
The Official TTC Thread!

Kunzite - It sounds like your sister's comment came from a lack of knowledge, so it would probably be easier for all involved to just let it slide. I know it stung though! It stung me a bit when I read it.

Regarding waiting another month, here is my unsolicited advice. The only thing I would have changed about TTC'g would have been to start sooner. I was ready. DH was hesitant, and so we waited. Since we have had difficulties, he now wishes that we would have started sooner too. Hindsight is 20/20, right? Because you mentioned that you'd like to lose more weight, assuming you have no other reasons for waiting, then you might throw caution to the wind on the one remaining month. If you do not get pregnant the first month, then you'll still have that additional month to lose if you want to. If you do get pregant, well then, what a blessing that would be!!!! I realize you did not ask for advice. This is just how I view things after trying for a while. Feel free to ignore me!!


As some of you know from the Early Pregnancy Loss thread, I am waiting for AF to return before proceeding with treatment, which will likely be another IUI cycle. I decided now would be a good time to try accupuncture again at a more conveniently located office. I had two accupuncture treatments in November, and really liked the practioner, but it is was just too far for me to travel after work and too much traffic.

I believe Ryan Claire asked about accupuncture in the Ferility Diet thread, so I thought I would update with my new experience here in case anyone is interested. If anyone else has had accupuncture, I'd love to hear your experiences too.

So, my appointment on Saturday was quite different from my prior experience. This accupuncturist is Chinese and practiced in China for many years prior to training in NYC for 4 years. She explained a lot more about what she wanted to achieve through the treatment and a bit of the philosophy behind the treatment as well. The office was much more utilitarian, whereas my other accupuncturist's office was very nicely decorated, comfortable, relaxing with different treatment rooms for different patients. This office was bright, cramped, very busy with entire families arriving at a time (grandparents, children and grandchildren) and one treatment room with dividing screens. This was a bit less relaxing for me.

The accupuncturist talked to me for quite a bit before my appointment. She asked me about my cycles (27-38 days on a natural cycle). I noted that I now regularly have clotting in my AF (sorry for the TMI) and have for maybe a year and a half now. This seemed to be a very important fact from her perspective. She later told me that it is one of her goals to correct this.

The treatment table is padded (light mattress) and very warm. When she began inserting the needles, I thought how pleasant that I did not feel them being inserted (just like last time.) Then she asked me if I felt them, when I responded no, she said that she would stimulate them, that I should feel them, and she was a bit dismayed when I told her I did not feel them at my prior treatments. So, stimulation can be done in a number of ways, including electrical (eek!), but she just manually moved the needle (very thin and flexible) back and forth until I felt it. Sometimes, I would feel the needle just enough and tell her, but then other times, YEESH, my leg would raise involuntarily in reaction to the pain. This was, of course, a bit jarring and unexpected. Every time it would happen, the accupuncturist seemed very pleased, "Good", she would say. But, then the pain stopped almost immediately. She left me in the room for 20 minutes with a nice heavy eye pillow on my eyes. I was extremely relaxed during the treatment, but did not feel the same clarity of mind that I felt following my other sessions. I will mention this to her at our next appointment.

She also prescribed some herbs. Meh. I restisted as first because I know people who have gone for accupuncture and leave the office on the first visit with $300+ worth of pills, but when she told me the herbs are specially mixed at a lab and the cost will likely be $30-ish, it seemed that the herbs were actually being prescribed to help me and not simply to increase the practice's profits. So the herbs will arrive in powdered form, need to be dissolved in hot water and will taste terrible. We'll see how it goes. She explained that in China, you would go to accupuncturist for treatment 8 days in a row, whereas here that is not a feasible schedule, so herbs are prescribed as a complement to the treatment.

I think I was preliminarily diagnosed as having an issue with my liver - stagnant liver maybe? I will have to talk to her more about this at my next visit. This is why she thinks I have the blood clotting, which she seems confident she can resolve. It will be very interesting to see if that is the case.

She told me that she had 20 pregnancies in her office last year. Of the 20, two-thirds were also receiving fertility treatment. The other third were not. I neglected to ask how many women came to her for fertility issues in that year, i.e. how many patients did not have success. This was statistician-DH's question after the fact. I don't think of things in the same way as him. All I thought was 20 babies!!!!

Fisher - I thought of you during this visit - first, when I started feeling pain during the needle stimulation (how funny that I should think of you right then, right?) I was thinking how you would not have liked it! I thought of you later too, when she recommended a book, The Infertility Cure, and website,, which I thought might interest you.

