
The Official TTC Thread!

Oh! CatLuver, your post caught my eye - you can have a positive OPK and an elevated temp! You might have caught the LH surve on its way up *and* on its way down. Keep BD'ing until you see a sustained thermal shift! So if they stay high, you ovulated for sure!

Charbie, congrats again!!!!!!

Wonder how Bella's doing on vacay? Hope she comes back with good news!
I can't wait to hear your DH's reaction after you tell him for real this time!!! Way to start off the month!! Woo-hoo!!! Here's to a happy and healthy 8.5 months!!!!

Blondebunny, Welcome! I second the suggestion for Taking Charge of Your Fertility to get you started. Let us know if you have any specific questions. If you do start temping, you can use to track your temps.

LTP, Welcome Again! I'm not sure how old you are, but just remember that we are all individuals! There are 38 year olds who are jerkstores and 22 year olds that have a hard time, and everything in between. Statistically speaking, things may take more time if you are over 35, but for you individually (and I have it in my mind that you are younger), but anyway, for you individually, it could be a very easy process. You just have to take it one month at a time, and there's a great group here to support you along the way!


DCGator and Lili, Thanks for asking about me! Tomorrow is the big day, but honestly, I have been testing all week to see if the HCG (half dose booster shot) is out of my system. It has been making me slightly crazy. I called the nurse today because I have been really worried all week. I think the HCG from the trigger is almost completely gone. She said it would take 7 days, but from what I've read on-line, I think it would be 7 days at the longest, and today is 7 days from when I took it. So, hopefully that means tomorrow's results are the real deal.

I did not have to work today (company holiday), and I was so thankful because I needed a break! So, I spent most of the day away from computer!!
Congrats CHARBIE!!!
LTP - Welcome!

LV - I'll be crossing my fingers and toes for you tomorrow!!

dcgator - Thanks for the kind words. It looks like we're almost cycle twins. Today is CD2 for me (I changed cd1 because I went back to spotting). Let's go April! I would love to have an excuse to buy more garnets

CatLuver - That looks like a temp shift to me. I'll bet if your temp is up tomorrow FF will give you cross hairs. Welcome to the TWW!
Just popping in to say CONGRATULATIONS CHARBIE!!!!

No more champagne or Fat Tire for you!!! I will take one for the team and drink your share for you while you''re busy baking your little bun.

Date: 4/2/2010 11:20:40 AM
Author: LaurenThePartier
I've been lurking this thread off and on since my first post a while back. I've decided to jump back in full time (more on that later)!

I have missed so much since around October, but wanted to send enormous congratulations to Icekid, Blushing Bride and Split Shank!!! I'm so happy for you ladies!

So, as of last night, DH and I have made the decision to go off of BC (Yaz) at the end of this cycle while we're in France on vacation.

I have a question for those of you that stopped your BC to TTC. Did you just stop mid-cycle? Wait for AF and then quit? I've been on one pill or another for the past, ummmm, 16 years.
What kind of emotional side effects did the Pill have for you ladies and what changed within the first few weeks of quitting your BC?

I also have a major problem with focusing on the negative because of my age and planning for worst case scenarios, and I really need to readjust my perception to feeling overall positive about the whole TTC process. Are there any books or recommendations you ladies can make to keep me focusing on the proverbial prize, instead of obsessing about everything that can potentially go wrong?

Looking forward to seeing more BFPs from you ladies!
LTP I would recommend finishing the pack of pills and then not starting another. ETA You probably won't have a heavier cycle when you stop the pill, I dodn't notice a difference. Just get off them lady. Leap of faith and all that

The bleeding you have when you stop taking the pills is annovulatory bleeding and will signify CD1 of your first non pill cycle. Lots of women get pg immediately, but many other women take a couple months to become fertile. I personally found that it was 2 cycles before I believe I was fertile -- based on my cervical fluid -- and I got pg the first month that my body showed serious signs of ovulation and fertility.

