
3 Stone Ering transformation help!

@freedom2016 , if you haven't seen it, here is a lower color diamond thread. Some of the rings are just gorgeous with their pave bands and halos!

It is, of course, no guarantee that the contrast wouldn't bother you in real life, but it might give you some idea of how it might look in photos.

Wow this is great!!! Thank you !
Thanks everyone!!!

Becca is off today so not sure if someone else there will help me.

I think it’s I ask what’s the lowest color I can go with in the elena setting without it standing out from side stones and then I see how that looks - maybe they can place it in the ring

2- I get the “whitest” best performer of the I or j or K even and maybe have that put in solitaire. I do really like this tulip ring I found online. So I was trying to see if WF had one. Online is on right and wf is on left. It’s seems close ? Not sure of wf would mark up price a lot to just make identical to one on right. Or I just ask them to put claw prongs on it instead of the thicker ones.

Then I need to decide if I want Elena and smaller center or just solitaire with larger center
Ughhh- lol

Should I patiently wait for Becca tomorrow or ask another person to help me? Lol

Thanks everyone!!!

Becca is off today so not sure if someone else there will help me.

I think it’s I ask what’s the lowest color I can go with in the elena setting without it standing out from side stones and then I see how that looks - maybe they can place it in the ring

2- I get the “whitest” best performer of the I or j or K even and maybe have that put in solitaire. I do really like this tulip ring I found online. So I was trying to see if WF had one. Online is on right and wf is on left. It’s seems close ? Not sure of wf would mark up price a lot to just make identical to one on right. Or I just ask them to put claw prongs on it instead of the thicker ones.

Then I need to decide if I want Elena and smaller center or just solitaire with larger center
Ughhh- lol

Should I patiently wait for Becca tomorrow or ask another person to help me? Lol


Ask for Liza. The associates are not commission based so they are happy to help one another.
FYI...The Sawn setting pokes out on the sides (not flush set). I believe the Tulip is flush set.

You can ask them if they can get this setting from Stuller...
FYI...The Sawn setting pokes out on the sides (not flush set). I believe the Tulip is flush set.

You can ask them if they can get this setting from Stuller...

Was going to suggest this tulip. So pretty.

I think a plain metal solitaire is more versatile. Can pair with any kind of band.
Hi All
just a quick update. Called and spoke to someone very helpful. She gave me high hopes that most of the ACA's, even in the warmer colors, I J K - will be fine against their melee - she is going to pull some of the J's in my cart and send me photos of them next to F and G rings to see. They don't have the Elena in house but this will at least show if I can be in the J-ish family when looking at stones.

I have hope so we will see! More to come.....
Hi All
just a quick update. Called and spoke to someone very helpful. She gave me high hopes that most of the ACA's, even in the warmer colors, I J K - will be fine against their melee - she is going to pull some of the J's in my cart and send me photos of them next to F and G rings to see. They don't have the Elena in house but this will at least show if I can be in the J-ish family when looking at stones.

I have hope so we will see! More to come.....

Excellent progress! We will wait to hear from you!
Excellent progress! We will wait to hear from you!

On feeling so much better.
They sent pics of Elena with a J ! So excited as it had the claw prongs I was also gonna ask for

They also sent an H and. a J next to a wedding bang with their melee

Looks good to me! I can maybe barley see a difference but with the aca I don’t think it will matter

Now - don’t laugh at me

Do u think the 2 will be too big ? Lmao
Can’t believe I’m asking that

Yours is a bit over 2 right? Do u ever feel it’s too showy ?
I’m so excited but second guessing I suppose

This is my one and only shot to upGrade

Tomorrow I’ll send video of the Js and you can help me pic.