Yikes, that was a long post!! Just wanted to share as many details as I thought might be interesting for those considering accupuncture.
icekid! What new signs have you observed? I wonder if you experienced implantation bleeding? TWW is sooooo hard! And I agree - CF is so hard to read sometimes because it comes when you think you've O'd but then reappears sometimes. I remember the month we got preggo, I got EWCF and so we BD. Then it came again so we BD again for good measure. I think it's normal to come and go after you've ovulated. What's the quality of it?

BELLA! Yekutiel says you e-mailed! Is that really you? :-D Shhhh! He's going to give you my e-mail address, I think! Woot woot! Very excited! Thanks for the reassurance about AF and O...

On my end, CF has been very confusing. On and off here and there! I've been temping so I am hugely relieved to have some picture of what's going on. I am now wondering - what if I'm one of those women who doesn't have an O temp spike? Or what if I don't O ever again after the mc? I gotta think positive, though! Wow, the mystery never ends...does it?
So amid this confusion, I did something I thought I'd never ever do! I checked my cervix! That was so scary to me but I did it while in the shower and OMG, it was SO COOL!!!! Wow, our bodies are SO AMAZING!!! Women rock. I feel sorry for our poor DHs who don't have cool cervices like we do. Since it was my first check, I don't really have a reference point for soft/firm or high/low. Hmmmm... very very cool, though!

LV, I hope your AF comes soon! As you have probably been reading for some of us - AF has been sassy and unpredictable lately! I will text message her to get her butt over to you asap!!! (HUGS) Thanks for sharing your acupuncture experience. That sounded really neat.
Goodness...this thread is much to comment on. Hello to all the new ladies dipping their toes in!

Ambulance!!! Congrats!!!! How exciting! I wish you a happy and healthy 9 months ahead!

Mia -- any updates on your nephew? I've been meaning to tell you how wonderful you and your husband are for considering taking him in. I wrote a long post to you, but it was eaten after I hit submit. So I will just tell you the condensed version...I wouldn't hold off on TTC personally, but that's just me. It could take you awhile, but it could also happen the first time out. You just never know...let us know whatever happened with that situation!!! You are such a good person!

LV -- WOW. Thanks SO much for posting all of that about your accupuncture experience. I have always been a little weirded out by the holistic stuff, but I have heard so many success stories with it, so I might try it myself. Very nervous about it though...where are you located? I can't remember. Anyway, that "electric" sense you were telling me about is EXACTLY what freaks me out about it. I'm weird about getting blood drawn, so this would be a huge step for me. I read about your D&C. So sorry, again, that you had to go through that.

RyanClaire -- hi!
Thanks for the shout out! How are you doing? where are you in your cycle?

And to whoever posted about the fertility monitor and the 2 lines (lurking lurker maybe???) THANK YOU! I never knew the 2 lines were significant. That's so helpful. I wish it said that in the directions, bc I swear it doesn't!

Update on me: I'm on CD 17, still no peak from the CBEFM, but I ran out of sticks! So I got some other brand of OPK just in case, and no surge yet. I have been spotting though for about 4 days, and it's getting annoying. I know it's not implantation or ovulation spotting bc I haven't ovulated. So I don't know what to think. I'm going to start my prometrium course tonight for 10 days, per my RE's recommendation, then it's 100mg of Clomid after that for me on days 3 through 7. 100mg seems high to me (I remember LV, you if you are reading this, started on that as well and thought the same thing), but that's what he says. I'll go in for an ultrasound on CD12 to see if a follicle is maturing. We are so nervous, esp my DH bc he thinks we'll have twins or even worse, triplets. My levels on all of the bloodwork were normal, testosterone was a little elevated, and he didn't definitively say "Lanie, you have PCOS". He just said it was indicative of it. My LH was 6 which is great for my age, and I was happy about that. My DH's swimmers are strong and plentiful (hahaha) so we're good to go, at least on paper. One thing I thought was weird was that he didn't test me for progesterone levels on my bloodwork at CD3, or at least I don't think he did. Does anyone know what those would be called? It's not LH, not FSH (?). But I didn't see anything on there. My anti mullerian hormone was a good level meaning I have good eggs or lots left or something like that. I'm just read to get going on Clomid!!!
And I forgot! Sunnyd!!! My bride twin!!! Whatever happened with the late period?!?!?
Hi Lanie!

I'm glad to hear that things are moving forward with the RE. I did think that the 100mg of Clomid was high, until I found that it worked (in terms of the number of follicles produced), then I thought the dosage was just right. Each office has their own procedures/protocols, so I'm sure they have their reasons for dosing as they do. It may well be that your specific case merits the higher dose to start. My RE apparently always prescribes 100mg to start.

