Re: Breaking up is hard to do. Advice from all people on PS
I know that you are feeling very tortured by having this dumped in your lap - he KNOWS that you're unhappy, and have been. You had the "These are my needs and they're not being met." talk. If he truly respected and loved you the way that someone needs to in order to make those changes, it wouldn't have taken the "Okay, times up and I'm outta here!" follow up.
My advice is to go back and read the last 10 pages of your thread. You need to be reminded of what you've done to try to prevent this. It's not all up to you. He's 95% responsible for the breakup (being generous by giving him 5% here) but is taking 0% of the responsibility to make it work on your terms. IF he loved you like you NEED a man to love you, he would never have put you in this position.
He's a taker and except for when you blow up and ask him to change, he's a happy man. You're a giver and except for when you blow up and ask him to change, you're a miserable woman. If you want to have this same conversation over and over throughout the rest of your life, by all means give him another chance to show you that he can change. The way I see it though, all of his words are just that - words. There's no lasting change. It's resentment and selfishness the moment that he thinks that he has you back under his thumb.
I'm sorry hun. Really I am. I've been there...but in my case it was a lazy, selfish, messy, thoughtless manchild + two kids, a mortgage and a 10 year marriage to dissolve. It will only get HARDER and MORE messy as time goes on, trust me.
Adding a little perspective...My ex has still not changed. He has a new GF and his house is STILL a disgusting mess. She refuses to go there and I genuinely feel sorry for the girl. He absolutely would have stayed with me forever. He loved me, but he could not change. So who knows, maybe some guys just can't change no matter how much they love someone, or how much they lose. All I can say is that you are NOT responsible for keeping up after him and rescuing him from himself. You deserve to be with someone that helps you with the home and treats you like an equal partner, with respect. I have that now and it's WONDERFUL...but you know what? If I'd stayed, I'd STILL be miserable. I'd STILL be cleaning up after him. I'd STILL be frustrated, depressed and feeling hopeless. It won't change until you realize that you have to protect yourself from being used and you're responsible for your own happiness above HIS.
I know that you are feeling very tortured by having this dumped in your lap - he KNOWS that you're unhappy, and have been. You had the "These are my needs and they're not being met." talk. If he truly respected and loved you the way that someone needs to in order to make those changes, it wouldn't have taken the "Okay, times up and I'm outta here!" follow up.
My advice is to go back and read the last 10 pages of your thread. You need to be reminded of what you've done to try to prevent this. It's not all up to you. He's 95% responsible for the breakup (being generous by giving him 5% here) but is taking 0% of the responsibility to make it work on your terms. IF he loved you like you NEED a man to love you, he would never have put you in this position.
He's a taker and except for when you blow up and ask him to change, he's a happy man. You're a giver and except for when you blow up and ask him to change, you're a miserable woman. If you want to have this same conversation over and over throughout the rest of your life, by all means give him another chance to show you that he can change. The way I see it though, all of his words are just that - words. There's no lasting change. It's resentment and selfishness the moment that he thinks that he has you back under his thumb.

I'm sorry hun. Really I am. I've been there...but in my case it was a lazy, selfish, messy, thoughtless manchild + two kids, a mortgage and a 10 year marriage to dissolve. It will only get HARDER and MORE messy as time goes on, trust me.
Adding a little perspective...My ex has still not changed. He has a new GF and his house is STILL a disgusting mess. She refuses to go there and I genuinely feel sorry for the girl. He absolutely would have stayed with me forever. He loved me, but he could not change. So who knows, maybe some guys just can't change no matter how much they love someone, or how much they lose. All I can say is that you are NOT responsible for keeping up after him and rescuing him from himself. You deserve to be with someone that helps you with the home and treats you like an equal partner, with respect. I have that now and it's WONDERFUL...but you know what? If I'd stayed, I'd STILL be miserable. I'd STILL be cleaning up after him. I'd STILL be frustrated, depressed and feeling hopeless. It won't change until you realize that you have to protect yourself from being used and you're responsible for your own happiness above HIS.