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- Dec 29, 2004
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CONGRATS MRS M! there room for another Amelia? Well...I GUESS if she''s as cute as yours is, I can allow it.
LOL. Of course we are happy to have another Amelia (we have two Jakes after all). Do you pronounce hers AMEElia or AMEHlia? And a word of warning to others...maybe having Amelia as a possible name for your child brings on wacky labors! Glad you are doing well, but yours sounded as fun as mine was!
lili, I was thinking, do you go to her at the first sign that she''s up? I let Amelia coo or squawk for a few minutes and she often does fall back into a nap. If I picked her up at her first signs of awakeness, her naps would be shorter too.
Jas, yeah...that''s why I fear (for lack of a better word) diaper rash. My friend is totally ANAL (pardon the pun) about cleaning her daughter and she still had rash. Amelia is showing no signs of sensitive skin, but if it happens I''ll get my butt in gear and make my own wipes. Co is so handsome! I see his eyebrows are growing in? Amelia''s are too.
And re: screen names - you seriously know you''re on PS too much when you start to refer to YOURSELF using your screenname. Sometimes when I write about my DH to my IRL friends, I have to stop from calling him "TGuy"! And yay on Co rolling over...pretty cool even if it''s a fluke. Amelia was on her side in her crib today so she''s starting to roll around a bit too. She seems slower on the motor skills though...
Jen, cool u/s! I''ve never seen a "parts" shot before because we didn''t want to know the sex. That''s how they can tell it''s a girl eh? We could have looked then, because I would have never known!
Kay, you look great! Better than I do post preggo...I hate the post preggo gut!!
Ella, hope Gabe feels better. I am not looking forward to Amelia''s first cold. I hate it when they don''t seem happy.
Burk, glad to hear it''s still going well. I''ll keep my fingers crossed still...
LIW, cute project!!
Well, went to that lactation support class thing again. Amelia''s doing well. She''s nearly 8 weeks and weighs 10lbs2oz. I''m returning the pump when it is due in June and have decided to give her primarily formula and end on the breast for "dessert" since there isn''t too much there. The lact consultant said I''ve done a great job and I can just give her whatever I have if I want for immunity. That''s fine by me.
Sleeping is still going strong...last night 7.5 hours from 8pm to 3:30 am, then another 4 hours. In another week, I''m going to try a 7:30 bedtime and see how she goes. TGuy is out of town, so I figure it''s a good time to experiment.
btw, she was just down for a nap (only about 40 min) and woke up with a cry. I came up and she had her eyes open, put a paci in her mouth and patted her and left. If she stayed awake and noisy I was going to get her but she''s out cold again. So for all that are dealing with naps, it may be worth a try to attempt to get them down a second time. Even if she stays awake, as long as she doesn''t squawk, I don''t mind leaving her in the crib to have some quiet/detox time.

lili, I was thinking, do you go to her at the first sign that she''s up? I let Amelia coo or squawk for a few minutes and she often does fall back into a nap. If I picked her up at her first signs of awakeness, her naps would be shorter too.
Jas, yeah...that''s why I fear (for lack of a better word) diaper rash. My friend is totally ANAL (pardon the pun) about cleaning her daughter and she still had rash. Amelia is showing no signs of sensitive skin, but if it happens I''ll get my butt in gear and make my own wipes. Co is so handsome! I see his eyebrows are growing in? Amelia''s are too.
And re: screen names - you seriously know you''re on PS too much when you start to refer to YOURSELF using your screenname. Sometimes when I write about my DH to my IRL friends, I have to stop from calling him "TGuy"! And yay on Co rolling over...pretty cool even if it''s a fluke. Amelia was on her side in her crib today so she''s starting to roll around a bit too. She seems slower on the motor skills though...
Jen, cool u/s! I''ve never seen a "parts" shot before because we didn''t want to know the sex. That''s how they can tell it''s a girl eh? We could have looked then, because I would have never known!
Kay, you look great! Better than I do post preggo...I hate the post preggo gut!!
Ella, hope Gabe feels better. I am not looking forward to Amelia''s first cold. I hate it when they don''t seem happy.
Burk, glad to hear it''s still going well. I''ll keep my fingers crossed still...
LIW, cute project!!
Well, went to that lactation support class thing again. Amelia''s doing well. She''s nearly 8 weeks and weighs 10lbs2oz. I''m returning the pump when it is due in June and have decided to give her primarily formula and end on the breast for "dessert" since there isn''t too much there. The lact consultant said I''ve done a great job and I can just give her whatever I have if I want for immunity. That''s fine by me.
Sleeping is still going strong...last night 7.5 hours from 8pm to 3:30 am, then another 4 hours. In another week, I''m going to try a 7:30 bedtime and see how she goes. TGuy is out of town, so I figure it''s a good time to experiment.
btw, she was just down for a nap (only about 40 min) and woke up with a cry. I came up and she had her eyes open, put a paci in her mouth and patted her and left. If she stayed awake and noisy I was going to get her but she''s out cold again. So for all that are dealing with naps, it may be worth a try to attempt to get them down a second time. Even if she stays awake, as long as she doesn''t squawk, I don''t mind leaving her in the crib to have some quiet/detox time.