Re: multiples
I've copied the following from an RE website re: Clomid with IUI: "The risk of multiple pregnancy correlates with the number of eggs that develop following Clomid therapy. Typically 2–3 eggs will develop. The frequency of twins occurring under these circumstances is 4–5%. Monitoring the effect of Clomid using ultrasound and blood work allows us to better control the risk of multiple pregnancy. When the number of eggs observed exceeds the safe number, the cycle is canceled. Using this strategy the risk of triplets is less than 1%."

If you have more than 3 follicles, perhaps your RE will suggest not trying to conceive during that cycle. Everyone responds to Clomid differently. A LOT of women are prescribed Clomid by their OB/GYN and they are NOT monitored. Since you will be receive monitoring via ultrasound, you will know how many follicles you have, and you can plan to talk to your doctor if you have more than 3 regarding how to proceed given the concern of multiples.

Re: Spotting
This may interest you: Perhaps the spotting is simply a symptom of anolvulation? If you haven't already, I would be sure to let the RE's office know about this spotting. Have you always had this sort of mid-cycle spotting? There are a lot of educational booklets on the ASRM site, which you may also find helpful.

Re: Progesterone Testing on CD3
Progesterone is usually tested on CD21 to confirm ovulation. Presumably, once you have your period, your progesterone level is very low. I do not recall having Progesterone tested on CD3.

Re: Acupuncture
Just to clarify - she did not do the electrical stimulation. I was just have an involuntary reaction whenever the needle hit the "right" spot. I would not object to the electrical stimulation in the future, if she recommends it. If you decided to go, the practioner will surely do whatever is necessary to make sure you are comfortable. The first place I went, I seriously did not feel the needles. She put the first one in my foot without even telling me, and I didn't even know!!!!

I am in CT, so can't help you with rec's from first hand experience. You can ask your RE's office if they have a list of practioners that they recommend. My office does - that's how I found my first acupuncturist. I found the new office through a referral from a friend's mother who visits her and is very happy.

I'm open-minded, but cautious about it. I don't buy into the herbs yet, but I'll wait to see how I feel after taking them before making final judgment.
Hi Ladies

bliss-that was indeed me who emailed Yekutiel and he is welcome to pass my info along to you. Hopefully I''ll get yours today or tomorrow
So exciting. WOWZA--so you checked your cervix, I am pretty in touch with my body and whatnot, but have not yet been able to bring myself to do that. kudos to you

LV-your new acupuncture Dr sounds like she means business. I hope that she is able to help you, she sounds great!!!!

Lanie-hope that this cycle goes well for you. FYI twins are fun
DH is a twin and I used to nanny for infant/todder twins...we have a lot of twin love in our household. Now triplets, triplets will kick your a#$ from here to Sunday. They are seriously hard work, but twins are awfully fun

Ice and Allie-hope you are hanging in there in the 2ww
Date: 2/8/2010 1:11:59 PM
Author: Lanie
And I forgot! Sunnyd!!! My bride twin!!! Whatever happened with the late period?!?!?
Hi twinnie!
Still nothing from me. I haven''t POAS since Wednesday, I think that, and a call to the doc is in order. Day 46!!
Date: 2/8/2010 5:57:52 PM
Author: sunnyd

Date: 2/8/2010 1:11:59 PM
Author: Lanie
And I forgot! Sunnyd!!! My bride twin!!! Whatever happened with the late period?!?!?
Hi twinnie!
Still nothing from me. I haven't POAS since Wednesday, I think that, and a call to the doc is in order. Day 46!!
I had to check this thread because I saw the last post was from you and was wondering what you're doing in here! Fingers crossed it's what you hope for.

ETA: CDNinNYC: Wow! Big next step! Good for you! I can't wait to join next year, I'm having ridiculous baby fever.
Date: 2/8/2010 12:34:13 PM
Author: Bliss
icekid! What new signs have you observed? I wonder if you experienced implantation bleeding? TWW is sooooo hard! And I agree - CF is so hard to read sometimes because it comes when you think you''ve O''d but then reappears sometimes. I remember the month we got preggo, I got EWCF and so we BD. Then it came again so we BD again for good measure. I think it''s normal to come and go after you''ve ovulated. What''s the quality of it?

Bliss- Well, the only "sign" was the spotting. It lasted about a day and a half. The spotting was definitely a new thing for me, but then- when have I ever paid this much attention?! Now I''m having quite a bit of fertile type CM. Well, I did yesterday as well but it was pink/brown tinged. Implantation bleeding.... or ovulation?! Haha- I was never really that convinced about O last week. Once again, who knows! Trying not to sweat it either way. Hubby is tired and refuses to "just lay there"
tonight. Oh well! Wait and see; that is my mantra.

