
The Official TTC Thread!

DCG – Sorry about AF being a PITA but glad you are onto your next cycle. Fingers crossed for you that this is the lucky.

I agree that people aren’t intentionally insensitive but jeez it’s hard to keep a straight face sometimes. Some of my not-so-favourite moments in the last 3 weeks:

• at a 2 year olds birthday party the day after finding out I was going to miscarry again, being asked if I had children;
• receiving the OB’s schedule of fees in the mail again after I found out I was going to miscarry with “Congratulations” written in big letters on the front page;
• when talking to a colleague about work issues, she said just leave and have babies.

I have taken to telling close friends if they ask, but most of them are pretty good anyway. It’s really hard at work because it will be a seriously career limiting move for me to have a child so I don’t want to say that we are trying but I also refuse to lie and say we aren’t planning on having kids. I generally laugh it off and say something like “I’m 38, who even knows if we can” and then joke about my nice kid free lifestyle (which is a lot closer to the truth than they would realise of course).

Yes, DH is very proud. He also tells me what a “saint” he is because he is willing to martyr himself by practising BD all the time!
Oh Geri-I hate how insensative people can be. Most of the time they really do mean well and have no idea of how hurtful it is.

I never even noticed, until a few months ago when it started to sting when people would ask me when we were having kids, or my favorite "why don''t you have kids yet

I can''t imagine how much it would hurt combined with the pain of miscarriages!

Welcome Brooks! I don''t know much about late ovulation, but I think there are several ladies on PS who were late ovulators and now have beautiful babies, so I think it is feasible. Did you talk to your Dr about it?

:-) Lanie, My test grade from FF is "good" DH passed out the next two nights immediately after work, and in truth I was right behind him. I guess the BDing and work stuff has us tuckered out

So, this month either I''ll get a BFP, or I will make it my mission to get a "high" grade next month

3 DPO here. Not much to report, just chilling out, trying to remain calm, relax, and not drive myself crazy.

We''re going away for the weekend, so i am going to wait to test until 10 DPO on Tuesday and then I''ll test again after AF is due if she doesn''t show up. I hate the negative test, so I am trying to not be a POAS addict
Date: 5/24/2010 10:46:18 PM
Author: brooks
Hi all - I have been lurking on this board for awhile, but have decided to jump in! My husband and I have been TTC for about 6 months. We''re 27/28 and have been married for several years. It''s definitely taken awhile for my body to adjust to being off of birth control, but I''m hoping that things will be back to normal soon. This board has been such a great resource for information, along with TCOYF. I''m currently charting and used the CBE OPK''s this month for the first time.

I was wondering if any of you have any experience with late/delayed ovulation? I have experience some wonky cycles after birth control - 34 days, 86, 41, and now am currently on day 26. I got a positive OPK today. On this cycle and the previous one, I''m experiencing ovulation after day 25. I''ve read through most of this thread in the past but I cannot remember if I read about that too much or not.

I''m sure this will be something that I discuss with my doctor soon - just thought I''d see if anyone else had similar experiences. Thanks in advance - and I look forward to being part of this board.
Welcome Brooks! My doc says that a long cycle is considered "less fertile", but he assured me that he has seen hundreds of women become pregnant even when ovulation is delayed. I have wonky cycles as well (I have polycystic ovaries), and I''m trying to regulate my cycles via acupuncture, a low-glycemic index diet and daily exercise. Having a great doc has been key for me in this TTC journey. Good luck!
Date: 5/24/2010 3:11:45 PM
Author: dcgator

And to update everybody:

CD3 - dcgator
CD6 - Smurfy, PO10472
CD10 - Catluver
CD11 - inhisarms17
CD15 - Sweetlime
CD16 - Brightlight
CD17 - Steal
CD18 - Bella_mezzo
CD19 - Amandine
CD26 - Miscka, Gaby06
CD28 - Krissie, Huskylover
CD30something - KeepingtheFaith21
CD85- Ryan Claire

In the TTC pool (so we know who is TTC vs. just lurking/commenting): Lilyfoot, dreamer_d(?), Modernsparkler(?)

haaha... lurking my friends, definitely lurking
Hey ladies!