Depending on how seriously you want to tacklew the project
Taking Charge of Your Fertility is a good book. As is the website

Though I temped and all when I was TTC, in retrospect I really think all you need is a calendar to record you cycle days and the ability to monitor your cervical fluid properly. Have sex when you see the fertile fluid
Next time this is all we will do. However, some women do not have obvious cervical fluid, and others, especially with a first baby, I think just feel better doing more. And I have noticed that if it takes more than... oh... one month to get pg many a woman who wanted to take is easy starts temping and charting and such
Charbie the jerkstore. Congrats.
Good Morning,

I tested this morning, and I''m confused. Cheapie internet test has the faintest line, similar to what I saw when I got a BFP in December. Digi read "NOT PREGNANT!!!" When I took the test apart to dispose of the stick, I noticed that there is a second blue line, but I guess not dark enough to be a positive in Digi test land. So, I will test again tomorrow and hope that those lines darken. If I have any hint of a positive, I will have a Beta HCG done on Monday morning. Also, today is 11DPO.

So, the wait continues. Off to acupuncture shortly.
Thank you CDN, LTP, HOU, Bliss, LV, Kunzite, TG, and Po!!
CD: I''m proud to be the first April BFP+! I think this is a sign for many, many more this month. Funny how we both were just dipping out toes into this. I freaking fell in the pool and drowned or something!
LTP: thanks!!
HOU: you are so sweet to give me my very own post ;) I''m going to be everyones biggest cheerleader now!
Bliss: funny you wrote in pink...I think its going to be a girl!! Based on timing and the fact I ran to the bathroom after we BD (the time I conceived) I think its the slow and steady girl swimmers who probably won the race! Thank you for your excitement! Yay!
LV: that''s really weird of the digi! Fingers crossed, toes crossed! I need a partner in crime over here!
Kunzite: thank you, darling! Aprils going to be a fantastic month...somethings in the air!
Po: its Bliss and Noel''s fault I''m a jerkstore...they totally called it last month. I honestly never thought I would get preggo so easily. Thank you!
TG: oh my PS soulmate! So sweet of you to pop on in! Please, enjoy the fat tire and champagne for me!! Terrible how you find out such great news and then can''t even celebrate with some bubbly!

So here''s the story: went after work to buy a test (CBE is what I got. It looked the easiest and came with 3 tests.) I called my hubby, who was golfing, and he said he was going over a friends house for a beer after. I said I was going to test bc I couldn''t take it anymore. He said, "well...if its + don''t call me right away...let me enjoy some beers first..." but I got home and went right to POAS...mind you this is the first stick I''ve ever peed on. I couldn''t freaking pee! Finally got the flow started, little tip turned pink, and right away the negative line popped up. So I just was thinking, "oh ok, is just late." And slowly the plus line starts to appear. My jaw just starts dropping and I''m just staring at the stick. Before long it was a BLAZING +. I freak out and call my hubby, saying, "you need to come home now." He asked me why, and I said, "why do you thiNK??? GET HOME NOW...!" So he says ok, apparently told his buddy to keep it on the downlow but that I think I''m pregnant.
So I''m just sitting at home, staring at the stick, and I''m crying, but I can''t tell why I''m crying. I couldn''t tell if I was happy, scared, or what! But DH came in the door, looks at me, sitting on the couch with pj''s on, and I just blurt out, "I''m seriously pregnant." He grabs the stick, studies it, reads the box, and says, "well, I don''t want to get too excited until we know for sure from a doctor." I go, "Are you kidding me???? The test is accurate, trust me. I''m preggo." And he then sits down next to me, gives me a big hug and kiss, and says he''s excited and to stop worrying.he then said, "can I have a minute to let things sink in?" Haha.
So right now we are both just sort of in amazement. The timing isn''t perfect to be honest, I''m supposed to start a 6 month internship at work in a month, taking a paycut to do it, and working extra hours. So it might be a crazy ride. Plus hubby started his new job in february and isn''t going to get we have so much to figure out. But for now, we are just keeping this between us, and probably will tell my mom since she is coming up this weekend, and DH''s mom next weekend. I know religion can''t be discussed, but this suddenly made my faith so much stronger, like there is a plan and a reason why we got pregnant so quickly and at this time. I''m so blessed...kind of weird but a Good Friday BFP! Was a really good Friday!
CD4 - DCGator, Kunzite
CD8 - Krissie
CD9 - PO10472
CD11 - Plantationcatt
CD17 - CatLuver, InHisArms
CD18 - Lanie, noelwr
CD21 - Lynnie
CD23 - Bella_mezzo
CD27 - Loves Vintage
CD28 - Bliss
CD30 - Sweetlime
CD34- Ryan Claire
CD43 - brightlight

