deco - I saved this post word for word on my phone. I read it over and over when I'm feeling down/sad/weak/etc. Somehow your words speak to me everytime and I really appreciate everything you've said to me in the last several weeks. Thank you. So much.decodelighted|1303410120|2901995 said:He wants the status quo. He wants the way he is right now to be enough for you. He wants to still be coddled and taken care of and mothered SO HE DOESN"T HAVE TO GROW UP. He's had chances to respond to your (rightful) needs -- and slept on the job. Kept "doing him", with you cleaning up his messes & paying his unfun bills & walking his dog & BEING THE ADULT in the relationship.advicepls|1303398409|2901859 said:I can't even really tell if he wants it to be over, or what. I'm feeling so incredibly lost.
OF COURSE he's making you do this "dirty work" too .... ending it. Only HA!! You're NOT. You're just saying you want to live apart. He'll be the one breaking up with you if he calls off the relationship after that.
I wish you could jump six months ahead & have all the feelings you'll have THEN ... NOW. These are growing pains. Emotional growing pains. You can't make people into things they're not ahead of their own maturation schedule. Maybe this is bad timing. Maybe it is fundemental incompatibility. It doesn't matter though. It isn't working and EVERONE KNOWS IT. Even him.
You are going to BE sad. It's just part of it. I'm sorry. I hope it helps you to know that we ALL have been there in some similar way and lived to tell the tales. It won't break you. It helps MAKE you.
Lease ends June 30th. Haven't found a new place yet and don't really want to pay dual rent longer than necessary. I've probably still got at least 6 weeks of sharing, maybe a little more.AmeliaG|1303744387|2904528 said:Good luck. Stay strong. This too shall pass. How long have you got till you move out?
Thanks deco. Things are really hard right now. We'v decided not to discuss the future of our relationship at this point. We've agreed to just focus on getting things taken care of and finalized with the move(s) and that we'll talk about us and the whole situation once we're settled into our new places and are feeling more stable and level headed. So we're not broken up, but things are moving in the right direction either way. Good will come of this whether we stay together or not. If I ever meet you IRL at a GTG, I totally owe you a drinkdecodelighted|1303745898|2904554 said:Thanks for the shout out Advicepls! I'm actually very excited for you. As hard as this time has been and these decisions have been, you're already so much closer to being in a relationship where you can *receive* as much as you *give*. Men who have taken care of themselves and are ready for the next stage in life: building a life with someone -- those men will appreciate you in ways your soon-to-be-ex can't even understand. I will RELISH hearing that first "aha" moment ... "OHHHHHH, *this* is what its like with a grown a** man!" .... or even the couple months from now "Hey! Freedom is great!"
Life is about to get much, much easier for you. And much, much harder for *him*. But, as you've thought all along, it is important for both of you to go through those experiences to be the best partner for *anyone*. Even if you end up partnered *together* again.
I truly wish the best for you! And for the hard part to pass as quickly as humanly possible!!!!!!!!!
THis is the clearest example yet of his SELFISHNESS. WHO DOES THAT? Wakes you up ... unloads ... and then gets to go to sleep whereas you have to GO ABOUT YOUR DAY W/NO SLEEP???????????advicepls|1303825032|2905271 said:Bad night. Long night. I went home after class and got myself ready for bed, etc. I was in bed asleep by 12:30am (he wasn't home yet). He woke me up at 2:15am when he got home. He was wide awake and finally felt like talking. So we talked. And talked. And fought. And cried. And hugged. And talked talked talked. Before I even knew it, it was after 5am and our alarms would be going off in just over an hour. He was able to lay down and go right to sleep - me, not so much. Running on just under 2 hours sleep today.
iota15|1303834787|2905400 said:CUT SLINGLOAD!
Inkblot. I'm going to show your posts to a few friends who could use that push. Thank you for sharing your story, and I wish you the best - by yourself, or with this new man.
GamerGirl|1303843428|2905513 said:Inkblot - wow! thank you for posting. I love the idea of the MB list and hope I can be as assertive as you when I get back into the dating scene again. Know that your post has been inspirational not just for Advicepls but for all us ladies currently trying to get over and move forward from broken relationships. I'm glad I have been lurking over here and caught your story![]()
decodelighted|1303848381|2905570 said:In the Man Boy dictionary "adventure" means "a variety of p***y".
decodelighted|1303848381|2905570 said:In the Man Boy dictionary "adventure" means "a variety of p***y".
advicepls|1303945150|2906550 said:Today was hard. We'd already decided, but today was the day that we officially submitted our non-renewal notice to the office. It still doesn't feel like this is really happening.
LMAO!Inkblot|1303954504|2906702 said:Note: If freedom tastes like paint, you're getting too enthusiastic.
advicepls|1303964625|2906833 said:I know in the end, if I'm as important to him as he says I am, he will make time for me and we will figure this out. If not, so be it - it's not worth saving if he's not willing to fight for it. I know him like the back of my hand and I know that he ALWAYS makes time for things that are important to him regardless of how busy he is with things he has to do. If I am important to him, he will make time for me. Time will tell.