Way to go on the cervix checking
That one is still way beyond me!

Lanie- Bet DH was glad to hear his swimmers are not in doubt
Fingers crossed that clomid really works for you!

Bella- It sounds like NY mostly avoided the big storm? Any snow up there?

kama_s- Next year?! Come on over and join in the fun.....
(I sooo hear you on the baby fever!)

Thank you so much for that info re: accupunture. Do you find it odd that one facility says you should feel it and another says you shouldn''t? I think I remember reading up on it back in the early fall and the info. I found stated it shouldn''t be painful, but I suppose maybe what you were feeling wasn''t painful, but merely unpleasant? At any rate, thank you for the detailed account of your first visit with this new facility. How often will you be going?

Oh, and regarding the herbs allowing a long time between visits.... I kind of believe that. Reason being that accupuncture is so holistic. For what it''s worth, my chiropractor said that if I took red tea leaves, it would help with moving up my ovulation. We''d put that on schedule for Christmas time, but by then, I''d been off Clomid for two cycles and was already ovulating on CD 19 or 20 on my own, so I''ve not bothered with it. She also said that if I use my exercise ball to stretch my back out daily and if I do yoga three times a week, I won''t need to be adjusted as often. And it works! I now go monthly (and I started off twice a week, then one time a week, then every other week, and then I jumped all the way to monthly and all''s well).

Let us know how it goes!!

Also (man alive, I have a lot to tell you today!!), I think I remember you said that the new accupuncturist said that clotting with your period is not desirable. Was there an explanation as to why? I''ve always had this, too and it was my initial concern when we began trying and weren''t getting the desired results. My Dr., however said all women clot and not to clot is a sign of something bad.... I don''t recall what she said, maybe thin blood, I can''t remember. So I wonder if there is a degree of clotting that is too much? Weird. I do know, though, that when my cycles are more of a "regular" length, there is much less clotting. Okay, enough of this pretty gross topic.

How are you doing emotionally? Are you gearing up to start trying again in the new cycle? I want you to know that you''ve been in my thoughts and will continue to be. I''m looking forward to the greater things that are to come for you, lady!!


Are you feeling better, lady? Hope so!!


No predictions this month, ma''am? I''m feeling pretty confident that this will be a great month for at least a few of us. We''ve already gotten one positive and I''m willing to state I think we''ll have at least two more this month. Indeed! Lots of new girls to tip the scales, and it''s high time one of those of us who''ve been here longer bounce into mommyhood! February is a short month, but not one to be under-estimated. No way!

Welcome to all the new people. So many of you, I can''t keep you all straight. I''m working on it though. Hope each of you have a short stay!


I don''t know a whole lot about blood work, but I remember that FSH can only be tested accurately on CD3. What day did you have yours done? Glad to see you''re getting so much testing done and I''m certainly hoping you''re posting wonderful news soon.

I''ve not posted in the past few days because I have nothing to share TTC-wise. I''ve been working on a four canvas painting, a tree in 4ths, showing the seasons. It will be for the baby''s room. It makes me feel so, so, hopeful and just at peace..... Just knowing that I''m making for our baby kind of firms up in my mind (and in my heart) that it''s just a matter of time.... I''m looking forward to rocking a dear little one while looking at that painting. One day soon, too!

Keep the positive thoughts, ladies. What doesn''t kill you makes you stronger, and after a struggle with TTC, I''m determined to embrace all things pregnancy and parenthood with open arms, thankful for the opportunity to experience it. Yes indeed!
Bliss, I just read your last post. Oh honey, of course you will ovulate again. It must be really scary not knowing what''s going on with your body, especially if you used to be able to predict and tell what was going on. I''m praying for you and am so excited for the post that you''re going to put up here one day. And it''s going to be a great day! Followed by a great pregnancy. Followed by the birth of an adorable baby. Who you and your hubs spoil rotten, as it should be.
Hey ladies,

I''ve been following this thread and saw that a lot of you have questions about acupuncture. I''ve posted briefly before, but for those who are new, I''m a licensed acupuncturist who specializes in infertility. I''ve worked at Randine Lewis'' practice before (author of The Infertility Cure). If you have questions about herbs, acupuncture, supplements or diet, I''d be happy to answer them.

I now 33 wks pregnant after dealing with male factor infertility so I understand the mental and emotional aspect of trying to conceive.

Feel free to message me if you like.
Date: 2/8/2010 8:02:51 PM
Author: gongjoo143
Hey ladies,

I''ve been following this thread and saw that a lot of you have questions about acupuncture. I''ve posted briefly before, but for those who are new, I''m a licensed acupuncturist who specializes in infertility. I''ve worked at Randine Lewis'' practice before (author of The Infertility Cure). If you have questions about herbs, acupuncture, supplements or diet, I''d be happy to answer them.