Miscka... I like your plan to DTD all the time. lol. I am taking Nature Made Multi + DHA. Haven''t had any side effects or anything so far (2mo taking them), but once this bottle''s gone, I''m gonna go to the pharmacy at work (a hospital), because stuff there is super cheap. I really don''t think it matters what brand you take

Charbie!!! Congrats, jerkstore!!!!
So you''re due the beginning of December?! Wonderful, wonderful news!!
. Funny about your ''joke'' - ahem - boy who cried wolf!! How are you liking LASIK? I have been contemplating getting it for the longest time, just been a little afraid to pull the trigger on it.
Just read your last post -- your hubby sounds amazing, and I''m sure you''ll work it all out. It truly was a Good Friday!!

Icekid... How are you feeling? I can''t wait to see your Leon... I live vicariously through all you ladies over in CS. And YAY for close cousins!! I hope I get preggo this month. I''ll be 6 or 8 weeks behind SIL.

IHA... Don''t worry about silly questions!! The ladies here are soooo helpful, and more ''schooled'' on TTC than anyone I know IRL!

Bliss... you totally cracked me up with the fetus songs!! Fingers crossed that your intuition is a bit skewed this month - but glad you are okay with either outcome. You & your DH sound like a sweet couple, and I wish you all the best!!

DC... Sorry about AF. I just sat here for a good while trying to come up with a phrase for April. Maybe we can stay with the sports theme? Baseball season starts this month. Homerun Derby? Batter up? I don''t know. I wish I could come up with something more creative

Lanie... HOORAY for ovulation!! HOly cow... $100 is expensive! So did you get the ''heavy feeling'' that the nurse talked about?

Blondebunny... Good luck on your TTC journey. This is def the spot for questions and support.

LTP... Glad to see you here! I wasn''t on the pill, so I have no advice in that dept. But I wish you all the best through the TTC process. On a side note, I''m thinking of making your stuffed french toast this morning, since I have all the ingredients... yum!

Catluver... Hoping for an O for you!! Get busy, girl!

LV... glad you got a break from work. Sorry about the ambiguous results today - Fingers super crossed and positive vibes for tommorrow!!!!

Brightlight... Did you test yet???

Parrot... Hugs to you. I hear you on the disappointment aspect. I found out SIL was preggo with an ''oops'' shortly after AF arrived last month. Total green-eyed monster syndrome on my part, and the girls here are super supportive and understanding. So if you need to vent, go right ahead. It sounds like you''re in a good place now, though

Noel... Hope your marathon brings positive results!!

Bella... Hope you''re enjoying your vacation, in more ways than one!!
Can''t wait to hear about it! (the vacay part, not the
part! lol)

Phew... so as for me, CD 21 and in the TWW, I believe. BD''d on CDs 10, 12, 14, 16. I''m pretty sure O occurred on CD 15 this month. BBs are sore, but that''s typical for me at this point. I don''t ''feel'' like this is the month though, for whatever reason. If it doesn''t happen, OPKs here I come!

So good luck to all of you!!!
Thanks, lynnie! Don''t count yourself out, just yet! I didn''t test because I was soooooo sure that AF was about to show up. Then online yesterday I read about how some woman had that same feeling, but it really was just pregnancy cramping. That''s what made me finally test. Its kinda I''m already about 5 weeks! Good luck!
Charbie, congrats!!!!