1.095ct J Si1 ACA in Elena top.jpeg1.095ct J Si1 ACA in Elena.jpeg1.5 H 2.1 J office.jpeg2.1 J VS 1.5 H hand.jpeg
Pictures look great and the diamonds look very nice with the Elena band! No, I don’t think a 2 carat will be too big for you. Mine is a 2.5 but I started with a .78 diamond and upgraded incrementally through the years. Unfortunately, the internet and Whiteflash didn’t exist for most of my journey! I just sort of grew into each upgraded size. I am sure you have experienced the dreaded diamond shrinkage syndrome or you wouldn’t be talking upgrade - lol! - so you know the desire to upgrade trumps size fear. You will have a big jump in size but your eyes will adjust quicker than you might think. I am excited to see the possibilities for you tomorrow!
It is ABSOLUTELY not too big! There is something so special about a 2 ct stone and I think you will love it!

If it really is your one and only upgrade, I say go big or go home! And if you fall in love with a center stone, odds are any slight tint or differences with the melee won't matter to you. It just adds some personality, and there's nothing wrong with that.

When you look at it, I hope you'll just see that big, beautiful, sparkly diamond that you picked out and SMILE!
On feeling so much better.
They sent pics of Elena with a J ! So excited as it had the claw prongs I was also gonna ask for

They also sent an H and. a J next to a wedding bang with their melee

Looks good to me! I can maybe barley see a difference but with the aca I don’t think it will matter

Now - don’t laugh at me

Do u think the 2 will be too big ? Lmao
Can’t believe I’m asking that

Yours is a bit over 2 right? Do u ever feel it’s too showy ?
I’m so excited but second guessing I suppose

This is my one and only shot to upGrade

Tomorrow I’ll send video of the Js and you can help me pic.

1.095ct J Si1 ACA in Elena top.jpeg1.095ct J Si1 ACA in Elena.jpeg1.5 H 2.1 J office.jpeg2.1 J VS 1.5 H hand.jpeg

Just to make sure you get exactly what you want, you might want to ask Whiteflash about the specific return policy for this, especially since you are upgrading. I am not sure about that particular setting, but I don't think it would be considered custom? So, it might be eligible to return.

I would ask them about returning it and/or changing out the stone just in case you find the J too tinted. That way, you can rest easy knowing you aren't tied forever to the diamond if it is not "your stone."

I am all about getting the biggest "bang for your buck" with your budget, but it should be exactly what YOU want and will love looking at with no regrets!
Just to make sure you get exactly what you want, you might want to ask Whiteflash about the specific return policy for this, especially since you are upgrading. I am not sure about that particular setting, but I don't think it would be considered custom? So, it might be eligible to return.

I would ask them about returning it and/or changing out the stone just in case you find the J too tinted. That way, you can rest easy knowing you aren't tied forever to the diamond if it is not "your stone."

I am all about getting the biggest "bang for your buck" with your budget, but it should be exactly what YOU want and will love looking at with no regrets!

Yes agree. I have some h’s in my wish list as well. I think it may be easier once Becca tells me what she sees, sends me the video, etc.
Is the whitest J different from the h’s I have in my cart, etc

As you can tell I don’t want to make a mistake.
I may wait until next week to decide and not rush. I dunno.
Or I’ll just tell my husband to pick.
Or you all! I’ll confirm return policy as well. The setting is theirs so not custom at all.

Thanks all!
Also. I’m an idiot. Lol
I still have my old K which is in a wf pendant - here is a pic with it next to me F
I can see a difference for sure but we know it’s not an ACA.
So I’ll see how the whitest J compares to the H’s and then I’ll decide.

Also. I’m an idiot. Lol
I still have my old K which is in a wf pendant - here is a pic with it next to me F
I can see a difference for sure but we know it’s not an ACA.
So I’ll see how the whitest J compares to the H’s and then I’ll decide.


I think you will definitely see a difference in color going from an F to an I or a J. And maybe even an H. Even though my K faces up white, it does have body color compared to my F Asscher.

Remove your engagement ring and just put your pendant next to your wedding band in some good lighting. Now, pretend it is supremely cut and sparkly! Do you hate it? Will you just be looking at it and thinking, "Wow. It's big but I just wish it was whiter."?

It will make some difference being an ACA. My husband tried to talk me out of a K when I started my upgrade journey. But I'm stubborn and had a "game plan to 2 carats." Lol. When I got my original .80 carat ring, he thought they sent the wrong diamond because it looked so white!

