
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

CONGRATS MRS M! there room for another Amelia? Well...I GUESS if she''s as cute as yours is, I can allow it.
LOL. Of course we are happy to have another Amelia (we have two Jakes after all). Do you pronounce hers AMEElia or AMEHlia? And a word of warning to others...maybe having Amelia as a possible name for your child brings on wacky labors! Glad you are doing well, but yours sounded as fun as mine was!

lili, I was thinking, do you go to her at the first sign that she''s up? I let Amelia coo or squawk for a few minutes and she often does fall back into a nap. If I picked her up at her first signs of awakeness, her naps would be shorter too.

Jas, yeah...that''s why I fear (for lack of a better word) diaper rash. My friend is totally ANAL (pardon the pun) about cleaning her daughter and she still had rash. Amelia is showing no signs of sensitive skin, but if it happens I''ll get my butt in gear and make my own wipes. Co is so handsome! I see his eyebrows are growing in? Amelia''s are too.

And re: screen names - you seriously know you''re on PS too much when you start to refer to YOURSELF using your screenname. Sometimes when I write about my DH to my IRL friends, I have to stop from calling him "TGuy"! And yay on Co rolling over...pretty cool even if it''s a fluke. Amelia was on her side in her crib today so she''s starting to roll around a bit too. She seems slower on the motor skills though...

Jen, cool u/s! I''ve never seen a "parts" shot before because we didn''t want to know the sex. That''s how they can tell it''s a girl eh? We could have looked then, because I would have never known!

Kay, you look great! Better than I do post preggo...I hate the post preggo gut!!

Ella, hope Gabe feels better. I am not looking forward to Amelia''s first cold. I hate it when they don''t seem happy.

Burk, glad to hear it''s still going well. I''ll keep my fingers crossed still...

LIW, cute project!!

Well, went to that lactation support class thing again. Amelia''s doing well. She''s nearly 8 weeks and weighs 10lbs2oz. I''m returning the pump when it is due in June and have decided to give her primarily formula and end on the breast for "dessert" since there isn''t too much there. The lact consultant said I''ve done a great job and I can just give her whatever I have if I want for immunity. That''s fine by me.

Sleeping is still going strong...last night 7.5 hours from 8pm to 3:30 am, then another 4 hours. In another week, I''m going to try a 7:30 bedtime and see how she goes. TGuy is out of town, so I figure it''s a good time to experiment.

btw, she was just down for a nap (only about 40 min) and woke up with a cry. I came up and she had her eyes open, put a paci in her mouth and patted her and left. If she stayed awake and noisy I was going to get her but she''s out cold again. So for all that are dealing with naps, it may be worth a try to attempt to get them down a second time. Even if she stays awake, as long as she doesn''t squawk, I don''t mind leaving her in the crib to have some quiet/detox time.
My lactation nurse highly recommends this book called "The Baby Book".
She said it is a thick book, but you should only read up on the sections pertaining to introducing solids to your kid.
I haven''t pick up a copy yet, so can''t tell you from my own experience.
MrsM- congrats, your little Amelia is so beautiful.

tgal- yay for your Amelia sleeping so well. I know my jake is a big boy b/c he weighed 10 lbs 2 oz at his 2 week checkup. I can only imagine what he'll be up to at his 8 and in my experience breast fed babies don't usually get diaper rash. I don't think it's a huge problem for forumla fed either. My girls always got it after they started solid foods. Many times babies get it when they are in a dirty diaper too long so if you're just good about changing them quickly it will really help them to avoid it. I think they all get it at some time or another..

ella, when I started a new food I gave it to my girls at all the meals. I don't think there is any rules about it. I'd mix a little with cereal in the morning and then maybe just plain at lunch and dinner.

oh and Adena is doing great. mommy and baby are back home. She managed to keep both of her parents up the entire night last night. I keep telling my sister she's got to make sure she naps with the baby otherwise she'll be so grumpy and tired. She's hanging in there!! thanks for asking.

Jas12- yay for cohen turning over. that is too funny about him smiling at you after you told him no to the nipple pull off.

Jake sleep 6.5 hours last night so I'm happy. I hope we can turn it into a pattern. I'm like T-gal regarding the naps. I let Jake stay put where his is napping for a couple of minutes to see if he's really waking up or just dreaming and cried out and will go back to sleep. Many times he does which makes the naps longer.
Congrats on Amelia Charlotte, MrsM! Beautiful girl with a beautiful name! I''m partial to little girlies with full heads of hair
Sorry the birth wasn''t as you envisioned it would be, but I think L&D is the reason the phrase "the best laid plans are laid to waste" was invented. Hope your recovery goes well! What did she weigh when she was born, and how far past your EDD did you wind up going? Five days or so, right?