I now 33 wks pregnant after dealing with male factor infertility so I understand the mental and emotional aspect of trying to conceive.

Feel free to message me if you like.
Oooh, I''ll bite!

Thanks for posting here (I remember from before, too!). Congratulations on your pregnancy. Very exciting!!!

Should acupuncture be something you feel? I''m very curious about this....

And does acupunture and chiropractic care go hand in hand? (Regarding fertility or anything else....)

Thanks again for making yourself available here.
Just wanted to chime in on the acupuncture as I've been having this for nearly 18 years now...

I've used 5 different practitioners - 2 were excellent and the other 3 had no success at all. Of those who were good, my father - who is a GP but trained in acupuncture - was one and my spinal physio was another. Both are extremely orthodox practitioners and see acupuncture as an effective tool rather than as some kind of quackery (hope that doesn't sound rude but couldn't think of a better way to phrase it).

IMO, acupuncture is relatively painful when you get good results. Sometimes a needle will hit a really sensitive point and it hurts like mad, other times you don't feel the needles at all, but you feel a sort of electric current run between the two. Twiddling the needles at various points during the treatment is also slightly uncomfortable. I've found that using a TENS machine at the same time is very helpful to avoid any unpleasant sensations.

I will say that I have never noticed any particular effects on anything like my mind or mood - I'm somewhat suspicious that a lot of that is possibly placebo.

I've used acupuncture to cure a frozen shoulder (father's first guinea-pig - after 3 years of problems and hefty meds it was resolved within 3 sessions and has never returned), treat migraines and - mainly - treat my spinal problems, especially muscle spasm.

My spinal physio has never treated anyone for infertility (unsuprisingly
), but my father used it regularly in cases of unexplained infertility and had a very high success rate with his patients. (Acupuncture is free in the UK if you have a doctor who is trained in it, so there is no profit being made etc)

He uses electrical stimulation at times - I've never tried that myself - and says it works well. His estimation is a 70% success rate in treating people for certain complaints - especially muscular-skeletal problems - which is well above the rate expected for many medications.

I wouldn't class acupuncture as painless or relaxing (lying down for 30 minutes is nice though!) but the benefits are well worth it. Plus, with a trained therapist the chances of adverse side-effects are very slim.

Annecdotally... my next-door neighbour who would definitely be considered obese got pregnant on her first cycle TTC at the age of 35 having had 3 months of acupuncture specifically aimed at improving her fertility in the months before her wedding (they started TTC straight after).

Anyway, don't know if any of this is useful to anyone but thought I'd throw it out there!
Thanks Pandora!

I appreciate the information. I don''t know what my hang up is with acu, probably the whole "quakery" thought of it.... oh and needles needles every where. I don''t mind getting blood taken so much now (thanks to TTC and testing this and that and then that again), so maybe it wouldn''t be so bad. But then you say pain, and I rethink it all over again. Haha.

If for any reason chiropractic care stops being effective (and I''m still amazed what it has done!!! --another thing I thought was quakery), I may look into it again.

(I still think of you every time I have pineapple after ovulation!!

Have you posted any pics of Daisy lately? I need to go hunt you down on FB.
Does acupuncture hurt? It depends on the patient and practitioner, also what is getting treated. Acupuncture needles are generally the width of a hair. Some people feel a tiny prick, then a heavy distending sensation. Some people don''t feel anything at all. I''ve done acupuncture on kids as young as 5 yrs old and they have great results with no pain.

When treating infertility, the points generally aren''t too sensitive. When treating musculoskeletal pain or frozen shoulder, we do use stronger needling along with electric stimulation. I''ve found that acupuncture with e-stim works great to bring on ovulation, especially with longer cycles/pcos. Sessions are usually very relaxing. Many women fall asleep. I always incorporate plenty of points to reduce stress and anxiety when treating infertility.

I know some of you have questions about herbs. Depending on the experience of your acupuncturist, herbs may be a very effective treatment method. When treating gynecological disorders with Chinese medicine, about 80% is herbs. As long as your acupuncturist uses GMP herbs and makes customized formulas, you should see profound improvements.

Does acupuncture and chiropractic work together? Yes - I recommend this combination the most when treating pain, not necessarily fertility.

Hope this helps.
gongjoo143!!! Congratulations on your pregnancy! I remember you from your posts a while back too. I'm so glad you stopped in.