Has anyone ever *imagined* a faint line? I woke up this morning and was like wtf AF, gone already? It's been so inconsistent and weird. So then later I POAS and saw the absolute faintest line possible. Totally faint. Could I have imagined it? DH isn't here to tell me to stop being silly
Maybe wait until fmu to test again? Not excited about it, since it seems so unlikely.

ETA: I registered at FF just to check it out (still not temping yet) and if this is AF, I am CD2 I think.
Miscka, if you''re up for it, take a photo of the test. If we can see it too, you''re not imagining it.
Date: 4/3/2010 11:38:19 AM
Author: CDNinNYC
Miscka, if you''re up for it, take a photo of the test. If we can see it too, you''re not imagining it.

Tried it. As luck would have it, I dropped my new camera 2 days ago meeting my BFFs new baby, and my old one''s macro sucks. Extra awesome since I needed macro for hw this weekend.

It''s definitely there. After reading up, I think it may just be an evap line. It looks faintly pink, but idk. Wish I had used fmu, I would feel better. I am still having weird intermittent spotting also.
Testing this out bc the forum keeps eating my posts
Ok! It works!

charbie -- oh my goodness! You are such a jerkstore! I'm so happy for you!!! H&H 9 months to you and your DH!

LV -- I logged on to see if you had tested. Did you tell your DH or are you waiting to get more confirmation tomorrow? I hope it's a BFP!!!

Miscka -- I don't know about evap lines...I've heard of them but I don't know what causes them. I do know they are a certain color for some reason...maybe a brand of test? I hope it's a true BFP for you too! You would be the second jerkstore!

OK so I had my trigger shot of Ovidrel on Wed late afternoon. Thurs morning I had a positive OPK, but that's bc of the hormone in my system. Fri morning I didn't have a temp spike. This morning (Sat) I didn't have one either! I'm starting to worry that I'm one of the 2% that doesn't ovulate after a trigger shot.
Does anyone know anything about temps and the shot?
Reposting to change my CD

CD3 - Kunzite
CD4 - DCGator
CD8 - Krissie
CD9 - PO10472
CD11 - Plantationcatt
CD17 - CatLuver, InHisArms
CD18 - Lanie, noelwr
CD21 - Lynnie
CD23 - Bella_mezzo
CD27 - Loves Vintage
CD28 - Bliss
CD30 - Sweetlime
CD34- Ryan Claire
CD43 - brightlight

Lynnie - Yea for making it to the TWW! You''re half way through

Miscka - What color is the test line, blue, pink? I think I read that one has an evap line and one doesn''t. Don''t know how accurate that is. Did you see it before the test time was up?

Lanie - I don''t have any knowledge about trigger shots and temps, but don''t the meds mess with temping?

LV - How frustrating to not have answers. Monday is soooooo close, you''ll know soon

CatLuver - Was your temp up today lady?
Miscka.... If the test is pink, I don't think it's an evap line!
Oh, I hope you are pregnant!!! How amazing would that be??? Are you testing again soon? Fingers crossed for you and mega tons of dust!!!!

I have nothing new to report, but yesterday I had sushi and suffered an upset stomach. When I told DH I felt queasy he jumped up and down and announced, "You are pregnant!" (Totally not true!) But it was so cute. He marched around our home randomly shouting, "PREGNANT!" Even when he was in the shower, at random intervals I heard him shouting, "PREGNANT!" And I thought I had the weird sense of humor!

Apparently, we are both weirdos! Then this morning, he did a "preggy dance" similar to a touchdown dance which can only be described as an abstract, interpretive form of movement. OK, it was downright crazy but FUNNY, too! I keep telling him we are *not* pregnant this cycle but he announced that I wouldn't know until the 2WW was over. I asked, "How do you know about the 2WW?" He goes, "I know! I looked it up!" Then he launched right back into his "preggy touchdown dance" or epileptic fit, whatever you choose to call it. It was DARN FUNNY!!!!