Jas, WOW, Co must be Superboy if he''s strong enough to roll over already!! That''s awesome! Handsome and strong ... uh oh, watch out, ladies!

lili, thanks for the book rec. I''ll see if the library has it. We did give G and K sweet potatoes this afternoon. G liked them, K tolerated them with a few "what the hell is this in my mouth?!" faces thrown in there. I gave them just the potatoes with no cereal, but then since K wasn''t loving them, I wound up mixing some cereal in. I guess I''ll just figure it out as I go along! I think next we''ll do some fruit - pears or bananas or an avocado.

Burk, I''m knocking on wood for you too!! Happy to hear that the past few days have gone well. So is the thought that Tayva will eventually outgrow this corn allergy? Or is this something that will be with her forever?

LIA, gorgeous sweater! I used to knit for my friends when they were preggo, but I haven''t knit a single thing for my babies. Boooooo, me. I''ll keep my fingers crossed that your u/s goes well and baby LIA shows off his/her parts for ya!

re: diaper rash ... K gets it pretty bad at times because the girl poops nonstop. There are some days when I swear every diaper is a poopy one. Desitin was working for us but it hasn''t been working on this latest bout, so I just picked up some Triple Paste, so hopefully that''ll do the trick. I hate seeing little red sore bums.

Also, I don''t put anything in K''s hair (barettes, bows, headbands) because I''m afraid she''ll put it out and put it in her mouth! She plays with her hair a lot (so funny! She just absentmindedly twirls it like a little grown-up). I''d love to find some cute barrette to tame her crazy bangs but I''m really just too scared that she''ll choke on something. Do you guys not worry about that? Am I paranoid? I don''t think I''m/she''s into bows or headbands so I''d only do barrettes if I did anything.
If she coos or squawks, I let her be for a while before going to her.
But most time, she''ll be gagging on her spit or something, and I had to pick her up to help her burp.
I think she has a bit of a reflux problem....or maybe she''s just a piggy and overeats.
We went to our lactation consultation yesterday and she weighs in about 9lb 12oz at a little over 7 wks.
So all those spit ups are affecting her weight gain.

Wow, 7.5 hours a stretch. How nice :)
J went for 4 hours and then 3, which is not too bad since she pretty much fall back asleep after her feeding.
Date: 5/25/2008 7:46:27 PM
Author: ellaila
Also, I don''t put anything in K''s hair (barettes, bows, headbands) because I''m afraid she''ll put it out and put it in her mouth! She plays with her hair a lot (so funny! She just absentmindedly twirls it like a little grown-up). I''d love to find some cute barrette to tame her crazy bangs but I''m really just too scared that she''ll choke on something. Do you guys not worry about that? Am I paranoid? I don''t think I''m/she''s into bows or headbands so I''d only do barrettes if I did anything.

I''ll probably put barrettes on J under supervision as in for a photo session :P unless the barrettes are big.
Right now, she''s too much like a little boy, so I''m not putting anything on her.
So mommies...
Just curious, who does your little one look like more?

Mine takes after her daddy in terms of look....but her expressions are definitely me
Hello mommies and mommies to be! We just had a HUGE thunderstorm and didn''t have power for 2 hours. DH was furious because he was missing the basketball game! So, since he''s glued to the tv I thought I''d come catch up and share a couple pics.

LIA~that sweater is adorable!! You are talented!

Jas~What an advanced baby you have there!! Tayva still doesn''t roll over stomach to back, just from her back to her tummy. Those moments are so fun!!

Tgal~your Amelia is making me jealous!!! Tayva is not sleeping even as well as she did at 8weeks due to her tummy issues. She wakes up starving after around7-8 hrs these days. I can''t say I blame her...she hasn''t gained an ounce in month, I''d be trying to play catch-up too!
Please do continue to keep your fingers crossed. We''ve thought she was better before.....really hope this is it, though.

Ella~They do think she''ll grow out of all of the allergies/intollerances. I sure hope so. A lot of times babies grow out by 6 months, some times a year and then other times they''re stuck. I''m praying we''ll get lucky and she''ll be done by 6 months. As for barettes and bows, I have tried for the sake of pictures and quite frankly, they looked ridiculous on her so I''m over it. I''ll wait until she''s older.
I can see your concern and K has a lot of hair and she''d probably look adorable with a barrette but if she''s grabbing at her hair a lot I wouldn''t risk it. Maybe just for a photoshoot here and there.

lili~Almost everyone says Tayva looks like me, but I went out to lunch with an old friend today and she said T looks just like daddy. Who knows. There''s a website where you can put in a pic of you, a pic of hubby and a pic of baby and they will tell you who the baby looks like. I did it and it said T looks 50/50. I''ll have to go see what that website was and post it....heritage something....