I have the same question that Fisher posed above regarding feeling the needles or not. I know there are different forms or styles of acupuncture. Do you think that could be why I did not feel the needles at the first office I went to? ETA: Gongjoo, I just saw your response to Fisher and I have to revise my question. I did not feel pain or discomfort when the needles were inserted, but when they were being moved back and forth, my legs would sometimes involuntarily move because of the pain. Maybe I waited too long to tell her that I felt the needle? The pain immediately goes away when she stops moving the needle.

Regarding the herbs, do you also prescribe the powder versions, i.e. not the actual herbs themselves? Do you always prescribe herbs? There are 13 on my list! How many times per week do you typically see a patient with fertility issues?

Thank you for popping in and offering to answer some questions!!

Hi Fisher

I was confused by the two different treatment styles, but I guess that is what I would attribute it to. I think my new practitioner indicated that the other treatment may not have been very effective because I did not feel the needles. It is really very momentary, certainly nothing that would keep me from going again. I will be going 1X/week.

When you say red tea -- that's different than raspberry leaf tea, right? I recall that Gongjoo had rec'd the raspberry leaf on here. That's great that you were able to reduce your visits to one time per month!! Did your chiropractor/friend ever explain why the chiropractic helps? Does she say that she is working on your energy somehow?

Clotting, hmmm, I will try not to be too gross. The acupuncturist and I did not discuss this in great detail, but I wonder now if we were talking about the same thing, or if it even matters. In any event, when I say clotting, I mean that I have many very small clumps of blood that is noticeably different than what I would call regular menstrual flow. It is obvious that is different on a sanitary napkin or on t.p. It is also something that I have not always had, so I know that it is different. Is it possible that your doctor maybe was referring to menstrual flow, in general, not being thin?

The other thing is that in Western medicine, it may well be that clotting is not perceived as a problem, where as in Eastern medicine the clotting is indicative of an issue with one or more systems of the body. I will see if I can find something in the Fertility Cure book. Oh, and I just remembered, there was a question about this on the acupuncturist's questionnaire, which is what prompted our discussion about it. I'm not sure I would have thought to mention it to her if it was not.

Emotionally, I am feeling very well. Impatient, but well. I feel like it is just a matter of time at this point, just like you. Yes, we are gearing up for the next cycle. We meet with the RE next week to discuss future plans. Thank you for asking.
Your painting sounds lovely. I hope you will post photos here when you are done! Have you painted before? Or, is this a new hobby?
Hey LV - when an acupuncturist turns the needles, he/she is usually trying to have you feel the sensation of Qi, which sometimes feels like electricity or sore heaviness. It shouldn''t feel sharp like a needle. Some acupuncturists do this more often and others don''t. Kind of just personal preference. You should definitely let her know if it''s painful.

Powder/granule herbs are concentrated strength herbs. Lots of acupuncturists like to use these for customized formulas because it''s much easier for the patient to drink. So much more convenient just to add hot water than to cook a bag of raw herbs for 2 hours every day. 13 herbs in a formula is normal. One reason why there are so many is because herbs work together in a formula and side effects can be mitigated.

I give herbs to almost all of my infertility patients unless they are already going through IUI or IVF. The results are really amazing. There are dramatic changes in their cycles and they often can get pregnant in 3-6 months, even after years of infertility treatments.

Re: clotting. In Chinese medicine, clotting usually comes about because of Qi and blood stagnation. With acupuncture and herbs, usually the period flow becomes bright red, with no clots or cramps. Sometimes this can indicate a healthy uterine lining.

Thanks everyone! We feel so blessed with this pregnancy. Going through infertility myself really made me feel much more compassion.
Just to say - ''sore heaviness'' is exactly the sensation. Any pain is absolutely NOT the kind of feeling you would associate with being stuck with needles - it''s never sharp.

I''m a little averse to the electric feeling hence why I use TENS at the same time - weird as both are similar in sensation but it does help me relax.

Anyway, it''s not so painful that I don''t go often - and I''m a wuss!
Date: 2/8/2010 8:53:02 PM
Author: fisherofmengirly
Thanks Pandora!

I appreciate the information. I don''t know what my hang up is with acu, probably the whole ''quakery'' thought of it.... oh and needles needles every where. I don''t mind getting blood taken so much now (thanks to TTC and testing this and that and then that again), so maybe it wouldn''t be so bad. But then you say pain, and I rethink it all over again. Haha.

If for any reason chiropractic care stops being effective (and I''m still amazed what it has done!!! --another thing I thought was quakery), I may look into it again.

(I still think of you every time I have pineapple after ovulation!!

Have you posted any pics of Daisy lately? I need to go hunt you down on FB.
I posted one last Friday for BPF.