I just read the new Dr. Oz book (got it for free and it was lying there begging to be read) and wanted to share. In it, he writes that walnuts help with implantation! Specifically, he says Omega 3s make the uterus more hospitable for implantation and that it helps sperm quality as well. There are other ways to get Omega 3s but he says walnuts are the best and you should eat a handful of nuts every day for your heart.

So add it to the list, ladies!

Pineapple + core!
A good calming herbal tea

YUM! I am buying some walnuts and pineapple on my way home:-)
Thanks to you all for the kind words and suggestions! I had a short conversation with my doctor last month during a follow-up appt for a ruptured ovarian cyst. At that point, I had only had the relatively normal length cycle and then the 86 day cycle. She did say to call for a consultation and bloodwork if my cycles continued to be long. If this continues, I''m planning on scheduling an appt for the beginning of my next cycle so that we can have a more in-depth discussion.
I had walnuts and pineapple core for dessert tonight:-)
Bella! That sounds delicious!!!!!!!! Yum-o! Now I want some! I was craving KALE, yes, KALE so I made a whole pan of it tonight. Poor DH was initially repulsed but once he tasted the sautéed delicious garlic and olive oil mixture, he was a convert! But your delicious dessert sounds divine! Yay for the 2WW!

Keep eating the pineapple + core!!!! Don't stop until you feel that the implantation window has passed! Ask Pandora! She said she ate it like it was going out of style.
thanks Bliss!!! We had lettuce wraps for dinner and yogurt with the pineapple and walnuts, YUM!!!

I''m trying not to get my hopes up too much, but it would be amazing if this was the cycle for us!!!!

Kale w/garlic and olive oil is yummy!!!!
Date: 5/25/2010 5:49:15 PM
Author: dreamer_d

Date: 5/24/2010 3:11:45 PM
Author: dcgator

And to update everybody:

CD3 - dcgator
CD6 - Smurfy, PO10472
CD10 - Catluver
CD11 - inhisarms17
CD15 - Sweetlime
CD16 - Brightlight
CD17 - Steal
CD18 - Bella_mezzo
CD19 - Amandine
CD26 - Miscka, Gaby06
CD28 - Krissie, Huskylover
CD30something - KeepingtheFaith21
CD85- Ryan Claire

In the TTC pool (so we know who is TTC vs. just lurking/commenting): Lilyfoot, dreamer_d(?), Modernsparkler(?)

haaha... lurking my friends, definitely lurking
:) Lurking and learning for now as well. DH has a brother with a genetic condition which we are currently undergoing testing for. DH is likely a carrier, so we decided to test me first. Tests results from a fancy DNA lab in Boston are still about 1 month away. My nuva ring is staying put until we get all of our testing done. Hopefully once that is back we can start officially TTC, but it might take a few more rounds of testing to get all of the information we need. Fingers crossed I am not a carrier and then we can start TTC either late summer or early fall. If not then we have some big choices to make but I am thinking positive for now.
PSA - if you think you may have fertility issues, see your doctor sooner rather than later.

I signed up for Kaiser on January 1, 2010. I immediately called to start the "infertility process". Here it is, almost June and I have yet to see the fertility specialist or have any diagnostics. The hoops I''ve had to jump through are unbelievable.

I was supposed to finally have my appointment today - but the doctor took an extended vacation, so I was canceled. They were going to try and squeeze me in tomorrow, but the doctor on duty wants to leave early. Today is cycle day 1 - they will not give the order for the Cycle Day 3, FSH test without seeing the doctor first (I''ve been trying to get an order for this test for the last 5 months).

Thanks for nothing, Kaiser!