Here''s a pic of Miss Tayva today as we were getting ready to head out to a little holiday weekend get together. She''s standing on our breakfast bar. She is getting so big. She was 27 inches at her 4 mo check up which is off the charts for length. For reference-I''m 5''10"

and one more pic because I''m bored. This is Tayva in her jumperoo. She LOVES it. She gets so serious and talks and talks. It''s so funny. Look at those legs... I''m sure you''re all questioning the fact that she''s barely eaten lately!!

Thank you everyone! I''ll post properly later when I''m a little less tired (so, round about her 18th birthday, right? LOL) but I just wanted to say a quick thank you for so many lovely comments and good wishes.

TGal, ours is AmEElia- which is yours?
I think our labours were horribly similar! I went ino labourright on my due date, though ahr wasn''t born until thr following day.

Gotta run, sounds like someone wants a feed!

Hi, Everyone!

I sooooo wish I''d known about this thread when I got pregnant! I actually stopped participating on PS because I was so sick the first trimester, busy the second, and on bed rest for preeclampsia for most of the third (my baby was born 3 weeks early).

Anyway, Kaleigh/Lisa told me about this thread so I thought I''d just pop in to say hi as I''ll be spending some time reading through your messages for the helpful parenting tips she mentioned (my daughter, 7 months, has horrible reflux that is just now starting to improve some). So, thanks in advance!

I would also like to congratulate all the pregnant PSers and say that, even if you''re having a difficult pregnancy, it really is worth it!
Burk! Oh my ...looooove those pics..T is adorable! (and ur a hottie mommy too!!) son LOOOVED his jumperoo..the funniest thing when hed be bouncing and bouncing and then his head will flop down on the side and he falls asleep!! hilarious...

MrsS: Glad to hear ur sister and niece are doing good :)

Jas12: Yay for Co turning over!! u must have been excited...(even if it was just a fluke :) )

Tgal: Hows ur back?

sk8rjen: congrats on the co-sleeper :) i LOOOVE buying baby throwing my BFF baby shower and ive gone crazy with all the buying..eeck!

LIA: Ur so talented!! love the buttons

congrats too all the babies with the longer sleeping hours!! little K has turned into a nite owl again
we had a round of sleepless nights when he started teething then things got a lot better...but then after his 1 year vaccine his sleeping habits massively changed again..i dont know why
or even if they are related!!
Lili--Cohen totally looks like his dad--he has my mouth but Charlie has what i call ''fatty eyelids'' (an overhang of skin that makes his eyes look slanted) it is a very distinct look and Cohen has them. Charlie gets told he looks like Brett Favre of the green bay packers on a regular basis b/c of those eyes. Isn''t it neat to look at your kid and think about how you created him/her!?! It''s really amazing.

Burk--haha, i don''t think Co is advanced (i am not, one of *those* moms hehe) it was probably just a random turn-over (we tried is yesterday and he was working on it but only got to his side), but wanted to share b/c it was pretty neat.
BTW, You and T are a beautiful pair!!!

MrsM--ick--you had a tough labor girl! I am glad you are both okay. You are brave to have all those shots and have a needle phobia to boot. The nurses had trouble with my IV as well--tried to put it in the top of my wrist and the nurse missed the vein so the fluid pumped into my arm instaed of the vein --i had a golf-ball size swollen area for days--it was yucky and i am not even queazy about needles so you are a tough cookie!!!! Amelia is precious and i adore her head of hair! Post more pics when you can.

Tgal--you did a great job with breast feeding and i think the ''dessert'' plan is great--she''ll still get the benefits of your milk but without the pressure of having to have to produce a full meal for her.
I think Cohen needs to up his bedtime to 7-7:30ish as well. I''ve noticed that past couple of nights he fusses in bed till around 9-9:30 even tho he was exhausted when i start his bed routine around 7:30 (bath, change, feed)--i may be missing his sleep window now since it has shifted.
When do you go to bed (lili and MrsS. as well)???--> i hate going to bed when it is still light out, but i know Cohen goes his long stretch when i first put him down so if i want to get 4 or 5 hours uninterrupted sleep then i have to.
Hee, yeah, Gabe falls asleep in the jumperoo too - it''s so funny yet kinda sad at the same time b/c it doesn''t look very comfy to sleep on your feet!