I''m friends with most of the mommies on FB - Daisy is my profile pic and I have a Jewish surname if that helps!
Well all, I''m getting worried that my fears are coming back to haunt me. Noticing cramp-like feeling this morning that feels much like endometriosis pain. Hoping it passes, but after 2 months off BC, it is exactly what I was worried about. Since I haven''t had much for pain/growth since my lap 5 years ago, I''m hoping that starting ttc next month won''t be terribly difficult because of it.

That or implantation cramping.. whoa! How long does that last by the way? And what/where is it felt?

Wasn''t exactly 100% careful this month, and to be honest I''d be extremely happy if it was earlier than we originally planned.

I''m guessing the latter though. Anti-endometiosis dust welcomed. :)
split_shank - sending lots of anti-endometriosis dust your way! i think implantation cramping feels the same as regular abdominal cramps, but I''m not sure. never had it.
Split shank -- anti endo dust for you! I have a lot of friends with it, and it''s not a fun condition. Hope those twinges are implantation!!!

LV -- how I love you. You are the best...thanks for typing that up. And thanks for saying that progesterone is measured on Day21.

Bella -- twins seems like it would be fun, but it''s more the financial burden. I didn''t know your hubby is a twin! We''re freaking about just having one kid at newborn daycare prices...I can''t IMAGINE 2. But you know what? If it happens, it happens and I will be double excited and blessed!!!

Bliss -- yay for the cervix check! You are now a member of The Secret Cervix. I''m sure you will O again...may take a cycle to get back on track, but if you were before, surely you will again, no???

Fisher -- Yes, my FSH was measured on Day3 and I was excited to have it at a great number. For anyone else wondering, here''s a link to bloodwork levels that I''m sure has been posted a million times on this thread. I hear you on having some of the "older" more seasoned TTC thread veterans getting a BFP...mainly you! In fact, if I had a wish for others, I would wish you and Laila, and Blushing (wherever she is), and for LV to get her AF on so she can get back to business! Not to mention the other girls who are just getting their tootsies wet in the waters of TTC.

Gongjoo -- thanks for all of the info! Good luck in the final weeks of your pregnancy!

All this accupuncture talk makes me more of a believer! I think i''ll give myself some time (6 months ish) if that doesn''t work, I''ll definitely try it.
Lanie-I hear you on the twin daycare front (or any childcare front really) . it is sooooo expensive. that''s when it really starts to suck living in NYC without immediate family nearby.

I am really intrigued by the accupuncture discussion here. If we''re not pregnant by the summer I think I will pursue that.

Everyone who is currently doing it, I hope that you have great practicioners and that it is really effective!
Wow, this thread is jumping! I have to stay on top of it or I miss too much great information. The acupuncture does sound intriguing.

Kama, next year?!?! You sure you don''t want to join any time sooner?
I hear ya on the baby fever. Everywhere I turn, there is something that reminds me of babies.

Daycare is ridiculously expensive in NYC. My friend has found it more affordable to have a nanny than use day-care for her twins. Bella, we don''t have family in the city either. We won''t really have to worry too much about daycare, though, unless we want a night out or something since I''m a ''forced'' house-wife right now.
I keep telling DH this is the perfect time to have a family since I''m not allowed to work.
CDNY-it is definitely the perfect time for you to start a family:-) maybe you can leverage your forced housewife status into a childcare biz:-) My mom did that while we were growing up, she was home with us, but during the summers and holidays watched one of my dad''s colleagues kids.
Date: 2/8/2010 5:57:52 PM
Author: sunnyd

Date: 2/8/2010 1:11:59 PM
Author: Lanie
And I forgot! Sunnyd!!! My bride twin!!! Whatever happened with the late period?!?!?
Hi twinnie!
Still nothing from me. I haven''t POAS since Wednesday, I think that, and a call to the doc is in order. Day 46!!
Hey sunny. I just wanted to say good luck with the doc. If you need some advice, friends, etc. we will be here whatever news you get from the doc

Splint_Shank: I''ve got my fingers crossed for you that your endo doesn''t come back and that you might have had a happy oopsie instead...

Bliss: Props to you on the cervix checking. I am a wimp and will stick to the primary signs for now, plus the OPK''s. I am going to start my OPK on day 10 though (in 3 days), just to make sure. With our zaney CM, I want to cofirm the fertility/O signs...

Bella and CDNinNYC: I think that may be the hardest part about having a baby is that my family is a thousand miles away. Boo. Of course I am not psyched about the childcare costs, but the whole not having my family up here, especially my mom, for all the preganancy/baby stuff is the thing I am really not looking forward to.