For those wondering WTF, an initial blood test (done in January) revealed an indeterminate immunity to Rubella (German Measles). I had to get the MMR vaccine (never mind that I had the vaccine as a child) and then wait 3 months and retest for immunity. Thank God, my test was ok the second time, or I would have been given the MMR vaccine again and have to wait another 3 months. Anyway, they wouldn''t allow me to even schedule an appointment until immunity was confirmed. Then I had to wait another month for the appointment (which was today and canceled).

I begged and pleaded for them to start diagnostics during my wait - denied every time. Tears didn''t work either. They don''t care.
LA Jennifer - I''m so sorry you are going through this. I can''t begin to imagine how frustrated you feel especially if another cycle is about to slip away.

Is there any chance you can get someone other than the fertility doctor to give you the referral for the FSH test and take the results with you? (Apologies if this isn''t possible or too expensive in the US because you can do this relatively easily and not too expensively in Australia, but I realise that our system is quite different to yours).

Good luck
Date: 5/26/2010 1:12:24 AM
Author: geri
LA Jennifer - I''m so sorry you are going through this. I can''t begin to imagine how frustrated you feel especially if another cycle is about to slip away.

Is there any chance you can get someone other than the fertility doctor to give you the referral for the FSH test and take the results with you? (Apologies if this isn''t possible or too expensive in the US because you can do this relatively easily and not too expensively in Australia, but I realise that our system is quite different to yours).

Good luck

Hi Geri. Thanks for understanding my frustration. I would happily pay for the test, or any other diagnostics, but Kaiser has their own way of doing things and they won''t allow me to get the test without the Fertility Doctor''s order. I wish things were different. But it is what it is. Also, I will be traveling the next time I am at cycle day 3. So I will likely have to wait 2 more cycles, just to get the dang test. Sucks, big time.
Jennifer, I was wondering what had happened with you. I'm SO sorry you're still stuck waiting to see the RE. I totally understand how frustrating that is.
The world of fertility treatments seems to move so darn slowly because everything is so methodical and the insurance cos are a PITA! Would you consider paying out of pocket and forgetting Kasier? Big hugs!
Hi ladies: quick question. I'm not charting or anything at the moment, but my period very consistently comes around the end of the month (I would say any day from the 25th and on). Usually, I get PMS symptoms starting the week beforehand. This month, I've got no symptoms (and today is the 25th, so if AF is coming, it would be very soon). Could this be an indicator that I'm KU? Did anybody experience this when they got KU, or are my symptoms supposed to be worse, or .. am I just completely bonkers to try to tie those things together? I'm trying not to think about it too much, but this wait to see if AF is coming is killing me

ETA: Holy crap, today is the 26th, not the 25th. Whoo, where is my mind at?! Anyway, it just makes my point even clearer, I guess.

I don't "feel" like I'm going to get my period .. (
Lily! The month I got pregnant, I felt like I was about to get AF on and off for a whole week. But I really couldn''t tell.
My advice: GO POAS RIGHT NOW!!!!! You''ll feel much better :)
Just wanted to pop in to tell LAJennifer that I''m so sorry you''re having such a frustrating experience.
LA Jennifer, I am so sorry that you are dealing with this! Insurance companies are a a nightmare!!!

Lily-I would POAS just for peace of mind, and then again next week if AF still hasn''t shown up....
Update: Still trying to decide about TTC right now. There are a lot of bad feelings in my family right now...what would you ladies do if you had turmoil occurring in your families right when you started ttc? Would you keep trying...put it on hold? Thanks for any thoughts.
LAJennifer, that sucks big time. Sorry you are getting the runaround. No advice here, sorry.