Burk, I''ve said from the very first pic you posted of Tayva, that is one beautiful beautiful little baby girl! Love the new photos! I don''t know what your hubby looks like, but I definitely see a resemblance between you and your daughter, for sure. Wow, 27 inches tall at 4 months?! Holy cow, she''s going to be a tall drink of water that one!! Lucky girl.

Welcome, Researcher! Hearing that your daughter''s reflux is improving shows all of us moms with refluxy babies some light at the end of the tunnel! What''s your daughter''s name?

I''m not really into hair things on babies to be honest, but her hair just goes so wild in front that I feel like I need to do something to make her look presentable! She not only looks like me, but she got my bad hair and cowlicks too. Her "bangs"/combover just go every which way!

msb, have you called the pedi to find out if there could be any link between the vaccines and K''s sleeping habits changing? If you''re concerned about it, give the doc a call. I swear I call my pedi''s office like eight times a week between the two babies!
researcher~Welcome!! I''m a fellow mom of a reflux baby! My daughter is 4 months old and we just figured out last week that her reflux is caused by some food intollerances. (They think she''s intollerant to milk, soy and corn!!) With those out of her diet her reflux is MUCH better! At any rate, I totally relate to the pain a reflux baby is in and the stress and pain it causes mommy! I''m glad your little one is starting to get some relief. We''re always hear to listen.

msb~Thanks! That jumperoo is seriously the best! I''ve been recommending it to everyone!
Sorry your K is having some rough nights. Hopefully he''ll get it figured out soon.

Jas~My SIL and I have an ongoing joke where we use the "baby is advanced" because we have a friend who is one of *those* moms and everything her kid did she was sure he was "advanced." I figure babies do things at their own rate and if my kid does it before a book says she should, yay, if she doesn''t, oh well, she''ll get it. All of those milestones are so fun....whenever they should happen!
And thanks for the compliment on T and I.

Ella~Thanks! She''s a tall girl. She has to wear 9 mo. pajamas for her long legs. DH and I are both tall so I''m guessing she''ll be as well. It''s funny when she''s around other babies her age because she looks HUGE!
you guys are so sweet to compliment me on my silly baby cardigan. i assure you it''s not a talent...i think ANYONE who is patient enough can knit!!! but it is SOOO addicting! i should be studying (have my board certification exam in august), but all i want to do is knit (pathetic!).

burk...i LOVE the pictures you posted. you are gorgeous and so is your daughter!

jas...i think i forgot to compliment little cohen in my last past. oooh, how i love the bathtub shots!!!!

welcome researcher! glad you found the thread!!

i LOVE barrettes in little girl''s hair. i totally understand about the choking hazard... SO many things to think about!

Yay for all the good sleep that cohen and amEHlia (i think i''m going to refer to her as that so i don''t get confused with mrs. m''s new cute) and lily and jake are getting!!
Hello Ladies.

I'm cautiously transitioning over to this thread
from TTC .... I just finished my 4th week

DH and I got our BFP after only one cycle trying, and to make it more hilarious, we got this BFP after only one BabyDance!! I'm like Tgal in that way. One-shot-wonder

So, since I have a lengthy 36 weeks to go, I'll be spending my time re-reading all your previous posts and educating myself as much as possible.

Fingers and toes crossed for me and for a safe and successful pregnancy.

Also, I'm going to see my GP tomorrow - and I'm going to ask for an early u/s based on the weeeediculous amount of twins on my Mom's side (both of her sides). Any idea how early they will be able to check? NF? Jen? hahahahaa. I'm in Canada (if that makes any difference - our Healthcare may be different, I'm not sure).

Well, that's all! for now. eek. I'm scared and excited.
Congrats Mela!!! I''m sure this thread will be very helpful to you.

researcher, so glad you found this, hoping your precious baby girl gets through the reflux, not fun.

Congrats MrsM, she''s just adorable.

Burk, love the pics of Tayva, she''s sooooo cute!!!
yay mela! so excited for you!! i''ve been lurking over in the ttc thread every so often and i know a bunch of you were on the 2ww... so glad you got your bfp.
when i first got mine, i spent several weeks going through all of the old posts...pure craziness and so informative!!
Date: 5/25/2008 6:42:49 PM
Author: lili
My lactation nurse highly recommends this book called ''The Baby Book''.
She said it is a thick book, but you should only read up on the sections pertaining to introducing solids to your kid.
I haven''t pick up a copy yet, so can''t tell you from my own experience.
I love the "Baby Book". It is by Dr. Sears. I still refer to it lots. Highly recommended!!!!
Mrs Mitchell, CONGRATULATIONS!!! I knew you were having that baby! Sorry for all the difficulties but Amelia is just beautiful--what a great head of hair!!! Hope you''ll be able to get some rest soon. Keep us posted!