But, I agree with Bella, since you are a forced house wife, why not make it a bit more profitable. You can offer your baby care services to another friend of neighbor or something. Just a thought...
Lanie, I agree! Lots of new activity here! So much I can hardly keep up! Great news on your DH's swimmers! Glad they are Michael Phelps level! Sounds like you two are primed and ready to have your baby soon! Great news on all fronts!

LV, what's up? So glad you have lots of great info and an awesome RE.

BELLAAAAA! Hahahaha. In my head it's like STEEELLAAAAA! LOL! YAY! Yes, I checked my cervix! I've been too scared to do it for a loooooong time. But now that I have, I am fascinated by the thing! It's so cool! I got a manicure before I did it so my nails were nice and trimmed. I didn't want to present a raggedy appearance upon my first high tea with Ms. Cervix. She was very dignified and regal, as I expected. We didn't chat much, but I think she told me what I needed to know! I guess once I do this a whole month I'll have a better read on what "soft/hard" means for my body and what "high/low" actually is. Right now everything seems foreign still!

icekid! Ah, spotting. Wow, that could be a very great sign! I wonder if it's implantation bleeding? Hmmm... very confusing, I agree with the fertile CM. It could go either way, I think. I've forgotten but are you temping? I would be so confused right now if I weren't temping - I had fertile CM a few days ago and I thought for sure I was ovulating. Nope! Temps are steady. Then more fertile quality I ovulating? Not sure! Waiting for the spike, if I even get to see such a thing. It is really confusing but I feel more in control temping because it gives me double confirmation when my other signs are confusing me! LOL about the DH refusing to just lay back. I am forbidden from being transactional (DH's word) about BD - so this strikes me as very funny bc I understand! I think men are hilarious. Wonderful and hilarious.

FISHER!!! Ahhhh, I have no predictions this month! For some reason, I had such a strong feeling about last month and the number 4...maybe even one more! This month, it's just a question mark! If I had to guess, I'd say 2. The number two just seems right for some reason. But one never knows! Amen to the big bump up for us and for the future jerk stores! Wouldn't it be great if all of us got KTFU this month? I love your four canvas painting idea... that will have SUCH special meaning once your baby is born. You will truly appreciate the "seasons" of life. They change so fast, don't they? I remember looking at the barren trees in the winter wondering when I'd ever be excited about pregnancy again after the mc...and how I felt just like those trees. But now, even a couple of months later, I feel hope and peace. And I can see the trees are changing, too... It's really beautiful, isn't it? I can just see you one day holding your baby looking at that painting thinking about how it is your Spring forever now. Awwww.... And thanks for the wishes about the O! Gosh, I really hope I O again! I keep reminding steps. Baby steps! It feels like FOREVER since the mc, but really I have only had 1 cycle since then. Feels like 1 year! Time sure plays tricks on the mind sometimes!

gongjoo, I wish we could all be your patients! Thanks for the really helpful info! Keep doing the good work, helping women get preggo!
And congrats to you on your little one!!!

PANDORA, PRINCESS PINEAPPLE! How have you been? I love it when you pop in here!!! You were the one who reassured me last time when I was going through HPTs like candy! Hahahahaha! And you were right! Awww, bet your mini princess pineapple Daisy is super cute.

split_shank, HUGS. I hope you're just having implantation cramping. I know how scary it is to have unexplained cramping... Implantation cramping to me felt just like AF cramping except on one side more than the other. I hope you're preggo and tons of anti-endo dust!


On our end, today DH left town for 2 days... during the days I think I'll O!!! We're just leaving it up to God on this one - initially I was like, "Nooooooo! You can't go during my fertile window!" But he'll be back on Thursday and we weren't even going to try this month! I just wanted to have the option, case!
Ahhh well, it will be interesting to see if it happens while he's gone! Heck, I'll just be overjoyed to see a temp spike. I'm scared that the mc threw off my perfectly functioning cycles and now I'll be paging/texting/calling/telegram messaging AF each month or be anovulatory. Did I mention that I have a wild imagination and therefore a paranoid mind?
Breathe, Bliss! Baby steps! Baby steps!
Bella and DCGator, thanks for the idea! I''ll ask around and see if anyone needs any daycare. It''ll give me some practice.
I''ve been thinking about dog-walking since there are so many dogs in our building but our Porters have the monopoly on that.

split_shank, sending you lots of anti-endometriosis dust!

Anyone see the State Farm commercial where the guy duct tapes a watermelon to his belly so he can commiserate with his pregnant wife? Hilarious.
CDinNYC, I have seen that commercial! It reminds me of Dwight from The Office trying to "give birth" to a watermelon!!!! HILARIOUS!!!! Welcome again!!!