I feel kind of bad because I have absolutely no symptoms and I think I'm either 8 or 5 DPO (darn my missing data on FF!)... CD 27. I don't think this cycle was it for us. I just don't *feel* pregnant this cycle; maybe it's an instinct. I told DH not to get too excited because he might be disappointed later but then he goes off saying that not every pregnancy is the same, that women can have different symptoms with each pregnancy. Again, he proudly says he looked that one up, too. LOLOLOL DHs are funny. Sometimes they surprise us. We think they are so clueless but then they shock us sometimes.

OK, I'm going to respond to everyone later on today...but wanted to pop in and share my crazy stories....

And I wanted to give everyone LOTS OF DUST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Miscka, test again! We're going crazy over here!
Date: 3/31/2010 12:05:20 PM
Author: CDNinNYC
Miscka, glad I could give you some input on the One a Day prenatals.

My avatar is an Hermes ad. I love how serene it looks with the model laying on the scarf wrapped pillows. Where else are you considering for your belated HM? Thank you for the compliments on our photos. We were blessed with a beautiful location and a very talented photographer.

It looks like you and I are in a similar situation re: timing and employment or lack-there-of. Hopefully, it won''t be long before we''re busy with babies.
CDN I lovr you AVI but it is smooshed. Use the one I attached it will be a perfect square!

Oh wow....congrats!
Lots of sticky dust to you.

I hope it''s a true BFP for you.
How exciting!

Fingers crossed for you.

LOL....your DH is too funny.
Good luck!

So many of you are in the 2WW.
And it looks like April is starting out w/ a bang like January.
Hope this will be a prolific month.
Date: 4/3/2010 2:21:59 PM
Author: dreamer_d
Date: 3/31/2010 12:05:20 PM

Author: CDNinNYC

Miscka, glad I could give you some input on the One a Day prenatals.

My avatar is an Hermes ad. I love how serene it looks with the model laying on the scarf wrapped pillows. Where else are you considering for your belated HM? Thank you for the compliments on our photos. We were blessed with a beautiful location and a very talented photographer.

It looks like you and I are in a similar situation re: timing and employment or lack-there-of. Hopefully, it won't be long before we're busy with babies.

CDN I lovr you AVI but it is smooshed. Use the one I attached it will be a perfect square!

LOL, thanks Dreamer! I've already uploaded the new photo, thanks so much.
I'm sure the model wouldn't be happy I had her looking her wide.
Kunzite, thanks for the support.

Bliss, thanks. It’s so cute that your DH is so excited!

LTP, the ladies here are an amazing resource and support! I’m so glad we have this.

Charbie, congrats! Consider yourself lucky you''ve been spared the obsession and worry of the rest of us!

LV, good luck! It could still be too early to tell.

Lynnie, crossing my fingers for you.

So I’m confused again! I had my FOURTH positive OPK in a row, and my temp went back down to about halfway in my follicular phase range. I’m hoping I get a “fallback rise” and O’d. I looked through some charts on FF and didn’t find many that had 4 positive OPKs. So weird!!! Poor DH, he is tired!


Charbie, Lynnie, Kunzite, Lanie, Lili, Catluver, Thank you so much for your support. I really appreciate it. I DO NOT want to go through another cycle like this again. I've thought about taking a break from the medication and the treatment, but at this point, I don't think I am willing to give up the increased odds. Hoping for a darker line tomorrow.

Also, wanted to mention, I did some research on the digi's. There is often a second line, even for negative results, because the tests pick up LH as well as HCG, so the dual lines are to be disregarded.

Lanie, If I were you, I'd call the RE's office on Monday and tell them about your concerns. Tell them that you want to come in for a CD21 blood test -- your progesterone level would tell you if you ovulated. I suspect you did, but can also understand why you want the reassurance.
Oohhh, so much is going on!

I want to write back to everyone! I will find the time to do it this evening, I promise!