Researcher, great to see you!!!!! I haven''t seen you on the boards in a looooong time. Glad you''re joining us, you''ll get tons of advice and support here!

lia, LOVE the sweater! I sooo wish I could knit. The buttons are absolutely adorable!

mela lu, welcome to the "one hit wonders" club!! Congratulations! Looking forward to sharing your journey with you.

TGal, yay for a sleeping Amelia!!!!!!

lili, my Lily looks EXACTLY like her dad. If he was a little girl, they would be twins. It''s ridiculous! And she is totally his little shadow, following him everywhere, so it''s pretty cute that she is his "mini me". Fortunately, her personality is ALL me! He''s kind of moody and brooding and she and I are much more social and gregarious with good senses of humor!

Burk, Tayva is a cutie pie!!!! I hope her stomach issues are gone for good. Keeping everything crossed!

Kay, you are adorable!!! You look great! And I know what you mean about maternity clothes making you look bigger. I''m still forcing myself to squeeze into most of my pre-preg clothes (bella band over the open zippers of my pants and baby doll tops) and I feel like I''m not that big, but when I break out a maternity top, I feel HUGE.

Jas12, I can''t believe Co rolled over already! That''s great!!! And he''s definitely advanced, all of our children are waaaay more advanced than others!

ella, I love putting things in Lily''s hair! I''m a girly girl and I guess I''m forcing her to be one too!! It didn''t really affect her that much when she was little but now she definitely can pull out all my fancy clips so I make sure they are big enough to not be choking hazards. I''ll have to check back in my notes about Lily''s feeding schedule at 6 months but I''m pretty sure she was having cereal in the morning and then eventually I started adding a fruit or veggie in the afternoon. I don''t think I mixed the veggies with the cereal, I would just give it to her straight.

Gemma, I hope the MS is gone for good. It feels so great when that black cloud finally lifts and you can go back to enjoying your life--and food!

Diaper rash. Lily has never really had it. There were a few days when she was a little red in the butt area after she started real solids so I slapped on some Triple Paste and it was gone overnight. That stuff is expensive but it works!
Okay I am not sure I can catch up but I''ll try!!! Thanks to everyone who complimented my new AV. She is a sweetie. We just got back from the beach. We went to one near Wilmington and it is beautiful. We rented a beach house with two other couples (the guys went to high school with DH) so in total there were 4 kids. A 3.5 year old girl, 16 month boy, 14 month boy, and Tessa. T LOVED the little girl. Smiled and giggled every time Reagan showed her attention. The boys pretty much ignored her but she knows the 16 month from our play group so *sometimes* he interacted with her. This morning he kept taking out her paci only to give it right back to her. She loved the beach (though she didn''t really get into the sand much) I was worried she would eat it since EVERYTHING goes in her mouth. The bumbo is a MUST. I just sat her in it on the beach and gave her some toys. It worked great. Also our friends had a beach tent (another must) and she took a three hour nap in it (I''ll post pictures later). She actually let me keep her hat on but I didn''t dare try her sunglasses
The swim diapers worked great. I bought Huggie''s smallest size. She was in her''s all day w/o a problem. She looked so dang cute in her suits. We also went into the pool. The water was cold so she wasn''t happy at first but once she got used to it she seemed to like it. Though we did have to stop her from drinking it.
We bought a floatie for her from BRU that had a sun shade (I am so scared about her getting a sunburn can you tell?!?) I am glad to be home though. She was SUCH a good girl (though she had trouble sleeping) but I realized traveling is just tough on kids.

BTW she is reaching her arms up now (to be picked up). It is SOOOO cute!

Researcher, I have thought of you recently. My brother made me sign up for Facebook and it scanned my address book to see who is a member and yours came up! I thought of messaging you but figured you didn''t remember me. I saw you had a baby! Congrats S! Not sure if you ever saw my wedding photos but since we were dress twins and all! I am glad you are back!

Jas12, see I guess bald babies have an advantage! Haha! Yes, oil + hair = major ick. She slept so good in her crib and even better on her tummy. For awhile I still placed her on her back but she would roll over right away so now we just put her down on her stomach. Love the new AV. Don''t worry about Co napping. She was a HORRIBLE napper at first too. It''s gotten easier. Now that she is more active she wears herself out. I''m not complaining! Yay for Co rolling over! Already an overachiever!

Snlee, I had wicked BHs throughout and they get worse the closer you get. EVERY TIME I went to the movies in my 9th month I thought I was going into labor!

