people's secrets, just not my OWN! Hey, sore BBs are good. Hang in there! The 2WW is long, but it makes us strong! Thank you so much for keeping track of everyone's cycles! I gotta say, Lynnie - you might be KTFU. The insomnia thing makes me think... ? BBs sore like a mo fo? Hmmmmm! Very exciting!

puppmom, hello and big hugs to you! Hope you're doing well! Lots of love!

sweetlime, how are you doing? Glad you're playing golf! Isn't the weather nice these days? I love it! I hope your IUI results in a BFP. Keep relaxing and staying positive!

CatLuver, Hahahahahaha! I knew you had the Walgreens therm! Temp, 98.6...Lo. That cracked me UP! Ah, then it does sound like your temp was 98.5! Woohoo, hope you have a great Easter eggie!!!! Sounds like you and your DH covered the critical days! Oh, and don't ask me what the earliest day to test is. My answer would be, there is no earliest day to test! But I'm crazy! I love POAS! I would say 8DPO is early but reasonable, since some women do get a BFP that early.

Hey swimmer! How have you been? Thanks for popping in!

CDNinNYC, thinking of you! Super hugs to you!

BEEEELLLAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!! Welcome back! Geez, girl! I was waiting for you to get back to hear how your vacay went! Congrats on the new job!!!! Ooog, 13 hours in Houston stuck in an airport? Yikes! Yay for OPKs and for chillaxing more. Yes, I agree! I am all Doom and Gloom sometimes with DH to impress upon him how it's not a sure thing every month!
Men are so overly confident! Ha! I give him stats, I give him anecdotal stories... and yet he thinks it will be no biggie at all to get KTFU! Men! So wonderful, yet so clueless at times! Must be nice to be in their world sometimes!

Welcome, Caitlin! Wow, 2 cycles a month is a great thing! I know it can be tough at times. Feel free to vent/lean on us here. We're all here for each other and you'll see it as you get more familiar in this thread. (HUGS)

HOUUUUUUUU!!! So glad to see you on this thread again! Yayaayayayayayyayay! Get yourself some Mexico lovin'! Bessie says hi.

On my end, I had days and days of bliss - and wham! I got major PMS today! Aunt Flo is mad at me; I can tell! She's going to beat me up! I didn't return her last phone call and maybe she took it personally? Maybe she read this thread and saw that I teased her about her man? Now I feel ill with terrible cramps...mondo BBs (huge but not sore) and I just feel a general malaise. I didn't sleep at ALL last night tossing and turning because it felt too hot. So maybe I just feel ill because I didn't get any sleep last night. I also feel queasy and it's not fun. I don't think they're preggo symptoms - but just in case, I POAS and got a BFN!

Ever since I got back from Mexico, I've been queasy on and off. It happened because I was a greedy girl and overdosed on the super spicy jalapeno laced Mexican salsa every night!
I could not get enough!!! I literally ate until I was ill and I think my stomach has been queasy from the super spicy beating it took. The thing that hurts the most is my uterus area! If I press on it, it actually hurts and feels tight! That's not normal for cramps, right? I wonder if something is wrong with me? The cramping is a dull and throbbing ache... AF cramps without AF. Lovely. I...Wish...I...Were...A...Man...Right....Now!

Ohhh, AF! I am waiting for you! Don't send these terrible calling cards! I get the point!!! You win!!!!

To bring her on faster, I should wear some white pants or something. They're irresistable to AF!!!!!
Ooooooh Bliss...are you preggo?!?! I know you POAS and it was negative....but I think you should do it again in 3-4 days!!!!
I''m just posting this photo here for AF...
It has her two favorite things in it:

White pants and some hunky guy with a six pack.

Hopefully she''ll be so distracted drooling over it and being drawn to the white pants, she''ll stop tormenting me with the killer cramps!

Ohhhh Aunt Flooooooo! Lookie lookie what we''ve got here for Youuuuuu!
*runs away*

HOU, I wish! I think I have some wicked AF coming soon. If you see her, please tell her that we''ve got a hunk for her on the TTC thread!
Hey everyone!

Sweetlime, best of luck with this IUI!

Caitlin, welcome!! I''m glad you found us!

dcgator, woohoo for BD marathons!

Bella, hope you''re enjoying your new job! I start my new volunteer position tomorrow. Yay for having something productive to do!

Bliss, you never know. There have been plenty of women with no symptoms.

Fisher, welcome back! I love the names you picked! And don''t you worry about the middle names rhyming. As you said you won''t be saying them together. Speaking of rhyming, I know someone who named his sons, Christian, Julian, and Sebastian.