Just wanted to pop in to reassure CatLuver! I had 4 positive OPKs in a row, too! It was while I was traveling... I think my body was gearing up to ovulate and kept trying to but since I was so tired... in the end it said, "You know what, let's put this off until you're more rested." Sure enough, after a few days of negatives (and no thermal shift) - I had a blazing positive and a thermal shift that very same day. Unfortunately, DH was out of town. BAH!
That was a huge bummer!

Are you going through something stressful, working crazy hours or traveling? Sometimes that can cause the row of positive OPKs. They're like "false starts" when your LH surges trying to ovulate but if you're going through a lot, the body will delay it sometimes. FF says it may just be that your body keeps "gearing up" to do so. *OR* you may have ovulated, looking at your chart, and you just have a fallback rise.

Either way, consider yourself fertile until you get a clear sustained thermal shift that confirms ovulation!
Go brew your DH some coffee and hop to it, lady!
You never know, you could be ovulating right now and get your thermal shift tomorrow...that, or you have already ovulated and you'll see another high temp tomorrow! Don't worry!
Date: 4/3/2010 3:09:30 PM
Author: CDNinNYC
LOL, thanks Dreamer! I've already uploaded the new photo, thanks so much.
I'm sure the model wouldn't be happy I had her looking her wide.

Umm, yeah.... I really should review my post before submitting to check for grammatical errors...
I meant to say "the model wouldn't be happy I made her look wide."

Miscka, a HM in Europe sounds wonderful! Jealous! Btw, I wanted to clarify, I'm currently not 'employed' because of my status in the US. I have a VISA that allows me to live here but I'm not permitted to work for pay (I can volunteer) or have an SSN. Kinda sucks, if you ask me, but if I'm forced to be a housewife, I might as well be a SAHM too. At least, that's what I tell DH.

I'm hoping your pink line means you'll be quite busy in 9 months time!

Lauren, great to see you in this thread! You and I are roughly the same age. I sometimes find it hard to get past all the negative information associated with aging and fertility. Makes me anxious to get going already!

To all the TWW ladies, bfp dust to you all!
Kunzite! Sorry about AF...then again, are you sure? Remember Charbie thought she had AF but it was just spotting! And as we all know, she is KTFU!

Miscka! Have you tested yet, lady? Very excited for you!

Loves Vintage, hello! Lots of luck to you in the 2WW! I am so excited for you!!!! I think this IUI is it for you! Ohhhh, tomorrow is the day? So excited!
ETA: OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow, you saw a faint line???????????? Oh, I am so excited for you! Oh, sending you TRUCKLOADS of dust!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe the digi isn't sensitive enough. But a line is a line, is it not????? Oh, I hope and pray this is it for you, LV!!!!

Lanie, good luck to you as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You never know, temps can be slow to rise... or you might have ovulated (and the meds are messing with temps)! Fingers crossed for you! I know it can be frustrating wondering what is going on... it'll happen!

Noel! Yay for ovulating! Good luck in your 2WW! Have an awesome vacation! You will be missed!

Plantationcatt, how are you doing? Your story about the cat made me LOL.

Sweetlime, thinking of you! Hope your IUI went well and you get KTFU!

Krissie, isn't it gorgeous outside? Ohhhh, I am laughing because when I had Eva - I was looking forward to CD6 as well! First day to test! Woooohoooo! Funny she didn't ask for a test! Have you had Eva for a long time? Maybe she only asks if she's learning your cycles. There's a way to reset Eva, too!

Blondebunny, WELCOME! Hope things are well with you!

Ahhhh, dcgator! Thinking of you! Ohhhh, your BD party is coming up soon! Exciting!

Dreamer_d, you are so funny! And so right!!!! I shuddered when I first thought of temping... but when I was all lost wondering if I had O'd or not, temping started to look GOOD! Ha! Love temping!!!! And I'm lazy! So imagine that!

CHARBIE! Congrats again! Yes, I chose pink because it drew me in! Do you think it means you're going to have a girl? Wouldn't that be incredible???? Yeah, maybe the girls took their sweet time swimming to the egg while the boys fell out! LOL I *knew* you were going to be a jerkstore! I mean, we have really needed one around here! Time to kick off that trend again, no? Awwww, so happy for you!