MrsS, for some reason I just don''t like bows on babies. I might be in the minority. People ALWAYS ask what sex T is even if she is dressed head to toe in hot pink too. I have no idea when my PP is coming. Guess I should e-mail Julian. When are you getting your upgrade???

TGal, I found a GREAT photographer (different than the pricey one) who only changes $75 as a sitting fee and prints are much cheaper. She''ll come to our house too so that is what we are going to do. I can''t wait. Hopefully sometime in June. That is from a mini shoot we did with my neighbor (I took the pics with my camera but she set up this whole thing in her nursery). She is in a great stage. She was tough the first 4 months but 90% the time she is just a joy now. Sure she fusses, she *IS* a baby and that is how she communicates but it is usually b/c she is tired, hungry, bored...etc...Hope your back is feeling better. Glad A''s therapy is going better!

msb, thanks we had a great time!

Lili, thanks! She is pretty cute if I do say so myself
Sounds like you are doing great! T looks EXACTLY like me when I was a baby but her mouth is totally her daddy''s. She has his long eyelashes too. Vote''s still out on her eye color.

Jen, aren''t girl clothes the cutest?!? Your u/s looks great!

Kay, T is backed up from vacay so I fed her prunes tonight. She really liked them. Feeding her is getting easier b/c she opens her mouth more and seems more eager. She lunged forward tonight when the spoon was close. It was so funny. You look great!!!

Gemma, thanks! I love the studs they look SO much bigger than my old ones. We had so much fun and plan on going every year. I can''t wait for T to play more next year.

Ella, I am a bad mommy and don''t feed her rice cereal with a spoon (mix it in her nighttime bottles). I guess I should start but she hated it. I do mix a little rice if the baby food is runny but otherwise I don''t. I am still on one new food a day but I am going to start giving her it twice a day (one fruit and one veggie). She has already had peas, carrots, squash, applesauce, and I gave her prunes today. So I''ll still keep only one *new* food but then pair it with one above. Be careful b/c carrots and squash can constipate but those in combo with sweet potatoes can turn them orange.
So I will alternate them. She is not a huge eater so she still only eats a half of the stage 1 jars. She quickly gets bored or full so I don''t force it. Sorry we just got back in town so I am just seeing your question now.

MrsM, congrats on baby Amelia! I love the name Charlotte.
I would have pushed for it if we didn''t live in NC. My water had meconium too. Sorry your labor was tough. Hope your recovery is going well. She is a beautiful baby!

LIA, we did thanks! Can''t wait for your big u/s! So fun and Hawaii won''t be bad either
Love the sweater. You are so talented!

Burk, Tayva is such a cutie!!! Love the sundress. She is tall. T is not even 27" at 6 months.

Mela, congrats! I got preggo the first month too. Welcome to our thread!
Congrats Mela lu for your one shot wonder! Here''s hoping for an easy pregnancy!!

MrsS, it''s good that your Jake is a big boy...don''t want a girly man..hehehe. Amelia is tall, I think. I had to buy her 3 month footed PJs today because she looks a bit crammed in the newborn ones.

Speaking of tall, Burk, Tayva is tall indeed! Tall and gorgeous!

Aw lili...that''s no good if J is waking up gagging. Hopefully all is good and it''s just regular ole baby spit up. And that''s a pretty good stretch..4 hours and then 3. That''s what Amelia did in the beginning and it quickly ramped up. There are still some nights where we can barely squeeze in 5 in the first run so her mileage definitely varies.

As for who Amelia looks like...well, neither of us! TGuy has more olive skin, black hair and dark eyes, so she doesn''t have his coloring. And she obviously doesn''t mine. Hopefully in the next few months we''ll be able to tell a bit better if she''s really our kid or not.

MrsM, ours is AMEHlia. I don''t think the Aussies would pronounce it any other way. Plus it''s supposed to sound like AMErica. And the part about the IV in your veins made me laugh because the same thing happened to me. Out of everything, I hated the IV the most. They blew 3 veins before they finally got it on the 4th try. Then I had to keep the IV in for 3 days...when they finally took it out, my mood improved 100%.

Welcome researcher!

msb, back is much better as far as what I pulled, but it is always in chronic pain. That I can live with though...used to it...thanks for asking! As far as sleeping habits...yeah, I hear they totally change. That''s why I am enjoying Amelia''s sleep habits now. Hopefully little K will settle down at nights again soon.

Jas, I''m going to move her bedtime a bit when TGuy is on his business trip (he leaves tomorrow). By about 5 pm she is exhausted (she is napping right now) and I have to wake her up for her feed and then she sleepy until bedtime. I was thinking of trying a 6pm bedtime, but I think that might derail her. Who knows...I may try it one night.

