
Cushion modified brilliant vs Old miner help

Hey!!! I’m finally here :lol:

In the video of the 4 options I prefer the two on the right.. I couldn’t tell if that’s the L & J? Sorry, I just put in 50 hours at work this week and am seeing cross eyed so maybe don’t put to much weight in my opinion :lol-2:

I know it’s stressful, believe me, I get it. I have my eye on something and am working OT every other week until summer and praying no one finds it lol. When you are watching that video is there one your eyes go back to? Other than the L. Order that one in. The odds that any of them are immediately selling are slim so take your time, breathe, listen to your heart.

You were asking about depth and darkness. Lulu mentioned fire… when a diamond has fire it’s incredibly special, you see all the pastel colors in the facets. You don’t get this usually with shallow diamonds. This may be why you are drawn to the L… is it possible to have you post the dimensions and pricing of each of them?
Nope to the H.

:wall: :((Omg really? I was starting to like the H and now I'm not sure again! In this video I think the H (on the left) looks nice!

Also, I noticed the girdle on the H is marked as faceted! Is this a bad thing :O And does anyone have any idea based on the how it looks, what time period this was likely from? I remember someone had an estimate of the L and was wondering if anyone has an idea of the H's age :)
Can you run to any local stores this weekend?

Does the L ever face up white or always vanilla?

In some vids, the L faces up very similarly to the H, I, and J. The tint is most apparent from the side.

The thing about diamond color is that it’s all relative. Your eye will see the tint if the L is next to a colorless stone. But if the tint still bothers you when you have the L alone, then the L is probably not for you.

It does face up pretty white in certain lighting! I think the warmth definitely showed from the side. I think the tint did bother me enough for me to ask my jeweler to help search for more. But if the H doesn't sparkle nearly as well as the L, then I will have to do some thinking before Monday...
I like the color of the L it’s very pleasing.
is it possible to have you post the dimensions and pricing of each of them?

Yes let me just compile that into one comment here! Is pricing fair for these? :think:

L - 9.11 x 8.58 x 6.04 mm ~31K
H - 8.85 x 8.25 x 5.03 mm ~34K
Do you have the mm and pricing of the other two as well? The I & J…
:wall: :((Omg really? I was starting to like the H and now I'm not sure again! In this video I think the H (on the left) looks nice!

Also, I noticed the girdle on the H is marked as faceted! Is this a bad thing :O And does anyone have any idea based on the how it looks, what time period this was likely from? I remember someone had an estimate of the L and was wondering if anyone has an idea of the H's age :)

You can see it in person and decide. Why not? The lighting those diamonds are in is great for seeing faceting but it won’t show issues with light play and return. Where you would be more likely to see a difference is in sun or spot lighting. Less contrast and sparkle. The lighting in the other videos shows the center being lazy IMO. But I could be wrong. Maybe you will love it?

Faceted girdle means that it can been recut at some point. Could be just the girdle to remove flea bites or address a knife edge girdle. Could be a more extensive recut can’t really tell. Age is likely similar to the L. Pre-1900s… unless it’s been tweaked more than just the girdle.
Yes let me just compile that into one comment here! Is pricing fair for these? :think:

L - 9.11 x 8.58 x 6.04 mm ~31K
H - 8.85 x 8.25 x 5.03 mm ~34K

Carat weight?