Hey LaurenThePartier! Hope you have a KTFU party soon! So excited for you! Two exciting things! France...and TTC! C'est magnifique! Bon chance!

Parrot tulips, that makes complete sense. 33 is young! Or maybe I'm saying that because I'm biased! LOL...we're here for you if you neep support, advice...whatever! Just go at your own pace.

CDNinNYC, LOVE you avatar! That makes me relax and go, "Aaaaahhhhh."

HOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOU HOU HOU!!!! My cycle sista! Always thinking of you!!!! Miss you! Hope things are well! (HUGS)

Lynnie, you are so sweet! Thank you for the kind words! Ah, you are on CD 21. How do you feel? Sore BBs are good! That sounds promising! I know how you feel about instinctively "not feeling it." I feel the same way! Who knows? How awesome would it be if we were wrong? I keep telling DH that we're not pregnant because I don't feel it and he says, "Maybe we have a really quiet, well behaved baby in there." Hahahahaha! If only! I'm going to trust my instincts on this one, but remain hopeful in a distant way! I find that the more attached I am to something, the harder it is all around - anticipation, outcome...everything! So I'm trying to keep a nonchalant, "Is that so, Henry?" attitude this month!

Miscka, fingers crossed for you!!!!!!!!!

Lili!!!! Your little angel is the cutest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, I would love a little angel like her one day! Sign me UP!
She is precious!

Hope I didn't forget anyone!!!! Dust and love to all! Very exciting time for some of you ladies!
Bliss, I LOVE your optimism! One of these days, when we're all KTFU, we must have a NYC GTG somewhere preggo friendly. Can you imagine a bunch of us getting together with big bellies?
We wouldn't need our bling to identify each other as we walk in.

Miscka, happy anniversary! Hope you're having a great time at that winery!
Bliss, thank you so much for writing to me. I didn''t have anything particularly stressful which might have delayed O. I''m really hoping it was just a fallback temp and I get a neg opk and temp rise tomorrow. Well, DH is pretty much spent for this cycle so if it turns out I ovulated later than I thought, we''ll just have to try again next cycle.
Bliss - Your DH is too funny! Yep, I'm sure it's AF. She is never gentle with me

CatLuver - I think your temp today might have been a fluke. If your cycle has been around 29 days then cd17 for O would be about right. You can get a low temp by sleeping with your mouth open. I've gotten a few of those and they always throw me for a loop at first. I hope you get a clear answer with tomorrow's temp and OPK.

I've gone where I swore I would never go.... I just ordered OPKs. Yikes, I'm officially OCD
False alarm for sure
yesterday was more convinced I really had AF, and then this am POAS and nothing. BUT I am really happy bc my darling DH stopped on our way back from dinner last night so we could get a basal therm.
How''s that for romance, eh? Oh and so much for being casual, lmao. So I started temping this morning and put in my AF stuff on FF and it says I am CD3 today, which makes me happy to have a clue! Hopefully with the IUD stuff out and my first AF after it I am ready to go! Oh, and winery dinner was lovely, ate waaay too much and the wine was great and we were there for 3 hours! Also, probably TMI but I think it''s hilarious...I have to go to easter with my ILs (and teenage SIL) with a hickey. Awesome.

CDN - Ah, I did not know that. I hope soon we will both be occupied baking some healthy babies! I am going to try to get a p/t retail job for a bit (actually related to my studies in a way) and then I can just walk away when we have a baby or when I am far along in pg.

Charbie - I love your story! Congrats again!!

Bliss - your DH sounds priceless. Absolutely priceless! I love that story ab his dance. Don''t worry, if you were 5 DPO it may be a lttle early for symptoms, right? Fingers mega crossed for you and your DH for a Mexico bebe!

LV - major major dust!!

Kunzite - haha, we are all OCD! At least I know I am. I almost ordered some too...whered you get yours?