Smurfy -- would your family issues involve/affect your baby? Would having a baby now vs having one a year later change things? If it''s big time family drama, things probably won''t boil over for awhile, maybe years. Is your family against you having kids? You would have to give more specifics since your bait is kind of vague.
my parents are having marital issues and my dad isn''t speaking to any of his kids so I guess I don''t really know how long it will last...Nobody is against or for us having kids, everyone is basically of the "if it happens we''ll celebrate, if it doesn''t you''ll have a few more years for yourselves together" (fykwim?). I''m just wondering if maybe you might put it off in regards to the stress that might make it harder to conceive and also if you were to get pregnant? Or would you just light some candles, take a bath and try your hardest to relax?
If I really wanted a baby, I wouldn't let much get in the way of TTC (the only exception being if my DH and I were unemployed). There's never a 'perfect' time to get pregnant anyway.
Date: 5/26/2010 11:20:45 AM
Author: Laila619
If I really wanted a baby, I wouldn''t let much get in the way of TTC (the only exception being if my DH and I were unemployed). There''s never a ''perfect'' time to get pregnant anyway.
Ditto. Or if money was tight, even if we both had jobs.
Laila and Lanie, thank you both for your opinions :) DH''s mom keeps telling us there''s never a perfect time to get pregnant as well, wonder what''s on her mind haha
Date: 5/26/2010 12:16:13 AM
Author: LAJennifer
PSA - if you think you may have fertility issues, see your doctor sooner rather than later.

I signed up for Kaiser on January 1, 2010. I immediately called to start the ''infertility process''. Here it is, almost June and I have yet to see the fertility specialist or have any diagnostics. The hoops I''ve had to jump through are unbelievable.

I was supposed to finally have my appointment today - but the doctor took an extended vacation, so I was canceled. They were going to try and squeeze me in tomorrow, but the doctor on duty wants to leave early. Today is cycle day 1 - they will not give the order for the Cycle Day 3, FSH test without seeing the doctor first (I''ve been trying to get an order for this test for the last 5 months).

Thanks for nothing, Kaiser!

For those wondering WTF, an initial blood test (done in January) revealed an indeterminate immunity to Rubella (German Measles). I had to get the MMR vaccine (never mind that I had the vaccine as a child) and then wait 3 months and retest for immunity. Thank God, my test was ok the second time, or I would have been given the MMR vaccine again and have to wait another 3 months. Anyway, they wouldn''t allow me to even schedule an appointment until immunity was confirmed. Then I had to wait another month for the appointment (which was today and canceled).

I begged and pleaded for them to start diagnostics during my wait - denied every time. Tears didn''t work either. They don''t care.

I wonder if Kaiser has different processes for different areas? I''m in the Bay Area, and the first step they had us do was to attend a group "infertility class." In that class, they gave us lab requisition forms for the Cycle Day 3 tests (estradiol, random glucose, prolactin, TSH, FSH, and Rubella immunity), the Cycle Day 22 test (progesterone), and a cup to take a sperm sample in. I just so happened to be on cycle day 3, so I was able to get those tests done right after the class let out.
Ok, so I did it, I POAS. And now I''m even more confused than before.

I think I see a line, but it''s extremely extremely faint (unless I''m just imagining it).

I opened the 2nd test, and compared it to the one I had peed on, and I could see the difference between the entirely white (un-peed on test), and the (barely-visible) faint blue line on the one I peed on.

I am way too scared to actually say "I''m pregnant", I need more confirmation (a darker line!), before I''ll let myself go there. But what should I do? Pee on the second one now? Wait a few hours? Wait until tomorrow? Wait a few days?

I''m freaking out
POAS first thing tomorrow morning, and sleep with your fingers crossed.
lilyfoot - How exciting!!! A line is a line, but you sound a bit unsure, which completely makes sense since this is your first test (I think?) Can you post a pic for us? How soon did the faint line show up? Can you go out and get a digital??????????
Date: 5/26/2010 12:10:55 PM
Author: noelwr
POAS first thing tomorrow morning, and sleep with your fingers crossed.
Thank you, noelwr .. I don''t know if I''ll last til then!