Hou, yes, please join us in NY, although I''d love to head to Texas ones of these days. I''ve never been.


Anyone know anything about bloody noses and it''s correlation to pregnancy? I''ve read it''s a sign but I''m wondering how common it is as I''ve never heard of it until recently. FF has no info on it as far as I can see.

BFP dust!
I just saw the that FF now has an iPhone app! You know, just in case you're out and about and decide you need to to check your fertility right that moment. LOL. Sometimes, DH grabs my phone to use instead of his BB. I can just picture his reaction if he clicks on the menstrual cycle calendar instead of the regular one.
Bliss, who is this hunky guy and where can I order one?
Well if that guy doesn''t attract AF, I don''t know what will!!! LOL! Bliss, I totally *heart* when you post pictures....they always crack me up!! :)

CDN, come on down to Texas anytime!! Would love to show you around! :)
CDNinNYC, HOU!!!! You ladies crack me up, too!

I just Googled "White Pants" to find a photo to distract AF...and he came up! Ha!

It''s like a triple threat: white pants, hunky guy, six pack! She doesn''t stand a chance!!!!!!!
I need to start googling "White Pants" instead of "Bloody Noses"... Much more interesting things pop up.

Hou, you're on!

Happy almost hump day!

I''m CD11 and still "Low", according to Eva! Since my average cycle length is 37 days, according to FF, I''m not too concerned ... although I was definitely spoiled y having a perfect 28-day cycle my first month with Eva.

So ... I traveled over the weekend ... and I brought my "black bag" of fertility goodness in my carry-on bag! Said bag included Pre-seed, Eva + sticks, and thermometer! No TSA folks selected me for a secondary screening, thankfully!
Bliss, I am craxking up right now, like out loud, like had to explain it to DH b.c he was all "what is that photo?!?!?!? who are are looking at and why?!?!?!?"
caitlin -- 2-4% morphology? My DH had his done a couple of months ago, but I don''t remember what anything meant. Is it supposed to be lower/higher than that? And I wasn''t "trying" at all before seeing an RE. I started to see one bc I would have such erratic cycles. They would be 20 days long (annovulatory bleeding which I later found out) to 70 something days long. This went on for about 8 months, so I made an appointment. They determined that I''m not ovulating, but I am now with Femara. He''s waiting to see if that''s the issue, and if nothing happens after a couple of cycles, he''ll probably suggest IUI for me as well. That seems like a standard thing these days.

Bliss -- your picture is too funny! That is sure to distract AF.
Man TTC seems to make days pass so slowly! CD 6 and it''s craaaaaawling along.

Bliss you are HILARIOUS. I hope AF is distracted by the white pants manhunk and forgets you

In baby news, my BFF has a 1 week old, and yesterday she took a nap on my chest and I couldn''t stand it! Way too sweet. She spit up on me, natch, but it was still so priceless.

Baby dust to you all!
CD3 - LovesVintage
CD6 - Miscka, caitlin
CD7 - Kunzite
CD8 - DCGator
CD12 - Krissie
CD13 - PO10472
CD15 - Plantationcatt, HOUMedGal
CD21 - CatLuver, InHisArms
CD22 - Lanie, noelwr
CD25 - Lynnie
CD27 - Bella_mezzo
CD32 - Bliss
CD34 - Sweetlime
CD38- Ryan Claire
CD47 - brightlight
Bliss - you crack me up. I hope AF doesn''t bring war on you for posting & ogling her BF... How''d she get such a hot BF anyway??? Must be the white pants! Okay - so you''re telling me insomnia and sore BBs are a preggo sign... LOOK IN THE MIRROR, lady!! You have insomnia, big BBs, ABNORMAL cramping, and nausea!! I hope AF stays away!!! So if you ARE only 8 DPO, like me, POAS won''t show anything for a few more days, right???
And no, I don''t have insomnia. I work 12 hr night shifts, so I''m always tired it seems when I work. Now I''m off for a week though.

haha... I tell DH all the time that we need to switch bodies (esp when I have AF). Just for a day, or even a couple hours... my luck he''d faint and break one of my bones or something. He''s already worried about being in the delivery room, and we''re not even pregnant! He swears he''s gonna faint! He can''t handle blood/bodily fluids and such.

HOU... DUST DUST for an O soon!! Wooo!! Happy marathoning!!!

Dust for everyone!!!!
Bliss, I’m sooooo glad you’re not leaving us!!! We need your positive light, energy and hilariousness here! I’m still holding out hope for you this cycle.