Everybody's eyes and preferences are different. The camera doesn't always tell the tale. Take your time, enjoy the process, involve your husband if you can (mine has seen so many Whiteflash videos and settings he could almost be a consultant!) and get what you think YOU will love! I can't wait to see what you pick!
Yes, that is six color grades difference and an ACA vs non-ideal cut. You have to decide which attribute of a diamond is most important to you. A future upgrade is not out of the question either…just that you would have to spend a certain amount of money to do it. I wish you all the best in deciding which diamond is really the best for you. Your current ring is beautiful too so there is that - meaning that you shouldn’t feel forced to do anything if it just doesn’t feel right.
Your pendant stone really is not well cut (sorry not trying to be mean!) so the color comparison is not fair. Yes , there will be a color different and it will be noticeable held next to colorless diamonds. But the question is whether you like how the diamond looks not whether you can see tint!

I still think you should have the diamond sent to you loose to evaluate. You may need to pay for it in full then return it along with your upgrade stone or something and get refunded but it might be worth the peace of mind.

2ct is not too big. I have a 1.89ct and while that is an exceptionally large diamond where I live, you get used to the size fast.
Just one more thought while I am thinking about it. As you can see from the picture comparing the H to the J, because one is so much larger than the other, you will see a difference in appearance. You can potentially see more color difference and be able to see inclusions easier. The surface area is larger, of course, as are the facets and ‘look’ of the diamond. Just something else to keep in mind - not a bad thing but a difference - when considering a substantial size upgrade.
Your pendant stone really is not well cut (sorry not trying to be mean!) so the color comparison is not fair. Yes , there will be a color different and it will be noticeable held next to colorless diamonds. But the question is whether you like how the diamond looks not whether you can see tint!

I still think you should have the diamond sent to you loose to evaluate. You may need to pay for it in full then return it along with your upgrade stone or something and get refunded but it might be worth the peace of mind.

2ct is not too big. I have a 1.89ct and while that is an exceptionally large diamond where I live, you get used to the size fast.
I so agree with this! I don't think all K's should be judged by that K! Seeing lower colored ACAs in person while loose would be so beneficial!

You don't want a difference in color that will bother you, but you also don't want to pay for a difference in color that WOULDN'T bother you.
You guys are right. I really can't thank you all for the thoughts you have shared with me, its like your on this journey with me which I so appreciate.

I think its challenging as in my head, i have always said "i'd love a 2ct. one day" Like many of us.
Then again, I did have the experience with my K so I would 100% rather getting a 1.5 in a G or H, then another stone that I can see the warmth like I did previously.

I also appreciate MissGotRocks comment that a future upgrade is not out of the question, but with that comes how much I would need to spend.

I spoke to Becca and she thinks that I may be sensitive to the color (because of my prior experience) but to be fair as these are ACA"s she wants me to see them side by side as it may not be as obvious as i am thinking. She is going to pull me the following:

1) F 1ct just to see color and size compared to others
2) H 1.5ct
3) I 1.8ct
4) J 2 ct

these are all ACA's and vs1 or vs2

She said if I can see color on J then that rules out J's. If not, then that's great too!

Then its the rest to pick from. She said the F and G's are identical so wont really see color difference with those 2.

I'll share video once I get it and I really hope you all will chime in with your picks in order of preference for me . :)
maybe the I will be the sweet spot. lol - we will see!
I think you will see the tint in the J when you're used to an F, but it's one thing to notice the tint and it's another to be bothered by it. My real question is if you would look at the diamond in unflattering lighting and wish you had just saved up longer to get a G/H or if the G/H price in this size range feels unpalatable or impossible to you. I just went through this with an antique stone and decided to get the J knowing that the combo of shape, facet pattern, and size probably wasn't going to come along in a G/H at any price I could reasonably pay, but you have the advantage of an upgrade policy and a modern round. You don't need to make this decision today! I'll let you know in a few years if I think I made the right choice :lol:
Here is a photo of two half carat K and L graded old cuts next to an H and an I graded smaller old cuts. I had a hard time seeing the color difference and I have also had the same issues you have had in the past with diamond tint. Tint is subtle, feelings change over time.