As for when I go to sleep...well, I SHOULD go to sleep at 9ish or so if I want some good Zs. But I am so excited to put her down for the night and get some *me* time that I often don''t sleep until 11 or I am still sleep deprived! But I just need the mental recharge to read my news, catch up on PS, write emails etc. It''s as important as getting some rest, I think. Yesterday I put her down at 8 as my cousin was over visiting. After I put her down, we ate dinner, had a glass of wine and just chatted about all sorts of things not baby related! I was having such a good time, she didn''t leave until 11:30 and I didn''t get to bed until 12:30 and asleep until after 1am. Amelia woke up at 2, so I absolutely was paying for it today, but it was totally worth it. Tonight I am going to go to bed by 9pm, do or die.

Re: hair clips for girls...I wish I could find something for her nutty hair! It''s all long in the back half and very short/growing in on the front half. This girl has the makings of a mullet!! Right now the part on the crown sticks up all over the place so I call her Cockatoo hairdo girl.
Safety T is really moving these days. Not crawling yet but she scoots to get things. I think she is going to figure out how to crawl soon. Needless to say we need to start baby proofing. Any gate suggestions? I was thinking of getting 3. One for the top of the stairs. Two wide ones to block her in the family room. That way I won''t have to worry about kitchen dangers. There are so many kinds it is so confusing!

Happy Memorial Day, everyone.


Welcome to Amelia Charlotte!!!
Sorry to hear it didn’t go as you had planned, but now you have your beautiful little girl. I hope you have a speedy recovery.

Gemma, keeping my fingers crossed you are almost done with m/s. It is such a relief when it ends.

Zhuzhu, thank you – it was so great to see you again.

Lili, yay for J sleeping in her swing!

Ella, sorry you and Gabe are both feeling crappy.

Burk, yay on no crying since Wednesday. Miss Tayva is so cute in her little sundress and hat. Since you are tall, I have to ask – where did you find maternity pants that were long enough? I have a hard enough time finding regular pants with a 34” inseam.

Jas12, I bet Co was so cute flipping over. It sounds like you have little devil on your hands, though. Makes me look forward to BFing, lol.

LIA, your knitting project turned out great. Good luck at the big u/s.

TGal, yay for good sleeping. Lol re the mullet.

Researcher, good to see you – I wondered where you disappeared to. Sorry to hear you had such a rough pregnancy. Please post pics of your little girl when you get the chance.

Mela, welcome! Congrats on your one-shot wonder, lol.


Curly, I’ve got to try the Bella band. Although, I must admit I am a bit nervous about walking around with my pants unzipped even with the band over it. It sounds like a bloopers show just waiting to happen.


Tacori, glad Tessa loved the beach – I can’t wait to see pics. Sounds like you found a good deal on a photographer.

It was so nice to have a long weekend. We didn’t do anything special, but we got a lot of work done in our garden and cleaned out part of a closet. We really need to clear out some of our old stuff before the baby and all her stuff arrives. We also did a lot of cooking -- DH is loving my nesting mode. I don’t want to go back to work tomorrow! We are looking forward to our 20-week u/s on Wednesday. I wonder if wiggle worm will flash us.

Mrs. M: congratulations on the baby. So precious.

Mela: congratulations on your pregnancy. Here''s to a happy and healthy 36 more weeks.

Burk: I can''t believe how great you look and the smile you have on your face after your long ordeal with Tayva''s reflux. It''s good news she''s feeling better.

T-Gal: My daughters are 9 and 6 and I still stay up later than I should just to get "me" time after they are sleeping!
We had the Kidco gates - the wood colour matched our railing colour, and I feel like it is a good quality gate. We just used one at the top of the stairs and one at the bottom of the stairs at the main floor (I never bought one for the bottom of the stairs in the basement, since I usually had my eyes on him in the basement. We have now gotten rid of the one on the bottom of the stairs, since it became a toy for Miller. He can walk up and down the stairs now holding the railing. But I am keeping the top one to ensure he can''t wander the house when we move him into a big boy bed.

What are you worried about in the kitchen??? I would just get door latches, and you should be good. It will be a bit of a pain having lots of gates - you will kill yourself trying to step over them!!!
Hi all -- SIX pages in the last five days. I'll take it one page at a time...broken up because I have to get things done before heading off to the Chicago GTG (plus Skippy!) Very excited.

NYC was pretty great, minus the taxi rides. I swear I never get motion sick, but every frickin' cab ride made me feel violently hung over...yuck. If that's anything like morning sickness, I am sending all of you big ol' hugs.