Bella, good luck w/your new job and glad you had a good vaca.

Lanie, congrats on O - can’t wait until tax day
I’ll probably test the day before since my OB app’t is on tax day. Actually I’ll probably try my OPKs in a few days since they’ll be expired by next cycle anyway, and see what happens.

Welcome Caitlin.

dcgator, good luck and have fun w/both kinds of marathons! Speaking of marathons, I saw some charts on FF where people DTD for 10 or so days straight. All I can say is wow.

HMG, wow, CD 9 is super early!!! BTW, I didn’t know that FMU could give you a false +? My instructions said to use FMU. Good luck w/your marathon!

What IS it with MILs??? Or maybe it’s just mine??? Yesterday DH was on the phone with his mom and he asked if I’m pregnant (apparently she asks this all the time). He said NOOOO, and she said, “are you sure, is she pregant?” He said“NOOO,” and she said, “is she pregnant and you just don’t want to tell me??” and he says “NOOOO.” OMG. I have MIL issues and it’s only going to get worse bc they plan to be our primary child care when we DO have a baby. I’m grateful they’re willing to do so (they plan to move cross country), but I’m afraid for my nerves.

So, I ate the sushi. I know, terrible. I figured it’s so early, pre-potential-implantation, and the fish is all frozen to kill parasites. I feel fine so far…

Catluver -- whoa whoa whoa...your MIL sounds like a case. Are they just waiting for you to get pregnant to make the move????? How do you guys feel about that?
Lanie, yes, they are waiting until we pop one out before moving. They actually already bought a house 1 mile away and it''s being rented right now (side note - they have been making noises about buying the house ACROSS THE STREET from us which is going through foreclosure, bc apparently 1 mile is not close enough, and I have expressed my concerns about that indirectly). They have been planning this for awhile because my DH wants it - he has issues w/daycare or with non-family childcare. Not that he would downright refuse to send kids to daycare, but given a "choice," he would prefer that family do it, and since he wants it, his parents plan to do it. Right now they are both working full time and planning to retire soon, but also caring for my almost 1.5yr old nephew (and have been since birth) during some evenings and weekends due to my SIL having health issues. Also on the phone yesterday, I heard my DH telling her not to worry about moving so fast bc I get 3 months maternity and he gets a couple months, as if she were super anxious about planning to move soon. Then she said something about, oh, then that will take you to about May, AS IF I am pregnant right now - no idea why she thinks that!!! Grrrr. I feel bad being annoyed because they are kind-hearted, well-meaning people who love their kids and grandkid(s) more than anything, but I can see us butting heads in the future. She tends to be overbearing and controlling, driven by her wanting to help, and sometimes won''t take no for an answer unless it''s presented rudely (which I have not done yet, but may have to in the future). Anyway, thanks for letting me rant.
Ahhhhh I read through everything, but don''t have time for a lengthy post. I am continuing to hope for some more December EDD BPFs! Thinking of you all
Well, ladies.... Let me just say that the HUNKY DUDE IN WHITE PANTS WORKED!

AF was so distracted by her new eye candy...She stopped plaguing me with her cramps! Ha!

Bliss 1, AF 0!

CDNinNYC - AWESOME!!! I didn't know FF had an iPhone app! Sooooo cool. Ohhhh, bloody nose sounds like it could be a symptom!

HOU! It worked!!!! It worked!!! Now I know what to do when AF starts beating me up with cramps!

Krissie! Oh, I hope Eva kicks it up a notch!!! You'll O soon! LOL at your fertility arsenal! Believe me, I was that way when we went to Mexico! I brought my Preseed, Eva, Eva sticks and BBT therm. Didn't use any of it! I broke my therm and Eva on the first day. Please pack Eva carefully!!!! I dropped her and she broke!

BELLA! Hahahahaha, your DH is gonna be mad at me now! Heeeheehohohohohahaha. How are you doing? Hope your new job rocks!

Lanie!!!!! How are things going? How do you feel? Ohhhh, very excited for you!

Miscka, I agree! TTC goes fast and slow depending on what you're waiting for! Awwwww, how cute that your BFF's baby fell asleep on your chest! Awwww.

Lynnie!!! HA! I am in control of AF now! That photo paralyzed her! She's soooo distracted she forgot all about me! Phew!!! That man is not her BF, but she wishes he were! Ahhhhhh, I wish I were preggo this month... would be so great! I got several BFNs today... D'oh! I really do not think we are preggo this month! I have no symptoms now that AF is busy drooling over Mandango. I am very excited for you!!!! Oh, I agree. Our DHs would DIE if they had AF cramps. As it is, they think their parts are so sensitive... they have NO idea what we go through!