I believe that to trade up again, the new diamond must be 50% more valuable than the one you are trading in. Before you select a diamond, make sure to ask Becca how much more a new diamond would have to be in order to trade it in on another. That way you are crystal clear on what the policy would be in terms of dollars.
Also, make sure you are done upgrading before you spend a lot of money on a setting. Or make sure the setting can be modified to accommodate a larger diamond.

I had the same basic setting through a couple of upgrades and they were able to just swap out the head.
I believe that to trade up again, the new diamond must be 50% more valuable than the one you are trading in. Before you select a diamond, make sure to ask Becca how much more a new diamond would have to be in order to trade it in on another. That way you are crystal clear on what the policy would be in terms of dollars.

It looks like they changed it again, meaning back to 100% of value, i heard it went down to 50% now and that you had to purchase before a certain date and if you were AFTER that date, it would only be 50% - lucky for me i hit the cut off

but the site says 100%.

i'll ask her.

and Heathcat - yes, agree, if I do the 1.5 now then go to a 2ct i'll need a new setting.

Im 48 now. so the idea of maybe going up when Im 55 or 60, ESPECIALLY if I will get 100% back, would be amazing. it would certainly make the decision to get a 1.5 easier. lol

I will ask her for sure. and save the email :)
I think you're a little confused on the Trade up policy. Its always been (and has never changed) that you get 100% of the value
of the diamond you are trading in (whatever you paid for it).

What has changed is how much more you have to spend on the new stone. It used to be a dollar it has to be 50% more
of the value of the stone you are trading in. So if the stone you are trading in costs you $10K, the new stone you buy has to be a
minimum of $15k (50% of $10k is $5k, so $10k + $5k = $15k).

Hope that makes sense.
It looks like they changed it again, meaning back to 100% of value, i heard it went down to 50% now and that you had to purchase before a certain date and if you were AFTER that date, it would only be 50% - lucky for me i hit the cut off

but the site says 100%.

i'll ask her.

and Heathcat - yes, agree, if I do the 1.5 now then go to a 2ct i'll need a new setting.

Im 48 now. so the idea of maybe going up when Im 55 or 60, ESPECIALLY if I will get 100% back, would be amazing. it would certainly make the decision to get a 1.5 easier. lol

I will ask her for sure. and save the email :)

Even though you are getting the wonderful comparison videos and photos from Whiteflash, I still think it would be extremely worthwhile to visit a local jeweler to gauge size differences. Even if you can't try it on completely, you can put it next to your diamond and see if it is enough of a size jump for you.

I only say that because I upgraded from. .80 to a 1.377 (my middle upgrade) and it was definitely not a big enough jump for me. I didn't keep that stone long because of that.
I think you're a little confused on the Trade up policy. Its always been (and has never changed) that you get 100% of the value
of the diamond you are trading in (whatever you paid for it).

What has changed is how much more you have to spend on the new stone. It used to be a dollar it has to be 50% more
of the value of the stone you are trading in. So if the stone you are trading in costs you $10K, the new stone you buy has to be a
minimum of $15k (50% of $10k is $5k, so $10k + $5k = $15k).

Hope that makes sense.

OH that does make sense!!! So, that would be if I trade again down the line.
thank you for that.
OH that does make sense!!! So, that would be if I trade again down the line.
thank you for that.

Yes exactly! You will always get 100% of the value but will have to pay 50% more for a new diamond.
Ok. I’m so torn!!!

I don’t see any color in any of them!!

The J and H are the best price.

I is most expensive. Which is a bummer as I’m a bit afraid the 2 will be too big
But I may be insane

I saw an ACA thread and some folks have 4’s and 5’s !!

What do u like best?????? I’m a size 7 thick short finger also.

I think maybe I’ll get the 2 pending. You all agree. I don’t see any tint at all which seems odd to me

She said they are all very nice white and lively in performance

1.068ct F_1.55ct H_1.80ct I_2.13ct J_1.jpeg1.068ct F_1.55ct H_1.80ct I_2.13ct J_2.jpeg
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