Oh, and as mixed as the reviews may be, I recommend Young Frankenstein for a silly evening.

My belly and b**bs are now arriving to destinations three minutes before the rest of me.

Had dinner with the in-laws. I think my husband is more amazing than I thought considering the gene pool. His mom pulled out his BABY book, where she had written things like, 'He's a terror" and "His behavior is awful, I need to consult a child psychologist," and my personal favorite..."We no longer have to lock him in his room at night." It just broke my heart. There was no humor in calling him a terror. And apparently the consulted child psychologist said that my Dh was quite normal, thank you very much.

Here goes nothing...

Neatfreak, I hope you are overcoming the shock and starting to embrace the twin chaos! Whee!
Ella -- I hope your tummy is feeling better!
Burk -- big hugs to you and Tayva...I hope that as I go through the next few pages, I'll read about her recovery!
Jas12 -- I love the baby in the bath avatar!
Tacori -- I adore your new avatar as well!
Litchick -- I missed you, woman! Good to see you again!
Tgal -- so sorry about your back...I hope you were able to take it easy this weekend.

Ok, I promised myself I would write responses for one PS page for every bout of cleaning, so I should get off my duff and get moving!
Date: 5/27/2008 9:05:42 AM
Author: jas
Hi all -- SIX pages in the last five days. I''ll take it one page at a time...broken up because I have to get things done before heading off to the Chicago GTG (plus Skippy!) Very excited.

NYC was pretty great, minus the taxi rides. I swear I never get motion sick, but every frickin'' cab ride made me feel violently hung over...yuck. If that''s anything like morning sickness, I am sending all of you big ol'' hugs.

Oh, and as mixed as the reviews may be, I recommend Young Frankenstein for a silly evening.

My belly and b**bs are now arriving to destinations three minutes before the rest of me.

Had dinner with the in-laws. I think my husbad is more amazing than I thought considering the gene pool. His mom pulled out his BABY book, where she had written things like, ''He''s a terror'' and ''His behavior is awful, I need to consult a child psychologist,'' and my personal favorite...''We no longer have to lock him in his room at night.'' It just broke my heart. There was no humor in calling him a terror. And apparently the consulted child psychologist said that my Dh was quite normal, thank you very much.

Here goes nothing...

Neatfreak, I hope you are overcoming the shock and starting to embrace the twin chaos! Whee!
Ella -- I hope your tummy is feeling better!
Burk -- big hugs to you and Tayva...I hope that as I go through the next few pages, I''ll read about her recovery!
Jas12 -- I love the baby in the bath avatar!
Tacori -- I adore your new avatar as well!
Litchick -- I missed you, woman! Good to see you again!
Tgal -- so sorry about your back...I hope you were able to take it easy this weekend.

Ok, I promised myself I would write responses for one PS page for every bout of cleaning, so I should get off my duff and get moving!
Too funny!!!!! I so don''t miss the giant boobs! As a small chested woman, I always dreamed of having big honkin cha-chas. But when I got them, I was like, what the hell!!!!
Hi all! We''ve got tons of fun in my house right now with TWO sick babies and one sick momma!! We''ve all got colds. It''s Snifflefest 2008 here with a few congested coughs thrown in. The babies are actually doing remarkably well considering that they feel like poop I''m sure. But the snot everywhere is just ... wow ...

Oh Jackie, your in-laws sound like THEY need to be locked in a room! Have fun at the GTG!!

Tacori, your beach weekend sounds so fun - look forward to seeing the pics of Tessa at the beach!

LIA, I agree that anyone with patience can LEARN how to knit, but not everyone can be a knitter - as clearly you are!

Congrats Mela Lu!! I don''t want to say anything but ... well, there have been an awful lot of twin pregnancies in this thread lately ....
Keep us posted once you get that first u/s!!

Lili, lookswise Katelyn is a little mini-me for sure! A lot of people say that Gabe looks like his Daddy, but we don''t see it at all. Personality wise, I can''t say who they''re like yet just that they are very different from each other! Can we see another photo of Ms. Jadelyn pleeeeease?

Good luck at your u/s tomorrow, Kay!!

TGal, you said TGuy is going away for many days on this business trip, right? Are you going to be alone with Amelia, or do you have help coming?

Diver, my little girl may have a yeastie too. Grrrr. I''m not positive that she does, but neither Desitin, Butt Paste, nor Triple Paste is clearing her up so I''m thinking she probably''s got more than just a diaper rash going on. She''s red from butt up to parts of the vajajay, and there is one blister that look pretty nasty. I called pedi today and they too said to just use plain warm water on her and to try Lotrimin on her tushie. Did it clear up Delaney yet?