CatLuver!!!! Awwwww, you know.. I had momentary insanity! Thought it would be a grand social experiment but then realized... I can't take a break! We're all in this together, I guess! Hugs! Your MIL sounds like she is craaaaaazy for some grandkids!!! Yipes! She needs to CHILLAX!

ICEKID!!!!!!!!!!! Hey Pretty Mama!!!! Hugs to you!!!!

So after my day of horrid cramping yesterday, I feel absolutely fine today! Boobs don't even look as massive. It's like the storm cleared and all of those wacky symptoms went away! Maybe it was just a fluke! I feel great again! I guess I know how to fight off AF's craziness now!

Wishing all of you lots of luck and sending dust!!!!! I'm just waiting for AF... should be soon. But she'll be better behaved now that I've introduced her to Mandango.
Krissie - glad the TSA folks didn''t make you get out Eva and explain what she''s for! hehe!

Miscka - awwwwww! I''m glad you got to enjoy your friend''s little one. All the adorable babies at work just KILL me....I''m in the Level 2 nursery right now, so all my customers are super cute little bitty guys and gals....makes my uterus antsy to have one in it! LOL!

Lynnie - thanks for the dust!! I feel like it''s coming today or tomorrow...I can always tell pretty accurately based on my symptoms. When are you gonna start testing, my dear?

CatLuver, yes, I was really surprised to see a faint second line on CD9 (hey, that rhymes! LOL!). As far as FMU, you are supposed to use it on preggo tests, but not on OPK''s apparently...I have a box of Kroger brand and they say not to use FMU because your urine is too concentrated which could produce a false positive OPK result, and here''s an excerpt from with a different explanation... "10. Should I use first morning urine (FMU) with OPK''s? No. LH is synthesized early in the day, and is not metabolized into your urine until later. So, as a rule, you are more likely to catch your surge later in the day. ("They" say you should test sometime around 2-4 p.m., but I''ve had fine luck at 10 p.m.-midnight.) Using FMU may not be a problem for you, but if you do not detect a surge during the cycle you use FMU, try testing later during the next cycle. Note: the Clearblue Fertility Monitor is the exception. The FM Monitor does require FMU." Sorry about your MIL being sooooo freakin excited to get you preggo...LOL. At least you know that you''ll have support and free childcare, right?? As long as she doesn''t step on your toes re: parenting style and stuff like that.

ICE!!! How are you feeling? I hope you''re well! Stay away, nausea!!!

Bliss - way to go with Mandango!!!!!! WOOOHOOOO!!!! That AF...we''ve got her figured out. Mostly, anyway. Hehe.
So I''m gonna be an optimist here and go ahead and throw out AGAIN that maybe you''re preggo...I''m just sayin''.
Weird stuff happens when you''re preggo!!!!!!!
Date: 4/6/2010 7:31:51 PM
Author: CDNinNYC
Hey everyone!

Sweetlime, best of luck with this IUI!

Caitlin, welcome!! I''m glad you found us!

dcgator, woohoo for BD marathons!

Bella, hope you''re enjoying your new job! I start my new volunteer position tomorrow. Yay for having something productive to do!

Bliss, you never know. There have been plenty of women with no symptoms.

Fisher, welcome back! I love the names you picked! And don''t you worry about the middle names rhyming. As you said you won''t be saying them together. Speaking of rhyming, I know someone who named his sons, Christian, Julian, and Sebastian.

Hou, yes, please join us in NY, although I''d love to head to Texas ones of these days. I''ve never been.


Anyone know anything about bloody noses and it''s correlation to pregnancy? I''ve read it''s a sign but I''m wondering how common it is as I''ve never heard of it until recently. FF has no info on it as far as I can see.

BFP dust!

CDN, it can be a sign, because in pregnancy your mucus membranes become engorged and sensitive. A lot of women get bloody noses, others have their cervixes spot just from sneezing or having a pap. Just FYI though, there''s also an increase in mucus-everywhere, top to bottom. Considering the season though, it could also just be allergies.
Bliss! OMG I am dying looking at creepy man. Did you see the SNL skit with Jon Hamm, where he played "Sergio" - a shirtless saxophonist who haunted an unlucky guy''s dreams? I am totally calling your white pants man Sergio. Bliss 1, Sergio 0! lol!

I am totally susceptible to suggestions. DCGator posted about margaritas, and I had a jumbo one tonight!

Still waiting for the BD marathon ... maybe this weekend? C''mon Eva - give us the green light!